The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 04, 1946, Image 3

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    STATIC IS THE WORD FOR POSTWAR HOLLAND . . . The reconstruction period in postwar Holland is
the forgetting period. The Dutch, tortured by four years of German occupation, are doing their best to
wipe out the memory but do not have the wherewithal with which to rebuild the vast areas of their bombed
cities, which still look as they did at the end of the war. There is no building material, no machinery and
apparently no planning. Insert shows a pathetic figure in this era, Queen Wilhelmlna, as she drove through
The Hague ruins.
OKLAHOMA 4-H AND FFA SHOW PRODUCED REAL WINNERS . . . Competition among 4-H club and FFA
entries reached a new high at the Oklahoma Livestock ?*iow, Oklahoma City. Ellabell Swigart, Mooreland, low
er left, had the grand champion with her hereford calf. Raymond Luckinbill, 15, Guthrie, upper right, won the
4-H championship with his shorthorn calf. Grand champonsaip lamb was won by southdown owned by Doc
Clark, Frederick, upper left. A duroc jersey owned by Jerome Smith, Banner, lower right, champion pig.
Richard C. Patterson Jr., right, and Marshal Tito, head of the fed
«9 erative peoples republic of Yugoslavia, are pictured preparing for a
hunting trip near Ruma. Ambassador Patterson left shortly after
the hunt for a vacation trip to the U. S.
EDGE ON ATOMIC ENERGY ... Dr. Arthur H. Compton of Wash
ington university, St. Louis, Mo., one of the leading atomic scientists,
who played a leading part in the development of the atomic bomb,
shows his wife, while vacationing at Atlantic City, N. J., that he can
handle Ol’ Dobbin just as well as he handled the atomic experiments.
Mrs. Compton was a delegate to the YMCA convention,
CURE FOR FLU ... Dr. Wendell
M. Stanley, Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research, Princeton,
N. J., discoverer of the centrifuge
type of influenza vaccine which
should save the lives of millions
of people.
JAPAN’S POLICY ... Is being
reorganized by Lewis J. Valen
tine, former police commissioner
of New York City. As police com
missioner he was credited nation
ally as having the most efficient
police system in the United States,
a valuable asset in placing the
Japanese police upon an efficient
non-political basis. General Mac
Arthur, who appointed Commis
sioner Valentine, has stated that
he will have unlimited power.
WESTERN YARNS IN THE MAKING . . . John II. Latham, left, writer
of Western yarns for pulp magazines, gets material for future stories
from “Slim” Haynes, town marshal of Rockport, Texas. Latham ehose
Arkansas county, near Corpus Chrlsti, as ideal place to gather ma
terial. The region is famous for its tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes
as well as oyster beds, shrimp fisheries and oil wells.
ALL-MAIL FLYING PACKET . . . The working section of the mail
plane which will be outfitted with specially designed, lightweight
equipment for sorting airmail in flight. No such facilities for speedy
handling have ever been installed in a plane before. The mall would
be sorted by one or two clerks in middle of plane. Bags of storage
mail, bulk mail and registered mail would be kept forward and in
rear section.
LIE VISITS PRESIDENT TRUMAN . . . Trygve Lie, secretary gen
eral of the United Nations, who arrived in the U. S. for the meeting
of the security council in New York, is shown as he conferred with
President Truman and Secretary of State James F. Byrnes at the
White House. One of the first problems with which he will have to
deal is the charges filed by the Iranian government against Russia.
RUSHING THE FOOTBALL SEASON . . . Villanova college, Phila
delphia, has started spring football practice with its biggest turnout
since 1941. Left to right are Richard Janson, Burgenfield, N. J.; Art
Resher, Sharon, Pa.; Ed. Sicsla, West Warwick, R. I., and A! Litwa,
Camden, N. J., who are all candidates for backfield positions. Most
colleges will not start spring training until after Easter.
NEW U. 8. S. R. PRESIDENT . . .
Nikolai M. Shvernik, former vice
president, has been elevated to the
presidency of the U. 8. 8. R. at a
joint session of the Supreme
Soviet parliament at Moscow.
President Kalinin resigned be
cause of poor health.
CHIEF . . . MaJ. Gen. Edward F.
Witsell, who relieved MaJ. Gen.
James Alexander Ulio as adju
tant general of the army. General
^Witsell is a veteran of many over
seas assignments.
"CASTE BOARD" ... Col Rob
ert H. Neville, New York City,
former “Stars and Stripes" editor
in Italy, has been named to the
six-man board to study “caste
system" In the army and recom
mend changes.
BLIND ... Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler, president emeritus of
Columbia university, New York
City, who was recently stricken
blind, shown as he was led from
meeting with Winston Churchill.
IRAN' OBJECTS . . . Ambassador
Hussein Ala of Iran has announced
the filing of formal protest against
the Soviet Union for continued oc
cupation of that country. Ala was
the first ambassador from Iran to
the U. S.
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FOR a magic effect on plain
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The crochet motif can be used in 3
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Send your order to:
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Enclose 20 cents for Pattern.
Address . ., . _——.
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