The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 30, 1946, Image 6

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    Food and Labor Are Nations Topics
Passage of Housing Bill Spurs
Building Program; Hoover Asks
World to Join in Famine Fight
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed In these eolnmns, they are those of
(Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
Hoover Reports
Back from his globe-girdling fam
ine survey, former Pres. Herbert
Hoover called for additional volun
tary food conservation on the part
of Americans and also declared
that the co-operation of Russia and
South American states would great
ly assist in tiding hungry areas over
the critical pre-harvest period.
Though stating that he saw no in
stances of actual starvation on his
global whirl. Hoover was quick to
add that available food supplies
were at a dangerous low in many
countries and famine would result
if supplies were not replenished.
Even after trimming re
quests of some countries.
Hoover declared that over 14
million tons of food were needed
until the next harvest, with the
United Kingdom requiring 2,
000,000 tons; France, 1,750,000
tons; Germany, 1,370,000 tons;
Italy, 775,000 tons; Foland, 340,
000 tons; Czechoslovakia, 290,
000 tons; Belgium, 300,000 tons;
Greece, 275,000 tons; Yugo
slavia, 250,000 tons; Spain, 240,
000 tons; Austria, 225,000 tons;
the Indian ocean area, 2,886,
000 tons and China and Japan,
iwv.uvu ions eacn.
In asking Russia to share some of
Its surplus grain and calling upon
South American countries to step
up deliveries. Hoover said the U. S.
shipment of 450 million bushels of
wheat during this crop year is an
unparalleled achievement. In all,
the U. S. is expected to provide
4,220,000 tons of cereals; Canada,
2,300,000; Australia, 992,000; Argen
tina, 2,375,000; Russia, 300,000, plus
lesser amounts from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, Burma and Siam.
Hoover's announcement of
world food needs followed close
upon the department of agricul
ture’s prediction that continu
ing drouth in the Great Plains
states would cut winter wheat
production by 88 million bushels
under the April 1 estimate. The
crop now is set at 742,887,000
Seek Compromise
As a result of the collapse in
negotiations for Indian independ
ence because of Moslem demands
for a separate state, the British
delegation's statement on further
steps to be taken for resolving the
deadlock was expected to provide a
basis for continuing discussions.
In originally making its offer
for Indian Independence, the Brit
ish government had declared that
Moslem demands for a separate
state should not blocl. plans for free
M. A. Jlnnah and Nehru
dom. However, the insistence of the
Moslems under M. A. Jinnah for
their own state portended an out
break of violence if refused and led
the British mission into formulat
ing a compromise acceptable to
both parties.
Against the Moslem demand for a
separate state called Pakistan, the
Hindus led by Jawaharlal Nehru,
faithful Ghandi disciple, had held
out for a strong central author
ity for the whole country in foreign
affairs, defense, communications
and finance.
Busy President
Coal strikes, rail strikes and,
demands of labor and industry are
heavy burdens on President Tru
man these days. If one threaten
ing 6trike is settled, another one
is threatened, or breaks out. La
bor and industry are in an all
out battle, and the President is
caught in between them with the
great mass of American people
clamoring for action. Congress,
too, is finding the seats on Capitol
Hill steadily growing warmer. The
OPA and the British loan were no
small worries either.
The pressure of the United Mine
Workers, the American Federation
of Labor and the Congress of In
dustrial Organization, on the Pres
ident was matched by the manu
facturers, mine operators, railroad
owners and big business and in
dustry in general. Lights burn late
in the White House, and daily vis
itor* to the President are greater
than ever before! The people of
the United States have a busy
President. And when all the pres
ent strikes are settled, negotia
tions for new contracts will begin
•gain next fall.
Get Going
Welcoming final passage of the
veterans’ housing measure de
signed to push construction of 2,
700,000 new homes by 1947, Housing
Expediter Wilson Wyatt cheerfully
exclaimed: “The . . , program now
can be thrown into full gear.”
Worked out by house and senate
conferees, who labored to draw up
a common bill from two different
pieces of legislation, the measure
represented a victory for the ad
ministration forces in that it pro
vides subsidies of 400 million dol
lars to Increase the production of
building materials. Earlier opposed
by the house, the subsidies later
were approved on the strength of
administration arguments that
such payments would boost the flow
of construction supplies without in
creasing the cost of new homes.
In addition to the subsidy provis
ion, the new housing bill authorizes
the government to increase home
mortgage lending by one billion dol
lars; extends priorities and alloca
tion power to channel materials into
low-cost and medium-priced resi
dences to December 31, 1947; estab
lishes preference for vets in pur
chasing or renting new structures;
gives the housing expediter broad
authority to order changes in mate
rial pricing regulations, and em
powers him to limit the export of
lumber as long as scarcities exist in
this country.
O. K. Extension
Allowed only hours In which to
act to prevent the extinction of the
selective service act, the senate ac
cepted stiff house amendments to
the draft calling for cessation of
inductions of fathers and teen
Passage of the measure extend
ing selective service until July 1
resulted from rapid-fire congres
sional action in the midst of senate
deliberations over approval of the
multi-billion dollar British loan and
restrictive labor legislation. With
the senate pausing in its discussion
of these issues to o k. existing draft
legislation until July 1 to beat the
expiration deadline, the house took
advantage of the time element to
dilute the draft and force its re
mittance to the upper chamber for
UUUUULi’-it-tmmmm ,
On Dollar Basis
Having used its great material re
sources to balance the scales for al
lied military victory over the axis,
the U. S. now is acting to employ its
tremendous wealth for the stabiliza
tion of political conditions abroad to
promote free exchange between na
Popularly known as "dollar diplo
macy," the administration’s first
open application of the policy in the
postwar period was to Poland and
China, where Communist influence
has been strong and shaped to
serve Russia’s political and eco
nomic Interests.
In the case of Poland, the U. S.
suspended a 90 million dollar credit
to the Soviet-sponsored Warsaw
government on charges that it had
violated its pledge to increase free
dom of movement within the coun
try. First, the U. S. said that the
government had censored an Amer
ican reporter's dispatch regarding
a critical speech made by a Peasant
party leader, and second, it had
failed to publish terms of the U. S.
credit providing for political free
dom in Poland.
Taken back by the U. S. action,
the Polish embassy in Washington
declared that it could categorically
deny that any censorship existed in
Poland, and explained that the
terms of the loan had not arrived
in Warsaw in time to permit their
publication up to the time of the
U. S. credit cancellation.
Meanwhile, Gen. George C. Mar
shall was given full control over a
proposed half billion dollar loan to
China in his efforts to weld the Na
tionalist and Communist forces to
gether into a central government
and create a unified colintry.
FOOD MISSION . . . Herbert
Morrison, Lord President of the
British Council, who visited
Washington on a food mission,
is shown with Acting Secretary
of State Dean Acheson.
Seeking to prevent death-dealing
riderpest among surviving cattle
and water buffalo herds of China,
one million doses of a new type
vaccine were flown by the United
Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
administration to Shanghai as a gift
of the U. S. and Canada.
Emphasizing the significance of
the gift, UNRRA Director LaGuar*
dia declared every water buffalo
or bullock saved for the plow means
the assurance of that much more
food for the needy.
Taft Looms as 1948 GOP Hope
Neu>s Analyst and Commentator.
•WNU Service, 1616 Eye Street, N.W.,
Washington, D. C.
Along about June of any election
year, when a lot of simple souls are
thinking about
moonlight and
roses, electric
fans, and where
to go for a sum
mer vacation, a
lot of longer
range planners
are wondering
about next win
ter’s coal supply,
harvest time, and
many other
things a lot fur
ther away than
tnr ny on your
nose. Among these are the poli
It's a great time to lean back in
a chair in the Senate office building
or thereabouts, open another bottle
of White Rock, light another see
gar. and burble on about what's go
ing to happen come November, and,
still more intriguing, to prognosti
cate on presidential possibilities.
It’s fun for the newcomers be
cause it's so easy for them to pre
dict, in the light of what's happen
ing right now, Just what will happen
then. It’s still more fun for the old
timers because they know that the
voters who may not love you in the
autumn often seem very palsy in
the spring—and vice versa.
Since there isn’t much use in spec
ulating on who the Democratic pres
idential nominee will be, it’s more
interesting to talk about Republican
Perhaps that is why, along about
the middle of May, the heavy back
ers of Bob Taft began to be heard
from. Up until then, most of the
talk in the couloirs was how Bricker
was the No. 1 boy, and how Stassen
mustn’t even be mentioned above a
whisper. F.ven Stassen's own men
decided it was better for the young
man from Minnesota to keep his
head down so he wouldn't attract
any lightning until he had found out
whether his forums were more po
tent than the against-em’s.
Now it’s getting to be more
serious tun to talk about Taft.
Taft wants to be President. He
has wanted to be President be
fore. He is pretty much mas
ter of the Republican organiza
tion, but even if he weren’t,
Bricker, his present friend and
i rival, is more “beatable,” de
HOOVER AND TRUMAN . . . President Truman devoted attention
to the report of Herbert Hoover, on his findings in a globe-circling in
vestigation of famine conditions. Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P.
Anderson is shown witb them.
spite the good impression he
made on his speaking tour be
fore the last convention . . .
what with the leftist look In so
many veterans’ eyes.
Bricker has a staunch and solid
conservative following. But it is a
little too solidly conservative. Taft
could hardly be called a radical. In
fact, his political garden has never
produced even a pale and lonely
pink. On the other hand, his sup
porters prudently can point to many
a constructively liberal measure
which has had his blessing.
Only the other day, I was talking
with an ardent administration of
ficial who has been battling for a
measure badly battered by conserv
atives of both political stripes. I
asked him if he could expect to re
trieve in the senate a certain pro
vision in his legislation, lost in the
‘‘Oh, yes,” he answered. “Bob
Taft will go along on that.’’
And Taft has a good liberal rec
ord on such mass-appeal measures
as housing
The Republicans don’t have
to deal with the old-line bosses
to the extent that the Demo
crats do and in two of the larger
cities where the Republican
machine is vital—Philadelphia
and Cincinnati — everything
would be Jake so far as Taft
is concerned. He, himself, is
kingpin in his home state organ
ization . , , and Mr. Pew, who
makes the Republican wheels
go round in Pennsylvania, want
ed Taft in '40 and ’44. It is to
be presumed he’ll feel the same
in '48.
This doesn’t eliminate other bril
liant possibilities, including Messrs.
Stassen and vandenberg.
Mr. Vandenberg has done a lot
of the molding himself. This could
work both ways. On the one hand
the energy and devotion with whicn
Mi. Vandenberg has applied him
self to foreign affairs, and the pow
erful influence he has exerted, have
greatly increased his silhouette on
the international horizon. On the
other hand, these activities, both in
quantity and quality, have taken
him far afield from the usual polit
ical approach to a Republican presi
dential nomination.
It may be there is a niche in the
making that would need a man of
his proportion to fill but one Demo
crat said to me the other day:
“Sometimes it looks as if Van would
rather be right than President."
When Weather Is Sizzling, Try Mint Ade
(See Recipes Below)
Refreshing Drinks
For a simple meal at home, for
that brief stop in the afternoon when
i you want to re
<m lax and cool off,
or lor a ugni.
company snack,
there’s nothing
quite like the
cool, frosty drink.
Whether you are
a husky eater or
— a udim^ anacivci,
you'll want to keep these refresh
ing recipes on file for these hot,
summer months.
One woman I know keeps cool
drink ingredients on a special cor
ner in the pantry so the beverages
can be ready at a moment’s no
tice. She also keeps dainty cookies
on hand so there’s always refresh
ments if company comes or if the
children get especially hungry be
fore dinner.
Cool drinks can fortify the diet
with both vitamins and minerals if
you use eggs, milk and fruit or
berries. But not only will they be a
toast to health, for they provide that
restful relaxation that is so essen
tial to well-being.
If you want to get fancy with bev
erages, make colorful ice cubes by
using fruit juice and water in the
ice tray. Or, drop bits of leftover
fruit in the ice trays before freez
Glasses can be garnished with
mint leaves, lemon or orange slices,
puffs of whipped cream or me
ringue. The rims may also be
dipped in beaten egg and a bit of
sugar to give them that delightful,
frosty look.
For beverages that add nourish
ment as well as sparkle, consid
er these milk, egg and fruit drinks.
See that the children get some of
them often:
Fruit Float.
(Serves 4)
2 eggs, well beaten
% teaspoon salt
*6 cup sugar
% cup water
H cup raspberries or straw
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 2 lemons
Cracked ice
Combine eggs, salt, water, sugar
and berries. Mix
to dissolve sug
ar. Add orange
juice and lemon
juice. Beat or
shake thorough
ly. Pour into tall ^
glasses half filled
with cracked ice.
Garnish with a
few whole berries.
Quickie Lunches: Broil liver
sausage slices just slightly, serve
with creamed lima beans, sliced
tomatoes, fruit and milk and
Leftover ham can be creamed
with peas and served with shred
ded carrot and raisin salad,
peaches and cream and a bev
Don't forget a dish of garden
vegetable soup makes a well
balanced lunch with toasted pea
nut butter or bacon and tomato
Pork sausage links are awfully
good on baked potatoes with
cream gravy. A light salad of
lettuce, fruited gelatin and milk
tops off the meal.
Spanish Rice can be made
quickly and served with a few
strips of broiled bacon, a chopped
vegetable salad, floating island
pudding and a beverage.
When you’re serving frankfur
ters on a bun, spread the bun with
mustard mixed with butter. Ac
companiments: glass of tomato
juice, hot or cold, a chilled mixed
fruit salad and cookies.
Baked Corned Beef with
Mustard Sauce
Potatoes with Cheese Sauce
Salad Bowl of Tomatoes, Celery,
Mixed Greens, Radishes
Soft Rolls Beverage
Raspberry Short Cake
Milk and Honey Nectar.
(Serves 1)
94 cup mashed banana
194 tablespoons orange juice
194 tablespoons honey
1 drop almond extract
Pinch of salt
1 cup milk
Mash banana. Add fruit juice,
honey, salt and flavoring. Mix well.
When ready to serve, add cold milk
and beat with egg beater. Garnish
with whipped cream and serve im.
Pineapple Mint Punch.
(Serves 6)
3 cups cold milk
2 cups cold pineapple juice
94 cup coffee cream
94 cup sugar
194 teaspoons lemon juice
Pinch of salt
12 drops peppermint extract
Combine all ingredients in a shak
er or beat with egg beater until
,-. foamy. Pour into
tall glass; gar
nish with a mint
sprig and serve
For the adult
crowd, there are
an entirely differ
ent set of bev
erages which are
certain to delight. Both of these
have coffee as a base. Do not use
leftover-from-morning coffee, but
make it fresh.
Brazilian Chocolate.
(Serves 4)
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
1 cup strong coffee
3 tablespoons sugar
Dash of salt
3 cups milk
Add chocolate to coffee in top of
double boiler and place over a low
flame, stirring until chocolate is
melted and blended. Add sugar
to salt and boil 4 minutes, stirring
constantly. Place over boiling wa
ter. Add milk gradually, stirring
constantly. Heat, then beat with
rotary beater until frothy. Cool.
Pour over cracked ice and top with
whipped cream.
Iced Coffolate.
(Makes 1 quart)
*4 cup ground coffee
6 cloves
1 4-inch stick of cinnamon
Dash of salt
4 cups milk
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
% cup sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1 egg, well beaten
Add coffee, spices and salt to mil
and heat in double boiler until scald
ed. Strain and return to double
boiler. Add chocolate and heat un
til it melts. Mix sugar and flour and
add gradually to chocolate and cook
and stir until thickened. Then cook
5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Cool slightly; pour over egg and
blend. Chill. Pour over ice.
Mint Ade.
(Serves 6)
cup white corn syrup
% cup water
6 stalks fresh mint
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 No. 2 can grapefruit juice
2 cups gingerale
Boil corn syrup and water togeth
er for 3 minutes. Remove tips from
mint and crush stalks into the hot
syrup. Add tips and let stand for
30 minutes. Strain. Add lemon
juice and grapefruit juice. Chill
thoroughly. Pour over ice in tall
glasses and just before serving add
gingerale. Garnish with additional
mint and whole strawberries, if de
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Child Will Be Happy
Over a Lawn Chair
\ \ A\ j&sSfe
— ■■ ■' ■ ■■■ i , ,m, J
A PINT size lawn chair is great
fun for children. It adds in
terest to any group of outdoor
furniture and you will find that it
is often used by grown-ups in
stead of an ottoman or for a place
to put books and magazines.
The small chair shown here matches
the adult-size chair and is made with a
pattern that gives a complete bill of
materials, large diagrams for cutting
each piece and illustrated construction
steps. The seat of the chair is about ten
Inches high and thirteen inches deep.
* * *
This lawn chair is made with pattern
253; and the adult-size lawn chair is pat
tern 269. Patterns are 15c each or both
patterns to one address for 25c. Send
order with name and address to:
Bedford Hills, N. Y. Drawer 10
Enclose 15 cents for one pattern, or
25 cents for both.
. -
VEE-BELTS and pulleys for all
farm machinery. Sheller and ham
mermill belt drives. Pillow blocks
and take-ups. J. H. Nicholson Sup
ply Co., 717 S. 16th St., Harney
2776, Omaha, Nebraska.—(Adv.)
Place order now for delivery within 10
10 ft.*247.64
12 ft .*269.36
13.5 ft.*300.33
15.5 ft.*349.13
17 ft.*379.95
Write or call
Phone 641 Fremont, Nebraska.
Pre-war price of $295.00 F.O.B. the fac
tory. Prompt delivery. SCULLY, 357
Wesley, Sioux City. Iowa.
Picking Beds, will fit single row P. Case
picker, added to your picker in a few
hours. Pick ribbonless clean. Order now.
Columbus Nebraska.
HARD to get repair parts for sale for
McCormick-Deering tractors and Interna
tional trucks. Sleeves and pistons, radia
tors. valves. THE FRANCIS COMPANY.
Ogallala, Nebraska.
Dirt scoops and bulldozer blades for
A. C. W. C. D. H. Challenger 101 Sr. and Jr.
Deere A and B, IHC F20, H & M Moline Z.
Ford Ferguson, Case S.C. and D.C., Oliver
70 and other on hand now; also 12 sixty
bushel all-steel heavy type portable hog
*13-15-17 S. Main Council Bluffs, Iowa.
FOR SALE 120 acres of land which has
90 acres broke, rest is pasture. There
is a big house, barn, corn crib, granary,
large chicken house. Write to
Planning for the Future?
Buy U. S. Savings Bonds!
Here’s One Of The Greatest
If you lack BLOOD-IRON!
7ou girls and women who suffer to
from simple anemia that you're pale,
weak, "drngged out”—this may be due
to lack of blood-iron So try Lydia E
Plnkham's TABLETS—one of the best
home ways to build up red blood to
get more strength—In such cases Plnk
ham's Tablets are one of the greatest
blood-iron tonics you can buyl
WNU—U 22—46
May Warn of Disordered
Kidney Action
Modern life with its hurry and worry.
Irregular habits, improper eating and
drinking—its risk of exposure and infec
tion—throws heavy strain on the work
of the kidneys. They are apt to become
over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid
and other impurities from the life-giving
You may suffer nagging backache,
headache, dizziness, getting up nights,
leg pains, swelling—feel constantly
tired, nervous, all worn out. Other Bigns
of kidnev or bladder disorder are some
times burning, scanty or too frequent
Try Doan's Pills. Doan’s help the
kidneys to pass off harmful excess body
waste. They have had more than half a
century of public approval. Are recom
mended by grateful users everywhere.
Ask your neighborI