The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 28, 1945, Image 4

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D. a Cronin. Luiu,r «.nu Owno
Entered at PostofTice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Intered at PostofTice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, 8S Second Cl#ss Matter
One Year, in Nebraska __— $2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2 25
Every subscription is regarded
aa an open account. The names
at subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line, first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line,
(Continued from page one)
absence. Mrs. John Stauffer, Jr.,
will have charge of children in
the basemtnt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and fam
ily, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Nissen wert guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and
son, af Omaha, have been visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Stewart and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kemper’s
daughters have been guests at
their home. Mr. and Mrs. For
rest Luddington and son, o(f Wol
bach, Mrs. Ed Callahan and
daughter, of Omaha, Mrs.
Velda Gallagher and sons, of
O’Neill, their son, Melvin Kem
per W. T. 3-c is spending a leave
at his parents home. Mrs. Kem
per’s brother, John Handke, of
Clark, S. D., has also been a
Roy Nelson came up from Lin
coln Thursday for a short visit at
the J. R. Russell home. Mrs.
Nelson and daughter, Janet, who
had spent several days visiting
her parents, returned home with
W. S. C. S. met in the Metho
dist Church basement Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Alton led the
devotions and Mrs. A. L. Dorr
gave the lesson on “Army Chap
lains.” Hostesses were Mesdames
Wilton Hayne, C. A. Townsend
and O. L. Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mrs. Amelia Larson.
M. Sgt. Lavern Dorr arrived in
the United States June 20, after
spending two years in England.
He has been sent to Fort Logan,1
Colorado. He expects to come
home soon.
Miss Mary Horrocks, of Tilden,
is visiting at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Lester Reige.
George French, O. B. Stuart, H.
L. Banta and H. L. DeLancey left
early Sunday morning for Lex
igton, Nebr., where they will
spend several days fishing.
Miss Jennie Johnson, of Den
ver, Colorado, is spendig a few
days with her sister ad brothqr
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Mrs. Charles Russell entertain
ed eight little girls at a birthday
party for her daughter, Carolyn,
Tuesday afternoon. Lunch was
served at the Copes Cafe. Mrs.
Russell baked the birthday cake.
Carolyn received a number of
nic£ gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart
and sons, of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. |
Arnold Stewart and son, and Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Stewart enjoyed
ice cream and cake at the Roy
Stewart home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
were Sunday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Trease at Orchard.
Mrs. Guy Hubbard and daugh
ter, of Laramie, Wyo.. are visiting
her mother, Mrs. Mabel Shobe.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Climens, of
Creighton, and Mr. ard Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg visited Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Nick Stein
berg at the Orchard hospital.
Mi and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and
<«on, Pvt. Dale Stauffer, were din
Jier guests Sunday at the Nevan
Jokes home.
The Misses Roberta Smith and
Helen Brotherton, of Hastings,
spent the week-end at the home
of the former’s pjarents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs K. C. Johnson
and granddaughter, of Brunswick
spent the afternoon and were
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Stevens Sunday. Mr. Johnson
is a brother of Mrs. Stevens.
Mr and Mrs. H. J. Stevens,
Miss Maud Martin and Miss Effie
Stevens were supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes Tues
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell enter
tained at a dinner Sunday in
Sumor of their grandson, Cpl.
Eugene Cullen, Other guest:
were: Mr and Mrs. Harvey
Cullen, Roland and Norma, Mr.
and Mrs, Roy Stewart and Neva
and Mi*. Nona Bedford.
Mr, and Mrs, Otto MaUchullai
received a letter from their son,
Sgt. Dale Matschullat, stating he
had been dismissed from the
hospital, where he had spent a
week for treatment of bums. He
is stationed on Okinawa.
Mrs. Nick Steinberg was taken
to the hospital at Orchard Thurs
day night for treatment for severe
burns, suffered at her home
southeast of Page. The back of
her dress caught fire from the
flame of an oil stove. She was
able to extinguish the fire. Her
leg, back and under arm were
badly burned. Her condition is
as well as could be expteted.
A daughter. Mrs. Carl Clement8
of Creighton came to stay at the
ihomt and care for her father, who
is very poorly.
■ -
Mrs. George Fairbanks and
children spent several days last
week visiting relatives at Or
Mr. and Mrs. Nevan Ickes
Lionel and Dennie, spent Sun
day evening at the Ed Porter
•home near Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Riggs spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bredehoeft, near O’Neill
where they also visited their niece
Mrs. Charles Fisher, of San Fran
cisco, Cal., who is visiting at the
home of her parents,. Mrs. Brede
hoeft is a sister of Mrs. Riggs.
Mrs. Arthur Grass and child
ren spent several days last week
at the P. A. Grass home near
Miss Neva Ickes, of Lincoln,
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nevan Ickes.
Mrs. Arthur Engle, of Spring
dale, Pa., arrived Sunday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
• ■ •
(Crowded out last week)
Pfc. Will Venker received his
discharge from the army June 8.
He spent some time at a rest
camp at Hot Springs, Arkansas,
after returning from the Pacific
area. He is at present visiting
his mother, Mrs. Blanche Venke,
at Elk Cretk, Nebr.
Richard Trowbridge left Tues
day night for Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, for training in the army.
Cpl. Eugene Cullen, of Arling
ton Heights, Illinois, arrived Sat
urday morning to spend his fur
lough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Cullen and other
relatives here. His work is taking
care of German prisoners.
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Bild, of Iret
on, Iowa, moved to Page last
week to the home they recently
purchased. They moved away
from Page in the spring of
1919. He came here as a young
man direct from college ond prac
ticed here a number of years
before going to Iowa. The people
oif the community welcome them
back to Page.
A group of friends of Dr. and
Mrs. Bild gathered at their home
Monday afternoon to assist them
with the house cleaning. Late
in the afternoon they were strved
with a lunch by Dr and Mrs. Bild.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fink have
returned home from Rochester,
Minn., where Mrs. Fink has been
receiving medilcal care.
The Help U Club met with
Mrs. Otto Matschullat Wednesday
in an all day meeting with seven
teen members present. Guests
were, Mrs. Dave Bowen, Maxine
and Jeanne Waring. The after
noon was spent playing progres
sive pitch. Mrs. Kenneth Waring
received high scort. Mrs. William
Buston second high, Mrs. Dave
Bowering traveling and Mrs. Sid
ney Faulhaber low.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Walker’s
daughters could all be at their
home Saturday, so they celebrated
Father’s Day Saturday evening,
w'ith a dinner. Those present
^were; Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Bur
gess, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Bright and Banna Jane, of Or*
(i-hard; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. John
son. Bruce and Diane, of Ilyanis;
Mrs. H. A. Miller and son, Kent
ner, otf North Platte; Mrs. W. H.
Fowler and Nancy, of Omaha; and
Mrs. M. L. Crandall and Alan,
of Fremont.
The Bid or Bye Bridge Club
met with Mrs. Ralph Larson Wed
nesday afternoon with all mem
btrs present. Mrs. Melvin Car
son received high score , Mrs.
Larson traveling.
Mr*. Kenneth Braddock and
jhildreri spent Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. F. Hieter, at O’Neill. Audrey
remained for a longer visit.
-r »
Mrs. Thrlma Jaynes, of Omaha,
and Loren Rakow, of Fremont,
r pent the week-end with their
father and sister, H. A. Rakow
and Mrs. Margaret Anderson.
The H. O. A. Club met with
Mrs. Plen Nickels Tuesday after
noon with thirteen members
present. Afternoon spent doing
needle work for the hostess. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Harry Park.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson
and family, of Hyannis, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Walker spent Sun
day at the E. E. Bright home at
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and
family spent Sunday at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Clark. Mrs. Clark accompanied
them to Norfolk that evening and
returned home Tuesday,
Mrs. Eva Hunter has been on
the sick list and under the Doctors
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider
and family, of Plainview, visited
last Friday at the home of Mrs.
Schneider's mother, Mrs. Nora
Mr. and Mr.s R. W. Johnson
and family, who had spent several
days at Page and O’Neill, return
ed to their home at Hyannis,
Nebr., Monday.
Harley Kennedy was taken to
the hospital at O’Neill Wednes
Jimmie Ballantyne is spending
a few days at the Charles Weg
man home.
S. Sgt Ernest Kloppenborg ar
rived home Friday night on a
thirty day furlough, having just
returned from the European
T-5 Pfc. James Foreman has
been awarded the Bronze Star
Medal. He is with the 3229 Ord
nance Supply Division.
Sgt. Grant Peacock is at a rest
camp in Alassio, Italy, for one
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler re
ceived a letter fiom their son,
Edward, stating that he met Cpl.
Lmircnce Tenborg at LeHavre,
France. Also another IrKer say
ing he had received a letter from
his brother, Ray. That they were
at the same reception center the
same day at the same time, at
Le Havre, France, but both were
unaware of it
Charles Fox, S2-c , is now
stationed at Pedro, Cal.
Ruth Enbody received some
pictures from he rhusband, T. Sgt.
Geary Enbody, who is now in
uoromy sargeson was an over
night guest df Sadie Marie Low
ery on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little and
daughter, Beverly of Omaha, re
turned home Thursday. Alex
McConnell accompanied them
The Girls of the Helping Vic
tory Club sent an amusement box
to the children at the Orthopedic
Hospital at Lincoln last week.
June Perry returned to her home
in O’Neill last Saturday, after
spending two weeks at the Dean
Perry home
Mrs. James O’Connor and Mrs.
Frank Foreman called at the
Homer Lowery home Friday even
Jim O’Connor and Ethel Cole
are oni the sick list this week.
Mrs. Arthur Daily and son,
Eddie, left for their home at
Schuyler after spending several
weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Dailey.
Mrs. Eva Johnson and daugh
ters accompanied Mrs. Frank
Foreman to Atkinson Wednesday.
Mrs. Henry Btnze and daugh
ters, Cookie ad Carmen, spent
Wednesday at the home of her
father, Jerrold Dusatko.
Merle Foreman trucked a load
of cattle Wednesday to Sioux
City for G. D. Janzing.
Miss Clara Babl made a busi
ness trip to Sioux City Monday.
Mrs. Helen Hoehne and daugh
ters, of O'Neill, spent last Week
at the HHy Richards home.
Visitors at the Perry home on
Thursday evening were: Mrs.
Henry Benze and daughters, Flor
ence Winkler and Shirley Weber.
Charles Fox and Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Watonpaugh accompanied
Joe Winkler to Omaha on Thurs
Miss Lottie Babl arrived home
for the summer, after being em
ployed at the George Rpctor home
for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Farr and
son, Gene, of O'Neill^ spent Friday
evening with Mrs. Eva Johnson
and children.
Mrs. Joe Winkler and Leona
called on Mrs, Cal Tenborg Satur
Clara and Lottie Babl helped
Mrs. Ray Richards paper Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dusatko
and daughters, Helen Marie and
Emily Ann, visited her folks Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peters,
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. George Babl and
daughters visited Pvt. Arnold
Gehring at O’Neill Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Hoppe and son,
James Frederick, arrived home
Sunday from the Stuart hospital.
Jay McConnell is staying with
Mrs. Alex McConnell this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman
and daughter, Norma Lou, visited
at the Homer Lowery home Sun
day afternoon.
Ruth Enbody and Mrs. Lloyd
Johnston and children called on
the Potts family Sunday.
Mrs. Alex McConnell and her
grandson, Jay McConnell, were
visitors at Walter Puckett’s
Sunday. *
S. Sgt. Ernest Kloppenborg ac
companied his brother, Ervie,
to Page Sunday.
Carl Tenbor^’s were Sunday
visitors of the Dan O’Connell
Leo Mac’s, of Ericson, moved
to Emmet last week. He is work
ing for Charles Fox.
Cole's crew started blue grass
ing Saturday,
Callers at the Henry Kloppen-'
borg home Sunday were: Mrs '
Lloyd Johnson and children. Mrs.
William Grothe, Sr., Mrs. Wm.
Grothe, Jr., and children, Mr. ynd |
Mrs.’ James Parker, Ruby nndt
Opal Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ten-j
borg and Francis, Mrs. Geary.
Pnbody and children and Mrs.
Grant Peacock.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorefiz, of
O’NeiH, were Sunday callers at j
the Walter Spangler home.
Mrs. Herry Kloppenbogg re-,
ceived word that nephew, Pvt.
Willard Balken, was killed in1
action on June 5th.
Bernard Spry returned to his
home in O’Neill Saturday, after
spending a week with Donald,
Jim O’Connor and Marybelle
were business callers in Atkinson
Monday morning.
Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and child
ren spent Friday with her folks,
Mr. and Mrs. William Grothe.
Ladies Aid will be held with
Mary Beckwith next Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith
and Leona Fern went to Norfolk
on Friday, where Leona Fern had
her throat Checked. On their way
back Leona Fern stopped at Elgin
ta spend several days with Norma
June Luben spent Sunday with
her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox.
Leon Beckwith’s spent Saturday
evening at the Dean Beckwith
Visitors at the Joe Winkler
home Sunday were: Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Babl and children, Mrs.
Bernard Dusatko and Jimmy,
Rita Graham, Mrs. Wesley Riff
ey and Father Kovar.
James Lowery, of Burwell, vis
ited at the Homer Lowery home
Florence Winkler and Shirley
Weber called at the Henry Benze
home Monday afternoon.
The members of the Home
makers Victory Club held a
shower on Monday afternoon for
Mrs. Carl Hoppe.
Miss Patty McMahn and Der*
thia Smith wore Neligh visitors
Mrs. Crouse'snd family visited
at the home of Mr. aUd Mrs. Pearl
Cary over the week-end.
Word was rerervr»d by Mr. and
(Continued on nejet page)
txcapt Sunday sad Moadsy
■ ■■ .. ' . ' . .■ A .
Including Grandstand, M JElStt
Stale aad Federal
Ladle. Admitted Upon Payment
of SSo Tax and Service Cnarg*
Armed Forcer Im Uniform Admitted frM
» 'a • «
It’s Needed More Than ^
' ••v a —» t v ’ >•_ ’> • / —■ .
All over the world, food fats are scarce. There is
a global shortage of industrial fats and oils es
sential to victory and peace.
American kitchens, according to War Food Ad
ministration, are the "most fertile source" from
which to meet 1945 fats and oils requirements.
While it takes lots of manpower, toil, sweat,
time, gasoline and machinery to cultivate and
harvest oilseed crops, it requires little effort to
salvage fat in your kitchen.
If you scrape, scoop and skim one pound of used
fat every month, your contribution will equal the
oilseed yield from eight Victory garden plots
planted exclusively to oil crops.
Save every single drop! Turn in your used
kitchen grease for cash and extra ration points!