JUST RECEIVED ! FALL IN LOVE WITH I Easy to stay in love with, this "Silver Service of Hollywood Star*" I* every bride t dream come true. Each entrancing pattern has theie enhancing vofuec extra weight—extro overlay of pure silver at wear point—the flowing new Con tour Blade. Come ... see... choose MORE for your SILVER dollar. 1881 §gROGERS$? /ilverplote Jbi/ONEIbALTD. yilversmitlis M’INTOSH 42-PUCK SIRVICt for 11 O H 1 in the approved Anti-Tarnilh STUDIO Cheit— only 39.75 4 — Sets — 4 for Immediate Delivery JEWELRY PROPANE GAS I t * l i * l I * | I I * ' PROPANE GAS IS 25 PERCENT MORE EFFICIENT THAN GASOLINE ON TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 1 * WATER HEATERS • HOUSE HEATERS * REFRIGERATORS • TORCHES • STOVES i Ralph N. Leidy PHONE 410 Outlaw Stores ASIMUS BROS. — O’NEILL New 1947 Cars Are Coining in Every Day ! No BLACK MARKET Prices at Our Place ! KAISER - FRAZER - MANHATTAN Cars at Manufacturer’s Regular Retail Prices WILLYS JEEPS — WILLYS STATION WAGONS • All cars and jeeps with or without trade in. Full market price for your used car in trade. MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grinders 1’Row GI Computes Grain Blowers Used Cars Wagon Boxes Trailer Wagons 3-Bottom Plows Haysweeps for Trac tors or Jeeps Convenient Monthly Payment Plan for all CARS, JEEPS & MACHINERY O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cor kle and family visited Mr. Cor kle’s mother, Mrs. Mary E. Cor kle, and his aunts. Miss Florence, Miss Ellen, and Miss Ann Bro gan, at Tilden Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. Owen McCord and Miss Bernadine Elkins, both of Wisner, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde R. Elkins. Mrs. McCord was accompanied by her daugh ter Kay Ellen, and her son, Robert Owen. Mrs. Irene Nutcher, of Santa Cruz, Calif., is in O’Neill visit ing her brother, William Eislie, who is seriously ill. Joseph Beha and his family returned to his home in Minne apolis, Minn., Sunday aft^r spending a week visiting his mother, Mrs. W. J. Beha, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Young, of Saginaw, Mich., left Friday after visiting for three days at the Bartley Brennan home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spendlove moved to_ Ainsworth Monday. Mr. Spendlove has been trans ferred to a three-county soil con servation office there. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bredemei er, of Pawnee City, and Mrs. John Robinson and her three sons, of San Diego, Calif., spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and M.s. Lorenz F. Bredemeier. Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Remy spent the weekend at Hidden Paradise in Long Pine. Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosen bauch and Miss Marvel Borg at tended a camp meeting in Mea dow Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and family, spent the weekend in Ainsworth at M.s. Ray’s par ents’ home, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Waits. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Bode, re turned Friday after spending five days in Omaha. Real Estate Transfers (Editor’s note: A glossary of the abbreviations follows: WD— warranty deed; QCD—quit claim deed. The instruments filed at the Holt county courthouse are listed from whom to whom, date consideration, legal description.) QCD — Lucy Forsberg & hus to Ernest L Norwood & wf 7-24-47 $1 Lot 1 Blk 10 Kim baH & Blair Ewing Ex. D — Charlotte E Abra hams to Hairy Appleby & wf 7-10-47 $1110 L 3 Blk 9 Inman WD — Fannie Abrahams to Harry Appleby & wf 7-10-47 $1 L 3 Blk 9 Inman W'D — Agnes Ledogar to Al bert Ziskia & wf 6-7-47 $400 L 7 Blk 16 Atkinson WD — Alex Browning & wf to H. L. Bennett 7-8-47 $2000 W%Wft 25-31-11 Try a Frontier want ad. William W. Griffin ATTORNEY Pint National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL GEO. C. ROBERTSON Insurance Bonds O'Naill Office: %-block north of First National Bank Beal Estate Loans Don’t Forget! to inspect the complete ly filled “Hope Chest” to be given away by the American Legion Auxil iary on AUGUST 19 “O’NEILL DAY” Now on display in the new “O’Neill Beauty Salon” Simonson Unit No. 93 «j American Legion Auxiliary JJ O’Neill 1 Thursday, July 31, 1947, (Prices subject to change.) PRODUCE Butterfat, number 1 70c Butterfat, number 2 _ 67c Eggs, farm run_30c Heavy hens .. 18c Leghorn hens _ 13c Heavy springs . 19c Leghorn springs __ 17c Roosters.. 8c GRAIN Yellow corn, number 2 _ 1.80 White corn, number 2 _ 1.90 Wheat ....2.00 Oats ...68c Barley.. 1.36 Rye ----2.00 LIVESTOCK Butcher hogs ... 28 10 Sows ___23.00 Serum pigs _ 28.00 Feeder pigs - 30.00 Stags ---16.00 Feeder steers _21.60 Feeder heifers ..». 20.50 Fat heifers .... 19.00 Fat cows -.--19.10 Bulls -16.70 Cutter cows _13.10 Stock cows...15.10 Calvin Coolidge spent Sunday with Sammy Young near Cham bers. ---M DRS. BROWN ft FRENCH Office Phone: 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment | Glasses Correctly Fitted Kmmmc* j Dr. Brown, XU ! Phones ( Dr. French. 243 t ....i W. F. FINLEY, M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL ATTEND THE 21ST ANNUAL FAIR & RODEO AT BARTLETT, NEBRASKA ON AUGUST 16TH AND 17TH All Rodeo Events and Stock Approved by RCA. To Our Friends and Neighbors Neil and Julia Ryan are proud to announce the opening of their new store, which will be called “Your Neighborhood Store,” located two blocks east and two blocks south of the public library. Although this is the first store of this type in O’Neill, we feel satisfied that the conven ience and friendliness, of this service will ap peal to the people of this town, as it has done in other places. We cordially invite all to visit and patron ize this new modern establishment. We will maintain a high standard of service and the best quality of merchandise to please you. I I SENSATIONAL # BRAND NEW... PENNSYLVANIA TIRE and TUBE 13*1? 16*45 6.00 x 16 6.50 x i6 # * I 1 Drive in TODAY! Don’t delay. Get these longer* wearing, Super*Safe Pennsylvania Tiros and Tubes while the price is at rock-bottom! * Hunt’s Recapping Service PENNSYLVANIA WHOLESALE TIRE DISTRIBUTOR Phone 289 O’Neill