The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 29, 1945, Supplement, Image 9

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d from page five.)
Russell Sl-c arrived
the Pacific area Mon
November 19. He
December 14 for
Irs. W. W. Walker and
D’Neill spent Thanks
with her parents, Mr.
ay Snell.
ces Stuart and Brooks
were Thanksgiving
e O. B. Stuart home.
Mrs. Elmer Reutze,
arry, oi Neligh, spent
ic| with Mrs. Reutzel's
r. end Mrs. W. E.
ens, of Omaha, spen
ig with his parents
3. P. E. Stevens. Mr.
h s been confined to his
’ three weeks is slightly
!1 Mrs. C. E. Walker and
r. and Mrs. John D. Wal
E. A. Walker drove o
y Thursday to spend the
t Mr. and Mrs. Janies
and family.
a’l s Boies a'rived ho ne
November 17 from New
i after spending 17
a the Pacific area. He
his discharge at Fort
3 ration center,
d Mrs. Albert Anthony
.jp from Kearney Wednes
ght and spent until Thurs
;<:rnoon at the home of Mrs.
ay’s p rents, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs Jay Tre se and
Ipa Blokely, of Orchard, nd
nd Mrs. Neil Asher wer
Thursday eve fine dinner
iof Mr. and Mrs. Oito Mat
and Mrs. Dee Grass and
Grass enjoyed a dinner
giving at the home of their
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Crum
iald had returned home
'rvice that day.
C. E. Walker was hostess
Bid or Bye Club last Tues
fternoon. Mrs. Robert
vas a guest of the club,
enne h Braddock received
igh score and tr veling.
Misses Neva and Sybil
of Lincoln, spent Sunday
icir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tckes. Miss Jean Woods,
■ Lincoln, spent the day
er~ grandp rents, Mr. and
D. Copes.
st Lt. and Mrs. Elwin
and daugh'er of San Ber
>, Cal., arrived last Wed
and will visit until after
i s with their respective
, Mr. and Mrs. Char es
at Page and Mr. and Mrs
lallagher at Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. S ua t, V° a
id D. M wtnt to Norfolk Wed
isday night, November 2' to
?et their son and br tber, 3. S t
arrill Stuart, who ai rived home
>m China. He had been in the
my five years, twen y mon h;
which were spent overse s.
* h s received his d;sc ar e.
Sgt. Floyd Cork orrived home
anday afternoon, after receiv
? his disc1 argo at Fo't Logan,
•1. Sgt. Cork left for overseas
yeor ago last Ji>ly and was at
;w Guinea, Biak, Leyte and
pan. Before re nrning home
had nevr"' seen his youngest
n, who will be fifteen months
i December 1.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rakow, Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Carson, Mrs. Har
old Kelly and daugh er, Karen,
Mrs Mary Rogman and Herm n
Rakow attended funeral services
for Frank Darr at Spencer Tues
day afternoon. Burial w_s in
Scottville cemetery. Mr. Darr
was an uatle of Mrs. Rakow, Mrs.
Carson an» Mrs. Rogman.
Mrs. A. L. Dorr nd Mrs. Edgar
on clo:hing pointers for 1946.
Mrs. M. G. French, who was re
cently elected group chairman ac
companied them. The local mee.
ing will be held Tuesday Decem
ber 4, at the home of Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge with a covered disn
luncheon at noon.
Mrs. W. W. Johnston and son,
accompanied by her mother Mis.
Raymond Heiss, left Friday to
drive to Corpus Christi; Texas,
where Mr. Johnston is st tioned.
Mrs. Heiss will return home by
Mrs. David Deaver, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Deaver and Mrs. Karl
Kathmeier and d ughter, of Des
Moines spent from Wednesday
until Monday visiting Mrs. Dea
ver’s father, Leonard Heiss and
with ether relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss en
tertained a group of relatives at
a shower Friday evening, honor
ing Mr. and Mrs. Ktith Deaver,
wRo were married November 5.
The young corple received a purse
of money and several nice gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood and
Mrs. Dean Richords returned
home last week from Sioux City.
Mr. Wood sobmi ted to a ma or
oper tion while there. Mrs.
Wood and Mrs. 1 icha ds visited at
the hon e of their daughter and
sister, Mrs. H. Undine and family.
Mrs. Cora West of Norfolk, and
Mr and Mrs. Glen Clank and son,
Michael, of Council Bluffs, visited
Tuesday and Wednesday of las
week ot the home of Mrs. Wtst’s
sister. Mrs. Ethel Asher. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark celebr ted their
tenth wedding anniver.ary while
Mr and Mns. O. B. Stuart, Jack,
D. M. and Vera or Pa"e- Irs
‘ancos Stuart ard Brooks of
Stu rt and Mr. and Mrs. B. Gil
lesni° and Gary of O'Neill, went
to Grand Island Sunday for a be
lated Thanksgiving gathering of
the Stuart f milies at tht home
of Mrs. Ethel Stuart.
The W. S. C. S. met in the
Methodis chr.rch bastment 1 =t
Friday afternoon. Mrs. Harold
Kelly led the devotionals. For
the lesson Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
gave a report on the talk Bishop
Smith gave at a Crus de metting
at Norfolk. Hostesses were Mes
dames H. L. DeLnncey, George
Rost and Jennie Holloway.
A large group enjoyed a bask t
dinner Thanksgiving at tht Wi 1
N°uhai,er home, d’hose present
besides Mr. and Mrs. Neub uer,
Leo and Pa'^l, were: Mr and
Mrs Roy Haynes and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Wood and family.
Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Wood and
Lester, Mr. and Mrs Harold Sum
mers and family, Mrs. Homer
Hu therford and children. M s^er
Grace and Nolle Wood, Mrs.
Emma Canaday, Mrs. Helen
Knudson, Dur n Rutherford and
Cie' ling Albright.
' rro’ p of rela ives emoyod a
dinner Thursday at the
ieronch home. Those attending
wr-re: Mrs. David Deaver,' Mr.
end Mrs. Keith Deaver and Mrs.
K ttmeier, all of Des Moines;
E E. Reed of Royal; Mr and Mrs.
Leonard Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Heiss and family, Mr. and
Mns. Harold Heiss and family,
Mr and Mrs. O. L. Retd, Mr. nd
Mrs Hary Harper, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Haynes, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Beeleoi;t and family.
(Crowded out last week.-)
Mrs Wilton Hayne went to
Pierce Sunday to spend a few
days with relatives.
Mrs. Laurence Haynes and
daughters spent Sunday at the
Allen Haynes home.
Mrs. E. A. Edmisten and Ken
neth Asher were Sunday dinner
guests at the Edgar Wood home.
MV. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy
and son, of Ainsworth, were din
ner guests Sunday at the Ken
Mrs. P. E. Nissen returned
home Saturday after spending a
week with her mother, Mrs. Kate
Fuelberth at Osmond.
Moms Ballantyne, who is
stationed at Great Lakes, has been
promoted from Seaman second
class to Seaman first class.
Misses Yvonne and Fontelle
Wood and Kenneth Asher were
Sunday evening supper guests at
the Wm. Neubauer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black and
Jerry and Mrs. Edith Black, of
Ewing visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. McClure.
Mrs. Owen Parks and children
and her mother, Mrs. Anna P..rk,
visited at the Bill and Jim Kelly
homes in Inman Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon P. rks
and Ronnie were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mrs. Park’s sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brandt at
Mrs. Lloyd Cork received a
telegram from her husband, Sgt,
Cork, telling of his arrivel at
Camp Murray, Wash., trom the
Pacific area.
Miss Fontelle Wood, Miss Doris
Harvey, or O'Neill, and Leonard
Wright of Chambers, were dinner
guests Sunday noon at the Robert
Harvey home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Copes left for
Lincoln Monday afternoon to
spend Thanksgiving with Mrs.
Copes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. G. Lewis.
Mr and Mrs. H. F Rakow drove
to Brunswick Suunday to visit
at the home of Mr. Rakow’s . is
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rose. Mrs.
Rose, who has been quite ill, was
Kenneth Heiss went to Lincoln
Tuesday, re urning Wednesday
with his sister, Mrs. W. W. John
ston and son who will visit for
a short time with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss.
Harold Goddard, of Richland,
Wa: hington, is visiting his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Mil
ler and other relatives. He has
recently been discharged 3rom
the Army Air Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and
Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Esmond
Wtbrr and daughters, Mr. j
and Mrs. Don Nissen and family
and CKto Wahletz were Sunday
d>'nner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Eby at O’Neill.
ML and Mrs Fred Wood were
surprised with an oyster supper
Friday evening, the occasion
being their thirtyfifth wedding
anniversary. Guests were: Mr.
and Mrs Edgar Wood and family,
"L-. i?nd Mrs. Earl Bollen and fam
ily and Mrs. Erwin Held and
daughter of Venus
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman
and Mrs. Kenneth Braddock and
son, Donald, spent Friday even
ir,f a* the F. F. Heiter home in'
O’Neill, in honors of Mr. Heiter’s
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell en
tertained at a 1 o’clock dinner
Si nday. Gues's were: Mr. and
Mrs. George Rost, Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. DeLancey, Mrs. Jennie
Holloway and W. E. Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rakow, Mr.
and Mirs. J. I. Gray, Miss Rose
Vroman and George French were
dinner guests Saturday ev ning of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes. The
evening was spent playing rook.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes enter
tained at a dinner Thursday ev
ening in honor of their son and
wife, Mr. i nd Mrs. E. C. Copes,
who are moving to Ainsworth
soon. Other guests were, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Walker and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Walker and family.
Marno Tazzible of Grimes,
Iowa, spent from Tuesday until
Friday with Ed Stewart. They
had been together from the time
i of their entering the service until
they wore discharged. During
their training in the sintes and
several months in thtSuropean
thee^-ter of war.
Miss Betty Wood, of Pago, and
Elmer Reutzel, of Neligh, were
, united in marriage at the Congre
j gational parsonage at Neligh
Tuesday evening, November 13.
Their attendants were the bride’s
i brothers, Win. S. Howell, Ensign,
j and Marvin Howell and a brother
and sister-in-law of the groom.
Mrs. Reutzel is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howell of
I Page. She graduated from the
! Page High School and attended
Wayne Teachers College and
1 taught school at Newman Grove,
| Nebr. Mr. Reutzel is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reutzel, of
; Neligh. They will reside on a
farm three miles north of Neligh.
Friendly Mommunity Survey
Sunday afternoon December 2,
in O’Neill, if you hear a knock at door, it m«y be a friendly
; visitor from one of the churches
| in town. He may ask one of the
following questions: “May we in
quire the family name?” “How
quire the fomily name?” “How
many are members of a church?”
! Members of the Presbyterian
i church, Holiness Chapel, and the
! Methodist church are taking a
religious Census. The informa
tion will be made available to all
1 churches in the city. A favorable
1 response is anticipa ed. A sim
iliar srrvey will be taken in
Ch mbers, December 9th.
i -
Surprise on Dorsey Couple
A surprise party was held at
the Ellis Butterfield home near
Dorsey Thanksgiving evening, in
honor of the thirly-eighth wedd
ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Head, parents of Mrs. But
terfield, who are here visiting
from St. Ouge, S. D.
The evening was spent playing
cards with four tables of pro
gressive pitch. Ladies high prize
was won by Mrs. J. H. Head and
men’s high by Joe Jerabek. Low
prizes were won by Sadie Derick
son and Ellis Butterfield.
A delicious lunch was served
at midnight, after which all
guests departed, after wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Head many more
happy anniversaries.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Osborn and daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson and
daughter, Mrs. Wallace Lundeen
and daughttr, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Brady, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jer
abek, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Butter
field and di.-ughters, and the
honored guests, Mr. and Mrs.
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* Phonee I l)i French. 742 t
a 8
11 William W. Griffin |
First National Bank Building |j
1 O’Neiil 1
\ W. F. FINLEY, M. D.
Phone, Office 28
| O’Neill : Nebraska