The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1945, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at PostofFice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska -$2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
•s an open account. The names
of subscribers will be instantly
amoved from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
farce at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25a an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line.
Of the Ownership, Management,
Circulation, Etc., required by the
Act of Congress of August 24,
1912, and March 3, 1933, of The
O’Neill. Nebraska, for October 1,
O’Neill. Nebraska, for October 1,
State of Nebraska,
County of Holt. ss.
Before me, a Notary Public, in
and for the State and County
aforesaid, personally appeared D.
H. Cronin, who, having been duly
sworn according to law, deposes
and says that he is the Publisher
and Owner of The Frontier.
That the name and address of
the publisher, editor, managing
«<litor and business manager- is:
D. H. Cronin, O’Neill, Nebraska.
That the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security
holders owning or holding 1 per
cent or more of total amount of
bonds, mortgages, or other secur
ities are: None.
D. H. Cronin.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 22nd day of October. 1945.
7 N. Crosin,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Miss Armella Pongratz spent
Sunday with Florence Winkl r.
Frank Foreman was employed
at the John Conrad home Mon
Miss Gladys Schmohr made a
business trip to Grand Island last
Henry Enbody, of Atkinson,
called at the Gary Enbody home
Lod Janousek, of O’Neill, spent
Thurslay afternoon with Jerrald
Mrs, Cecil McMillan visted at
the "Doc” Kloppcnborg home Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Winkler and Florence
visited at the Carl Tenborg home
Thursday evening.
Mrs, Dean Perry and children
visited at the Dugal Allen home
Sunday afternoon.
Dean Perry and Merle Foreman
took a load of hay to Battle
■Creek. Iowa, on Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Pongratz and Edna
Kay Heeb visited at the Joe Babl
home Saturday evening.
Misses Lottie and Clara Bubl
spent Sunday wjth.,tiv‘iv MKs,
Mr. and Mrs. George I^ubl.
Leona Winkler lefy ior Omaha
Thuradav nftomivMv u/here she
Mrs. Eva Johnson and child
ren spent Saturday night at the
Earl Farr home in O’Neil.
Florence Winklar and Arabella
Pongratz visited at the Henry
Benze home Sunday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Puckett
and children were Sunday dinner
guests of the Alex McConnell's.
“Shorty” Benze and daughter,
“Cookie” visited at the Charles
Claussen home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor
and daughter, Marybelle. spent
Thursday in Norfoolk on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens and
children were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck
with and Leona Fern.
Miss Estell McNicho^s, of
O’Neill, is now teaching in Dis
trict 20. Mrs. Charles Prussa
resigned to go to housekeeping.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl and
lamily and Mrs Bernard Dusatko
and son, Jimmie, visited at the
Frank Peter home Sunday after
Donald Troshynski, of Detroit,
Mich., is visiting at the home of
his uncle’s, Tim and Bill Troshyn
skiv and other relatives and
friends. v
Hugh O’Connor, Frances Knapp
and Mrs. Clarence Frappe and
sons, all of Atkinson, visited al
"the Jhmes O’Connor home lis1
Mir.'and Mrs. John Conard anc
daughter. Mary Lou, entertainec
Sgt. afcid Mrs. James Foreman anc
\Norm| Lou Foreman to dinnei
and a theater party Friday night
Mrs, Bernard Duaatko recdivec
another letter from her husband
Sgt. Bernard, saying they expec'
€o leave shortly after Ocober 2j
for the U. S. A., a week earlitu
than planned.
Charles Fox hos purchased the
Andy Brown r«.nch.
Mrs. Homer Lowery was ill
with the flu Friday and Satur
day last.
Jason Gifford spent the week
end visiting at the John Conrad
Leona Fern Beckwth spent last
week-end in Lincoln, visiting
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Eli McConnell and child
ren visited at the Alex McCon
nell home Sunday.
Carol and Jerry Leidy, of
O’Neill, spent the week-end vis
iting their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kee.
Mrs. Louise Anspach, of Inman,
spent the week-end visiting rela
tives and friends in Emmet.
Mrs. Sadie Miller, of Neligh,
is visiting this week with Mrs.
Bessie Burge. She is Mrs. Burge's
Sgt. Grant Peaoock is to arrive
in the states this week aboard
the troopship Monteallo, at a
Virginia port.
Gilbert Fox, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Fox who is stationed
on Korea, has been promoted
from S.2-C to S 1-c.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillian
motored to Neligh Sunday, where
they spent the day visiting Cecil’s
mother, sister and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr and
son, Eugene, of O’Neill, and Ber
nie Grothe were Sunday dinner
guests of Eva Johnson and child
Mrs. Mary Buhmann and her
daughter, Mrs. Jackie Eller, of
McCook, arrived Monday to visit
at the Robert Fox home. Mrs.
Buhmann is Mrs. Fox’s sister.
Visitors at the William Grothe,
Sr., home Sunday were: Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Henning and son, Al
bert, of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Farr and Eug.ene, of O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grothe and
children and Mrs. Eva Johnson
and children and Helen Banks, of
A famyily dinner was held at
th eBob Fox home on Sunday.
Those in attendance were: Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Bates and daugh
ter, Karen, N. O* and Mrs. Edwin
Kramer and son, Bobbie. 1st. Lt.
and Mrs. Leonard Fox and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Devere
Fox and family, of Atkinson, Mrs.
Agnes Gaffney, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Fox and family and Mrs.
June Luben.
A Hallowe’en party, sponsored
by the Emmet young people was
held at the Homer Lowery home
Friday evening. The guests come
in costume and all were so well
dressed that no choice could be
made of the best ones. Games
were played and a delicious mid
night lunch of jello, cocoa and
marshmallows, sandwiches, pick
les, potato chips and apple sauce
! was served. Those in attend nee
were: Mrs. Grant Peacock, the
Msses Opal, Ruby and Marie Fox,
Arlene and Daryl Beckwith,
Marybelle O’Connor, Wilma Potts,
W. O. and Mrs. Ervn Kramer,
Sadie Marie Lowery, Mrs. June
Luben and Dick Fox.
I _
The Emmet Methidist Ladies
Aid met with Mrs. Leon Beckwith
on Thursday with eleven members
and one visitor present.
Election of officers was held
an<^ it was voted to keep the pres
ent ones for the next year. It
was voted to give part of the par
sonage rent each month to the
Ladies Aid to set apart as a fund
j for remodeling and repairing the
buildings next year. Mrs. Leon
Beckwith gave a very interesting
lesson and a delicious lunch of
pumpkin pie with whipped cream,
h ms salad, sandwiches, pickles
and hot coffee was served by
Mrs. Grant Peacock who was the
J co-hostess. The next meeting
is to be with Mrs. John Conrad
in November, at whch time a
White Elephant sale will be held.
Mrs. Robinette Malone, of
Omaha, spent last Friday in In
Mrs. Clifford Opper is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Mrs. Leon Tompkins has been
sick with sciatic rheumatism for
the past week.
Miss MaTjorie Rouse, of Omaha,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse.
Mrs. Enid Wilson, of Santa
Ami, Cal., is visiting her cousin,
| Mrs. Leon Tompkins and Mr
Miss udd, of Wisconsin, is
visiting her sister and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Minton.
Word was ^ccived from Cali
i forma that Anna, the sister of
, Mrs Harry Harte, had died.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor and
( children spent the week end with
Mrs. Risor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
| Herbert Rouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren McClurg
and family, of Bassett, spent Sat
urday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H-rvey Tompkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton re
ceived a telegram from their son,
Graydon, that he had landed in
the slates. He h^s been across
about three years.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Davies, of
the state of Washington, Mr.
Davies mother. Mrs. George Dav
ies, of Lincoln, were in town one
day last week visiting old friends.
S. Sgt. Bill Watson is spend
ing his furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson.
When he leaves he goes to Louis
ville, Ky.
Mrs. Ellen Brown is in the
Lutheran Hospital at Norfolk.
She had a major operation last
Wednesday and is getting along
Marlyn and Joan McClurg, of
Bassett, spent last Thursday d_.y
and Friday with ^Carolyn Watson,
while their parents attendtd the
Teachers' convention at Norfolk.
Mrs. Walter Jacox returned
home Thursday night, after sev
eral weeks visit at the home of
her daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Leidy in Colo
The Coffee Club met with Mrs.
Mark Harkins last Friday with
Mrs. Eva Murten and Mrs. Della
Stevens assisting. A large crowd
attended and a lovely dinner was
served at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher
entertaintd the Bridge Club at
their home last Friday night. Mrs.
Edith Ruthledge, of Lynch, and
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kivett, of
Missouri, were guests.
Ezra Moor had the misfortune
to fall and break one of his ribs.
Friends hope for a speedy recov
ery. Mrs. Lois Taylor was called
home on account of her father’s
accident last Saturday.
Those having Sunday dinner
with lvlis. C. D. Keyes and Mil
dred were: Mr and Mrs. Herbert
Rouse and Marjorie, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Risor and children,
and Miss Maude Rouse, of O’Neill.
Supt. Ralph Gray and Miss
Eunice Chudomelka attended the
Teachers’ convention in Omaha;
Mrs. Luella Parker and Joe Coon
attended the convention in Lin
coln, and Miss Mildred Keyes at
tended the convention in Norfolk
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomsen
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han
sen spent last Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Minnie Hansen at Creigh
ton. Mrs. Thomsen’s and Mr.
Ifansen’s brother, Roy had ar
rived home from overseas. He
was across for over two years.
Landing in Africa then going
through Sicily, Italy, France and
Last Sunday Mrs. Emma Kivett
had a family gathering at her
home. Those present were, her
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Paxton, Valentine; Mr.
and Mrs. Art Renner, Inman; Mrs.
Mary Kivett and Garry, O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rutledge, Lynch:
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden
Kivett and Keith, and a nephew
Guy Kline and wife and two
children, Riverside, Cal.; also a
friend from Guiderock, Nebr.,
(Crowded out last week.)
Harry Tnomsen went to Oma
ha with a load of cattle last Sun
Mrs. Eva Murten is spending the
week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Moor.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romig, of
Edgar, visited relatives \n In
man last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens en
tertained the Pitch Club at their
home Saturday evening.
Cpl. Gene Cullen arrived
Saturd ly on furlough He is
stationed at Chicago. 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomsen
spent Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Minnie Hansen at Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith
and family spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ames Cov
Mrs. Hazel Luben is in the
Lutheran hospital at Norfolk.
She had a major operation last
Cpl. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser
arrived in Inman last Saturday.
Elmer has been discharged from
the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ermand Keyes
visited Mrs. Keyes’ parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, at
Spencer last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E .C. Clark, Mr.
and Mrs. Evan Owens and baby
returned to their home at Har
rison. Nebr., last Wednesday.
The Rebekah’s met last Wed
nesday evening and Mrs. Elwin
Smith gave a good report of the
Rebekah Assembly at Fremont.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, of
Beatrice, returned to their home
after a visit with Mrs. Taylor’s
parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kivett ar
rived in Inman last Thursday
evening to visit his mother, Mrs.
Emma Kivett and other relatives.
Mrs. Earl Watson returned
from Norfolk Saturday. She h; d
been with her sister. Mrs. Kate
Hartigan. who had a major oper
ation last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roper, of
j Indian polis, Ind., returned to
their home after several weeks
! visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Moor.
Audrey Bronkhin . who is tak
ing nurse's training at St.
Joseph’s Hospit.l in Sioux City,
spent the. week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bronk
Mrs. Edna Woods and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Perry and children
and Kemp visited at their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopkins last
Mrs. Ira Watson and Sammy
returned from Lincoln, after a
ten day visit with her mother,
Mrs. Anna Pierson and other
The W. S C. S. met for an all
day meeting last Wednesday. A
covered dish luncheon was served
at noon. A niece crowd was in
Mrs. Bob Heck returned from
the hospital in Norfolk. She is
recovering from a major operation
and her friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins
had for Sunday dinner the lol
liwing guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Roming. Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Tompkins and ifamily, Mrs.
Ann Smith.
E. A. Miller, of St. Louis, re
signed as superintendtnt of the
Inman High school. Ralph Gray,
of Page, was elected to fill the
vacancy and started on his duties
Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
and children spent last Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. Minnie
Hansen at Creighton. Relatives
from Omaha were also there and
the men spent the day hunting.
Mrs. Elwin Smith and Mrs.
Kenneth Smith returned Thurs
day night from Fremont. Mrs.
Smith was the delegate from the
Unman Rebekah lodge to the Ne
braska State Rebekah Assembly,
which was held in that city.
WANTED: Applications for li
ability Insurance on Farmers
Cars; cost of policy $9.00 a year.
—L. G. Gillespie Insurance
Agency, O’Neill. Nebr. 24
John Kellar is on the sick list.
Mrs H. W. Hubbard was on the
sick list last week.
Mr. and Mrs Louis Harley were
dinner guests of Prof, and Mrs.
Harold Heidt Sunday.
T-4 and Mrs. Glen Taylor and
son were Sunday dinner guests at
the Donald Grimes home. .
A large number of Chamber
ites drove to O’Neill Monday to
attend the R. E. A. meeting held
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrier
and son were supper guests at the
Alvin T-mgeman Wdme Tuesday
evening. f; ■».
Mrs. Ernest Farrier returned
Thursday from the O’Neill hos
pital where she had been taking
Pfc. and Mrs. Merle Hansen
and son went to Belden Saturday
to visit relatives. They returned
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miner, of
Ravena, spent the week-end
wth their son, Mr. and Mrs. Evert
Miner and family.
Mrs. Rena Feyerherm spent a
few days with her nephew, El
wyn Robertson, while the family
were visiting in Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tibbetts
drove to Winner, S'. Dv, Tuesday
to visit at the HarryCooper home
and to look over their farm.
An exciting game of football
took place last Wednesday after
noon at the Fair grounds, when
North Loup defeated the Cham
bers Coyotes by a score of 24-13. j
Mrs. Sylvia E. Standish, who j
has bden a guest of relatives the
last two weeks, left Wednesday
morning for her home in Moren
go, Illinois.
Pfe. Chauncey Wood and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Hanna, of Lin
coln, spent several d.ys pheasant
hunting and visiting their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson
and Mrs. Jane Robertson left Wed
nesday morning for West Lafay
ette, Ind., to attend the weddng
of Mr. Robertson’s neice, Cleonice
Sgt. Keith Newhouse left Sun
day for Will Rogers Field*at Ok
lahoma City, Ok., after a two
weeks furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhquse and
sister, Kathyrn.
T-4 Robert Farrier arrived
home Thursday of last week from
Fort Riley, Kansas. He received
an honorable discharge from the
army after serving three years,
one and a half years overseas in
the E. T. O.
The Womans Society of Christ
ian Service met Thursday after
noon, October 25, at the home of
j Mrs. Glen Adams. Twelve mem
bers were present. The presi
dent, Mrs. Clair Grimes con
ducted the business meeting.
Mrs. John Keller conducted the
devitional and because of the ab
sence of the leader also presented
the lesson on "Loving our Work
and Working Our Love.’’
Delores Albers returned to
school Wednesday, after nearly
We have just learned of the
marriage of Bill Held to Miss
Doris Miller, of Bartlett. The
marriage was celebrated Septem
ber 27 in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roth and
son, Harvey, of Columbus, were j
hunting in the community Sun- j
day and visiting his brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Roth and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson,
Elwyn and Delbert and Mr. dnd
Mrs. H. C. Walter wer.g diviner
guests of Jolyn Walter, Sr. and
daughter, Mrs. Rena Feyerherm.
The Bridge Club held their!
first party of the season at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Paul Roth 1
I |
! Monday evening. 'The evening
j was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ankrum,'
of Minnesota, came Friday even
iny to visit a few* days at the Joe ■
Daas and Clifford Potter homes
and with Mrs. Nellie Lewman at
Mr. and Mrs. Evert Miner en
I tertained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Richardson and baby daughter to
si|pper Sunday evening. Later a |
group of friends came in to enjoy
, the evening with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pavel and son
left Friday, October 19, for Wash
ington state to visit Mrs Pavel’s J
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Hoerle. The Hoerle’s plan to re
turn with Mr. and Mrs. Pavel.
The Youth Fellowship of the
I Methodist Church enjoyed a Hal
, lowe’en party in the church par
lors Wednesday evening. The
i evening was spent at games which
pertained to Hallowe’en. Re
freshments of pie and coffee were
Mr. and M^s. C. L. Kiltz were
pleased when their son. Lt. (jg.)
Robert Kiltz, called them by tel-j
ephone from Honolulu, Hawaii, j
They could hear him quite well.
He is being sent back to Guam. •
i His ship, a L. C. M. G. has been 1
made into a passenger ship.
We read in the Wheeler County
Independent of the death on Oc
tober 14 of Mrs. Ella Dallegge at
the home of a son at Peetz, Col. |
Mrs. Dallegge was the mother of
[Charles Dallegge of Chambers. (
She died suddenly of a heart at-'
tack. The funeral was at Atkin-!
Guests at the Ralph Blair home
over the week-end were. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Sasek and family and
j Alice Blair, of Omaha; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hull and family, of
Plattsmo^th; and Ben Blair, ho
has just received his discharge
from tht army after serving four
years, three of them overseas in
the E. T. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thorin ar
rived last week from Portland,
Oregon, for a visit with his
mother, Mrs. Clara Thorin and
brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin
ancf LaVbnne, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Thvr+n and Sandra,, and Duane
Thorin C. A. P. who is home on
leave. Harold has just received
a discharge from the navy. Mrs.
Thorin has been teaching at Port
The leaders training meeting
for tht Project Clubs of this com
munity was held in the Legion
Hall Friday, October 26. Follow
ing a general business meeting
and a covered dish luncheon, Miss
Lewis presented an interesting
lesson on “A Whole Meal SaLd.”
The leaders who were present at
this meeting will give the lesson
and demonstration to their club
members. It is hoped they will
learn many helpful hints on Meal
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Grimes
have received word from their
daughter, Lela Crandall, who is
a student at the Conservatory of
Music, Morning Side college,
Sioujk City, Iowa, that she had
been elected to membership in
the Phi Zeta Chapter of Mu Phi
Epsilon National Music Sorority
in recognition of scholarship and
musicianship. This is a national
bonirary musical sorority and is
quite an honor to be invited to
join. Lela was one of four sopho
more girls who were asked to
join. ^
About sixty friends and
neighbors gathered in the Ralph
Blair home Sunday, Oceober 21,
to honor Mr. and Mrs. Loy Fluek
ey at a miscellaneous shower. A
pot-luck dinner was enjoyed at
noon. The young couple were
asked to foll&w a string whjch
wouSd thcough-out the house, but
which led to the many useful and
beautiful gifts which were pre
sented them.
Sunday school 10:30
Youth Fellowship 7:00
Evening Worship__ 7:45
I. There will be special music for
the evening service.
two weeks of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrier ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Held
tor Leigh, Nebr., Sunday to attend
a rodeo.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richardson,
of Louisiana, and, Raymond Rich
ardson, of Ord, were week-end
guests of their sister, Mrs. Vernon
Whitaker and daughter.
Mr. rnd Mrs. Frank Pierce and
Radee Wickham, of Amelia, were
supper guests at the J. W. Walter
home Sunday evening. The men
attended a meeting at the church
Mr and Mrs. Ed Nissen enter
tained Emil Dubsky, of the, east
ern part of the state, over the
week-end. He and Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Sorensen were dinner guests
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huschen,
of PI .tte Center, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Albers, of Chicago, spent
Sunday at the John Albers home.
Carroll is a nephew of Mr. Albers,
the others are friends.
Mrs. M; nderson Jeffers arrived
Saturday from Riverside, Cal.,
where she had been employed,
for an extended visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Walter and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter and
family and Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Lenz spent an evening last week
at the J. W. Walter home, in hon
or of Mr. Walter’s birthday. Ice
cream and cake were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner have
sold their home in the east part
of town to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Luctimeir of the southern part of
the state. Mr. Luctimeir is a
brother-in-law of Fred Trebold.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Stapleman
and family, of Randolph, Mrs.
Marvin Fluckey, of O’Neill, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Fluckey and Mr. and
Mrs. Loy Fluckey were dinner
guesta Sunday in the Vem Wilk
| ensen home.
Ed Smith’s house moving crew
! are moving a house from south of
! town for Mr. and Mrs. Charley
j Spath. It will be moved to the
j lot north of the Methodist church,
[ which Mr. and Mrs. Spath pur
j chased recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Moss and
I Mrs. Charles Grimes drove to
, Ceresoo Wednesday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Stark and family,
j Mrs. Stark is a doughter of Mr.
! and Mj s. Moss and a sister of Mr*
Grimes. They returned Sunday.
. . . Keeps Your Electricity
Flowing Constantly and Dependably
HROUGHOUT Nebraska you will find these master control boards . . •
or "matter minds* as they might rightfully be called ... a vital part of your Con
sumers state-wide network which assures you of constantly reliable electricity.
Muck m the instrument panel of an airplane
tells the pilot that all is well, these "master
minds” are your assurance that dependable
electricity is flowing surely and steadily when
and where it is needed.
This state-wide interconnected system of
transmission lines and power facilities, owned
and operated by the people, has made possible
the utilization of Nebraska’s vast power fa
cilities and water resources for the sole bene
fit of Nebraskans. And in so doing, it has made
the mass production and distribution of low
cost electricity a reality.
This means greater savings and additional
benefits for the communities served by Your
Consumers Public Power District. It means
greater convenience assd prosperity for Ne
braska’s homes, farms and industries.
1. Your Consumers Public
Power District is owned and con
trolled exclusively by the people
of Nebraska.
2. Entirely self-supporting,
Your Consumers gives you and
other Nebraskans the additional
benefits of efficient non-profit
3. The efficient state-wide
group operation of Your Con
sumers Public Power District
makes available an abundance of
dependable, low-coat electricity
which makes possible greater
progress and prosperity for each
community it serves.