The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1945, Image 5

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WANTED: Applic tions for li-j
ability Insurance on Farmers
Cars; cost of policy $9.00 a year. J
—L. Q. Gillespie Insurance
Agency, O'Neill. Nebr. 24
Mrs. E. A. Edinisten spent Mon
day with Mrs. Anton Nissen and
helped her quilt.
Miss Helen Wegman, of Wayne,
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wegman.
Miss Helen Brotherton of Hast
ings, spent from Friday until
Monday visiting Miss Roberta
Mr. and Mrs William Neubaues
and Leo were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper and
Mr. and Mqs. O. L. Reed were
i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
I Mrs. Allen Haynes.
Mrs. Lloyd Cork and children
I and Mrs. Elsie Cork spent Satur
'■ day night and Sunday at the
I home of M. and Mrs. Harold Cork
I at Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynq§,
jL'’ V. and Mrs. Chris Sorenson and
m . and Mrs. Albert Kirschmer
JFfpent Sunday evening at the Will
H Neubauer home.
Dale Woods, of Lincoln, spent
from Thursday until Sunday vis
iting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Copes and his friend,
Donald Braddock.
Mrs. Keith Weyer, a£ Mt. Pleas
ant, Iowa, arrived Friday to
spend sevtral days visiting at the
home of her mother. Mrs. Evelyn
Gray and with other relatives.
Miss Viola Haynes of Lynch,
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Haynes, after attending the
teachers’ convention at Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and sons,
of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. Don Nis
sen and children were Sunday
dinner guests o| Mr. and Mrs. Es
mond Weber.
Mrs. J. I. Gray and Mrs. Robert
Gray and son, Veldon, spent from
Thursday until Sunday visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Murfin
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Murfin at Cario, Nebr.
Mrs. John D. Walker returned
Saturday from St. Vincent’s Hos
pital at Soux City, Iowa, where
she had spent almost two weeks.
Mrs. E. A. Walker is spending a
few days- at the home of her son.
Mrs. J. D. Ballantyne and child
ren attended church services m
J Clearwater Saturday afternoon.
’ Mrs. Charles Wegmsn and daugh
ter, Helen, accompanied them
and spent the afternoon at the L.
H. Jensen home.
Mrs. Jerome Allen entertained
the Bid-or Bye Bridge Club at
her home Thursday afternoon.
Guests were, Mrs. Lloyd Fussle
man, Mrs. Will Simmons and
Mrs. Bernard Allen. Mrs. Brad
dock received high score and
Mrs. Bernard Allen the traveling
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright and
son, Leonard, and Mr. and Mrs.
Wade Davis and daughter, of
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Harvey and Mrs. Lela Morsbach,
of Clearwater, and Miss Doris
H rvey, of O’Neill, were dinner
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Harvey.
Mrs. Gene Baber, son and
daughter, Bobbie and Bonnie, of
Plainview. came Wednesday to
visit at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Evely Gray and with her
brother, Duane Gray, who has
returned from overseas. Mrs.
Baber returned home Saturday,
Bobbie and Bonnie remaining for
a longer visit.
Mr. . nd Mrs. A. B. McClure and
Artha spent the week-end with
relatives at Wayne.
Mrs. Eva Murten of Inman,
carnt Tuesday to visit at the home
of Mrs *c7 A. Townsend.
Allen Haynes and daughter,
Viola, and granddaughter, Linda
Sue Haynes, were business visitors
at Lynch Saturday.
Mrs. Duran Rutherford and
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer attended the
state convention of the W. C. T.
U at Omaha this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
received a letter from their son,
Capt. Wayne Matschullat, stating
he h..d landed safely at Okinawa.
Mrs. Lloyd Cork received a
letter fron^ her husband, Sgt.
Cork, telling of his arrivel in J..p
an. He had been stationed at
Mrs. Robert Weir and children
and Mrs Ad_m Weir of Fullerton,
were week-end guests at the
home of the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E Roy Townsend.
Mrs. Florence Neilsen of Sioux
City, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T.
Stevens and attended the Stevens
^reunion Sunday.
Twelve girls enjoyed a Hollow
e’en party given by Byrdie Ann,
Jane and Ruth Parks at their
home Tuesday evening. Games
were played and a lunch was
Mrs. Anna Park returned to
Page Sunday after a few days
visit at the homes of her daugh
ters, Mrs. Wm. Kelly and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly and
Sgt. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
arrived last Wednesday from
Drew Field, Tampa, Florida, to
visit Mrs. Anthony”s” parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matsehullat.
They left Sunday morning for
camp at Kearney, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hayne
were Sunday evening dinner
guests at the home of their daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson of
O’Neill. Mrs. Venice Bressler
and two daughters and Jean Nuss
of Wayne were also guests at the
Johnson home.
Mesdames Kenneth Braddock,
Lloyd Fussleman, Jerry Lamason,
Jerome Allen, Will Simmons,
Robert Gray, Melvin Carson, Har
old Kelly, Ralph Larson, Esmond
Weber and H. L. Banta attended
a bridge party at the home of
Mrs-. Frank Cronk Tuesday iven
ing of last week. Mrs. Braddock
received high score.
The C. L. C. Club met with
Mrs. H. F. Rakow Friday after
noon with six members present
and two guests, Mrs. C .A. Towns
end and Mrs. Ida Chase. The
afternoon hours were spent so
cially. The next meeting will be
at the Luke Rakow home with an
oyster supper for the members
and their families.
Mrs. Rose Wegman and daugh
ter, Mrs. Perdida Heller, of De
Witt, Nebr., and John Wegman,
of Wymore, Nebr., were dinner
guests Friday at the Charles Weg
man home. In the evening the
same group and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wegman and daughter,
Helen, were supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bernholtz
received word from their daugh
ter, Ensign Velma Bernholtz, U.
S. C. G. R., that she has been
transferred from Jacksonville,
Florida, to a separation center at
Cockspur Island, Savannah, Gc.,
where she will be transportation
officer. From there she was sent
to Washington for a week’s special
instruction from experts.
The Get-to-Gether Cllib met
with Mi's. Anton Nissen Friday
afternoon with fifteen members
present. The afternoon hours
were spent quilting for the host
ess and they packed sixty quarts
of home canned fruit and vege
tables and three bushels of fresh
vegetables which members of the
club had donated and which w. s
sent to the Nebraska Children’s
Home at Omaha by truck Satur
day morning.
The Sixth, seventh and eighth
grades of the Page school and
their teacher, Miss Ilene Grutsch,
had a Hallowe’en party at the
Kenneth Braddock home Monday
evening. Milo Snyder of Or
chard, and Audrey Braddock were
gnests. They all wore coStuumes
and masks. Jane Parks was
chosen as the best dressed girl
and Gene Braddock as the best
dressed boy. The evening was
spent playing games. A lunch
of weiners, bun and apples was
Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs.
Effie Stevens were hostesses to
the Contract Bridge Club Mon
day evening at thek Braddock
home Guests of thme club were
l Mrs. Keith Weyer of Mt. Pleasant,
! Towa, and Mrs. Mary Hartigan.
(Mrs. Herbert Steinberg received
high score and Mrs. Floyd Fussle
man the traveling.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
spent Tuesday evening at the Fred
Rurohde home near Orchard.
Mrs. Otto Matschullat and
daughter, Mrs. Albert Anthony,
spent Thursday in Norfolk on bus
iness and shopping.
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Matschullat,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Asher attended the
funeral services for Ferd Rurohde
at Orchard Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cunningham,
Miss Maude Martin, Miss Effie
Stevens and Donald Cunningham
spent Tuesday evening at the Roy
Cunningham home, in honor of
their son, Dennis’ sixth birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly and
Karen, and J. N. Carson drove
to Redbird Sunday, where they
visited relatives. They attended
services at the Dorsey church and
a basket dinner following the ser
vices. Mr. Carson remained for
a longer visit. Marlene Kelly,
whi had been visiting relatives
for a few days, returned home
with her folks.
A family reunion was held at
the home of Mrs. Evelyn Gray
Tuesday evening, when all of her
children were home. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. Keith Weyer Mt.
Pleasant. Iowa; Mrs. Gene Baber
and son and daughter, Bobbie
and Bonnie, of Plainview; Mr.
and Mars C. E. Walker, Kathleen
and Eddie, Ralph Gray, Duane
Gray and Virgil Chase all of Page.
Mrs. H. L. DeLancey and her
sister, Mrs. C. G. DeLancey, of
California, went to Neligh Friday
[ and spent the night there with
their sister, Mrs. Fred Spencer.
On Saturday they all went to vis
it their brothers, Albert Wingett
of Sholes, and G. W. Wingett of
Carroll. Mrs. H. L. DeLancey
returned home Monday. Mrs. C.
G. DeLancey and her sister, Mrs.
Sptnce at Neligh.
The W. S. C.S. of the Methodist
Church met in the church par
lors last Thursday with a sacri
ficial lunch at noon, as this is
prayer week. In the afternoon
at the regular meeting Mrs. F. C.
Kattner led the devotions and
Mrs. Harry Tegeler gave the les
i son. The following officers were
tlected for the year: President.
Mrs. Mtrwyn French; vice presi
dent, Mrs. Raymond Heiss; re
j cording secretary, Mrs. J. I. Gray;
organization and promotion sec
retary, Mrs. NeVan Ickes; treas
urer, Miss Rost Vroman; secre
tary of spiritual lif$, Mrs* F.'C.
[ Kattner; secretary of missionary
[ education, Mrs. Duran Ruther
ford; Christian social relation,
Mrs. H. L. DeLancey; secretary
of student work, Mrs. H. L. Banta;’
' Harry Tegeler; secretary of child
[ ren’s work, Mrs. John Stauffer,
Jr.; secretary of supplies, Mrs. A.
L. Dorr; secretary of literature
and publications, Mrs. Harry
Snyder. Serving committee:
Mesdames H. L. Farnsworth, L.
[ G. Bernholtz and Duran Ruther
j ford.
A reunion of the children and
grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. P.
| T. Stevens, honoring the service
I men of the group, was held in the
! dining room of the I. O. O F. Hall
Sunday, October 28, with a bas
I ket dinner at noon. There were
thirty-three in attendance.
Service men present: Virgil J.
! Chase, Ralph L. Gray, Duane S.
Gray, H. Dale Stevens, Lt. La
Vern Stevens and C-S Virgil
In service, but not present,
Pfc. Leo Stevens in Germany; C.
Dean Stevens of Temple, Texas;
Ph. M. Guy E. Stevens, C. M. M.
Lyle E. E. Stevens. Also three
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Town
send of Portland, Oregon; Glen
Darr, son of Mrs. Blanch Darr,
missing in action in European
Those attending were: Mr. and
Mrs. P. T. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Stevens and Dale of Atkin
son, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Stevens
and Robert, C-s and Mrs. Virgil
Stevens and Karen, Lt. and Mrs.
La Vern Stevens, Gale and Marie
Eleana, Mrs. Evelyn Gray, Ralph
and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Snell, Mr. and Mrs. W W. Waller,
Reta and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Cor
des Walker, Kathleen and Eddie,
Virgi Chase, Bobbie and Bonnie
Jean Baber, Mrs Florence Neils* n
Sioux City Iowa, and Mrs. Keith
Weyer, Mt. Pleasant. Ilowa.
- }
Feodor C. attner, Minister
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Be prompt and join in the sing
ing of some of the great songs of
the church.
Worship Services 11 a. m
The children worship in the
basement with Mrs. Kattner in
charge of the service.
The adults worship In the sand
uary with the minister in charge
of the service.
Youth Fellowship 7:30 p. m.
District conference for adults
at Norfolk Monday, November 5.
District Youth Rally at Norfolk
at 7:00 p. m„ Monday. Nov. 5th. |
Sub District meeting of the W.
S. C. S. at O'eNeiU during after
noon of November 7.. Miss Doyle,
a returned missionary, will speak.
Page W. S. C. S. women are
urged to attend.
Meeting of the Page W. S. C. S.
Thursday afternoon in the church
(Crowded out last week )
R. N. A. Kensington met with
Mrs. R. D. Copes Wednesday af
ternoon with fourteen members
present. Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman
wras a guest. Afternoon hours
were spent making paper flowers
for the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carson, of
Redbird, were callers at the J.
N.. Carson home Wednesday af
ternoon. Mrs. Carson and her
franddaughter, Marlene Kelly
went home with them for a short
Mr. ; nd Mrs. Ross Taylor left
for their home at Troy, Ohio,
Thursday morning. They were
accompanied by the former's
mother, Mrs. Nona, Bedford, who
will make an extended visit in
their home.
The Firemen enjoyed a pheas
ant dinner at the City Hall Tues
day evening. There were twenty
four in attendance. The evening
was spent playing cards.
Duane Gray arrived home Tues
day night, alter having received
his discharge from the army.
Mrs. Alva Townsend and son,
Gene, of Omaha, visited over the
week-end with relatives and
friends at Page.
The Freshmen and Sophomores
had a treasure hunt and weiner
roast Monday evening.
The Seniors had a party at the
school house Tuesday evening.
Marriage Licenses
Richard Crippeq, Atkinson, and |
A. Ann Woodard, JHornell, N. Y., i
on October 31.
Charles Crippen, Atkinson, and
Irene Margaret Busch, Lakeview,1
Iowa on October 31.
Donald J Skrdla and Johanna
and Marie Frahm, Amelia, on
P. Krobert, both of Stuart, on Oc
tober 25.
Keith D. Shellhase, Atkinson
October 26. ,
Dean M. Rowse, Amelia, and
Helen C. Garwood, Atkinson, on
October 29.
Patrick J. Hynes, O’Neill, and
Kathryn Funk, Clearwater, on ,
October 26.
-. . -
Lloyd W. Mullis, Minister
Sunday School 10 o’clock. Lor
enz Bredemeier, superintendent.
Morning Worship 11 o’clock
Methodist Youth Fellowship
7:30 p. m.
Choir Practice, Tuesday 7:30
р. m.
The State Department of Edu
с. tion has cancelled the regular
November Teachers’ Examin
ations over the state. The first
examination to be available for
Normal Training students are to
be held in January, 1946.
ela McCullough,
County Superintendent.
■ 40#> ■
■ Rich In the essential proteins. Uts |K
and minerals so often lacking in
MM farm grains! Under ordinary con- »
■A ditiona, about IS H
W |bs. mixed with 100
I lbs. grain (self-fed)
gets the feeding job ■
done Come la to- m
I day for your sup- H
ply! m
OMAR!' |g
p Sold By P
O’Neill Grain Co.
Household Furniture
1 bedroom set complete,springs
and inner springs matress,
chest of drawers, vanity
dresser and bench, 1 kitchen
table and 4 chairs, piano in
good condition, inner office '
p tone set.
To be sold at private sale
at P. J. Connlly home one
block west of New Deal
Oil Co.
ft«f. Low Prloo $1.75
|K« Friondfy Storo
1 I 4..iiWLimj
As a fuel saving measure the
court house will open ..t 9 a. m.,
beginning November 1st and con
tinue until March 1.
By order of the County Board.
County Clerk.
Servicemen find mending aid at
the USO, made possible by your
contribution to the National War
Fund. You are the "U” in USO.
No Hunting Signs
at The Frontier
\ W. F. FINLEY, M. D.
Phone, Office 28
: O’Neill : Nebraska
Money to Loan
Central Finance Co.
C. E. Jonee. Manager
See the New
. „ f ,
For ....
Automobile Liability
Life or Fire Insurance
and Surety Bonds
• • • • jj
L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency
Telephone 218-W O’NEILL, NEB.
■ -"" I
That is a very conservative ssti
mate of the number of can i
equipped with Crest Tins that
are rolling along city streets,
across prairies and over moun
tains throughout the United
States and Canada. And, most
of these drivers specify Crest
again, when they need new
tires and tubes. This is the best
testimonial we know for Crest 1 i
quality. Gan be purchased on
our thrifty payment plan. «
j 6.00x16
Tire. 4 ply,
Safety Tread
Tube $925
Super Quality plu, M
As fine a tire as you can buy
at any price. We Have Them
In All Popular Sizes.