THE FRONTIER D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner memBER OF THE 19 4 6 fflONAL € DITORI Al_ ‘ ' ' ASSOCIATION D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at Postoffice at O Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Mattel SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska. $2.00 One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if the publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions we made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line first insertion Subsequent insertions 5c per line. EMMET NEWS Miss K ta Babl returned home Tuesday after being employed in O’Neill for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth, of At kinson, were Sunday supper guests at the Henry Luth home. Jerry Tomjack, of Eping, visit 1 J olond nd herald Wells Thursday. Mrs. Seraldo Johnson visited MYs. Dugal Allen Soturdayafter noon.. Hugh O’Connor and Clarence | Trappoe of Atkinson, visited ot the home of Jim O’Connor home Sunday. Miss Eunice Chudmolka of In mon as a Sunday dinner guest at the Henry Kloppenborg home. Mrs. Emma Conrad, daughter Mary Lou, Norma Lou Foreman «nd Morybelle O’Connor visited Mrs. Louise Anspach at Inman Sunday afternoon. MYs. Guy Cola and doughters, Jeannie and Sharon Wagnon visited friends in O’Neill Sunday afternoon. Mr. ond Mrs. James Foreman, of Atkinson, wire dinner guests at the Claude and Wayne Bates home Sunday. Henry Luth accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth to Minnesota this week, whera they will visit Mr. Luth’s daughter and Joe’s sister. Miss Leono Winkler, of Omaha, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Winkler ond other relatives and friends. Miss Paluline Winkler, of De troit, Mich., is spending theEaster hoidays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Winkler ond Other relative and friends. Mr. and Mis. Dean Perry and fomily were Sunday guests at the Freti Perry home in O’Neill. Mr and Mrs. Frank Foreman ond family visitgd at the James oreman home in Atkinson Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz and family, of Stuart, were Sunday dinner guists at the Joe Winkler home. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clauson wore Sunday dinner guests at the Cecil MeMillion home. Helen Marie Regal, of O’N ill, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. James Regal. Morris Malloy, Dot and Josie Malloy, Doctor Malloy and Mr. and Mrs. Corl Coin, all of Omaha, spent several days at tho Carl Tenborg home. Mr. and Mi's. DeVere Fox and family, of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox and Melvie Lubon and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox ond dought r, Judy, viisted at the Charles Fox home Wednes day evening. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Pe:cock motored to Chambers Sunday evening, here they took part in the presntation of the Easter Can tata, “Eostertide” at the Methodist there Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy, of O’Neill, visited at the Bessie Burge home Sunday evening. Miss Lulu Kendall, of Grmnell, Iowa, is visiting at the Ci arles Fox home. S. Sgt. Wayne Fox arrived home on Thursday with his honor able discharge from the ormed forces, after spending : bout three and a half years in service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fox. Wayne pears several rib bons, omong them are. the Euro pean heatre Ribbon, Victory Rib bon and Good Conduct Medal. Mrs. M. J. Rockwell, of Hann.i N. D.. and Dr. Maty Ro kwell, o Clinton, Iowu, were guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry Patterson for the pas week. They returned tj their hemes on Thursday. Th y are Mrs. Pott rs )..’s sister anl niece. Mrs. William Lubcn and son, Francis, attended the Faster s r vice at the Methodist church in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 x McConne 1 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Hward McCca nclll ond children were Sunday dinner guests of the WalUr Puck ett family. Sunday evening dinner guests ait the L onard For home were, Mr. apd Mrs. Charles Fox and S. Sgt. Wayne Fox and Miss Lulu Kenall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson motored to Petersburg, Nebr., on Fridoy, where they visited Mr. Patterson’s mother and sister, Mrs.Osbome Patterson and Mrs Ralph Antisdell of Omaha, pho were spending some time visiting friends there. Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde Burge and family, of Amelia, spent Satur day ond Sunday at the Bessie Burge home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox £#d Judy, S. Sgt. Wayne Fox and Miss Lulu Kendall, of Grinnell, Iowa, were dinner guests at tht Charles ox home on Sunday. Arlene Beckwith was on the sick list last Friday and Saturday. Guests Easter Sunday evening at the Leon Beckwith home wire Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family, Mr. amd Mrs. Ernest Gavin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blaekmore and daughter and son of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmohr and Gladys were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Henry Wag man home. T-5 Vernon Beckwith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith, has arrived at La Havre, France, ac cording to word received by his parents. INMAN ITEMS Mrs. Lucilf* Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Retka and /daughter an Mr. and Mrs. Jones returned to their homes in Californfia, after a two weeks visit with rela tives. Mr. ond Mrs. Fred Crosser and Mr. and Mrs. Elm. r Crosser, of Cherokee, Iowa, arrived Saturday to spend Easter with relatives. Wila, of Burwell, spent lost Fri day visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Rabent Stevens and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. N, Butler re turned horde after a ten day visit pith relatives in ndependence, Mo, Mrs. Walter Jacox arrived home ater several weeks visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lcidy who live in Colorado. Mrs.. Chris Reimer entertained the primary room and their teacher, Miss Mildred Keyes, at a birthday party Saturday after noon in honor of her son Bobby’s 7th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. erald Risor and family spent Easter with her par ents, Mr, and Mrs.Herbert Rouse. The Inman Rebekah Lodge went to O’Neill last Friday even ing where the Degree Team initi oted four new members into the ONeill lodge. A lorge crowd was present and a grand time was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen entertained at Foster dinner the ollowieng: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Neilson of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hansen, Creighton; Ploinvvieiw; Lyle and Orville Hansen, Creighton; Miss Amber Albin, Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes. Cecil ond Murl and Miss Mildred Keyes. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Beatrice1, spent Easter pith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor. Miss Evadine Roper returned to her home in ndianopolis, Ind, after spending several weeks with he'B- parents, Mir. land Mrs. E. Moor. Rev. E. B. Maxcy ond Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopkins loft Monday for Bayard, Nebr., to visit rela tives. Mrs. Emma Kivett is visiting relatives in Volentine. Mrs. Art Renner is visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Erclo Renner at Ainsworth. In honor of the Ninth wedding anniversory Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hans, n entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes, Cecil and Murl, Mr. ond Mrs. Ermand Keyes and Miss Mildred Keyes at supper Wedm sday evening. Mrs. Eva Murten is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor. Last Fridoy night Rev. Maxcy closed a wa k of special pre Easter services and Easter Sun day eh gave a splendin Easter sermon and several new mem bers wore received in‘o the church an olso sveral by transfer. MILLER. RILEY Miss Fern E. Riley, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Riley of O’Neil’ became the bride of Lyle M. Mil ler, son of Mrs. H. E. Miller ol Shelby, Nebr., cn Thursday April 18. Ri v. E. F. Hommon performed the double ri.-g candle . light cremeny at 7:30 o’clock a* 4 the North Presbytrian church of Omaha. Palms, pink snapdragons and white carnations decorated the altar. Mrs. R. B. Golden playi d the wedding mu. ic and acc m panied Miss Susan Sha*to who sang “I Love You Truly,’' and “Because.” Given in morrioge by her uncle Joe H. Smith, the bride was attir ed in a light blife suit with navy ] accessories. She wore a cors-; ge of white roses and carried a cor sage of white roses and carried I a whit bible which was a gft from i the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Delores 1 Christianson, friend of the bride, was attired in o suit o aqua with black accesssories and wore a j corsagfc of yellow roses. The groom wore a navy blue suit with a white carnation bou ; tonerre. Rex Miller, brother of 'the groom, served os best man and wore a blue suit with o yel low rose boutoniere. ’ A small reception was held at ’the Paxton hotel immediately following the ceremony. ' The bride is a graduate of the O’Neill Public chool. She was o successfulw teacher fore thre years in Holt county and aa the present s employed in the office of the Jubilee Mnfg. Co., n Oma ha. Mr. Miller spent four years in were spent in France and Ger many. He was discharged from service November 5, 1945. He 'is at present employed as auto mobile parts cltrk of the Yellow | Cab Co., of Omaha. A reception was given at the | home of the bride’s parents at ^O’Nill Friday evening. After a short wedding trip the young ciuple will maike thei home in Omaha. CHAMBERS ITEMS Dinner guests at the Jake Hoerle home Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Hoerle and Ken neth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pavel, Jr. and Gloria Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoerle Donnie and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoerle, Darrel ahd Betty Lou. Mr. land Mrs. Jake Hoerle re ceived a letter from their son, Bemie, saying that he expected to bb homo soon with a discharge from the armed forces. Mrs. L. A. Dale and Mrs. Har old Hoerle and sons were after noon callers Saturday at the Jake Hoerle homeq. Mrs. C. F. Gilleit/te entertained the Bridge Club at her home Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fees drove to Bradshaw Saturday to visit Mrs. Ffees’ brothers and families. They returned Sunday evening. They also visited the Pichler fam ily at Grand Island on the way. About forty children of the Lutheran Sunday School enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at the church and on the church lawn during the Sunday school hour. Mlrs. Richard Smith and Donnie accompanied Richard to Sioux .City F'riday, via truck. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and children were supper guests at the Richard Smith home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrier entertained twenty riends Mon day evening at a weiner roast at their home, in honor of Pvt. Max Farrier who is here on furlough. Mrs. Robert Childers left Mon day for Knoxville, Iowa, to visit her husband, who is a patient in the Veterans hospital there. Mrs. Margaret Jungbluth gave us the information that her daugh ter, Mrs. Wm. Steskal. of Emmet. ,had recently returned from the | Stuart hospital where she had , undergone a major operation. Mrs. Genevieve Bell, of Neligh, accompanied C. J. Barnum to Chambers Thursday. A large crowd were in attend ance at the evening services at the Chambers Methodist church Sunday evening to enjoy the beautiful cantata “Eastertide” rendered by the choir of the 0 Neill Methodist church. Jean Wondersee came up from Sioux City Friday, to spend Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wondersee. Doris Kiltz returned to her work in Denver, Colo., Monday, after spending the week-end at the home of hur parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kiltz. Mr. and Mrs. Lec Mitchell and boys drove up from Hastings Fri day evening and remained over Sunday to visit her parents. Mr. 'and Mrs.Clarence Young and ! family and his father, Carl Mit jchcll andother relatives. 1 Patricia Wood came up from ! Omana to spend Easter with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Henry I Wood, Phyllis and Dale, j Delbert Robertson returned Saturday from a week’s stay at ;Roches‘er, Minn., where he re ceived medical care, j Mary Lou Spath, who is attend |ing Wayne State Teachers’ Col , lege, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens left Tuesdry for Omaha on business. They wil also visit relatives I while there. His brother, D le, , of Atkinson, accomp nied them. Lt. and Mrs. Robert Kiltz ar ' rived from Chicago Saturday for ; a visit with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. L. Kiltz and other rela tives. Elaine Adams tame over from Sioux Falls, S. D., to spend Easter at the home of her parents, Mr; alnd Mrs. Lqo Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy and daughters, Carl Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and children, of Hastings, Allen Budett, of Magnet, and Leonna Trebolt had Easier dinner with the Clarence Young family. Allen Budedt, of Magnet, ac companied Bus Young home Sat urday evening and spent tbf weak-end at the Clarence Young home. Thfcy went back to their , work Sunday.. SHOWER FOR MRS. EDDIE McMANUS A shower was given Saturday aternoon in the Glee Grimes home in honor of Mrs. Eddie Mc Manus (nee Maxine Ressel). j The program was arranged by Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Mrs. Gaius Winter mote. It was an interesting and entertaining program -taken part in by all present and consisted of contests and gamest Drjrlene Grimes twirlpd her baton to the "Liberty Bell March.” A lunch of vegetable salad, sandwiches, pickles and coffee was served to around forty friends and neighbors present. The bride received many useful and beauti ful giflts. Mrs. Rena Fqyerherm spent Friday evening at the A. A. I Walter home. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter and Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Stowel and family were guests at the Wayne Smith home Monday ervening. Seaman 1-c Don Cav. naugh is now in California, where his ship s being decommissioned. Den has been in the Pacific for over nine months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath and daughters enjoyed Easter with Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller ton and family at Amelia, the occasion was also Mrs. Fullerton’s birthday. Thirty-two Years ^2 Donald J. Enright “Don” Your Grocer’s Friend \ -Don Sells Him-So He Can Sell You DFine “Blue Goose” Orange “Blue Goose” Coastal Lemons And Other Quality Fresh Fruits & Vegetables mi ' .. 1 . / . . . ■ “DON” is one of The Brown Fruit Company’s 17 salesmen. He represents the Grand Island, Nebraska, wholesale firm which is this month observing its 32nd Anniversary . . . nearly a third of a century, serving the retail groceries of this area. C. C. Kelso, V-Pres. E. L. Brow n, Pres, B. B. Farrell, Director , Mr. Brown, Mr. Kelso and Mr. Farrell have been actively associated with the firm shtce its organization in April 1914. THE ' V | v ; - - , _ - ~ | | - _ | - | | = - , Grand Island Nebraska _ - - ManMBKiniCT 7Y:.« “ HR-1