Church Head Visits — INMAN—Rev. Harold Sandall, of Scottsbluff, district superin tendent of the northwest district of the Methodist church, was a Saturday supper guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Rev. Sandall had just completed a series of special meetings in the Methodist church at Amelia. Your Rights Are Respected Even if you are not a tavern patron, you as a citizen have certain rights connected with beer selling in your town which you should not neglect. The Nebraska Committee, representing the beer industry ♦ of the state with a program ; of self-regulation, is anxious that you do not yield them, i If you observe beer-selling conditions which you consider bad or unwholesome, you are urged to take an interest and make complaints to the respon sible enforcement authorities. Your action will have the sup port of most beer retailers in your community, as well as , of the Nebraska Committee | under its program of self-reg lAtion. Our work helps cit izen and beer retailer to avoid or correct practices which arouse public displeasure. •Such cooperation—by the public, law enforcement agencies, Nebraska Commit tee and the entire beer industry —gives Nebraska its high Standards of tavern opera tions. Even better conditions is our constant objective. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE United States Brewers Foundation Charles £. Sandall, State Director 710 rim Hill Buyk Bldg., Lincoln |Rev. Mullis Installs Inman WSCS Officers INMAN — The WSCS held its regular meeting last Thursday at the WSCS parlors. Rev. Lloyd Mullis installed the officers for the coming year. They are: Mrs Roy Gannon, pres.; Mrs. Ralph Moore, vice-president; Miss Elsie Krueger, recording secretary: Mrs. James Coventry, treasurer; Mrs. Ira Watson, secretary oi status of women; Mrs. Leon Tompkins, secretary of promo tions; Mrs. Kenneth Smith, sec retary of student work; Mrs. Jim Hopkins, secretary of youth work; Mrs. Harvey Tompkins, secretary of childrens’ work; Mrs. Anna Smith, secretary of spirit ual life; Mrs. Delbert Sholes, sec retary of supplies; Mrs. Leon Tompkins, secretary of literature and publications; Mrs. Ralph Moor, secretary of missionary education; Mrs. James Coventry, secretary of Christian social re lations and church activities. Following the business meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Roy Gannon, Mrs. Otto Retke, Mrs. ?arl Stevens and Mrs. Chester oung. * Workers Hold Conference — INMAN — The workers in the Methodist church school held a conference in the WSCS parlors last Thursday evening. A covered dish supper at 6:45 preceded the meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Mullis and son were present, and Rev. Mullis remained to conduct the stewardship class at 8:15 p.m. Attend Norfolk Session — INMAN—Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins, district recording secretary of the WSCS, Friday attended an executive staff meeting of the WSCS of the Norfolk district at the Methodist church in Norfolk. Mrs. A. Neil Dawes, a district secretary and Mrs. Allen Connell, both of O’Neill WSCS, accompa nied Mrs. Tompkins. Try FRONTIER want ads! e—-------—- - ---------- ! William W. Griffin ATTORNEY i First National Bank Bldg, j O'NEILL ' W. F. FINLEY, M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL ..—---* A 32-Year Habit Away back in 1914 when The Brown-McDott ald Company had it’s beginning .Fair Dealing was laid down as the basic principle of operation. That this policy has met with public approval is evidenced by the fact that we will soon ©pen our 34th store. We are most grateful to our good customers for this concrete expres sion of good wilL Merchandise is slowly gaining in volume, but as yet the demand is so great that we are un able to put anything into reserve stock. So, #we repeat a statement made many times before. Shop Brown-McDonald's Dally This habit will reap big rewards for you. | Have You Contributed :: TO THE NEW HOSPITAL? XX X* xxxxxxxxtxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxtxxxmxxxxtxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx t * - Mr*. Hartigan Entertains — INMAN—The Pitch club met | Saturday evening with Mrs. Mary 1 Hartigan. Mr. and Mrs. Myrle , Caster won high prizes. Mrs. Manuel Crosser and Robert Stev ens won low, and Marvin Rouse ! won the traveling prize. A lunch was served at a late ' hour. Smiths Entertain — INMAN—The Bridge club met Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. High scores were won by Mrs. James Coventry and Chester Young. Mrs. Vaden Kivett and James Gallagher won low. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson ! won guest prizes. INMAN NEWS Mrs. Harvey Tompkins spent Friday in Norfolk attending a district conference of the WSCS, of which she is an officer. Mrs. Anna Pierson returned Fdiday from Omaha where she has visited her son, Harold Chen owath, and family. Miss Mary Lou Conard, of Em met. spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Louise Ans pach. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ticknor returned to their home at Den ver, Colo., Friday after visiting Mrs. Ticknor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Laney. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caster, of Norfolk, spent the weekend in In man, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Caster and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BrittelL Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snyder of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ko pecky, jr., were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heck, of Ewing, spent Sunday visiting daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and their son Delmont and also their Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dodd and son, of Stuart, spent Sunday vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davis and daughter, Imogene. Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Davis are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, of Page. Yvonne, Beverly and Bert Smith attended a birthday par ty Saturday at Page, honoring Miss Linda Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley en tertained the following at their country home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lane and Jo Ann and Miss Grace Newson, of Bassett; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks and family, and Mrs. Anna Park, of Page; and Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley, jr., and family, of In man. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and children were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. Mrs. Mayme Harte and Miss Bea Gallagher returned home ; Sunday from Omaha where they have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Neil Chase, who is a pa tient at the St. Joseph hospital there. DeHarts Arrive for ' Chambers, Amelia Visit — CHAMBERS—Kenneth DeHart and Mrs. DeHart arrived Sunday for a visit with relatives. Ken neth, who is in the U. S. Navy, arrived in San Dbgo, Calif., a short time ago and he is now on a 30-day leave. He and Mrs. De Hart visited his parents at Logan, la., before coming to Chambers. They are visiting his sisters, Mrs. Victor Harley and family, and Mts. Harry Scott and family, and his brother, Edgar DeHart and family, at Chambers, and his sister, Mrs. Earl Doolittle, and family, at Amelia. Following the 30-day leave they will return to Long Beach, Calif., where he will be stationed. Platt Home Scene of WSCS Meeting — CHAMBERS — The Womens’ Society of Christian service met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. K. Platt with Mrs. H. B. Burch as hostess. Mrs. Burch also had charge of the business meeting. Mrs. Sarah Adams led the de votional, and Mrs. Glen Adams conducted thq lesson on “Of Such Is the Kingdom.” Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. E. Tibbets in two weeks. Missionary Group Meets — CHAMBERS—The Baptist Mis sionary society met last Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Everette Wintermote with 11 members present. The business meeting was in charge of the vice-presi dent, Mrs. James Rassmussen. Mrs. Frank Porter led the devo tional and the lesson was on “Missions.” Refreshments were served. Try THE FRONTIER classi fieds the next time you want to buy, sell, or swap. tf QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTellsofHomeTreatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottle* of the WILLARD TREATMENT have been sol.l for relief or symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer* duo to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset, Gassiness, Heartburn. Sleeplessness etc., duo-to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for “'.Viltard’s Message” which fully explain* this treatment—tree —at JOHNSON'S DRUG SUPER-WESTERN COSTLIEST EVER More than seven million dol lars was speDt in making and advertising David O. Selznick’s super-western movie “Duel in the Sun,” which is currently rated by some critics as one of the three best pictures of the month. Shown above are Jen nifer Jones and Gregory Peck, lovers of the picture. CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Edwards and children, Frankie and Gloria, of Cushing, la., spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Edith McClenehan. Sunday guests in the Andrew Gilbert home were Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and children, of Mid dlebranch, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and children, of Atkinson. Mrs. McAllister and baby, who have been at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, for the past week, accompanied Mr. Mc Allister to their home. E. R. Carpenter was surprised Sunday when John Donner, a Shorthorn breeder, at Elgin, set tled his cub plane down in the field near the Carpenter home and strode up to the barn to view the cattle. Those attending the farm sale last Friday at the F. S. Brittell place, northeast of Chambers, re port a large crowd of buyers and extremely high prices for nearly everything sold. Mr. and Mrs. Brittell and daughters plan to move to Chambers as soon as possible where they have pur :hased and will operate a bakery. Cpl. Max Farrier arrived home last Thursday from Korea. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Far rier, and wife, Marie. Met him in Grand Island. He expects to receive his discharge in Febru iry. Mary Lou Spath, who attends Wayne State Teachers college at Wayne, spent the weekend with ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath. Try FRONTIER want ads! Page IOOF Admits 9 New Members PAGE—Mlembers of the degree staff of the Inman IOOF lodge staged the initiatory degree for the following new members of the Page lodge here Monday eve ning: Robert Nissen. Laurence Haynes, O. B. Stuart, Leon Berg strom, Harry Tegeler, J. C. King, Glen Harris, E. E. Allen, A. L. Dorr. A. B. McClure was reinstated. There were about 20 of the In man camp in attendance and three from the O’Neill camp. Members of the Page Rebekah camp served the lunch. Benefit Card Affair Nets Polio Fund $65 PAGE — The Contract bridge club and the Bid-or-Bye bridge club sponsored a benefit card party to raise funds for the march of dimes. A large crowd attend ed and the donations amounted to $65. High scores were received by the following: Contract bridge— Mrs. C. E. Walker; auction bridge —Mis. Evelyn Gray; pitch—J. E. Smith; pinochle—Ray Snell; door prize—Mrs. Lester Reige. A lunch was served at the close of the evening. MOVE NEAR O'NEILL CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. Ev eret Miner and family expect to move this week onto the place they have purchased southeast of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lenz are moving on the place vacated by the Miner family, which they purchased. The Cos! of Providing Telephone Service is Much Higher NOW The cost of furnishing telephone service has gone up very rapidly in the last few years. Since 1940, our payroll in Nebraska (which is about two-thirds of the total cost of providing telephone service) has more than doubled. Prices of materials, supplies and equipment used in the telephone business have increased over 35 per cent since 1940 and are continuing to increase. In spite of a record volume of business during and since the war, Company earnings have been only a little more than they were in the worst year of the depression. Since 1940, the number of Company telephones in Nebraska has increased about 41 per cent but , our expenses in furnishing service in this state have practically doubled. ' To provide good service and to continue to increase its usefulness, this Company has spent $3,380,000 in Nebraska since V-J Day for service improvements and new facilities and it will need to spend many millions more in the next few years. The tremendous construction program we have under way to serve the public satisfac torily will require adequate earnings to at tract the necessary capital from the investing public at reasonable terms and on a sound basis. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I Page Seniors in lee Rink Outing PAGE—The senior class of the Page high school held an ice skat ing party last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Reissen were sponsors. After skating, they went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bar tos where games were played and a lunch was served. Boost March of Dimes — PAGE—The Get-to-gether club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Roy Grubb. Fourteen members were present. Mrs. Harley Ken nedy was a guest. The club gave $2.70 for the march of dimes. The mammmumartmmmamamttmti I afternoon was spent socially an® 1 a delicious lunch was served. Hold Pinochle Party — PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Lort nze Reige entertained four tables of pinochle Friday evening. Mrt, Harold Asher received high scora and Albert Anthony low. P - ! * Mrs. French Entertains — PAGE—The Just-A-Mere club met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Wallace French. Ten mem bers were present. William Froelich returned tm Chicago Tuesday after spendkij the weekend here. Mrs. Froelifih and Nancy returned with him. N-O-W! ... is the time i : TO CLEAN AND DISINFECT YOUR BROODER HOUSE | • PAR - O- SAN Vi - Pint_ Wl Furnishes 6-Gallona of Spray : • LIQUID FUMIGANT QCr Vi - Pint ... \ Furnishes Enough Gas for 2 or 3 • Large Brooder Houses \ CHEX IT STOPS SCOURS in pigs and calves. If fed to fattening steers before shipping will cut shrink in two. • OIL HEATERS 24 00 i • UDDER OINTMENT UL j For Cows with Chaffed Teats_^ O'NEILL HATCHERY I "THE WINDJAMMER? ! I 'HfitU I flAfi DIIOIlC GALE ROBBINS I yVD DMVMV# SCOTT ELLIOTT I