The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 27, 1946, Image 7

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    — ——app—ipi w
low Thunder of the Winnebagos, Wisconsin Dells, Wis., as he appears
as the star of the Stand Rock Indian ceremonials, held nightly
through the summer. 14,000 Indians have returned from armed forces
to take part and witness ceremonies.
was named chief justice of the U. S. Supreme court by President
Truman, and Reconversion Director John W. Snyder was selected
to succeed Vinson as head of the treasury department. Left to right:
Fred M. Vinson, President Truman and John W. Snyder. The new
secretary of treasury was a former St. Louis banker. Vinson served
in congress and on federal bench.
arrived in New Jersey along the coast and inland. Sparkling lakes
mark the inland and mountain areas where sails are being set with
all manner of craft. Insert shows that the children love the surf just
as grownups do.
AMERICAN STARS IN ENGLAND ... The U. S. Wightman cup
team who played Britain at Wimbledon on June 14 and 15 are pic
tured before the big event. Left to right are Miss Louise Brough;
Doris Hart; Mrs. Patricia Todd, the only married woman ou the
team; Pauline Betz, and Margaret Osborne.
Selma Rocker, Orange festival
queen, Bartow, Fla., finds that the
oranges are bigger and better than
ever before. These vitamin packed
fruit look as big as grapefruit.
. . . Wayne Simmonds, 29, gradu
ate assistant at the University of
Wichita, who has discovered a new
strain of penicillium from fungi
peculiar to Wichita, Kans., area.
oslovakian Ambassador Juraj
Slavik who upon presenting his
credentials to President Truman
expressed his government’s ap
preciation for the aid given by
the United States.
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MR. AMERICA . . . Bobby Town
send, 9, as he envies “gorgeous”
Alan Stephan, 22, Chicago, who
won National A. A. U. Mr. Amer
ica contest at Detroit. Exercise,
diet and sleep did the trick,
Stephan says.
Dr. Lise Meitner, German-born
nuclear physicist, as she received
honorary degree at the University
of Rochester. Early work by Dr.
Meitner was on atom bomb.
Newsmen Admit
Apprehension of
A-Bomb Mission
WNU Correspondent
(Via Navy Radio)—Civil and mili
tary welcoming committees out of
the way, with the beauty and color
of the Paradise of the Pacific a
pleasant memory interlude in the
midst of this serious military ex
periment the ‘‘Big Apple" today has
her nose pointed westward on the
second leg of our hop toward Bikini
atoll and the atomic bomb test, the
results of which may revolutionize
naval tactics. The waters of the
Marshall Islands are not new to the
Appalachian and the members of
her crew who first took her into
combat duty in these very waters
. . . the conquest and capture of
Kwajalein, which is our next port
of call. She is a sturdy ship and
bears few scars of her tour of duty
in the war in the Pacific in the
Marshalls, the Admiraltys, the Solo
mons, at Leyte, the Marianas, at
Guam and other action since Pearl
Harbor. On this tour she is the
press ship of Adm. W. H. P. Blan
dy’s task force and aboard are
TO DROP BOMB . . . Major Har
old Wood, age 30, of Bordentown,
N. J., responsible for bullseye.
picked newspaper men and repre
sentatives of the other media such
as news reels, radio, technical mag
azines, television and others. Al
though most of them are on other
ships of the group, such as the Pan
amint and the Blue Ridge, there is
a sprinkling of scientists aboard and
a sort of friendly ribbing going on
constantly between the "lay” or
mine-run members of the press and
these scientific writers, many of
whom are members of the "I Am a
Frightened Man Club” and predict
dire results and dangers to person
nel of this task force when the bomb
burst, scheduled July 1, takes place.
In spite of their fun-poking,
the newspaper men generally
privately admit they feel some
apprehension and beneath the
raillery there is a feeling of
tenseness among many of us
which increases daily.
The trip thus far from Navy
Pier in Oakland to Honolulu,
where our two-day stay was all
too short, has been like a pleas
ure cruise but now we are get
ting down to the serious part
of this most stupendous military
experiment in history. The in
formation officers aboard ship
offer every facility and we are
scheduled for a series of round
table conferences to orientate
us to the main objectives of op
erations crossroads.
One of the most interesting phases
of this operation is the time ele
ment. Fourteen different time zones
are involved in the operation by vir
tue of the location of Bikini west
of the International Date Line. For
instance if the first atomic bomb is
dropped at 10 a. m. Monday, July 1,
it will be 5 p. m. Sunday, June 30,
in Chicago.
As this is written out of Pearl
Harbor we still have some 2,200
miles of trackless blue water to tra
verse at a speed of approximately
11 knots or about 13 miles an hour.
Before we reach Kwajalein where
we will spend a day viewing the
elaborate installations which have
been set up in quarters, laborato
ries. air facilities as a base for the
army air corps which will drop the
bomb and the 37,000 men of the joint
task force.
jut- logistics anu me planning
which have gone into this oper
ation will rival those in the in
vasion of Normandy and scien
tists in and out of the navy have
ready for installation the most
elaborate measuring devices to
meter actual effects of the ex
plosion on the target array of
combat and other ships, army
and navy material, live animals
tethered aboard some ships and
ordnance for army, navy and
air of all descriptions.
In addition recording devices, spe
cially constructed cameras for tele
vision, radar controlled drone
planes, which will fly through the
atomic cloud at varying heights will
bring back samples of the radio ac
tive materials and vapor to be
rushed to the laboratories for test.
It is this radio activity for the ex
ploded atoms which may be used
for the benefit of mankind in peace
time pursuits. As a matter of fact,
the Manhattan district is now re
leasing or has released small por
tions of radio activated substances
to universities and laboratories
SETTING FOR OPERATIONS CROSSROADS . . . Where history’s most important explosion is expected to
occur some time this summer. This authoritative drawing from Popular Mechanics was made from informa
tion supplied by task force headquarters. At Bikini Atoll in the Marshall islands the target will be an as
sembly of more than 100 unmanned ships totaling approximately 200,000 tons valued at $500,000,000.
COWS SAVE FIFTY DAYS BY FLYING . . . This bunch of purebred Guernsey calves are the first group
to be shipped to a distant point by air. They took off from Teterboro, N. Y., bound for Bogota, Columbia.
The trip will take 2 days, instead of 52 required by sea. Cattle transported by sea have taken six months
to a year to recover from the rigors of a sea voyage. The result of the air trip is being watched by agricul
tural experts as well as air specialists.
CHICKS FOR CZECHS . . . Cargo plane of veteran’s air express,
piloted by former AAF pilots, took off from Chicago with 60,120 hatch
ing eggs produced in Illinois. The plane was chartered by the UNRRA
to rush (he eggs to Prague, Czechoslovakia, to help restore war-de
pleted flocks. Claire Saunders, left, and Lillian McLellan see eggs off.
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BARE CHINESE PAINTING ... This 18th century painting was
presented to the American Association for the United Nations at
ceremonies at iis headquarters recently in New York, as expres
sion of good will and friendship of Chinese Association for the Unit
ed Nations. Dr. Wuo Safong, left, representing Dr. Chu Chia-hua,
minister of education of China, turns over painting to Clark M. Eichel
berger, American chairman.
HEAD . . . The death of Sen. John
Hollis Bankhead removed the
name of a famous family from the
rolls of congress. The Alabamg
senator was co-author or supporter
of Bankhead cotton act, the Bank
head-Jones farm tenancy act, the
FSA, AAA, soil conservation and
parity prices for agricultural prod
ucts, and many other bills for the
benefit of the farming industry
while in the senate.
ray Weiss, Brooklyn scientific
poultry fancier, found that music
hath the charms to make biddy
lay more generously. Advantage is
that the hen doesn’t have to cackle.