5*. R. H. Shriner >22 Theft GENERAL INSURANCE Plrte Glass Liability O'Neill Nebraska Lire Stock Automobile PHONE IBS Farm Property Wind & Tornado, Trucks St Tractor, Personal Property REAL ESTATE, LOANS, FARM SERVICE. RENTALS For Best Results and satisfactory returns, bring your livestock to the O’Neill Livestock Com. Co. H. S. Moses and G. P. Colman, Managers Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET We Sell Every Monday * t WE are in business to help you make money, save money, protect i your money, transfer money to others safely and conveniently and in many ways to conduct your financial affairs in an orderly, economical and efficient manner. We invite you to use ALL of our * services toward this end. i I . i * I O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK O’Neill, Nebraska Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE ,, 260 CHOICE HEREFORD Breed ing cows, 3 to 5 years old sell at Auction, Atkinson, Nebraska, next Tuesday November 6th. Th'-jc are from the O. V. Beck herd, one of the finest in the country. Will sell in lots to suit the buyer.—ATKINSON LIVE STOCK MARKET, ATKINSON, Nebraska. 25-1 FOR SALE—SNOW SUIT, Size 12; two girls coats, size 14; one ladies’ coat, small size; one wool lined jacket, size 14; one mackinaw, size 16.—Mrs. Max Golden, O’Neill. 25-1 FOR SALE- NEW TWIN Cylin der engine and electric motors. Available +or Maytag Washers cow.—Corkle Hatchery. 23-tf FOR SALK—ORDER YOUR Post war M«*ytag now. New mach ines on display.—Corkle Match ery. 23 tf. MISCELLANEOUS Dr. Fisher, Dentist. 24tf HELP WANTED WANTED—Kitchen Help.—Elite Cafe. l’-tf WANTED WANTED — WOMEN Chicken pickers and men plant workers. —Tri State Hatchery. 24-tf WANTED—COOK AND Wait ress.—Elite Cafe. 23-2 WANT TO RENT—COM BIN ation grain and stock farm.—T J. Teeters, Long Pine, Nebr. 24-2 HELP WANTED — WAITRES ses.— M and M. Cafe & Bak ery. 20-tf HELP WANTED—WOMEN FOR kitchen work. M. and M. Caft & Bakery. 20-tf (First publication Oct. 25, 1945) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: William H. Wilson, Cath rlna Wilson, Irvin L. Wilson, Maud E. Pinkerman, Ernest E. Wilson, Guy A. Wilson, Fay E. Pinkerman, William R. Wilson, and ail persons having or claiming any interest in a tract of land described as follows: Commencing 587 tfc feet east of the quarter corner of the West side af the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 32, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, and on the Easterly side of the public road; thence East on said quarter line 222.15 feet; thence South 208.15 feet; thence West 194.15 feet; thence North 7 de grees, 32 minutes West 209.5 feet to the point of commence ment, reafl names unknown, de fendants. You and each of you, are here by notified that on the 23rd day of October, 1945, Freda Berglund More as plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in her, the said Freda Berglund More, to the real estate above specifically described as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of December, 1945. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1945. FREDA BERGLUND MORE, Plaintiff, By Julius D. Cronin, Her Attorney. Federal Land Bank Loans No Fees—4% Long Term Repayment Privilege THE SAFE SURE SECURE LOAN ■NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Boyd. Holt & Wheeler Counties Lyle P. Dierks. Sec.-Trees. _ O'Neill. Nebr. (First publication Oct. 11, 1945) NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA In The Matter of The Trust Under The Will of J. B. Mellor, De ceased, Thomas O. Miller, Trustee. Settlement of Trustee's Final Account And Petition For Distribution Of Trust Estate Notice is hereby given that Thomas O. Miller, Trustee under a Trust created by the Last Will and Testament of J. B. Mellor, deceased, has filed herein his Final Account of such adminis tration, together with a Petition for the final distribution of said Trust Estate, and that Friday, the 25th day of October 1945, at 2:. 0 o'clock P. M., of said day at the Courtroom of the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in the Courthouse in the City of O’Neill, County and State aforesaid, has been set for the settlement of said Account and the hearing of said Report and Petition for Distribu tion, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said Account should not be • settled and allowed. Refernece is hereby made to said Account and Report for fur ther particulars. Dated this 8th day of October, 1945. LOUIS W. REIMER, 22-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Oct. 11, 1945) NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS Ralph Edge and all persons having or claiming any interest in the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 27, Township 27 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, are hereby noti fied that, they have been sued in the District court df Holt County, Nebraska, by J. Homer Davis. It is alleged in the petition that said J. Homer Davis is seized of the fee simple title to said real property; that he and his prede cessors in interest have been in the actual, open, exclusive con tinuous and hostile possession of said premises for more than ten years last past and that the defendants appear or claim to have some interest in said real property but in fact have no in terest therein. The prayer of said petition is for a decree df said court quieting the title to said real property in the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. Said defendants are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of November, 1945, or the same will be taken as true. M. S. McDUFFEE, 22- 4 Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication Oct. 18, 1945) Julius D. Cronin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3202 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 18, 1945. In the nuJtter of the Estate of Theodore Enders, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is February 8, 1946, and for the payment of debts is Octobef 18, 1946, and that on No vember 8, 1945, and on February 9, 1946, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 23- 3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Oct. 25, 1945) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Est te No. 3213 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 23, 1945. In the matter of the estate of Conrad Loehr, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Conrad Loehr, deceased, and for the ap pointment of Julius D. Cronin, as executor thereof; that November 15, 1945, at 10 o'clock A. M., has been set ifor hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons con cerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER, 24-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Nov. 1, 1945) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3208 In tht County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, November 1, 1945. In the matter of the Estate of Anton Toy, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is February 21, 1946, and for the payment of debts is November 1, 1946, and that on November 21, 1945, and on Feb ruary 23, 1946, at 10 o'clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dulv filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, I 25-3 Countv Judge. I (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 300 Attend the REA Meeting All except twelve of the pre-! cincts in the county were repre-\ sented at a rural electrification meeting held in O’Neill on Mon day, indicating that there is wide spread interest in getting the county strung with electric lines. This meeting was called as a result of the tfiforts of Mrs. Ralph George, whose home is on a farm north of O’Neill, and a group of farmers who had contacted the North Central Nebraska Public Power District, at Creighton, and asked them to explain theor REA setup. Mr. Dawes, the County Agent, was asked to take charge of the meeting ..nd introduce the speakers. Mr. Rokahr of Venus, president of the Creighton Dis trict, and G. H. Kennedy of Page, who is a director in the Creighton District. Mr. Roakhr and Mr. Kennedy gave a very clear pict ure of how they had gone about organizing and securing rural electrification in the Creighton District thus answering many of the questions that pople of Holt county have had in their minds. A discussion followed in which many views and ideas were sug gested and discussed. It was brought out that we have also a district to the north of us in Boyd county, and Carroll O'Neill gave some suggestions and com ments concerning their organiz ation. It was made plain that setups could not be made im mediately, as there was no organ ization perfected or supplies available. This being the case, Del Scott of Atkinson, was select ed as temporary chairman and Dawes as temporary secretary to head the effort in obtaining REA in Holt county. A motion was made, seconded and carried that a $5 membership be collected from each individual at the time of signing up, the money to be held in a fund for REA organ ization. After considerable discussion, it was decided that each precinct be responsible for holding a meeting or otherwise selecting local representatives to tempor arily represent the precinct, and that Mr. Dawes or Mr. Scott be notified of the name or names of the indiiduals, so that informa tion might be sent to each pre cinct. Someone in each precinct is urged to take the lead and get their represtntatives selected. Mr. Dawes emphasized strongly that people shouud taka time and think it over and not rush hastily and illinformed into something about which little is known. An example was cited of a county that has had to sign up three times. The grotup was of the opinion that it would be best for Mr. Scott and Mr. Dawes to ob tain as much information as pos sible and when sufficient infor mation is aVapffhblfe, contact the precinct representatives relative to signups. The County Agent st ted that there was little doubt that Holt county would receive rural electrification, but that it will take some time for all the areas to have electricity. Notices will be published from time to time. JOB OPPORTUNITIES The U. S. Employment Service has some good johs open in this territory for ona wantng perman ent employment. These are a few of the openings. Three stenographers, one auto parts man, four automobile me chanics, two body and fender re pair men, one plumber, one pres ser machine operator, a lot of common labor jobs. Contact the local U. S. Employ ment Service office in the Annex of the Court house or phone 345. Allen B. Connell, Local Manager. CAR OWNERS, ATTENTION! Notwithstanding some companies have raised the cost of Public Liabil ity and Property Damage Insurance, I am stiH writing farmers' cars at $9 and town cars at $10. L. G. G11.I.ESP1 REINSURANCE AGENCY (DOCTORS t BROWN & FRENCH j Otic# Ph**e 77 Complete X -Ray Equipment j Glasses Correctly Fitted t 5 Residence j Dr. Brown, !U tj Phone* ^ I Dr F-ench. 14i Hi William W. Griffin | Attorney 1 First National Bank Building :> O’Neill | j BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKenna spent the week-end with friends in Stuart. Miss Marian Bosn, of the local draft board office, is spend in a week with her sister at Fort Snelling, Minn. Mrs. Es’her Cole Harris spent Tuesday in Sioux City visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harris . nd her daughter. Miss Betty Harris. John Elwin Grutseh arrived Wednesday !ro S nta Ana, Cal., where he had ben discharged from the army after four years service. He will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grutseh and other relatives and friends. The M. M. Club had a party last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ted McElhaney, in honor of Mrs. Clarence Berg strom of Omaha. A lunch was served at the M and M cafe and the afternoon was spent infor mally. Louis Vequist. living 20 miles northwest of O’Neill, was in Mon day and left iat the Shriner real estate office several ears from his corn field of less than forty acres that h .s a golden store of some 1400 bushels of ripened grain. As he is not sold on the hybrids his corn is the thorough bred yellow and the ears look every inch the thoroughbred. The Jury • Jury list drawn October 20, 1945. for the regular November term of Court: Ed Gunn, Alma Syfie, Charles Harding, Joe Peters, Mrs. John Protovinsky, John Harbottle, Levi Yantzi, Joe Martin, Herb Jensen, Blake Benson, John Mc Manus. Phil Harrington, O’Neill.; L. W. Ulrich, Lawrence Dobro volny, Ed Stems, Atkinson. j Mrs. Vera Ajnson, Ewing. Charles Lofquest. Stuart. A. J. Pritchett Roy H. Grubbs, Page. Herbert Rouse, Harry Appleby, Inman. ! Charles Dallegge, Chambers. Irvin Parsons, Bassett. — Inducted and Discharged Registrants being inlucted in November: Carl Richard Chmiel, Ewing. Rolland Gene Harkins, Ewing. Lionel Robert B.bl, O’Neill. Horact Charles Sholes, O’Neill. Alvin Dale Thierolf, Star. Merle Max Falrier, Chambers, i William Duane Sammons, Amelia. ' Registrants going for preinduct- j ion examination in November: Kenneth Albert Boeht, O’Neill. Ralph Van Buren, Jr., O’Neill. I Gerald LeRoy Wettlaufer, Page. Leo La Vern Jareske, O’Neill. Wayne Dayton Harmon, O’Ntill List of Registrants discharged since October 24, 1945: John J. Bouska, Atkinson B'dgar P. Segar, Stuart Raymond J. Fernholz, O'Neill Carl C. Colfack, Dustin Ivan O. Baldwin, Atkinson Edward J. Humpal, Atkinson Leslie J. Andrus, Atkinson Robert D. Farrier, Chambers Raymond F. Wilkinson, O’Neill Eddie A. Kaczor, Ewing Frank U. Shane, Stuart Lester A. Gamel, Page Garold M. Butler, Stuart John W. Newman, Stuart Leon R Bergstrom, Page John W Gilg, Stuart William H. Matthews, Ewing Francis H. Schrad, Ewing Donald D. Adamson, O’Neill Alvin E. Walter, Ewing Joseph M. Langan, O’Neill Alvin H. Hesse, Page Bruce A. Fleming, Atkinson Melvin A. Spangler, Ewing Frank B Fritton, Emmet George Sladek, Chambers Orville P. Eppenbach, Ewing Lyle E. Slaymaker, Stuart Milton W. Roth, Chambers Frederick W. Royal, Chambers Wayne W, Douglas, Atkinson Dennis L. Tomjack, Ewing John J. Dvorak, Atkinson Marion J. Myers, Chambers Charles L. Ames, Atkinson Charles Zahradnicek, Atkinson John G. Slaymaker, Stuart Benjamin Ralph Blair, Cham bers Jesse Anthony Jardee, Atkinson Louis L. Seger, Stuart Donald L. Clyde, O’Neil William E. Hansen, Star Vernon D. Spangler, Star l Paul A. Head Stuart Howard W. Wells, Redbird William C. Morsbach, Inman 1 Cecil James Sparks, O’Neill. 1 Thfc SUIT OF THE YEAR -FO*» YEARS * *v f ■ - fc ■f - -V, ■■ - • '* , - • • ' 29-75 You can blow your own horn when you see how well you look in a Town-dad.* But we're blowing our horn when it comes to the long life tailoring that buik this fine suit! AU wool worsted clear or blended stripes. nb*U.&FM.OC' OUTLAW | Armours and Cudhays Fresh & Cold Meats Fancy AA and A grade cornfed beef, the best beef you can buy. STEAKS OF ALL KINDS Beef Roasts 25c lb. Boiling Beef 15c lb. Hamburger 23c lb. Small Weiners 28c lb: SUGAR - 5 lb. bag 33c 10 64c Pure cane syrup, fine for cooking or baking Pure honey, 5 lb glass jars, for ..99c.. Canned Pumpkin, 2\ size, qt. cans ..14c.. Campbell’s Tomato Soup a can Bull Durham or Dukes Mixture smoking to bacco 4c bag Prince Albert and Vel vet smoking tobacco, 10c can, all 15c cigar ettes 12^c pkg. For Saturday & Mon day, Fruit cocktail, washing powders and laundry soap. Canned goods bargains by the case, Early June peas 14c can; case $2.98 Peaches, apricots,plums prunes in syrup, No. 2\ size qt cans 2 5c Canned milk, Carna tion tall cans 3 for 2 9 c Bordens, Roberts, all other kinds, 3 tall cans 25c Two butchers in the Meat Department; good service at all times. The best assortment of meats you will find. Fresh meat cpit to suit you. NEW DEAL OIL CO. grri • - Henry Feilmeier of Hurting- charged with driving without a on was arrested by Patrolman rear light. He was fined $2.00 l. H. Shorney on October 20 and and costs of $4.00 on October 26