The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1947, Image 7

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    Exquisite Doilies in
Popular Swirl Motif
■yOU’LL like to make these ex
*■ quisite swirl dailies — they’re
pleasing and restful to the eye and
provide fascinating crochet con
trast in the stitches.
• • •
To obtain complete crocheting instruc
tion* for the Pinwheel Dolly (Pattern No.
5190) and the Whirling Meteor Dolly
(Pattern No. 5866), send 20 cents in coin
for EACH PATTERN ordered. Your
Name, Address and Pattern Number.
S30 South Wells St. Chicago 7, 111.
Enclose 20 cents for Pattern.
Name__ .. . ■ ■ —
Thy BE A SLAVE to"
Healthful Fresh Fruit Drink
Has Restored Millions to
Normal Regularity!
Here’s a way to overcome constipa
tion without harsh laxatives. Drink
juice of 1 Sunkist Lemon in a glass
of water first thing on arising.
Most people find this all they need
-stimulates normal bowel action day
after day!
Lemon and water is good for you.
Lemons are among the richest sources
of vitamin C, which combats fatigue,
helps resist colds and infections. They
supply valuable amounts of vitamins
Bi and P. They pep up appetite. They
alkalinize, aid digestion. Lemon and
water has a fresh tang too-clears the
mouth, wakes you up, starts you going.
Try this grand wake-up drink 10
mornings. See if it doesn’t help youl
Use California Sunkist Lemons.
tor relief of month- ^
frlHY\ ly functional pain, V M m
l PAY 1 headache, neural- ■■ ■;
klnDE Bottle of 100, ■ ■ ■
l7YlVt 35c. What a bargain I I ■ Ml
Look! Muffins Made
With Mincemeat!
Imsf m skar toning mud sugar, ton I
Kellogg’s toasted All-Bran and mince
meat taste like Christmas cake I
1 cup Kellogg’s % cup sugar
All-Bran 1 egg
K cup milk 1 cup sifted flour
1 cup prepared 3 teaspoons bak
mlncemeat lng powder
3 tablespoons tt teaspoon salt
Combine Kellogg’s All-Bran, milk,
and mincemeat. Let soak about 5
minutes. Blend shortening and sugar.
Add egg; beat well. Stir In AU-Bran
and mincemeat. Add sifted dry Ingre
dients. Stir only until liquid and dry
Ingredients are combined. Fill greased
muffin pans two-thirds full. Bake In
moderately hot oven (400* F.) about
39 minutes. Makes 13 luscious muffins.
I _|
| mad* from the
J LAYERS of ftnaat
| wheat — aarva
| daily aa a ctrsal.
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
Creomulslon relieves promptly be
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
ft bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
Quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Couchs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
HAPPIEST COUPLE IN IOWA ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sellman,
Newton, Iowa, who were selected as the “Happiest Married Couple in
Iowa,” in connection with the Iowa Centennial. They are shown while
in Honolulu on their Clipper “honeymoon,” where the friendly repre
sentatives of Iowa made friends with the hospitable races of Hawaii.
The contest won by the Sellmans aroused interest in every section of
Iowa, with thousands of couples entered by their neighbors and friends.
named as Georgia’s governor for the next four years by the legisla
ture, Herman Talmadge, right, son of the late Gov.-Elect Eugene
Talmadge, received the oath of office as Georgia’s chief executive
from Georgia Superior Court Justice A. W. Worrill. Gov. Ellis Arnall
refused to recognize Talmadge as Georgia’s new chief executive and
accused Talmadge of being a “pretender.” Courts may be used to
decide the issue.
—- -- --
BRITISH TROOPS DELIVER FOOD . . . Soldier* 'n fatigue uniforms
handle carcasses of meat at London's famed Smithfield market after
the government sent troops to take over deliveries of meat to insure
essential supplies of food for the public. The transport strike tied up
all deliveries of food. Following the employment of troops matters
became worse, for a rash of sympathy strikes broke out all over
New York Yankee inflelder, is shown in New York hospital, looking
at his cast-bound foot following the removal of a calcium growth.
A bursa condition found in Joe’s heel was also cleared up. His doctor
reports that Joe should be able to play as well as he ever did. Di Mag
gio says that he thinks he can break the record set during the last
baseball season and will be in better shape after operation
cent illness and vacation brought
no change in the famous Eisen
hower smile. Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower again reiterated his
statement that his Job is the
army and that he has no ambi
tions for political assignments.
MRS. MAYOR . . . Mrs. Carrie
Hoyt, 80, wife of newspaper man
and mother of district attorney,
was elevated from vice mayor to
mayor of Berkeley, Calif., follow
ing surprise triple resignation of
Fitch Robertson as mayor, city
manager and council head.
SEEING-EYE CAT . . . Mrs. Caro
lyn Swanson, Los Angeles, shown
with her white Persian cat, which
recently was awarded a humane
medal for faithful devotion to his
blind mistress. "Baby” leads his
blind owner wherever she goes.
Charley Trippi, star fullback
of Georgia university, who has
been awarded the Robert W. Max
well Memorial trophy as the out
standing football player of 1946.
Adm. James L. Holloway Jr., who
has been appointed superintendent
of the U. S. Naval academy, An
napolis, Md., succeeding Vice
Adm. Aubrey W. Fitch. Admiral
Holloway had an outstanding rec
ord in World War II, seeing action
In both theaters.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
JACK PAAR, ex-G.I. come
dian who’s under contract
to RKO, has just signed a six
year radio contract, topping a
career that began 12 years
ago, when he was 16. You
hear him now on the CBS
"Vaughan Monroe” show Saturday
nights; then you’d have heard him
as a staff announcer—and uninten
tional comedian. Announcing the
Cleveland National air races, he did
fine, except that he pronounced the
wrong plane as winner; looked
away for a minute and the winner
he'd picked came in last. During
the war he was a member of Special
Services, entertaining troops on
what he calls the fungus vaudeville
Ingrid Bergman’s been awarded
the highest Swedish order for art
ists and scientists by King Gustaf of
Sweden. But seeing her going about
New York you'd never suspect that
she’s a top-ranking movie star, and
also the star of the town’s best play.
You’d see a pretty girl, wearing a
mink coat, with a black hood tied
over her head—unrecognized by peo
ple who’d clamor for autographs.
After seeing visiting stars who spare
nothing and nobody in their efforts
to be recognized even while they
wail for privacy, she’s refreshing.
Gene Autry has formed his own
Independent producing unit, which
goes to work at Columbia Pictures
the first of April, with an exclusive
contract to produce four high budget
pictures per year for two years. Big
outdoor musicals with Grade A sto
ries, that’s what he’ll aim for. He
should be able to turn them out, with
all Columbia’s facilities and his own
music organisation to draw on.
Henry A. Reichold, the Detroit
Industrialist, thinks there are two or
three million people who want to lis
ten to straight classical music, with
no interruptions or commercial In
terferences. That’s why he's spon
soring that series of "Sunday Eve
ning Hours," with the Detroit Sym
phony. But—he’s deliberately buck
ing Fred Allen and Edgar Bergen;
has the same time on the air as two
of our best comedy shows!
The Roscoe Karns are original;
when they headed for Reno, on com
pletion of "Gallant Man" at Re
public Studios they were intent not
on divorce, but on having a sec
ond honeymoon; they've been hap
pily married for a quarter of a cen
Oscar Bradley, conductor of “We,
the People” orchestra, is pretty
proud of Arnold Eidus, who recently
competed In the international violin
competition in Paris and took first
place. He won a concert tour to
68 cities. When Eidus returns to
this country, probably in April, Mr.
Bradley plans to have him as a guest
on the show. You see, the violinist
till recently was one of the boys in
the band.
In "Undercover Maizie" Ann Soth
ern portrays a police woman—and
we’re told (and it’s hard to believe)
that she spent several days at the
Los Angeles Police Academy, under
going the strenuous routines pre
scribed for rookie cops; showing up
for setting-up exercises in a play
suit, hitting the bullseye with a pis
tol, though she'd never fired one be
fore in her life, etc., etc.
Setting up a “Vox Pop’’ broad
cast is no tinch. Parks Johnson
and Warren Hull often interview as
many as 150 persons during the pre
liminary proceedings, determining
the six who’ll go on the air. Then
Mrs. Johnson has to round up pres
ents for them.
ODDS AND ENDS—Veronica Lake
is going to bide that eye under that
lock of hair again in Paramount't
"Saigon.". . . "National Velvet" it
slated to come to the air waves Feb
ruary ird. . . . Marlene Aames, aged
seven, who plays the daughter on the
Sunday "Blondie" show, made her film
debut in 'The Best Years of Our
Lives.". . . Everyone ought to see "Cae
sar and Cleopatra" if only to see what
"Glorious Technicolor" can be like
when it's really glorious. . . . Mercedes
McCambridge, of "Big Sister," is search
ing for a voodoo drum player; her
husband gave her a drum from Haiti,
but the doesn’t know how to play it.
A VERY graceful and flattering
** daytime dress for the more
mature figure. The diagonal scal
loped closing is edged in narrow
ruffling, and see how the gathers
soften the slim skirt. Pattern pro
vides short or three-quarter
sleeves. Add two flower shaped
buttons for trim.
• • •
Pattern No. 1589 comes In sizes 32. 34,
36, 38, 40, 42. 44 and 46 Size 34, 4^4
yards of 35-inch fabric; ',4 yard purchased
Practical Bib Apron
V'OU’LL need very little fabrit
1 for this pretty and oh so prac
tical bib apron. It requires jus
one yard of colorful material in thi
smaller sizes. Three rows o
bright braid finish the bodice toj
and nice sized pocket.
• * •
Pattern No. 1586 Is designed for size
14. 16. 18. 20; 40. 42 and 44. Size 16, on<
yard of 35 or 33-inch; 6 yards binding.
Send your order to:
530 South Wells St. Chicago 1, 111.
Enclose 25 cents In coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No_Size_
u gate*
i btfJS
New, fresh n///y '
compressed yeast " *
is SUDer-risina ,F YOU nAKE AT home—Here's the aew
™ J| • • • fresh compressed yeast that gives you
amazinqly super-speedy action and finer results at a
. I new low cost. New Fleischmann’s House
economical hold Yeast is extra-fast, uniform, ideal
for all kinds of rolls, breads, desserts. De
pend on it always for more delicious fla
vor, finer texture in everything you bake.
'! The Commercial Savings and Loan Association '
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Government securities are invested in by our j
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As Little as $10—As Much as $10,000
Dividends Payable January 1 and July 1
4824 South 24th St. OMAHA, NEBR.
RESOURCES OVER $5,000,000.00
,i BsaBaHBHBBuiaaiaaiHaaaa*iastMaaaeeBaaiMaeaeaaaaaaaaeH> f
Send for Financial Statement, >(
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4134 South 34th Stro.t Omaha, Nebr.
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