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Emil Pochop is spending a TEN PER CENT MORE GROWTH On the same amount of feed Avi Tab will do that for your growing birds or we’ll refund the [price. Avi Tab Kills Molds-Mvcosis i, *«: •>’ Ir -fv > Jtist to show what itwijl do, we’ll mix it In your feed, with our mixer, at no cost, for the mixingJ ' -i O’Neill Hatchery thirty day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pochof and other relatives and friends. He has just returned from Italy, where he had been since last De cember. He will report to North Carolina. INMAN ITEMS Rev. Maxcy and his grandson, of Lincoln, who has been visit ing him, left for Lincoln; Rev. Maxcy to attend the Methodist Conference while in Lincoln and ihe will then go to Peru for a few days. Mrs. Ira Watson, Carolyn and Sammy left last week for Omaha for a tern day visit. Mr. and Mils. Clarence Hansen and family spent last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson’s at Creighton. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Rouse attended the Old Settlers’ picnic last Thursday. Several young folks from this vicitnity attended the Old Sett lers’ Picnic Mrs. C. C Bergstrom, of Omaha, is visiting relatives at Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark spent last Thursday night at his moth ers, Mrs. Anna Clark, on thieir , 'jioipe \n ilBurwrlL Mr. Clark had been in a. hospital m Sioux City-the pnst two weeks lyir /itnd Mi-s. Jeff Davis and .Trnogen'e, /eft' for sgveTal days . visit in Katnsas. Joe Coon and E. E. Clark are caring' (for the ■fllWng 'staauih Awhile he is away. CEM Harold Hamilton, of the Navy and his wife, Mrs. Avon Hamilton, of Pacific Grove, Cal., arrived Saturday at the home of his sister. Mrs E E. Keyes. They will also visit relatives and friends at Spencer during his leave. Mr. and Mrs Gerald Risor and I dhdldren spent last Friday at the home of Mrs Riser’s parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Herbert Rouse. GEM and Mrs. Harold Hamil ton and Mrs. E. E. Keyes spent Sunday at Spencer visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton and family.. The Inman school is to start September 10. Mrs. '"Jarrell Wolfe received word from her husband that he had landed in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley and two daughters, of Fairbury, are visitimg his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley and other rela tives and friends. Mrs. Ted Hopkins and daugh ter, Karen, returned from Sioux City Friday. A group of friends helped Elizabeth Sobotka celebrate her birthday Saturday afternoon. EMMET NEWS (Continued from page one) Mrs. Joe Babl and daughters, Rita, Rose Maty, Cecelia, Rita Graham and Jimmie Dusatko were business callers in Atkinson Sunday afternoon. Bill Serck, of O'Neill, has pur chased the Emmet filling station i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cain were dinner and supper guests at the iJoe Wiakbi fcame Sunday. « Marilyn Reis, of Atkinson. f>pent the week-end at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs John Pntss. Several fishermen from this community motored to Lake Andes Sunday to try their luck Visitors' at the JOe Winklef home Sunday evening were: Mr and Mrs. Bill Luben, Francis Tenborg, Rudy Claussen, Mrs. Grant Peacock and son, Kdnny, Mrs. Dean Perry and children, Mrs. Henry Benze and girls and Clara Babl. T-4 Gary Enbody has been transferred from Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, to Camp Bowie, Texas, for separation and relo cation. Mrs. Cecil McMillan burned her foot quite badly last week, w en she accidently dropped a tea kettle of boiling water. Mrs. Laurence Tenborg, of O'Neill, spent the week-end at the William Tenborg home. Mrs. Erwin Kramer and son. Bobby, returned home last Thurs day after having been employed at the Ordnance plant at Grand Island. Miss Merna Fox return ed home with them to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Fox at Atkinson. Mrs. Gary Enbody and son, JJohn Wagnon and Mrs. Grant Peacock were business callers in O’Neill Saturday. Bernard Spry returned home with them to spend the week-end at the En bodv home. Mrs. Fred Saunto and daughter, Ann, visited Mrs. Alex McCon nell on Thursday. Mrs. M. J. Wallace and son, of O’Neill, were business callers at the H. L. Lowery home Thurs day. EMMET NO. TWO__ Frank Weber, of Lincoln, vis ited at the Joe Winkler home Sunday. Rita Babl visited Rita Graham Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cliff Anderson and son, Richard, of Omaha, arrived at the Cecil McMillan home Mon day to visit until Wednesday. Returning home with them were their children Judy, Milo Ander son and their nine-month old baby girl, who had spent thje past three weeks with Mrs. Mc Millan. Donald Taylor spent Monday at the Cecil McMillan home, enroute to his home in Atkinson, after having spent the summer em ployed by the Strong Amuse ment company. Mrs. Barbara Leishmann and Duncan McMillan, of Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, returned to their home Wednesday, after visiting at the D. H, Allen home several days. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney has been an overnight guest of Mrs. June Luben several nights this week. Mrs. Clara Peacock and Ken ney, Mrs. Homer Lowery, Mrs. Henry Warner and Harry called at the Robert Fox home Friday evening. District 20 opened Monday with Mrs. Charles Frussa as teacher and twenty-two pupils enrolled. District 141 has hired Mrs. Dean Beckwith as teacher and the Johnson district’s teacher is Miss Mary Galligan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jarman, of Chambers, visited at the Homer Lowery home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCon nell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell and children visit ed at the Alex McConnell home Sunday. The Howard McCon nell children Joy, Larry and Kathleen remained to attend school at District 20. Mrs. Minnie Enbody and Harvey were Sunday dinner guests at the W R. Tenborg home. Bobby and Donna Lou Allen visited Clara Peacock Saturday morning. Sadie Marie Lowery returned home Saturday, after having been employed at the Louise Ans pach home. Mrs. Victor Frickle visited at the Guy Beckwith home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ernst Lindeman and son, George, of Lincoln, left for their home Wednesday, after having spent the pad week at the Henry Patterson’s. Mr and Mrs. C. F. Abart are p’o gressifig nicely with the modern izing df their farm home. M. Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, of Santa Barbara, Cal., visited at the Walter Puckett home Wed nesday Mrs. Brown will be re membered as Erma Manzer Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCon nell and children. Andy and Otto Brown, Mr. asd Mrs. Ralpih Frit ton, son Jimmie, and Joe Kahes, of Atkinson, visited at the Walter Puckett home Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society met Thursday in the basement of th^ Methodist church with thirteen: members and six visitors present. Various donations were made iq help pay the first month’s salary of the new' minister w’honv they hope to bit assigned An inter esting lessen on the topic of “Island India” was led by Mrs; Grant Peacock. A delicioui lunch was served during whieh Mrs Claude Bates, read a very interesting letter received frorty Mi-s. John Lowery, of Parmaj, Idaho, who was the former presi} dent of the society. The- vv i the first news heard from her in several months and was enjoyed by everyone. They all hope to have letters from her in the near future. Mrs. Vera Hickman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hickman and boyp, of Atkinson, were Sunday dinner guests at the Guy Beck with/ home Oil Heaters! We can deliver you Heaters right Now. They are Ration Free. Rockey Imp. Co Phone 82 EWING, NEBRASKA VICTORY YEAR Tri-County Festival! STUART, NEBRASKA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Alter a lapse of 2 years during the war the Stuart Community is again staging Tri-County 4-H CLUB SHOW $175.00 in cash prizes for 4-H Calves, Cooking, Sewing and other 4-H Club Exhibits. All entries must be in by 12:00 Noon. Judging of Calves starts at 1:00 P. M. Agriculture and Flower Show $90.00 in Cash Prises for Agricultural Produce. A beautiful display of Flowers for your pleasure. In Farner Building. NIGHT RODEO Open Contest for Cash Prises—starting at 8:30 P. M. under Flood Lights. Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Kids Calf Riding. Bull Dogging, Calf Roping, Wild Cow Milking. Plenty of Top Hands. Adm: Adults $1.00 tax incl.. Kids under 12 35c tax incl. DIT riAUrC Stuart Auditorium. GoodTime-Good Music. DIU UANIC Adm.: Gents 75, Ladies 25c, Tax Inc. CURL AMUSEMENT CO. Rides. Side-Shows. Concessions On Street All Day and Eve Faces turned hopefully toward home and eyes smiled. The Great Moment had come when the world could say fervently, "Thank God, it’s all over!” All over? Not quite. There still remains a mighty big job to be done. Our sons and daughters in far places must be brought home. The thrill of victory, great as it was, offers no greater thrill than the glorious homecoming that millions look forward to. "North Western” realizes its responsibility; so does every other railroad. We will not fail our returning veterans. Our services are theirs to command—our trains are at their disposal. No one is more wel- )~ come than they. ' As General MacArthur has said, "The magnificent *1 * men and women who have fought so well for victory will return to their homes . . . and resume their civilian pursuits. They have been good soldiers in war. May they be equally good citi zens in peace.” I CHICAGO and NORTH WESTERN SYSTEM SERVING AMERICA IN WAR AND PEACE FOR AL T A CENTURY