The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1945, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Altered at Postoffice at O Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska -$2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
u an open account. The names
•f subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
farce at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
xnderstand that these conditions
•re made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25a an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line.
Joe Shonka returned Saturday
from Neligh, where he spent a
few days taking treatments.
Pfc. and Mrs. Merle Hansen
and son went to Neligh Saturday
where they visited with relatives
until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. McCullom, of
Norfolk, spent the week-end
pheasant hunting and visiting at
the Eugene Baker home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taggart and
family drove to Nonfolk Sunday
-to visit Mrs. Taggart’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks.,
Edgar DeHart! attended a meet
ing of the Holt county school
boards held at the O'Neill High
school Saturday afternoon. ,
Marilyn Harley came up from
Omaha Thursday to spend the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Harley and
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Edwards
and Mrs Blanche Edwards drove
to Neligh Thursday, where Mrs.
Charley Edwards is taking treat
Llyod Leidtke came home Sat
urday from Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, having received a dis
charge from the army. Lloyd
returned recently from the E. T.
Lt. Dorothy Wintermote. who is
stationed in New Mexico, and
Mrs. Ida Wallace, of ScottsblufT,
spent last week visiting their
parents, Mr and Mrs. John Win.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster, of
Sidney, and Mr. and Mrs. Jessie
Grubb, of Tilden, visited from
Monday until Wednesday with
Mrs. Blanche Edwards, DeloVes
and Eugene Primus.
Albert Roth and friend Ruy
Teel, of Bartlesville, Oklahoma,
spent several days last week
pheasant hunting and visiting at
the home of Mr. Roth’s brother,
Mr and Mrs. Paul Roth.
Phyllis Carpenter attended a
meeting of the officers of the
Holt County Teachers’ associatiin
in O'Neill Saturday. The group
enjoyed a delicious luncheon
with Miss McCpllough at the M
and M cafe.
Mr and Mrs Henry wood*'«nd
family, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mc
Vay, Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle, Mr.
and Mrs. Vern fSageiutr and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hoffman and Ber
nard attended the pure bred bull
sale in Bassett Friday |, I i «
Mr. and Mrs. T E Newhouse
received a letter Thursday from
their son. Pvt. *lith 'NeVhouse,
saying he was now on Okinaka
bit expected to be mbved sot^n.
This is the first wont 'th*V' ifye'
received since he sailed from
Camp Adair, Oregon, the latter
part of August.
Mrs. Herman Holcomb, Mr. and
Mm. LeRoy Holcomb and boys
and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker drove
to Sioux City Friday. Mr. Hol
comb, who went down with
cattle on Thursday accompanied
them home. The ladies spent the
day shopping while the men at
tended the cattle sale.
Lt and Mrs. Norman Foss spent
several days last week pheasant
hunting in &e community and
visiting at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. Blanche Edwards. Lt. Foss,
who has spent two years in the
E. T. O. arrived in California a
short time ago, where he joined
his wife. They came from there
to Tilden to see his purents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Foss and other
* The Amelia Progressive Club
met Thursday afternoon, October
11 at the home of Mrs. Vern
Sageser, with a good attendance.
The business meeting was con
ducted by the president Mrs
Srgeser who gave special atten
tion to the correct methods ol
conducting a business meeting
The reading leader, Mrs. Law
rence Standage, gav« an interest
ing reading report. Mrs. C. N
Small, project leader, demon
strated making candy from dried
'Jruits, nuts and honey. Thu
rcandy is delicious and contains
the nutritious elements of the
dried fruits.
Mrs Ernest Farrier is a patient
in the O'Neill hospital.
E. R. Carpenter accompanied
Hubert Smith to Sioux City
Monday on business.
Mrs. Sylvia Standish spent two
days last week as a guest in the
C. L. Kiltz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes
and family drove to Tilden Sat
urday to have dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Barker, of
Elgin, were in the community
Sunday looking at some of the
pure bred Short Horn herds,
John Walter. Sr., Mrs., Rena
! Feyerherm and H. C. Walter and
children were dinner guests Sun
day at the C. V. Robertson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corkle, of
Tilden, visited at the Clarence
Grimes home Sunday. Mr. Corkle
is in the community buying al
falfa seed.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth attend
ed an IGA convention in Lincoln
Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week. They returned Friday.
Mrs. Carrie Briggs, of Red
Oak, Iowa, and Mrs. Arta Krum
tum, of Oklahoma City, have
been visiting their mother, Mrs.
Alma Farrier and other relatives.
Walter Roth and son. Harvey,
of Columbus, were pheasant
hunting in the community Thurs
day of last week and also visit
ing his brother, Mr and Mrs. Paul
Roth and family.
The Lutheran Aid was held in
the parlors of the church Thurs
day afternoon of last week. The
president, Mrs. Lafe Lenz con
ducted the business meeting. The
devotional and the lesson on
the Missionary League was led
by Rev. Dale. Refreshments of
pie with whipped cream and
coffee were served.
Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and
daughter and Mrs. Evert Miner
and children drove to Ord Sun
day to attend a reunion of Mrs.
Whitaker’s family. Her brother
and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Richardson, of Louisiana,
and brother, Raymond Richard
son, who has been in a hospital
in Mississippi, were all home.
The boys have recently been dis
charged from the army.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hubbard.
Mis. Clair Eason and Mrs.
Chauncey Porter, of O’Neill, re
turned last Thursday from a trip
to Rapid City, S. D.. where they
visited Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur
Hubbard and family. They also
took a sight-seeing trip through
the Black Hills, visited Devils
tower and drove into Wyoming,
where they visited qther rela
tives before returning.
The Helping Hand Clu,b of the
Amelia community met Thursday
October 18 at the home of Mrs.
Ernie White. This was a study
club and as it was the first meeting
no lesson was given. Mrs. Ralph
Reese and Mrs. M. L. Sageser
were in charge of the entertain
ment which consisted of contest.
Following this material was
given out for the next meeting.
A covered dish lunchein was
Wayne Corensen A. M. M. 2-c
hus spent two weeks of his thirty
day leave with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gorensen. Wayne has
been in the service since March,
1943, and this is his first leave.
He spent three months aboard
the carrier Attan abi and then
was assigned to VS 69 Scouting
Squadron in the Hawaiian Is
j lands. At the end of his leave
he will report at Omaha for re
The following group attended
a district Sunday School Teach
ers’ convention held at the Luth
eran Church at Bazille Mills Sun
day: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serck,
Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Dale, Mrs.
, Henry Waltef. Mrs. Walter Haake,
! Mrs. J. W. Walter and Mrs. Victor
Harley. At the close of the after
|inooij session if the Ladies’ Aid of
, the Bazille Mills church served
supper. In the evening a picture
lectufre was given.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kiltz re
turned Wednesday evening from
a trip to Colorado, where they
had been to visit their daughter,
Doris, who is attending business
college there. They also visited
Katheryn and Welma Haussler,
who have employment in Denver
as office girls. Many interesting
things were seen on the trip, es
pecially the Bear Creek Canyon
and the Red Rocks, where the
outdoor ampitheater is located.
Mrs. Alma Farrier, assisted by
Mrs. Nellie Starr, served a de
licious pheasant dinner Sunday to
the following old friends and
neighbors: Mrs. Nettie Earl. Mrs,
Mae Hubbard, Mrs. Herzog, Mrs
R>;y Lienhart and granddaughter,
Betty Miles, Mrs. S. E. Honey
well, Mrs. Emogene. Bower,
Misses Alice and Bertha John
son, Rena Coppoc and Mrs. A,
| M. Horan. The dinner was in
| honor of Mrs Horn, who is a
| guest at the home of her sister,
Miss Rena Coppoc.
Mrs. Clara Kirkland, of Stan
ton, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Waller
Raymond Urban, of the U. S.
Navy, arrived Tuesday morning
for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
John Honeywell
Mrs. Robert Farrier received a
telegram Tuesday morning from
her husband, who is at Fort Riley,
aw^ting his discharge. He ex
pects to be home Saturday.
Marion Meyers arrived home
Monday from Fort Leavenworth,
where he received his discharge
from the army. Marion has been
in the E. T. O. for two years.
Ray Hoerle, who has recently
been discharged from the army,
was in Chambers Tuesday on
.business. They plan to make
their home in Arizona this winter.
Mrs. Ellen Westerman, of Ken
sington. Iowa, arrived S.turday
of last week for a short visit with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Fagon and Judy.
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid
met Wednesday of last week at
the home of Mrs. Reed Bell with
a large crowd in attendance. The
afternoon was spent making ar
ticles for the Children’s Home.
The next meeting is with Mrs.
Glee Grimes on October 31.
WANTED: Applications for li
ability Insurance on Farmers
Cars; cost of policy $9.00 a year.
—L. G. Gillespie Insurance
Agency, O’Neill. Nebr. 24
About fifty friends gathered at
the home if Mrs. Wm. Fryrer
on Saturday afternoon to honor
Mrs. Eugene Tompson at a mis
cellaneous Shower. Mrs. Paul
Fisher was in charge of the pro
gram which proth yed the past,
present and future of the bride’s
life in songs and readings. There
were also several contests to
make the afternoon interesting.
The bride received many beauti
ful and useful gifts. Refreshments
of ice cream and cake were
Ru'by Carroll was born at Tama,
Iowa, to Emanuel and Mary Car
roll on January 30, 1870 and died
at her home in Chambers October
17, 1945, at the age of 75 years,
eight months and seventeen days.
When af'chlld she came with her
parents to Holt county, where she
•grew to yiung womanhood and
married to Carl Barthel. To this
union was bom three sons, Gro
ver, Lewis and Carl, Jr., all of
whom survive.
Mr. Barthel preceded his wife
in death on April 21, 1895. On
February 12, 1915, she was mar
ried to Herman Ruben of Gar
field county. They later moved
to Chambers, where they have
made their home for several
Surviving are heri husband; her
three sons, Grover Barthel, of
Wenatchee, Wa.. Louis Barthel,
of Amelia, and Carl E. Barthel, of
Burwell. Three brothers, Ed Car
roll. of Bakersfield, Cal.; Oliver,
of Kenosha, Wis.; and Harry, of
Lincoln. Twelve grandchildren
and one great grandchild. A
sister, Mrs. Minnie Peters, of
Glendale, Cal., preceded her in
death a few years ago.
Fiuieral services were conduct
ed at the Chambers Baptist
church at 2:30 Monday, October
22, by Rev. Lawrence McElheron.
Music was furnished by a quar
tette composed of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Adams, Mrs. George L. Smith
and Hylas Farrier, with Mrs. C.
V. Robertson as pianist.
Pall bearers were: Frank
Pierce, Fred Watson. Allie Sam
mons, Harry White and M. L.
Sagaser, of Amelia, and Ray
Bachaus, of O’Neill.
A simple wedding ceremony
took place at the ciurt house in
O’Neill Tuesday, October 16th.
when Miss Elvera Sorensen be
came the bride of Loy Fluckey,
both of Chambers. A double ring
ceremony was performed at 10
o’clock a. m., by County Judge
Louis W. Reimer with William
Retterbush as best man and Mrs.
Retterbush as matron of honor.
The bride was attired in a
royal blue street-length dress.
She wore a pearl necklace, which
was a gift of the groom.
Mr. Fluckey wore a blue busi
ness suit.
Mrs. Fluckey is the only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs Pete Soren
sen of Chambers and a graduate
of the Chambers High School with
the class of '38. She has been
employed in the Smith grocery
store for some time.
Mr. Fluckey has recently re
ceived a discharge from the army
after four years of service, two
of which were overseas in the E.
T. O.
Following the wedding the
young couple and their attendants
drove to Norfolk for the day.
They will make their home in
a cabin at Chambers. Mr. Fluck
ey is employed in the Everett
Wintermote blacksmith shop.
Cookis Benze spent Tuesday at
the Joe Winkler home,
Pfc. Frankie Fritton arrived
home firom the E. T. O.
Miss Florence Winkler spent
Sunday with Mrs. Rita Babl.
Mrs. Fred Satinto visited at the
Alex McConnell home Saturday.
Mrs .Wm. Newton visited Mrs.
DeanPerry Saturday aifternoon.
Mrs. Herman Grothe called at
the Homer Lowery home Friday.
Mrs Alex McConnell spent
Wednesday ait the Walter Puckett
Miss Mary Uhl spent from Sun
day until Wednesday at the Joe
Babl home.
Miss Edna Kay Heeb visited at
the Joe Babl home Monday after
Fred Perry and daughter, Doris
spent Sunday visiting at the Dean
Perry home.
Wm. OConnor spent from
Wednesday until Saturday in Lin
coln on business.
Mrs. Dean Perry and children
visited at the Ev^( Johnson home
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Bessie Burge, Harold and
June were Sunday dinner guests
of Glenn Burge’s
Mrs. Joe Winkler spent Tues
day evening visiting at the Alex
McConnell home.
Cpl. and Mrs Larry Tenborg
are visiting relatives and friends
in Sioux City th^ week.
Clara Peacock and Sadie Morie
Lowery visited at the Charles
Fox home Sunday afternoon.
Oscar Grunke spent Wednes
day fishing on the Niobrara
river. He reports a fine catch,
e Mrs. Henry Patterson return
ed Wednesday from Omaha, where
she spent a week on business.
Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Foreman
and family spent Sunday in
O'Neill visiting at the Jack Bailey
Agnes Gaffney .has purchased
the Winkler house in Emmet and
expects to move into it in the
spring. v n„
Mrs. Cecil McMillan visited at
the Homer Lowepy,home Sunday,
Mrs Bessie ’Bilfge returned
home Wednesday, after spending
a week at the Clyde Burge home
at Ameliai
Mrs. Devare Fox and daughter
Donno, atnd son, Eldon, visited at
the Charles Fox home Sunday
Mrs. Guy Beckwith and son,
Darlyd, visited at the Ralph Beck
with home in ONeill Sunday
Mrs. Bernard Dusatko and son,
Jimmie, and Mary Uhl visited
Leona and Florence Winkler Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Benze and daugh
ter, Carmen, visited at the Joe
Bartos home in Atkinson Tues
day afternoon.
frank foreman and daughter,
Norma Lou, and Sgt. and Mrs.
James Foreman spent Friday
shopping in Norfolk.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Kramer and
son, Bobbie, and Mrs. Bob Fox
spent Thursday evening at the
Charles Fox home.
Mrs. J K. Ernst, Mrs. Homer
Ernst, son, Dickie, and Mrs. Mel
vin Lorenz and son, Loren, visited
at the Joe Babl home Thursday
Sterling and Lola Ruth Stortz,
of Jewell. Oregon, are visiting at
the Francis Clark home. The
children are nephew and niece of
Mrs. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grothe
and children spent the week-end
at Wisner, visiting relatives. Mrs.
Eval Johnson and -children took
care of their place.
Melvin Grubb, of Wichita,
Kansas, and Morris Winters and
Herman Wurst. of York, spent
.several days last week at the Joe
Winkler home. The boys were
all buddies of Ray "while in the
Larry Tenborg arrived in Em
met Thursday from the E. T. O.
and is visiting at the Wm. Ttn
borg home. Larry received his
honorable discharge from the
armed forces.
Mrs. Cal Tenborg returned
Monday morning from Chicago,
where she visted her son, John
and family, for two weeks. John
is recuperating from a recent op
Mrs. Bernard Dusatko received
a letter from her husband, Sgt.
Bernard, saying not to write any
more as he would be sailing for
the U. S. with the 37th Division
on or before November 1st.
Pvt. Vernon Beckwith is on
I his way to Korea.
OAM T3-c Charles Strong
is on his way home from the
Pacific. He is the son of Mrs.
Cecil McMillan.
Lt. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and
daughter are expected to arrive
at Grand Island Sa airday. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Fox are going
down to meet them.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Young and
Mrs. William Luce, of Arnold,
were Friday dinned guests at the
Leon Beckwith home. Mrs. Luce
is a sister of Mrs. Youngs. In the
.4'ternoon they drove to O’Neill
and visited Mrs. Lynus Howard
and Marie Young. t
S.2-c Nick Schmidt arrived
home to spend a thirty day leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Schmidt. Seaman Schmidt
wears the Pacific bar with three
battle stars, the purple heart,
which he got at Linguayen. He
was at Tokyo Bay during sur
Those from Emmet who attend
ed the funeral of Mrs. Dallegge
held Wednesday afternoon in At
kinson Were: Mrs. Ceccil Mc
Millan, Agnes Gaffney, Mr. and
Mrs. John Conrad, Mr. and Mrs.
Dugal Allen. Mrs. Jess Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dailey, Frank
Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mc
Ginnis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Abart and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
The Victory Homemakers Card
Club met at the home of Mrs.
Joe Babl Sunday evening, with
Mrs Bernard Dusatko as co- host
ess. Progressive pitch was play
ed at five tables with Mrs. Anna
Ramold winning high for ladies
and Mrs. George Pongratz low.
George Randall won high for
men and Wendell Babl low.
Lunch of sandwiches, pickles,
cake, cookies and coffee was ser
ved at midnight. The next card
party will be with Mrs. John
Cleary and Mrs. John Babl co
hostess at the John Cleary home.
WANTED: Applications for li
ability Insurance on Farmers
Cars; cost of policy $9.00 a year.
—L. G. Gillespie Insurance
Agency, O’Neill. Nebr. 24
Mrs. Valerie Moon visited her
aunt, Mrs. O. B. Stuart Friday.
Miss Shirley Grass came Satur
day to spend a few days visiting
Mrs. Elton Grass and children.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wells, of
O’Neill, spent Saturday night and
Sunday at the Allen Haynes
home. , ,4
Neva and Sybil Ickes, of Lin
coln, spent the weekend visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nevan
Mrs. Otto Matschullat attended
the Help-U Club at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Finch, Jr., last Wed
Mr and Mrs. Francis Brandt, of
Atkinson, visited Sunday after
noon with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs B. H Stevens.
Mrs. Bennett Gillespie of O’
Neill, visited at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Eby,
several days last week.
mr. unu mrs. noDert mssen
and laughters and Russell Soren
son spent Friday at Plainview
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr., and Mrs. John Stauffer left
* ^ *
ifdr Lamberton, Minn., Sunday
morning to be with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Oliffoird French, who is
uite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Gross,* Shir
ley and Harold and Mrs. Elton
Grass and children were Friday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Grass and family.
Leonard Miller left last Mon
day morning for Portland, Ore
gon, to visit at the home of his
brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer
Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Larabee
Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Zellers and family enjoyed a
pheasant dinner at the P. E. Nis
sen home Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Merwyn French
entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. B.
Stuart. Veda, and D. M., Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Eby, Kenneth, Darrell
and Pvt. Donald Heiss at a 7
o’clock dinner last week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
and Mr. and Mrs- Neil Asher at
tended a birthday party for Mr.
1 Mattschullat at the Chris Moser
i home near Clearwater Wednes
} day evening of last week.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Howard, of
j Lincoln, visited Wednesday and
j Thursday of last week at the home
! of Mrs. Howard's sister.- Mr. and
, Mrs. W’ill Simmons. Mr. How
J ard was recently discharged from
I the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Riege and
j daughters went to Norfolk and
i Meadow Grove Friday to visit
! their parents. Mr. Reige retum
1 ed home Monday, while Mrs.
Farmers All IIII si
Ranchers Sta^....
Wed’day, Nov. 14, 6:30 p.m.
The people of O’Neill each year hold a “get-to
gether” meeting with the Farmers and Ranchers
of Holt county as their guests, and take this
means of notifying them of the time and place.
We want you to come, and if you can come, clip
the coupon below and mail it before Nov. 1st
Under auspecies of O'Neill Commercial Club. Cut out coupon and mail your
reservation BEFORE NOVEMBER 1st
mmm mmmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm m m^m mmmmm mm mm mmm mmm mmmmm mmm mmmm. mmm mm
G. C. DeBACKER, O’Neill, Neb.
Please make reservation for me on Nov, 14.
*• • - t .>'' . y 4
• *U ftTlh4**'.I * • ■•■A* r
r ■ ■
\\ / •• ,
[ V
■ "i^Zys£z££’J!'~ 1
* you .# Tb*»
Reige and daughters remained
for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and
sons, of O’Neill, were Sunday
dinner guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Nissen. Mr. and
Mrs. Don Nissen were afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease and
daughter, Esther, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Trease and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Arch Melcher and three
sons. Mrs. Ethel Asher and Mrs.
Clint Asher were dinned and
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Matschullat Sunday.
Harold Grass and sister, Miss
Shirley Grass, werd dinner guests
last Thursday of Mrs. Elton
Grass. Harold has been visiting
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Grass near Ewing, aifter receiving
his discharge from the army.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby
and family, of Inman. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Asher and son were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Switzer and grandson, Ben Asher,
of O’Neill, were evening visitors.
Mrs. Emil Stedry, of Norfolk,
and her brother. Floyd Michael
son, of Oakland, Cal., were din
ner guests Friday oi their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Michaelson. Mr. Michaelson was
recently discharged from the
army. He had been in the Eu
ropean area.
Mrs. Herbert Steinberg and her
mother, Mrs. Elsie Cork, spent last
Thursday afternoon and evening
visiting relatives and friends at
Oakdale. They were dinner
guests at the Guy Taylor home
tlyit evening, where Mrs. Taylor’s
^mother, Mrs. Lulu Clemenson, of
Casper. Wyo.. is visiting. Mrs.
j Clemenson is a sister-in-law of
Mis. Cork.
Mrs. H. L. Banta entertained
•at a contract bridge party Satur
day evening for Mrs. Alva Towns
ertd, of Omaha. Other guests
were, Mesdames C. A. Townsend,
O, L. Reed, Wilton Hayne, H. F.!
Rakow. C. E. Walker. Alton Brad
dock. Mrs. O. W. French, of
O’Neill and Miss Alice French
and Miss Leopold. Mrs C. A.
Townsend received high score
and Mrs. Hayne the traveling
— (Continued on page five)
Dr. £dw. J.- Norwood, O. D., an
expert eyesight specialist from
Crawford, Nebr,, again in O’Neill,
On Friday, Oct. 26. at Golden Ho
tel until 6 p. m. Have your chil
dren's eyes examined. He is a very
expert and broadly experienced
Retinoscopist and an Opthalmo
scopist, which enables him to per
fectly fit your glasses and prop
erly diagnose eye condition.
_ - ■... . . ii
Federal Land Bank
Loans J
No Fees—4% Long Trrm
Repayment Privilege ,j
LOAN - - ' .v
Boyd, Holt 8r Wheeler Counties
Lyle P. Dierks. Sec.-Treas.
O'NeilL Nebr.
... DANCE Tjflf
Music By
Jimmy Barnett and His
V. S. A. Band
Roller Skating Every Friday
Night and Sunday Afternoon
Call for a Private Party.
Money to Loan
Central Finance Co.
C. E. Jones. Manager