The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1945, Image 2

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    «ron Across Length
When ironing, press with the
length rather than across the width
of fabric wherever possible. But if
i« skirt, slip or nightgown is cut on
the bias, then iron on a slant, along
the grain or straight of the materi
al. This will prevent the stretching
and sagging which makes hems un
• Keeps Mouth Shut
The reason a dog has so many
friends is that his tail wags instead
of his tongue
C. Allen of West Monroe, Louisi
ana, has an interesting story to tell
about how she discovered Fault
less Starch. Here is what she
"Last week ,my husband
brought home a box of Fault
less Starch. I decided to use
it, thinking that all starches
were about the same. You can
imagine my surprise when I
began ironing. My iron fairly
flew and I was finished in no
time. Mv clothes were so
bright, with no rough starch
blotches to mar their sleek
ness. I felt I just had to tell
you how wonderful your starch
is. My husband was just as
proud as 1 when he saw his
shirts. I wish all women could
just try your product,”
Now there is a thoughtful hus
band. That box / of Faultless
Starch really meant more to Mrs.
Allen than a box of candy—and
here is why:
Let's say it takes ten minutes to
make hot starch when you have to
cook it and stir it over a hot stove.
But you can make hot Faultless
Starch in a minute. That means
you save nine minutes each time
,you make it. If you wash only
once a week, in one year you would
save 4C8 minutes, or seven hours
and forty minutes. Would you
rather have a box of candy or a
box of starch that saved you bet
ter than seven hours a year?
And that isn't all! Many people
tell us that Faultless Starch makes
It possible to save half their lron
tng time. Let's be conservative
ind say that Faultless Starch
anight save you half an hour each
5romng day. In a year you would
save twenty-six hours of hard iron
ing time! Which is best—a box of
candy or a box of Faultless Starch?
Why go on starching and ironing
the hard way when you can do it
the easy way with Faultless Starch.
Or, better still, ask your grocer
for a box today. You deserve
Faultless Starch, too.—Adv.
- - ... ■iMi ill ...
And Your Strength and
Energy la Below Far
It may ba caused by disorder of kid
ney function that perinita polaonoua
U waste to accumulate. For truly many
people feel tired, weak and mSerable
when the kidneys fail to remove excess
acids and other waste matter from the
You may suffer nagging backache,
rheumatic paint, headaches, dixxineaa,
getting up nights, leg pains, swelling,
ij Sometimes frequent and scanty urina
tion with smarting and burning it sn
ot her sign that something ia wrong with
the kidneys or bladder.
There should be no doubt that prompt
treatment ia wiser than neglect. Use
/loan's Fills. It ia better to rely on a
medicine that haa won countrywide ap
Croval than on something lean favorably
nown. /loan’s hsve been tried end test
ed msny yetrs Are at all drug (torso.
Get /loans today.
Upset Stomach
Rahovod in 5 minutes or double money back
When stress itomsch arid nu«ri painful, suffocat
ing gas. aour stomach and heartburn, doctor* usually
prescribe the fastest-actin# medicines krown
symptomatic relief ~me»llcinea like thoae in Hell-ana
Tablets. No laiative Hell-an* brings eomfort in a
jiffy or double sour money back on return of bottle
to us 2&c at all druggists
Relief At Last
Creomulslon relieves promptly be
cause It goes right to the scat of tho
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, 6 ronchitis
I Here’s a SENSIBLE way \
* to relieve MONTHLY I
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound Is famuu not only to relieve
periodic pain but also accompanying
nervous, tired, hlgbstrung feelings—
when due to functional monthly dis
turbances Taken regularly—It helps
build up resistance against such symp
toms Pink hams Compound helps na
ture! Follow label directions Try 111
€>.(Pinkka/nid compound
Slickly loose ned by Penctro—
randans 'a old-time mutton suet
idea developed by modern science
intoacounter-irritant. vaporizing
salve that brings quick, comfort
ing relief. 25c, double size 30c.
C_M_ I' T;; N s «. i
Af £ Af OS... ly-r/unn <eht"
* :w.
Youngsters’ Party Delight—Ice Cream Clowns
(See Recipes Below)
Children’s Party
How long since the youngsters had
a party of their own? It doesn't
nave to ne mrtn
day time to cele
brate, because
parties for the
younger set are
fun to have, and
essential for de
veloping social
Parties like mis
are easy on moth
er because refreshments must nec
essarily be simple. A little imagi
nation and flair for decoration will
do the rest.
Good wholesome food prepared at
tractively will go a long way toward
satisfying the little guests. Add a
few gay tablecloths and napkins,
some easy but exciting games and
you have all the Ingredients for a
successful party.
If you are serving sandwiches, cut
them into shapes with animal cut
ters. A cool glass of milk, or hot
chocolate wi4h a frothy blob of
whipped cream—now returned to the
grocery shelves—will bring forth
cheers from Jimmy’s or Joan’s
The favorite dessert is cake or
cookies with ice cream of course!
Anything you can do to make this
latter partyfled will all be on the
credit side of the party.
Now that cheese and meat are
easier to obtain, you can again have
fun with sandwiches. Not too much
seasoning, though, because young
sters’ stomachs are sensitive. Here
are some good suggestions:
Bologna Filling.
(Makes 15 to 20 sandwiches)
1 pound bologna
H eup chopped pickles or relish
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon minced onion
Dash of tabasco sauce
3 hard-cooked eggs
H teaspoon salt
1 cup ground raw carrots
H eup chopped celery
Grind bologna and mix thorough
ly with relish, mayonnaise, onion
and sauce. Divide in half and to one
part add 3 hard-cooked eggs,
chopped, and V» teaspoon salt. To
the other half add the carrots and
Deviled Egg Filling.
4 hard-cooked eggs
Hi teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
% teaspoon dry mustard
4 teaspoons vinegar
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
4 tablespoons mayonnaise
Chop the eggs fine. Add other in
gredients and mix well.
Deviled Cheese Filling.
H pound mild cream cheese
1 small onion
3 canned pimientoea or chopped
green or red peppers
3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
% teaspoon salt
H teaspoon paprika
4 tablespoons mayonnaise
Lynn Says:
Don’t Ration Eye Appeal:
Foods that look their best usually
taste the best. too. because
they've been cooked and served
When garnishing daily dinner
and luncheon platters, simplici
ty is the theme. A few freshened
carrot tops, lettuce leaves, strips
of green pepper or tomato wedges
make the difference between the
! family's liking the food and mere
ly eating it quietly,
Candles, simple flowers or a
bowl of fruit add to the table im
mensely. They even seem to
make the food more palatable.
Serve meat balls and chops on
a bed of watercress and watch
the difference.
Or, out grapefruit rind into
fancy shapes a cutter and
set them against a background
of green.
Children's Party Menu.
•Assorted Sandwiches
Hot Chocolate
•Ice Cream Clowns
Popcorn Hard Candies
•Recipes given.
Grind the cheese, onion aid pi
miento. Add the
eggs, seasoning
and mayonnaise.
Mix thoroughly.
Fruit salads,
which contain
well-liked fruits,
are a nice con
trast to sand
wiches at chil
dren's parties. This one will be high
in favor:
Orange, Pineapple and Apple Salad.
(Serves 6 to 8)
3 oranges, peeled and diced
3 slices canned pineapple or 1
cup tidbits
1 unpeeled red apple, diced
1 cup seeded grapes, slivered
H cup pitted dates, cut In small
H cup mayonnaise
Mix fruit with mayonnaise and
chilT very thoroughly. Serve on
shredded lettuce.
j During the cooler weather, it is
often advisable to have a hot dish
for the youngsters to start things off
| right. Now that cheese is again
available, it might be a good idea to
serve the following spaghetti dish:
Creamy Spaghetti.
(Serves 6)
4 tablespoons butter or fat
4 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
lit teaspoon pepper
2 cups milk
H cup grated American cheese
% cup chopped green pepper
VI cup chopped pimlento
3 chopped hard-cooked eggs
2 cups cooked spaghetti (t4 pound,
Make a white sauce of the butter,
flour, salt and pepper. Blend in milk,
cheese, pepper and pimiento. Add
eggs and spaghetti. Pour into a
greased baking dish and bake 35
minutes in a moderate (325-de
gree) oven. Turn onto a hot serv
ing platter and garnish with chopped
stuffed olives or pickles.
Simple foods made to look pretty
are a big hit at any party and
doubly so if the
foods are ice
cream and cook
ies. In this des
sert to top off the
festivities, a plain
cookie forms the
ruff of the clown’s
suit, a ball of ice
cream makes the
head with raisin eyes and cherry
nose and mouth. An inverted ice
cream cone makes the clown’s hat.
lee Cream Clowns.
(Serves 6)
6 large cookies
1 quart vanilla ice cream
6 cones
Seedless raisins
Candied or maraschino cherries
Arrange cookies on a large plate.
In center of each place a ball of ice
cream. Top each ice cream ball
I with an inverted ice cream cone.
Decorate each ball with raisin eyes
and cherry nose and mouth.
Vegetable Dinner.
Remove the leaves from the cauli
flower and cut off any bruised or
: dirty spots Place it, top downward,
in a deep bowl of cold salted water
and allow it to stay there about half
i an hour to draw out dust and other
impurities. Cook it whole in boil
ing water, uncovered Cook 15-25
minutes until tender. Add about to
cup milk to the water in which it
is boiled—it will keep die cauli
flower white. Lift out the cauliflower
carefully and allow it to drain in a
warm place.
Scrape the two small bunches of
carrots, dice them and add them tc
briskly boiling water Salt them and
boil them until tender- about 10-13
j minutes. Drain and butter.
1 Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Softly Draped Handbags Tuned to
Stunning Fall, Winter Costumes
DESIGNERS are on the qui vive
this season to create handsome
handbags that shall measure up to
the fashion glory and the new ele
gance of the stunning costumes
which go to make up the fall and
winter style picture.
In assembling your fall-winter
wardrobe, keep in mind that this
year your costume will be only as
smart as the handbag you carry
with it. That's how important hand
bags really are. You will have no
trouble in finding as handsome hand
bags and as versatile as ever fancy
might picture. Be sure to make
your selection with meticulous care,
for this year’s handbags make a de
cided departure from the stereo
typed styles of yort.
The three voguish Jenny handbags
shown in the illustration are typical
of the new movement toward the
feminine look, achieved through soft
draping. These bags are styled as
American women prefer them, with
elegance and stark clean lines, and
in fabrics that mean fashion and
With your perfect dawn-to-dusk
trotteur, the bag to the left will be
ideal. It is spiced with the new soft
look via uniquely quilted and gath
ered supple goatskin. You’ll take
real pleasure in this bag because it
is so roomily built to take care of
your feminine possessions, and it
sure is a winner in "looks.’’
Simple enough for tailored cas
uals, feminine enough for all your
frills is the handbag centered
above. It tells you that the under
arm bag has lost its strictly tailored
look, has been lifted out of it this
season with soft pleats and deft
draping, as you see. The supple
goatskin that fashions this bag is
most attractive not only to the eye
but to the touch. The mock tor
toise that makes such a good-look
ing trim is outstanding in the news
when it comes to adding the touch
that tells to this season’s smartest
Sleek, smooth, quality-kind broad
cloth, the fabric that fraternizes
with most every costume makes the
good-looking bag to the right. In
this instance, the designer takes the
ever-popular underarm handle bag
and artfully drapes a pleated flange
through a graceful span of mock tor
Speaking in general of what’s
what in new handbag fashions, the
most exciting innovation in many a
season is the advent of little bulb
ous pouch bags done in eye-catch
ing silhouettes. These pouch bags
certainly have cunning ways and
they are staging a display of breath
taking novelty. Made of practical
broadcloth, faille and various wear
able media, they carry on in a
modest way by day. When it comes
to the dressy cocktail party and gala
after-five occasion, however, the lit
tle pouch bag puts on a spectacu
lar display that fairly bubbles over
with all the glitter and intriguing
fussiness imagination can devise.
Just now it’s the whimsical pouch
bag of black satin that holds forth
in the fashion spotlight. Women are
buying these bags to go with the
satin hat and with the all-satin gown
that is so style-important this fall.
These black satin bags are perfect
with afternoon and evening clothes.
The party bags fairly scintillate
with the glitter of sequins or tiny
steel or jet beads. Most of the box
bags have straps to sling over the
arm. The newsiest news of all is
the little shoulder strap bags that
become a decorative part of the
frock when dancing.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Blouse Favorites
Sheer lingerie blouses of loveliest
texture, and exquisitely detailed
with lace register as topflight fash
ion with the young set this fall to
wear with the dress-up suit. Shown
at the top is a charming “come hith
er” blouse In batiste by Judy Bond,
a young college girl and stylist who
is combining a career and school
j ing with high success. The other
1 blouse in judiana rayon crepe is the
wanted kind for college wear. Its
highspot style details are the tripie
stitched convertible V-neck, closely
set pearl buttons and french cuffs.
Comes in white and voguish colors.
Furred Cloth Coats
Make Fashion News
The short cloth coat with in
triguing fur trim is taking over in a
tremendous way for fall. The top
news is luxurious wool coats with
gorgeous borders that either trim
the flare hemline or are applied in a
tuxedo manner down the front. Im
portant is the style message of fur
sleeves in cloth coats, such as the
belted wool shorties in neutral
shades that are fashioned with waist
deep sleeves of black Persian. In
teresting also is the cloth coat with
a fur yoke. Contrasting the voluptu
ous fur trims is the use of fur in
discreet ways, as for instance, the
cloth coat that is bound all around
the edges with Persian or beaver or
other smooth peltry. There is also
indication that one type fur will trim
another. Designers are doing won
derful things with fur, not only in
trimming but in accessories, arid
fur hats are being turned out in end
less versions.
Color Contrast Extended
To New Evening Dresses
The idea of color contrast is
associated in our minds for the most
' part in connection with sports
clothes and daytime dresses. It's in
teresting to note that this color
technique is carrying on in the
realm of formal evening gowns. In
one instance a noted designer intro
duces a panel that extends from the
right shoulder to the floor hemline
of the dress. The panel is made up
of lime and red, flashed against a
black background.
Sequin Ornaments on Combs
Sequin flower motifs on combs
are among the hair ornaments that
are best sellers. Some are designed
especially for top hairdress and oth
ers for top-knot hair-do.
Rotenone Import!
In 1631, the first year in which this
country imported rotenone roots in
commercial quantities, our Imports
were only 8,400 pounds. By 1940 they
had expanded to 6,500,000 pounds.
Botenone is used in insecticides.'
Versatile Fruit
PtdChes adapt themselves read
ily to innumerable types of desserts
and salads. In addition to delicious
flavor, they offer fair amounts of
vitamins A and C.
Illinois Cropland
Corn, soybeans, oats and hay com
prise 90 per cent of the total crop
land in Illinois.
Blooming Hat*
It took clothes-ration points for an
Anstralian girl to buy a hat Know*
ing this. United States soldiers
often brought to their dates special*
ly made headpieces of fresh flowers.
This custom, started by our troops,
became the rage in hat-scarce Aus*
Progressive Century
The barometer and the thermom
eter were developed in the 17th cen
Heating Safety
One of the most notable innova
tions in safe heating is the wet base
boiler in which water circulates un
der the ash pit The fact that the
boiler can be placed on a combusti
ble door is of interest in connection
with the trend toward the basement
less house In such houses it is often
desirable to install the boiler on a
wooden floor in a utility room or
kitchen. Other safety features of
modern boilers are foot-treadle door
openers, ball-shaped, air-cooled han
dles and side shakers, making it
easier to open and close door’s.
q Lucky Stones
Emeralds were once believed to
be beneficial to the eyes and ame
thysts were thought to prevent
drunkenness, according to Encyclo* £
paedia Britannlca. The belief in 9
| lucky stones stiU exists. *
Bath Banishes Blues
According to etymologists, the
English word “bath” comes indi
I with -HighEnergy tonic
p If you catch cold easily—because
7 you lack all the natural A&D
k Vitamins and energy-building,
r natural oils you need—you may
be amazed how Scott's Emulsion
can help build energy, ttamina
and retintrnee. Try it 1 See why
many doctors recommend this
good-tasting, high energy, food
tonic. Buy at your druggist's.
Have You Tried
Made with Gin-Seng Extract?
Treat yourself to the pleasure of this
fine smoke—a smooth, mellow, mild
cigarette—made of selected tobaccos,
especially blended to the popular Ameri
can taste. Pinehurst Is truly one of ,
Amerlca’i standard cigarettes—not a .
shortage substitute—enjoyed for years
by smokers who demand satisfaction
from their cigarettes. Plnehurst's ex
clusive Patented Panax Process employs
extract of Oin-Seng root for modern
moisture conditioning—the only cig
arette permitted to do so.
The use of Gin-Seng Extract as a t
hygroscopic agent Is an exclusive, pat- \
ented process of this Company. The .
mollifying features of Gin-Seng Extract
may help to relieve dry throat, cigarette .
cough, and other Irritations due to
smoking. These cigarettes may be found
much more pleasant and safe for those
with ordinary colds and other respira
tory difficulties such as hay fever, *
asthma, etc. t
If your dealer cannot supply. Send $1.50
East of the Mississippi ($1.65 West) for
postpaid carton of 10 packs to:
R. L Swain tobacco Company, Inc.
Spring Street, Danville, Virginia
From Bladder Irritations! '
Famous doctor’s discovery acts on the
kidneys to increase urine and relieve
painful bladder irritations caused
by excess acidity in the urine
There is no need now to suffer unnecessary
distress and discomfort from backache,
bladder irritation, and run-down feeling
due to excess acidity in your urine — take
the famous doctor’s discovery — DR.
Root acts fast on the kidr/rfs to increase
the flow of urine and relieve excess acidity.
Originally discovered by a well-known
physician. Swamp Root is a carefully
blended combination >of 16 herbs, roots,
vegetables, balsams and other natural in
gredients. It’s not harsh or habit-forming
in any way — just good ingredients that
help you feel worlds better fast!
Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY!
Like thousands of others you'll be glad
that you did. Send name and address to
Department E. Kilmer & Co., Inc., Box
1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send
at once. All druggists sell Swamp Root,
Prompt Shipments Since 1882
Order Through Tour Dealer
Omaha, Nebraska
Radio Tubes for sale. Send card stating
ypes needed. The Arbor Co. Nebraska
ity, 1, Nebraska.
FOR SALEj Drug Store and store build*
ng $10,000 Half cash, half F. bonds.
Vrite Box 188, Bnshnell, Nebraska.
Radio repairing—Factory method*—
ignal Corps trained workmen. OPA ap
roved charges Ship to us via exprcs*.
8 hour service
Nebraska, City, 1, Nebraska_
WNU 42—45
sasy way to UNCORK
When nostrils are clogged, at.d your nose feels
raw, membranes swollen, reach for cooling, sooth
ing Menlholaium, Spread It inside nostrils . . .
and snuff well back. Instantly it starts to 1)
Help thin out thick mucus; 2) Soothe irritated
membranes; 3) Help reduce swelling; 4) Stimu
late local blood supply to “sick” area. Every
breath brings quick, welcome relief. To open
stuffy nostrils, get effective Mentholatum today,
the Medicated Nasal-Unguent. Jars, tubes 30c.
Nearly a Million
Now In Use!
• Holds 100 lbs. of coaL
o Semi-automatic, magazine
o Bums any kind of coal,
coke or briquets,
o Heats all day and night
without refueling—holds fire
several days on closed draft
o Assures substantial fuel
o Equipped with automatic
draft control.
MODU S20 m
The amazing, exclusive, patented, interior
construction of the WARM MORNING Coal
Heater has won acclaim by owners throughout the Nation. It’s famous
for the abundance of steady, dean heat it produces. And you’ll be
pleased with its remarkable fuel economy and ease of operation.
SEE YOUR DEALER-He will gladly show you the many remarkable merits
of the WARM MORNING... the coal heater that outsells them all. If he
Is temporarily out, remember...a Warm Morning is worth waiting for.
LOCKE STOVE CO., 114 West lltb St., KANSAS CITY 6, MO. (W.M)