. The Frontier O'Neill, Nebraska CARROLL W. STEWART Editor and Publisher Entered Postoffice at O’Neill, Bolt Couhty, Nebraska, as sec ond-class mail matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a meiftber of the Nebras ka Press Association and the Na tional Editorial Association. Established In 1880 Published Each Thursday Terms of Subscription: In Holt and adjoining 9ounties. $2 per year; elsewhere, $2.50 per year. |K O’NEILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lord, of Santa Ana, Calif., left recently for their home after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Clauson. John Baker is spending the summer working at the D. C. Schaffer ranch. Out-of-town callers in the Earl Carnes home recently include Rev. Dawson Park, Mr. and Mrs. * & L Pearson and children and Mr and Mrs Vem McKay and children, all of JNeligh; Mr. and Mrs. John Senseney, of I Main view; Mr. and Mrs, F, D. i»f‘ nish, of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrn, FVank Harnish, of Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. George McKim and Bar bara, of Albuquerque, N. M.; Mrs. Verle McKim, of Fresno, Calif., and Mrs. L. C. McKim, of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry, of Inman, spent Sunday at the H. W. Tomlinson home. PROTECT YOUR CROPS AGAINST , i —A! a— Reasonable Price SEE RAY NOBLE For INSURANCE SMALL DOSES — Past & Present: Little Things That Count By ROMAINE SAUNDERS. Special Correspondent A newspaper out at Reno, Nev., says it is frightened at the black headlines. So am I. The little things that don’t rate a heading are what make life worth living. The Reno paper gives us this: Angels Camp, Calif., is pre paring for its annual frog jumping contest, a New York banker says that mllions who have learned habits of thrift during the war will continue to practice them in peace; the thirty-five years from 1610 to 1945 saw a decrease of 80 percer.i in the deaths of white children 1 to 14 years' of age in this country; a psy chiatrist at Yale says labor leaders, business executives and public officials can be tested to determine their temperamental fitness for making important decisions; Idaho silver, lead and zinc miners settled their wage dis pute with operators without a strike. Refreshing to turn from the world’s sordid tragedies to sim pler things, simpler yet life’s big things in the final analysis. And we get these heartwarm ing little things mirrored week ly in the hometown paper. Pink rose9, clusters of prair ie snowballs, rows of dainty bluebells hanging from long stems, the colorful iris and flashy yellow bloom, give the waving sea-of-green of prairie land its June buttonhole bou quet. Color and fragrance, the matchless charm of nature’s summer jewels. Jane Dale has told it in verse. Retaining the sentiment, I have made a few changes: I do not wish for mansions, wealth or costly clothes; I ask only for the leisure to appreciate a rose; To listen to the robin’s morn ing serenade; To sit quietly 'neath the elm’s cooling shade. I do not soak the purple robes of state and power. Give me instead the beauty of the sunset hour; Give me the time to watch the midnight sky, To see the Northern Lights flare up then quickly die, I do not ask for homage from those of high estate ' Jiffy Seal JELLY GLASS COVERS 10c 1 25 in a pkp.-.—. Easy — Quick — Sure — Transparent JAR LIDS Per dozen __ JAR LABELS Cf Per pkg. . JAR OPENERS : r_l ; m juv ii ..... 13 ; _______|j 1 • 4 • i ■ L ---2! Jar FILLERS IfU Bach ... W'* ! CORERS and 1IL. PEELERS, ea. Igv Aluminum LADLES Each_ SIEVES 0Cr | Each I i: BLUESTONE ! PORCELAIN & ENAMEL KETTL Each --------- IDEAL FOR CANNING! ♦ Jar RUBBERS 9Cr Per doxen-m&K* BEJ1L-FJHLAM.K.UMJ | A. E. BOWEN,, Owner O’NEILL | . But just a merry smile from children around my gate; A cordial handclasp from some true friend— All thase to cherish, riches without end! * * * With Prof. George’s boys and girls resplendent in uniform and precise formation, to blow the horns and beat the drums, O'Neill’s musical taste will be gratified without the Petrillo Union’s canned offering?, EMMET NEWS Beckwiths Gather EMMET—The Beckwith fam ily held <