Announcement....The R. H. SHRINER INSURANCE AGENCY Has Moved and is how located two doors south of O’Neill Photo Co. ©€> All old and new customers are invited to visit us at our new location Gi&nt Broad breasted jr%', Bronze POULTS H5C each NORFOLK HATCHERY 116-118 So. 3d St. Norfolk, Nebraska 46-5 LIFE WITH CITY CLUB JACOB SCHMIDT BREWING CO. ST PAUL. MINN / HONEV-HERE I AM\ A/VMki > THP RAC. IN AGAIN / THE BACON And EGGS AND BREAD we Borrowed made US SO THIRSTV-HAVE YOU ANV ClTyCLUB AGAIN IS Right/ I THOUGHT LEND-LEASE ) WAS FINISHED. I'LL BET ‘, SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHEJ CAN BUV SCHMIDTS ] AWVWHERE ■ She MASNT EVEN ] RETURNED ' EMPTIES FRom i THE LAST TIME , ' "NEITHER A borrower. NOR A LENDER 6E, FOR LOAN OFT LOSES YOUR ^FRIENDS AND VCXJR. SCHMIDT'S - i'tt i W-IAT ID DO WHEN \OU RUN OUT OF SCHM1DT5-ASK VOUR. NEIGHBORS _ - A rt . OK-K/ WlUi ■ VWJOfP !TaP f*7,*M/V4 / ■»' MUK. * u . i' .. A CALIFORNIA FARMER COMPLAINS TVUt HO)6E FROM LOW FtyiNO PLAMES RED LICE'S WS COWS' /MILK SDPPLV A GLASS MANUFACTURER SENP5 PERSONAL LETTERS 10 INVITE EV-6.I. EMPlOy'EES PACK TO -JO0S : 6cwe 6l(?PS RIM A TEMPfROTKRE OF mr A NeW * THINKING MACHINE g SOLVE* MrATMfVUnOM. PROBIEMG lOO TlM« FASTER THAN A MAN tort PONT** . WILL Hfl^C HC\JJ STRFMlOJtO T/)X/* SEUBl Fqatv WWfS PAGE NEWS NOTES _ (Continued on page five) day and Sunday with Miss Alice French at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan I Spath. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carson were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly. Mr and Mrs Albert Kirschmer ■and Oscar Reed spent Sunday at the Allen Hayne home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley were 'dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rakow. Mr. and Mrs. ,Roy Sivisind, of Orchard, were supper guests. I INMAN ITEMS Coffee Club met last Thursday with Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, with a large number in attendance. A delicious dinner was served at noon. Allen Brittell, of Glendale, Ariz., has been visiting relatives here the past week. Mr and Mrs. T. D. Hutton re ceived word that their son, Rob ert had arrived in the states. Ira Watson and Mrs. John ; Watson drove to Fremont last week. Mr. and Mis. T. D. Hutton moved last week to their new j home that they purchased from Ezra Moor. Mr and Mrs. Graden Hutton of Wayne, spent the week-end | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. ! Mrs. Muriel Luben and son, of 'Clearwater, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John rraka. W S. C. S. melt last Thursday at the Aid Parlors. A large num ber were present and lunch was served. Mrs. Curtis Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Refka and daughter, of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived last ! Thursday or a visit with rela tives. Mir and Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Ira Watson drove to Grand Island to meet Mrs. Ira Watson’s 'mother, Mrs. Anna Pierson, who returned from California, f Mrs. Elmer Krueger entertain ed last Saturday afternoon the pupils of the primary room and their teacher, Miss Mildred Keyes j at a birthday party for her son, Clayton. j' Mi- and Mrs. S. Tjessen left Tijesday for their home in May wood, 111., after attending the wedding of their son, Roy, and Miss Marguerite Clark. (Last week’s news.) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Caldwell, of Utica, visited at. the home of their 'daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Mr and Mrs. Vere Butler and children, of Newport, and Mr and Mrs. Rex Butler and son of Bas sett visited Sunday with their : parents. Mr and Mrs. A. N. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Youngs, of Omaha, spent the week-end visiting at the homes of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Youngs 'and Mr and Mrs. R. N Butler, j- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krueger ' and Miss Elsie Krueger entertain ed the following to a family din | ner last Sunday: Mr and Mrs. j Harry Moore and Dottie, Mrs. Wm. Audrel and Francis and Dr. Bern on Audrel. I' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and /Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 1 Watson drove to Lincoln last Sun day. Harlan Moore, who is in the 'Marines, is spending a 30 day furlough wgith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Last Wednesday a group of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Ralph Moore and i finished picking his corn as Mr. 'Moore has not been well for some time and for the pas* two weeks has been confined to his bed. Mrs. Moore served a delicious lunch for the men. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins returned last Wednesday from Omaha. Mrs. Kenneth Smith entertain ed last Sunday in honor of her husband’s birthdoy, Mrsa Ann | Smith and Ardith, Mr. ond Mrs. ! Mielvin Smith, Linda, and Mrs. Eva Mur ten. EMMET NEWS Charles Winkler had the mis forune to almost sever the index finger on his left hand a week ago Monday, while unloading fuel barrels on his place 20 miles east of ONedll. He was taken to the Orchard hospital and on Monday of this week his finger had to be omputated. He is getting along as well as could be expected. I* O. M. 3-c Gilbert Fox, son of Mr and Mrs. Charles Fox, is now on his way to Singapore and the Gulf of Persia, according to word received here by his parents. J Mrs. Grant Peabody and Ken ney spent Friday visiting at the Homer Lowery home in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard ind daughter have mved to a , farm two miles north of Dance land. [, Mrs. Alex McConnell, Kenneth Peacock and Mrs. Walter Puckett and children visited Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg Sunday morning. j. LADIES AID MEETS The Ladies Aid mat with Mrs. * Charles Abant on Thursday, March 28 with 17 members pres ent. The regular business meet ing was held with a small miscel laneous sale which netted a little , over $2.00. Treasurers report was read and approved after the $50 not from the dinner at the church had been added. A de-1 licious lunch was served by the hostess early in the afternoon. S. Sgt. Wayne Fox is now on his way home, according to word ree ived here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Wayne has been stationed at Vienna,! Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and Duane visited at the B ssie Burge home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Garvin and family and Fred Beckwith were Sunday dinner guests at the Guy Beckwith home. ■ Mrs. Glenn Burge has been ill with the flu the past few days, i T-5 Vernon Beckwith now has ■an APO out of New York. He has served some months in Korea and the Southwest Pacific. Howard McConnell is suffering from a stiff neck this week. A stork shower was held at the home of Mrs. Leonard Fox on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. George Brainard. Several games were played and prizes won by Mrs. June Luben and Mrs. Grant Peacock. A delicious1 ■lunch of sandwiches, pickles, ’cakes, potato salad, potato chips and coca was served cafeteria s yle by the hstess. Mrs. Brain ard received many lovely gifts and best wishes. Mr and Mrs. Jim O’Connor and Marybelle and Tom Perkins vis ited at the Hugh O'Connor home in Atkinson Sunday. Mrs. Guy Cole and son Zane, accompanied Mrs. Agnes Gaffney *to Norfolk Monday on business. Mrs. Bernard Dusatko and Jim mie, of O'Neill, were Thursday dinner guests at the Henry Benze home. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman, of Atkinson, visited ait the Frank Foreman home Sunday. Charley Davis arrived at the Charley Fox home Saturday from I Indiana, where he had spent some time visiting relatives. The Roy Tunender family were Sunday dinner guests of the Mrs. (Anna Ramold family. Mrs. Bernard Dusatko and son, Jimmie, of ONeill, visited at the Joe Babl home Thursday after noon. Pat McGinnis, John Conrad, Harry Werner and Dean Perry spent Sunday fishing at Wright’s lake. A fair catch was reported. Mr. and Mrs. George Babl and girls attended a shower for Mrs. Victor True at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Clausson Sun day afternoon. • Pfc. LaVern Jurgensmier is tnow located at Marbury, Ger many. 1 Katrryn Kunz, of Stuart, spent Sunday visiting at the Joe Wink ler home. Mrs Agnes Gaffney has moved into her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and .'family and Katheryn Kunz visit ed Charles Winkler at the Or chard hospital Sunday. (Last Week’s News) The movie given by the Texas Oil Station through Steve Wal lace of ONeill at the Methodist church basement Thursday even ing was well attended. Prizes were won by Phylis Rzestarcki, Mrs. Charles Fox and Charles \bart. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the Meth odist church, consisting of buns, i ootato salad, doufhnuts ard ooffee. The Howard MeConrv 11 family moved to the Andy Brown place rhursday and Leonard Fox moved in the house vacated by the Mc Connells. Mr. and Mrs George Shald, of Stuart, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruder. Dugal Allen returned home Saturday after spending the past ten day's at Topeka, Kansas, vis iting his son, Bob, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks, of O’Neill, visited at the Wm. Grothe Sr. homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl and fam ily visited at the Bernord Dusat ka home in O’Neill Sunday after noon. Mr. and MJrs. James Foreman, of Atkinson, spent the week-esnd visiting at the Frank Foreman and Claude Bates homes. Father O’Brien was a Sunday supper guest at the Henry Bcnze home. Mrs. George Pongraitz accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giv ens to Humphrey Sunday, where they spent the day visiting Mrs. Pongratz’s mother. Gahart Babl left Thursday for Arkansas City, Kansas, on an ex tended visit with relatives and an army buddy. Joo Bartos, of Atkinson, visited Jerrold Dusatko Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Kunz home near Stuart Thei Lloyd Johnson family moved BUS/NSSS CAYB out /96 Bill/on or_ thssf. FRas. FOR GOOD kV/LL. CRIPPLED CHILDREN M . . — _ / TiR! <9* I RED O RUGS, James S DEPARTMEAIT S JAM1TOR OF CAMTO^* Ohio, devised a A " 5UCTIOM SWEEPER* l i It looked good to W.liHoovco. S A HARNESS MAKER. \ They organized % COMPANY IN 1907 TO -MAKE THE SWEEPER... > In two years. Through advertising, American women BECAME SOLD ON NEED AND BENETIT OF VACUUM CLEANERS. ncn < (?) //CW^S, ^ AAf£RJC4, XeSVir fVZOAf - '/y{/S7Y?//1l.^&Y/Z/tt—