r : i , < i jf English Visitor to Speak at Meeting Mrs. Donald Reid, of England., a visitor at Orchard, will speak at the next meeting of the O’Neill Woman’s. club. The session wiLl be held at the home of Mrs. Art Cowperthwaite next Wednesday afternoon. Surprised on Anniversary — Miss Nancy Froelich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froc lich, celebrated her 16th birthday at a surprise dinner party at her home Wednesday. Those present were Misses Bar bara Birmingham, Alice Biglin, Divine Brennan, Rosalie Bosn, Jean and Jane Froelich, Betty Gallagher, Maxine Golden, Lou Ann Iler, Marilyn Moore and Dor othy Willson. Diary Read — Mrs. George C. Robertson was hostess to the Alpha club at its monthly meeting Wednesday at her home. Nine members were present. Mrs. Alfred Drayton read an amusing diary taken from one of the leading magazines. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Aaron Boschart. Meets Tonight — Winners for the meeting of the Contract club held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek were Mrs. William J. Froelich and Mrs. Hugh J. Bir mingham. The club is meeting tonight (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Birmingham. Mrs. French Entertains — Mrs. O. W. French was hostess to her Wednesday afternoon bridge club at her home. Mrs. Hugh Ray won high honors, and Mrs. James W. Rooney was sec ond high. Miss Lydia Halva arrived Tues day from Colorado Springs, Colo., for an extended visit in the Victor Halva home. Rose Schollmeyer, of Seattle, Wash., and Charles Schollmeyer, of Redbird, visited in the Charles Richter, sr., home February.^, Pinochle at Dexters — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dextei were hosts at a pinochle part} Sunday. Top scores were won b> Mrs. C. D. Hartrandt for the lad ies and Mr. Hinze for the men, Mr. and Mrs. David N. Lo} were holders of the low score Mrs. Dexter won the traveling prize. Mrs. Reed Entertains — Mrs. Dean C. Reed was hostess to the 9FF club Monday evening. After dinner at the M & M, the guests played bridge at the Reed residence. Mrs. Robert Evans was high scorer, Mrs. Edward T. Verzal won second high, and Mrs. Har rison Bridge was the recipient of the all-cut prize. Delta Deck at Gatz Home — Winners at the Delta Deck club held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Froelich were Miss Anna O'Donnell and Evelyn Stan nard. The club is meeting tonight (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Mabel Gatz. Wilsons Entertain — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Wilson entertained three tables of bridge Sunday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach were high, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson, low, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis won the travelers’ prize. Methodist Group Meets — The Young Adult Fellowship group of the Methodist church held a Valentine party at a regular meeting Tuesday evening at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Lor enz Bredemeier were hosts. Martes in Regular Session — Evelyn Stannard was hostess Tuesday to the Martez club. Mrs. Ira Moss, Mrs. Homer Mullen, and Mrs. Edward M. Gallagher, a guest, were high scorers at their respective tables. Mrs. Gonderinger. Mrs. Sullivan Win — Winners at the Jeudi club meet ing, held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, were Mrs. Norman Gonderinger and Mrs. Cletus Sullivan. gmmttmmmtmmmtmttmmntntti Marjorie Ralya Bride in Lincoln Miss Marjorie Ralya, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Ralya and John Osenbaugh, son of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh, wert married Friday at a Presbyteriar church in Lincoln. The bridegroom is a student al the University of Nebraska. Last-Mtaut« Holds Session — Mrs. Harden Anspach enter tained the Last-Minute club al a regular meeting Wednesdaj afternoon at her home. Project Club Meets Tonight — The Elkhom Project club is meeting tonight (Thursday) at th< home of Mrs. Roy Lowery. Mrs Charles Beilin is hostess for the evening. Mks. Porter Hostess — The Merry Mix club met at the home of Mrs. Chauncey Porter Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Roy M. Sauers won high honors. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roland Coil spent the weekend in Sioux City. Mrs. I Coil’s niece, Mrs. Rex Boyle, ac companied them. Mrs. Carrie Borg had her son ! and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Mar | ridy Hubby, of Spencer, and Rev. Clarence Burdensiek, of Lincoln, as Monday guests. Mrs. D. A. .Baker, of Casper, Wyo., arrived Sunday for an ex tended visit at the home of her son, O. W. Baker. Leo F. Carney visited his wife, who is a patient at St. Vincent s hospital in Sioux City, on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. C. H. Holm, and son, Glen, of Kenosha, Wis„ arrived Monday to spend some time at the home of the L. A. Simonson’s and other relatives. , , „ Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin left Tuesday* to attend a bankers’ con vention in Sioux City. They al so, visited Mr. Cronin’s father, D. H. Cronin, who is a patient at St. Vincent’s hospital. They re turned Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harty accompanied the Cro nins, and they visited Mrs. Har ty’s father, D. H. Cronin. Pat Hickey and L. M. Merri man left Tuesday and returned Saturday from a business trip in Texas. Meat to Meet Your Menus It • WHEN YOU make your meat selection at YOUR CLOVER FARM [ Store you can be assured that every forkful will be chock full of flavor i and goodness. 'n-i t SHORT RIBS 1Qr i Kid steaks pound--,7C GROUND BEEP OQf i or Rnn«st IVr Poun/«-Lb. Pkg._4vV No. 2Va Can .— *> * t» Reg. Can . I It* : Bakers’ — Red-Pitted — Swift’s — Chocolate Yir CHERRIES M. CLEANSER «r 8-0*. Bar . fcOt* No. 2 Can . v#t* 2 Reg. Cans . .«lt* Dreft T • 33c I Lava Soap 25c RAISED | DONUTS | PER 30c i Your Clover Farm Store Phone 33 O’Neill wimuwwwmwimmmtsamtKKttKKttKKrttKKtttittrKtKKiiiffiiiijtKtnKtttKttKrttttttttatttttttttfflttttrtttt:??:;™ — ** * • • ' * *' I • # * Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. DeGroff had their daughter and her hus-| band, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Krutz, of CH^gr water, as their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Webb, of Mitchell, spent the weekend at the Raymond Eby residence, i wl ester, Minn., and two! da nd,Marilyn, of SutherMtt^,,Ia, departed for Kansas Cfiy, Kfo:, Wednesday af ter having spoilt 10 days at the home of Mrs. Lyon's aunt, "Mrs. L. M. Merriman. Sunday guests at the Levi Ful ler home were Mr and Mrs. Roy Wayman and family and Mrs. j Maude Fulfe^ | Mf. and ^s. M J. Coley, of Denver, Colo., arrived Tuesday I for a few days visit with Mrs. Coley’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Jaszkowiak. Mrs. Arlen Kirk and daughter, Patricia, of Spencer, accompanied by Mrs. Vernal Koenig, and daughter, Mary Jo, of Red Bluffs, Calif., spent Wednesday visiting their sister, Mrs. Thomas Greene. SICK & INJURED O’NElkL—H. W. TdrnltWris' “doing nicely” following aigbper ation in a Norfolk heap#®!. . j. i Mrs, Leo F. Carney, who was on erated on Saturday ■'in St. Viifc cent’s hospital in Sioux Q^ty, reported "doing weiF*r*‘. . Mrs. Ross Ridgeway is improved. . . D. H. Cronin is ending his third week as a patient at St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City. Dick Dayis.son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, was thrown from his sled while coasting Tuesday night. His forehead was cut, re quiring three stitches to close the wound. it ' ' New Merchandise 1 ■1 • Just Received! j ;;; ■ - Slide Fasteners—6” to 12” — All colors. Chrome Bathroom Fixtures — 29c Neevel Luggage and Gadabouts Hardwood Clothes Pins — 5c per doz. Plastic Table Covers — $1.00 to $1.39 ; ;: i Everyday Something New ! i. RICKLY’S 5c TO $1.00 STORE . ■r AW > . Want To lie , / Bj '' I 1 The taller, slimmer* lovelier you in this Martha Manning Original with a frosting of dainty eyelet embroidery, Del Rio spun rayon in seaway blue, dusk grey or pink sand. “Illusion” half sixes 14Vi to SOW BWMHM * CHAMBERS — Mrs. Wayne Smith underwent a major opera tion at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk last Thursday. Hep c«n-* dition is reported “good”. . . Leo Adams drove to Orchard Wednes day to bring Mrs. Adams home after, several day^^nt there for medical care. __ r PAGE — Lloyd BergstroAr has received word that his mother, Mrs, C. Bergstrom, a patient in the Methodist hospital at Sioux City, has shown “great improve ment. . . . A. L. Dorr left fd^ Kearney Monday where he w^i receive medical attention. t ■ ~T 1 H to •-V - -JpWS^-v - ■:,'** * .V • .. r 9 Lee Montgomery j ’*■ - ■ U,. * >** ‘ | and the New » 4 r**0*-- ■ m?** O’NEILL d tjps^e.-:rriss_ . _ _ Bus Terminal . Opening Saturday! • v 1 ' i' • We’re pleased to welcome the new addition to the O’Neill business directory. r ■ - <. ■ % i ' x«<< j 1 GILLESPIE'S I 1 ' mJ ' f “Home Appliance Headquarters” The New Bus Terminal will be one of the brightest spots in town—thanks to GILLESPIE’S flourescent lighting! 1 -i- viit . * ( I „ * ; Spelts- Ray LBR. CO. ; - s 1 *. . ■ . t LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS • C&AL I Phone 74 - O’Neill • -■ Davidson’s PLUMBING & HEATING ! •s*;-*•«••<« - | . ar « jf 1 f PHONE • 264 O’NEILL , i V :- ; • I THE NEW BUS TERMINAL HEATS WITH PROPANE GAS • Economical • Uncounted Uses • Clean O'NEILL HATCHERY PHONE 162J I_