CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Business building with store fixtures; has two room furnished apartment ir connection. For further infor mation on this property located in Springview, write: Mrs. Dor othy V. Rich, 1015 Broadway Denver 3, Colo. 3-4 FOR SALE—NEW TWIN Cylin der engine and electric motors. Available for Maytag Washers now.—Corkle Hatchery. 23-tf FOR SALE: Sweet potato plants, Red Bermuda and Golden Jer sey, $1 per hundred, postage paid. Any quantity. All one kind or mixed.—H. E. Smith, Inman. 3 FOR SALE: 5-room house with 2 lots; modern except heat; may be had by June 1. See: R. H. (“Ray”) Shi iner, O'Neill.3 FOR SALE—ORDER YOUR Post war Maytag now. New mach ines on display.—Corkle Hatch ery. 23 tf. I HAY”E THREE elegant improv ed farms for sale. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 31 -tf NOTICE: There are numerous items of clothing at the O'Neill public school belonging to stu dents. Will the owners please call for and identify s:mo by June 10, or dispositian will be made to relief agencies. Supt. Ira George. FOR home insulation and paints see: Lindberg Home & Auto Supply Store, O'Neill. 3-4 ~ MISCELLANEOUS LOANS G. I. LOANS AVAILABLE to buy thait farm or home. FHA loans on town property. See local correspondent or write: KLOKE INV. CO., OMAHA 2, NEBRASKA. 3-5-7-tf FOUND: A pair of glasses with black case and a key folder. Owiter may have same by iden tifying these articles and pay ing for this advertisement. In quire at The Frontier. 2-3 WANTED: Clean cotton rags without buttons. — The Fron tier. Lorraine French a Graduate at Ag School PAGE—Wiss Lorraine French firaduatea Monday from the Uni versity of Nebraska college of agriculture Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French, Carol and Betty and Duane Dorr attended the com mencement exrcises. ROYAL THEATRE O'NEILL FRIDAY 1 SAT. Mc.y 31-Juno 1 A Big Double Bill A new star to take your heart. “My Pal, Wolf” with Sharlyn Moffett, Jill Es mond. Una O’Connor. You’ll love this lonely 7-year-old . . . and the almost human wolf-dog, that r n away from the Army’s K-9 Corps to save her from des pair. —also— An ^ 11-Star Musical Rodeo! “Throw A Saddle On A Star” with Ken Curtis. Jeff Donnell, The Hoosier Hotshots from The National Bam D nee, Adclle Roberts, Guinn (Big Boy) Wil liams. Andy Clyde, Frank Sul Iv. The Dinning Sisters, Foy Willing and The Riders of the Purple Sage. Cowboy Stars! Romantic Stars! Comedy Stars! Radio Stars! Adm. 32c. Plus tax 6c. Toi. 38c Ch'ldmn He, plus lax 2c, Tot. 12c Fenv’v 70c plus tax—Sat Only Matinee 3 turday 2:30 KtTfc -MON.-TUES JUNE 2-3-4 Now! Cable’s buck . . . and Garson s GOT him! Clark Gable and Greer Garson in “Adventure” •with Joan Blondell. Thos. Mitchell, Tom Tully, John Qua len. Gable . . . King of the Box-Office! Garson . . . Queen of the screen! Together . . . they’re terrific in their NEW hit! Together . . . they will make “Adventure” one of the biggest all-time money-mak ers! It takes a man like Gable to bring out the fire in a wom an like Garson! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c Matinee. Sunday 2:30, Adm. 38c plus tax 8c, Tot. 46c. Children 10 plus tax 2c. Tot. 12c. WED.-THURSDAY JUNE 5 Comel Wilde (star of “A Song to Remember”) in “The Bandit of Sherwood Forest” In Technicolor with Anita Louise, Jil Esmond, Edgar Buchanan. Slashing his way to your heart . . . The SON of Robin Hood! Loving reck lessly! Fighting gallantly! Thrilling magnificently! Adm. 38c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 46c Children 10c, plus tax 2c. Tot. 12< LEGAL NOTICES (First publication May 23, 1946.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3288. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska May 20, 1946. In the matter of the estate of Pat O’Connor, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a writ ten instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Pat O’Connor, Deceased, and for the appointment of Frank Biglin, as executor thereof; that June 13, 1946, at 10 o’clock A M., has been set for hearing s id petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the pro bate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER, 2-3-4 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) NOTICE Bids will be received by the City Council of the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, on June 4th, at 7:30 p.m., at the Council Cham bers, on the following described lots and trailer. The Council re-1 serves the right to reject any or all bids. Part of Block 5, McCafferty’s Annex, 9xl70-fiet. South 45 feet of Lot 14, Block H, McCafferty’s Second Addition. Lots 3, 4, 5, Block 50, McCaf ferty’s Addition. Lot 5, Block H, McCafferty’s Second Addition Northeast Quarter of Block 6, McCafferty’s Annex. Lot 8, Block G, Hagerty’s Ad dition. Lot 9, Block G, Hogerty’s Addi tion. John Deere two-wheel trailer, excellent tires, gross weight 4000 pounds. May be examined at the fire house. J. B. GRADY, 2-3 City Clerk. (First publication May 16, 1946). NOTICE OF SUIT To: William V. McElhaney; Coral L. McElhaney; Cory L. Mc Elhaney; The heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of William V. Mc Elhaney, Deceased, real names unknown, and All Persons having or claiming any interest in the Southeast Quarter of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty one (31), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Nebraska, except the North 20 acres thereof, real names unknown, Defendants:— You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 14th day of May, 1946, Carl H. Christensen as plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defend ants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in him, the said William V. McElhaney, to the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Section Fif teen (15), Township Thirty-one (31), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Nebraska, except the North 20 acres thereof, as against you and each of you. and to secure a De cree of Court that you have no interest in, rights or title to, or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 24th day of June, 1946. Dated this 14th day of May, 1946. CARL H. CHRISTENSEN. 1-2-3-4 Plaintiff. By JULIUS D CRONIN, His Attorney. Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3240. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 28, 1946. In the matter of the Estate of Ellsworth Witherwax, Deceased. All persons interested in said est..te are hereby notified that the ! Administrator of said estate has j filed in .this court his final re port and a petition for final set tlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said riport and petition will be heard June 19, 1946, at 10 o’clock, A.M. at the County Court Room 1 in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear ' and be heard concerning said fi | nal report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. RE1MER, 3-4-5 Countv Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Shower Held for Mrs. Max Farrier CHAMBERS—A miscellaneous shower was held last Saturday for Mrs. Max Farrier, formerly Marie Gibson, at the home of Mrs. Elwyn Robertson. The en tertainment consisted of games, | in which Mrs. Elwyn Robertson ' and Miss Mary Lou Spath were " | in charge. The bride received ‘ many gifts. Refreshments of ice ' cream and cake were served. . Sunshine Sisters Meet * PAGE—The Sunshine Sisters' 4-H club met Tuesday at the home of Joan Terrill. The busi ness meeting was taken up by the president, Barbara Trow bridge. The roll call was an swered by giving the title of the individual projects. A social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter and : family are spending today (Thursday) at Brunswick. Future Subscribers FLEEK—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleek, of Chambers, an eight pound daughter, Mary Jane, born Thursday, May 23. Sick and Injured O’NEILL—Jack Harty burned his right hand in a household ac cident . . . Irenaenia Mullen was admitted Friday and dismissed Saturday from O’Neill Hospital . . . Louis Vequist was admitted Friday and dismissed Monday at O’Neill Hospital . . . Mary Lou Yarnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yarnell, had her tonsils removed Wednesday at O’Neill Hospital. INMAN—Eliza both Ann So botka returned to her home Mon day after having been a patient in an Omaha hospital for several weeks ... Miss Naomi Ros& re turned Sunday after several weeks in an Omaha hospital . . . Mrs. Delbert Sholes was admit ted to O’Neill Hospital Wednes day. PAGE—Mr. and Mss. Ralph Stevens and Mrs. Mary Peterson, of O’Neill, drove to Omaha Sun day where Mrs. Stevens entered a hospital for medical observa tion. Mr. Stevens*returned home while Mrs. Peterson stayed to be near her sister. EMMET—Mrs. Henry Winkler returned to her home Saturday after spending the past month in Omaha, where she had undergone a major operation. She is recov ering satisfactorily. CHAMBERS—Lloyd Gleed re turned from an Omaha hospital where he had submitted to an op eration on his knee. MIDDLEBRANCH—Mrs. Boyd Boelter was dismissed from O’ Neill Hospital Friday. Official Proceedings of Couniy Supervisors (Continued from last week.) O’Neill, Nebraska, April 23, 1946, 10:00 a.m. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by -the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meet ing i-ead and approved. The Chairman of the Finance Committee gave the following re port: We, your Finance Com mittee, beg to report that all of the fees from the various offices for the month of March have been remitted to the County Treasur er as required by law. On mo tion, report was accepted. Petition of Joe Pritchett for a tax refund was considered. Mo tion was made by Stein, second ed by Schollmeyer that the pray er of the petitioner be granted and a refund warrant in the amount of $34.65 be issued him. The following Road Petition, signed by Casper Winkler and 51 others, was now read: They were petitioning to have the road commencing at the County Road between Sections 25 and 36, Township 30, Range 13, Pleasantview' Township, thence running east four miles and con necting with the County road be tween sections 28 and 33, Town ship 30, Range 13, Shields Town ship be designated as a County Koact. Motion was made by Stein, seconded by Schollmeyer, that a hearing on the above road peti tion be held May 28, 1946, at 2:00 Rm., at the office of the Holt County Board of Supervisors in the Court House. Motion by Wulf, seconded by Schollmeyer, that the following bonds be approved: Levi Clemens, Township Treas urer, Wyoming Precinct. H. V. Rosenkrans, Assessor, Steel Creek Precinct. Raymond E. Bly, Assessor, Swan Precinct. At this time the following Road Petition signed by A. B. Latzel [and 56 other interested persons was read: The Petitioners asked that the Road commencing at straight road at the corner of SE Corner Section 24, Township 25, Range 9, thence west to the southwest cor ner of Section 19, Township 25, Range 11, a distance of 16 miles, be1 designated a part of the Coun ty Highway System in Hol1 County, Nebraska. Motion made by Wulf, second ed by Hubbard that a hearing be held on this petition at the office of the Holt County Board of Su pervisors on May 29, 1946, at 2:0( p.m. Motion by Wulf, seconded bj Clark, that the following Salarj and Expense Claims be allowec TRAINED—for the Job EXPERIENCED in the Job bTI ON HIS RECORD and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same: Vivien Alldorfer -$100.00 Marion I. Bosn -— 100.00 Elmer R. Bowen - 140.00 Elmer R. Bowen - 10.00 Alicfe Bridges_100.00 J. D. Cronin_119.33 Roy L. Dickerson - 66.67 L. G. Gillespie_50.00 L* G. Gilespie_9.75 Norman Gonderinger - 100.00 Norman Gonderinger - 9.30 Thomas F. Hanaberry — 40.00 J. Ed Hancock-166.66 Esther Cole Harris-125.00 Esther Cole Harris - 5.25 Ruth Hoffman-166.66 Ruth Hoffman - 7.75 Holt Co. Farm Bureau — 130.06 A. B. Hubbard _ 150.00 A. B. Hubbard (care of prisoners) _ 84.00 A. B. Hubbard __ 39.65 A. B. Hubljard_ 3.40 A. B. Hubbard _ 56.61 Beatrice Jardee -v- 100.00 Dorothy Kratochvil -100.00 J. A. Lansworth - 100.00 J. A. Lansworth- 7.20 Eldora Lowery _ 25.00 Myrtle L. Manzer - 85.00 Myrtle L. Manzer - 15.00 Neva Miller _100.00 Ira H. Moss_166.66 Nora A. Mullen _ 133.33 D. Noreen Murray -100.00 Elja McCullough - 175.00 Marjorie McElhaney-32.55 Elja McCullough-32.20 Elja McCullough- 20.10 I Louis W. Reimer -183.33 | Mary L. Shrader . 100.00 12:00 noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 p.m. O’Neill, Nebraska, April 23, 1946, 1:00 p.m. Holt courity board of supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present, Meeting called to order by the Chairman. A hearing was held at this time in regard to designating the road beginning between Sections 4 & 9-9-31-14 and running 6 miles east a County Road. A large group of men attended the hear ing. Motion was made by Stein, sec onded by Collins, that this road be designated a County Road on condition that no definite time be set for fixing the road, but work be done on it as soon as possible. Motion carried. Ralph Beck appeared before the board in regard to damage done by him to a bridge in mov ing stacks of hay across it. Since the season for moving hay is nearly over now, the board de cided to take no action at this time, but this fall will have Sec tion 39-1027 of ithe 1929 Statute, which states the penalty for dam age of this kind, published in all of the newspapers of the county. Ralph VanHorn appeared be fore the board in regard to open ing a road. The board decided to make an investigation of the damages asked on this proposed road. Further action was de ferred until this investigation has taken place. Motion was made by Stein, sec onded by Wulf, that the follow ing claims be allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the ' Bridge Fund in payment of same: Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. $75.96 Armco Drainage & Metal Prod _ 240.57 E. E. Bradshaw _ 75.60 Campbell Lumber Co._ 7.19 Geo. E. Collins _ 46.49 Herman Cans . 4.75 F. M. Johnson . 30.60 Alfred Kazda _ 116.00 Keating Implement Co. .. 2.66 Zane Livingston _ 4.75 Ed J. Matousek __ 12.50 Morgan Hardware Co._ 3.75 Lawrence Pacha_ 15.00 Frank Skrdla _ 30.95 Thos. Slattery_ 3.18 ,J. C. Stein ___ . _ 15.00 Lawrence Thurlow _ 78.60 Roy Thurlow--56.40 Wheeler Lumber Bridge Co._ 364.43 Jos. Schollmeyer_ 5.00 Motion made by Stein, second ed by Hubbard, that the follow ing Claims for the Withholding Tax for the First Quarter of 1946 be allowed and warrants drawn on the respective funds as fol i lows: General Fund_$567.00 Bridge Fund_3 00 j Road Fund-- 37.70 Adm. Expense Fund _ 237.90 Motion by Collins, seconded by Wulf, that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Drag Fund in pay ment of same: Ed Alder _$ 47.00 John Krysl - 34.00 Clarence Ernst ..._ 14.00 Lloyd Ritts__ 23.00 Mr Erik Riihness, member of j the Knox county board of super visors and Mr. Rice, a member of the Road Committee of Knox county, appeared before the board. They asked the board to send a Resolution to the Depart ment of Roads & Irrigation ask ing them to complete the con struction of the O’Neill-Creigh ton Road. The Holt county board of supervisors complied with their request and a Resolution was sent to the Department of Roads & Irrigation at Lincoln. 5:00 p.m. On motion the Board adjourned until 10:00 a.m. April 24, 1946. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 86 Derley Road, Southall, Middx, (England) 18 May 46. Dear Sirs, I would esteem it a great fa vour, if you could grant a small space in your paper to express the ithanks of -the parents of the English bride, Mrs. B. Grenier, to fell the people of O’Neill who gave her such a cordial welcome and are now helping her to be happy in her new home. We thank them all and your paper. Yours truly, MR. and MRS. F. SMITH. It pays to read The Frontier Want Ads. FRANK NELSON O'Neill, Nebraska. Candidate for Nomination on Non-Political Ballot for the State Legislature 281h District Born in Nebraska; 40 years’ resi dence in northern Holt county; a successful farm owner and oper ator; have never sought public office before except local; have boon elected to most of the local offices and filled many positions of trust in the home community. Your Support at the Primary Will be Appreciated. R. H. Shriner Theft GENERAL INSURANCE Plate Glass Liability O'Neill Nebraska Live Stock Automobile PHONE 106 Farm Property I Wind & Tornado. Truclrt & Tractor. Personal Property REAL ESTATE. LOANS, FARM SERVICE. RENTALS ___ Ruth Hoffman Republican Candidate for Nomination FOR COUNTY CLERK TO THE VOTERS OF HOLT COUNTY: As I feel that I should not neglect my work in the office I am unable to contact you personally, so I am means of asking for your support att thq Primary Election for nomination as County Clerk. I am a lifelong resident of Holt County. The Holt County Supervisors appointed me County Clerk a year age' anc >e fore that I had worked in the Assessor s Office and the AAA Office in O’Neill. Taking into consideration the detailed and varied to be done in this office, I feel that my experience in this and other offices will enable me (to run the office more ef ficiently with less office help, therefore more economically, than anyone without this experience. Your vote will be appreciated at the Primary Election June 11, 1946. —RUTH HOFFMAN CARD OF THANKS I take this way of thanking each and everyone for all the cards, letters, and gifts during my long stay in the hospital at Oma ha and since I came home. Es pecially do I wish to thank Mr. Maxcy, my Sunday-school teach er, and class. Your kindness will long be remembered. NAOMI ROSS. (Inman.) Patronize The Frontier Want Ad column. DANCE SUMMERLAND EWING. NEBR Sunday, June 2 MUSIC BY Jimmy Caton and his fine band. COMING: Wednesday, June 5, Elmer Davis imd his orchestra. CASUAL HIM 2.98 Casual comfort in wedged platform playshoes; in airy* fabrics; smart, neat colors. ■J i & for HER 2.98 Soft, cushiony-wedge styles; Cool, porous fabrics, in white to. match Suxonier costumes. Weekend Saving At Our Store Always Pays! Heinz Baby Food SALE We have a large Variety on this Siie Heinz BABY FOOD Tf Per can _ ■ v* Palm Olive SOAP 1 At ? bars .. _ _ 3 ~ MILK 97f 3 tall cans _—. e* OK FLAKES 10r 2 pkgs. WALNUTS _ 33c PEANUTS _ 15c COOKIES _ 19c POPCORN 3 lbs. PEAS 11r No. 2 cans_lie* MATCHES %c 6-box carton_AeJl» We have a complete line of all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Will probably have some Flour Very Shortly GALLON FRUITS We h ve a large stock of Gallon— PEACHES, APRICOTS, PRUNES and PEARS, —ON HAND NOW —BUT—at the ra+e they are qoing out they won't las* long. If you need a for* cans for Harvest, my advice is Buy NOW. —Also— CORN, PEAS, and All Kinds of Vegetables are very scarce—Still have a few Canned Tomatoes. CABBAGE PLANTS Dozen 10c Per 100 50c Look to Us for your Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream Will have home-grown Strawberries weekly. Schulz Store 1 WE DELIVER PHONE 230 O'NEILL, NEBRASKA