The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 09, 1945, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
as an open account. The names
of subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
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publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
understand that these conditions
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between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25a an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line.
(Continued ffom page one)
Dale Nissen and Otto Wahletz.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and sons,
of O’Neill, and Mrs. Esmond
Weber and daughter were even
ing guests.
The Chatter Sew Club met
with Mrs. Alton Braddock Friday
afternoon with seven mem
bers present. Guests were,
Misses Marie Heiss, Viola Hayne
and Alice French. Afternoon
spent doing needle work.
Bobby Merchant of Lynch,
spent the week-end at the Ken
neth Braddock home.
Miss Byrdee Ann Parks left
Monday morning for Tabdr, Iowa,
where dhe will spend several
days attending Camp Meeting.
C. E. Downey of Independence,
Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. L. H
Downey were Saturday afternoon
callers at the H. F. Rakow home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease, of
Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Ashef were Sunday evening din
ner guests of Mr.' and Mr®. Otto
Matschullat. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly and
son, of Inman, spent Sunday
evening at the Owen Parks home.
Mrs. C. A. Bergstrom and Ed
Shobe, of Ewing, were dinner
and supper guests of Mrs. Kath
erine Boies and family Sunday.
Mrs. Bergstrom called on Dr. and
Mrs. Bild in the afternoon
Garry Banta returned from
Long Pine Sunday, where he had
spent five weeks with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Roan.
E. L. Jordan, wftio has spent
several months in the European
area with the Red Cross, has re
turned to the States. While he
was across he visited his son, Ed
ward. After his adrival in the
States he visited his son, Robert
Jordan R. M. 3-c at Vero Beach,
Florida, before returnng to his
tiome at North Platte. The
Jordans were forme residents
of Page, while Mr. Jordan was
superintendent of the Page High
Mr. and Mtrs. Jerome Allen and
Mrs. Bert Finley drove to Sioux
City Wednesday afternoon to meet
S. Sgt. and Mrs. C. F. Walker
and son of Ft. Lauderville,Florida.
They will spend a sixteen day
furlough with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Walker and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Finley and other
relatives. It has been two years
since S. Sgt. and Mrs. Walktr
have been home.
The Royal Neighbor Kensing
ton met with Mrs. Ray Snell
Wednesday afternoon with four
teen members present. Mrs. Es
mond Weber was a guest.
Mrs. Feodor Kattner left for
Niobrara Monday evening, where
she will be a Councillor at the
Youth Intermediate Camp at the
Niobrara State Park.
Mr. and Mrs_ Roy Parker spent
Sunday at the Les Oetter home.
Twelve guests attended a party
for Sheryl Weber Monday after
noon in honor of her fifth birth
Owen Parks, of ljouisville,
spent the week-end with his fam
ily in £age On his return to
Ianusville he was atyoinparued
lo Fremont by his daughter, Lois
-Jean who returned home Mon
day afternoon Whik lh Fremont
called on Mr. and Mrs. C A
Mr. and Mrs. W. E Watiser re
ceived a telephone call Sunday
•vetting from their son, S. Sgt.
Beverly Wanser. He had arrived
in tbe States and was at Boston ,
Prum there he will go to Port
Leavenworth. Kansas before coin
months in the European area
Sijropean area.
M1* Margaret Gibson, of Fn>
' mnnt, has been vsiting her
mother, Mrs Mary Kogm&n s«4
brother, Nelson
Marlen Kelly spent the week
end with Judith Trowbridge.
Miss Electa Lewis visited rela
tives at Wausa over the week
-Misses lies* Grutoch, Maude
Martin Effie Stevens and L# G.
Stevens were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. L. R
Cunningiham and Donald Cun
ningham were afternoon callers.
Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and
children of Ewing, have been
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Lloyd Cork.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carson were
dinner guests Monday evening
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer, of
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, came last
week to visit Mrs. Weyer’s
mother, Mrs. Evelyn Gray, sister,
Mrs. E. E Walker and family and
brother, Pfc. Ralph Gray.
Ensign and Mrs. Norman Tege
ler arrived from Staten Island, N.
Y., and are spending ten days with
Mr. Tegeler’s parents, Mr and
Mrs. F. C. Tegeler and other rel
atives at Page and with Mrs.
Tegeler’s relatives at Atkinson.
Ensign Tegeler is being sent to
the west coast.
Edgar Stauffer had a twenty
acre field of oats that yielded 63
bushels to the acre and weighed
77 Vi pounds per bushel
George Parks arrived Saturday
night to visit relatives and
friends. He has spent the past
two years at Bremerton, Wash.,
working in the ship yards.
Mrs. Gene Baber and children,
of Plainview.are spending the
week visiting her mother, Mrs.
Evelyn Gray and other relatives.
Miss Evalda Haynes, of Mc
Cool Junction, Nebr., is spending
this week visiting at the home of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Haynes and with other
Mrs. Charles Russell will teach
the school in District No. 55 tthe
coming school year.
The annual Reed reunion was
held at Riverside Park, Neligh
last Sunday with a basket dinner
at noon. There were 48 in at
tendance. The oldest member of
the family attending was Alien
Haynes, age 72, Page. The
youngest, Vonnie Lou, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ivart Heiss, Page.
Coming the farthest distance were
Mrs. Lawrence Nixon and daugh
ters, of McCool Junction. Nine
members of this group are in
Mrs Evelyn Gray, Pfc. Ralph
Gray, Mrs. Keith Weyer, Mrs. C.
E. Walker and children and Mrs
Gene Baber and children spent
Tuesday at the H. A. Stevens
home in Atkinson.
Miss Mildred Stuart has re
turned to Denver, Col., after a
visit at the home of her parents,
Mi. and Mrs. O. B Stuart.
Miss Hazel Sivisind, of Palo
Alto, Cal, arrived Tuesday after
noon for a ten day visit with her
mother, Mrs. H. F. Rakow and Mr.
Miss Bonnie Beth Schmeler has
returned to her home at Norfolk,
after visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsend.
(Too late for last week)
Mrs J. T. Voehl and children,
of Bradbury Heights. Maryland,
arrived Wednesday morning to
visit her parents, Mr: and Mrs.
C. M. Stevens. She expects to
locate here for the duration.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
, received a letter of commendation
from Gen John Hodge and Brig,
j Gen. Steele for the noble work
done on Okinawa by their son,
Sgt. Dale Matschullat .
Mrs. Kenneth Braddock enter
Federal Land Bank
He Fm—4% Long Term
R*p ayioenl Privilege
Boyd, Holl k Wheeler Countin
trie P- Diork*. Sec. Trots.
! O'Heill, Nebr.
tained the Bid-or-Bye Bridge
Club at four tables Wednesday
afternoon. Gilests were, Mes
dames Wm. Simmons, Robert
Gray, Bernard Allen, Max Wanser
and H. L. Banta, Mrs. C. E.
Walker received high score and
Mrs. Braddock traveling.
Glen Hunter and daughter, of
Osage, Wyo., arrived Tuesday to
visit his grandmother, Mrs. Eva
Hunter and uncle, Vernie Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs Otto Matschullat
received a card from their daugh
ter, Mrs. Merlon Chase, stating
her husband would enter the
armed service^ August 7.
Sgt. and Mrs, Vernon Parks and
son were dinner guests Thursday
of last week at the Walt Cole
home and dinner guests Friday
evening at the Earl Parks home.
Mrs. Mable Chase, of Denver,
Co., spent from Sunday until
Tuesday visiting Mrs, C. A.
Townsend and other friends and
relatives at Page.
Melvin Kempe'' W. T. 3-c who
was in the Pacific area before
spending a leave visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kem
per this summer, has returned to
that area.
Mrs. Albert Anthony has been
promoted to head kindergarten
teacher at Tampa, Florida. Mrs.
Anthony is a daughter* of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Matschullat.
Mrs Louis Schacht visited Mrs.
Eizabeth Neigenfind and daugh
ter Saturday.
Starlyn Robirvson spent last
we£k with her grandmother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Neigenfind and Gloria.
Mrs. Sarah Adams, of Cham
bers, was a dinner guest Sunday
at the J. I. Gray home and at the
Leonard Heiss 'home Monday.
The United Lutheran church at
Lincoln, Nebr., has been holding
a candle light service each Sun
day for loved ones of their mem
bers who are in the armed forces.
Sunday, July 29, Stella Rose
Lampshire lit a candle for her
uncle, S. 1-c Charles Russell son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell of
Mrs. Les Perry, and children
and Mrs. Lowell Clouse, all of
O’Neill, visited Mrs. Dean Perry
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Walter Spangler, Mrs. Ted
Herring and sons and John Kee
were visitors at the Leonard Dus
atko home Tuesday afternoon.
Joe Babl and daughters, Rita
and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko, were
shoppers in O'Neill Monday.
Misses Donna and Darlene
Wautenpaugh visited Mary belle
O'Connor Thursday evening
Lita Jane Ernst and Delores
Kemper visited Rose Mary and
Cecilia Babl Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Benze and girls and
Marybelle O’Connor spent Friday
with Jerrold Dusatko
Rita Babl was a Sunday even
ing guest of Rita Graham.
Mrs. Ted Herring and children
spent Friday visiting 'her sister,
Mrs. Wayne Bates and daughter
at the Claude Bates home.
Mr and Mrs. James O’Donnell
and soon., of Omaha, arrived Sat
urday for a visit with his folks,
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donnell
and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Joe Babl and daughters,
Rita, Rose Mary and Cecelia,
were in O’Neill Friday afternoon,
i Rita and Rose Mary had dental
, work done.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Winkler
and Mr. and Mrs. Perck Wauten
paugh and daughters were supper*
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
G. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dusatko
and girls and Mrs. Francis Schoen
le and children were dinner
guests of Jerrold Dusatko Sun
Rita Graham rind Rita Babl
visited at the Joe Winkler home
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Clouse,
of O'Neill, Mr .and Mrs. Walter
- Lumber* and son, Jack, of Lautel,
! Fred Perry and daughter, Doris
June, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Dean
| Perry and children were Sun
I day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wiliam Newton.
Ted Herring, of Omaha, arrived
Sunday morning to join his wife
and family and to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kee.
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donnell
received a telephone call from
their son, Cpl.‘ Anthony, saying
he is at Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, and won.fld be home in a
week or ten days.
Frank Enbody, of Atkinson, is
baling hay for Guy Cole
Wilma Potts visited at the
Homer Lowery home Sunday
Mr. Jonas and daughter, of
Clearwater, were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glee
Mrs. Joe Ziska visited Mrs.
Bessie Burge Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickle, of
Celia and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Coleman, of Phoenix, were Sun
day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Beckwith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Potts called
at the Bill Luben home Saturday
The South Side Improvement
Club met with Mrs. Bessie Burge
August 1. After the business
meeting a very interesting game
was played, by which each per
son tod about her favorite hobby.
This was very interesting and
instructive. Lunch was served
by Mrs. Joe Winkler and Mrs. Pat
McGinnis. There were eleven
members, one visitor and eight
children present. The next meet
ing will be held with Mrs. Jennie
Hershiser September 5th.
Olive Beckwith is spending a
few days this week at the Victor
Frickle home at Celia.
Pvt. George Brainard is now
stationed at a camp in Oklahoma.
Pvts. Vernon Beckwith and
Owen Cole are stationed at Camp
Adair, Oregon.
Dale Potts made a business
trip to Sioux City Sunday.
Mrs. Homer Lowery and Mrs.
Grant Peacock were business
callers in Atkinson Friday.
Arlene and Darryl Beckwith
visited at the George Babl home
T.4 and Mrs. George Enbody
motored to O’Neill Friday.
S. Sgt. Ernie Kloppenborg is
now stationed at Camp Crowder,
Mrs. Seralda Johnson arrived
home last week, after a month’s
visit with relatives and friends
in Dakota and Iowa.1
Mrs. John Conard, Mrs. Ans
pach, June Luben and Melvin,
were business callers in Atkinson
Thursday afternoon
T.-4 and Mrs. Gary Enbody
spent Thursday in Stuart visiting
at the home of his sister, May
Vera Stuart of Page, spent
Sunday at the Henry Kloppen
borg home.
Mrs. Homer Lowery and Mary
O’Connor were on the sick list
last week.
Mrs. Rose Tenborg and Francis,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery and
daughters, Sadie Majrie and Mrs.
Grant Peacock and son, Kenny
and Sharon Wagnon spent Sun
day evening at the Henry Klop
penborg home.
Mrs. Dean Perry and children
visittu Mrs. Fiank Foreman Sun
day evening. 1 ,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kioppen
borg visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Schmohr Sunday.
T-4 Gary Enbody spent Sunday
with his mother and brother near
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and
daughter, Mary Lou, and Mrs.
Anspach were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harden
Anspach at O’Neill.
Mrs. Cecil McMillan receiver
word that a son( was born Friday
August 3, to Seaman' 2-c and Mrs
Charles Strong of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saujnto anc
daughter. Ann, of O’Neill, Mr
and Mrs. Howard McConnell anc
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ale>
McConnell enjoyed a picnic din
ner at the river Sunday. Tin
day was sp^nj visiting and fteh
' .Aju -* * i
Ervin Shultz, oi Atkinson,
spent the weekend at the Charles
Abart home.
Guy Cole and Dean Perry
spent Sunday fishing at Lake
Andes, S. D. ,
Miss Marjorie Rouse of Omaha,
arrived home Sunday for a visit
with her parents, Mr.'find Mrs.
Herbert Rouse. *
Mrs. Lillie Hopkins "arrived
home Monday, after spending a
few days in Sioux City;
Rev. Maxdy went to Niobrara
Saturday to bring homt the three
girls who were attending ‘ the j
NEW FREEDOM gas kitchen
•; v
There is mo fuel so fast, so economical as gas. For cooking, refriger
ation, home heating, water heating and air conditioning, gas is best.
IF YOU ARE planning a new home or the remodeling of your present one—stnrt with
the kitchen. Here the average homemaker spends most of her working hours. Here
she prepares and cooks the family meals, washes the dishes, 2nd in many instances does
the weekly washing. The kitchen Is truly the most important room in the home. It
should be planned to save needless steps, and arranged to provide an atmosphere of
cheerful, modern living. The New Freedom Gas Kitchen with its efficient gas range,
refrigerator and other easy to use appliances transforms kitchen drudgery into pleasure.
Build the Kitchen of your Dreams Around a new MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE
In your New Freedom Gas Kitchen you can have a brand new Magic Chef gas range
—the range that cooks speedily, economically. Meals will be more appetizing and
delicious. You'll love the sparkling beauty of your Magic Chef and marvel at its uniform
cooking performance. It brings you the famous Red Wheel Regulator, the three-in-one
non-dog gas burner and other distinctive cooking features. Your Magic Chef will
proudly wear the GP. Seal of Approval.
O’Neill Hatchery
Youth Si%nmer Institute.
The W. S. C. S.was held last
Thursday at the. Aid Parlors. A
business meeting was held and
lunch was served.
Mrs. Gerold Risor and children
are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Rouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leidy
and son, of Colorado, arrived last
Friday to spend a few days with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Jacox and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
McGraw. Mr. and Mre. Leidy
left for home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Reisinger
and son, Ronnie left Monday for
tiheir new home at Shelby, Iowa.
Miss Mildred Keyes and Mar
jorie Rouse visited friends at
Stuart Silnday.
Word was received by Mr. and |
Mrs. Ralph Moore that Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Rubenstein have a
son. Mrs. Rubenstein was for
merly Marjorie Moore.
Miss Wilda Clark, of Burwell,
has been visiting relatives and
friends in Inman for a week.
Rev. Maxcy had Sunday dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mer
lin Luben at Clearwater.
Mrs. Anna Smith and Mrs.
Della Stevens visited their mother
Mrs. Etta Trowbridge at Page
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Jennie Wilcox visited at
the home of Mrs. Ella Riley last
Donald Jacox S. 1-c was home
three days on leave from San
Francisco. He returned there
Monday, afternoon
Darrell Jacox is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Leidy at Glen
wood Springs, Col.
(Received too late for last week)
Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Beatrice,
returned to her home Monday.
She had been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Moor for the
past week.
Mrs. Lula Adams, of Fairbault,
Minn., returned to her home
Tuesday, after spending two
weeks with her mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Moor and
Mrs. Robert Taylor were Sunday
dinner guests of Mrs. Eva Murten.
A miscellaneous shower was
held Tuesday afternoon at the
Aid Parlors for Mrs. Chad
Thompson, formerly Norma
June Hopkins. A large number
of lovely gifts was received.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Manuel Crosser and Cpl.
and Mrs. Elmer Crosser were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Faye Brittell at Chambers.
Mrs. Minnie Hansen, Lois and
Lyle of Creighton, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hansen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson
Sammy and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Hutton and Vickie Sue went
to Hastings Sunday, where they
visited Ruth Jeanette Watson.
A farewell party was given Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Reisinger by the
Odd Fellows and Rebekah’s Tues
etay mght. Mr. and Mrs. Reisig
■er are leaving for Iowa in a few
days where tney are going to„
teach school.
Rev. E. B. Maxcy took Emma
and Vivian Stevens and Patty
Bower to Niobrara Sunday after
noor^ for the Youth Institute that
is being held there.
A group or relatives gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ermand Keyes Sunday. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Nissen and family, of Peters
burg; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hickey,
Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Hamilton and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hamilton and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamilton,
from O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Hamilton and family, of
Spencer; Sgt. Robert Hamilton,
Gerald Hamilton M. 3-c and Mrs.
Jack Wildes of Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hutton,
of Virginia, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Huttton and family.
Low Priced Shoes To
Be Sold Ration Free
Retail stores in the Sioux City
OPA District will, with the ap
proval of the Djstrict Office, be
permitted to sell certain men’s and
women’s low-priced shoes ration
free during the period August 27
through October 13, 1945, the Dis
trict Director announced Monday.
Other sellers, including manufact
urers and wholesalers,also will be
allowed to transfer such shoes
ratiori-free, Hie District Office
will .approve ration-free salOs by
(Continued on next page)