■ Nazi Prisoners Work to Re-Build Wrecked Europe German prisoners, both war and civilian, arc put to work as punishment for infraction of Allied military government regulations. They are forced to clean up wrecked buildings and to build beds for returning troops and civilians. At the Citadelle of Port Louis, Lorient, France, they uncovered mass graves of French civilians murdered by Nazis. Picture shows (inset, upper left): German prisoners cleaning up a street in Kitzinger, Germany. Oval: Uncovering a mass grave. Center: An assembly line at Munich making beds. 853 Cadets Graduate From West Point An overhead view showing some of the 853 cadets who graduated from the West Point military academy, as Lt. Gen. Barton K. Yount, commanding general, A.A.F.T.C., gives the graduates their wings. Dwight A. Riley of Athens, Ohio, was selected as honor man of the 1945 graduating class. Among the graduates was Cadet W. D. Clark, who received his diploma from the hand of Gen. Mark W. Clark, his father. St. Louis Girl Sets Mail Record Little Rose Marie Chostner, eight, of St. Louis, is surrounded with a part of the 8,000 pieces of mail sent her in just one week after she wrote in to Smiling Ed McConnell asking for at least one birthday card for her birthday. 14 ‘Beavers’ on Coast Guard LST Ahoy mate, fetch a lawnmower! These guys have been dodging the barber long enough. Serving aboard a coast-guard-manned LST, these 14 “beavers” took part in the assault on Okinawa. A rough and ready band, they carry their hobbies on their chins—the same kind of luxuriant foliage that Grandpa used to wear. Takes Big Toll The submarine Parche has sunk 4,500,000 tons of Jap shipping since the war began. Photo shows Lt Comdr. W. M. McCory and lookout men as they stand at the conning tower of the Parche, flying its battle flag after its return to Pearl Har bor. New Twirler In windup action here is Dave Ferriss, sensational new pitcher ol the Boston Red Sox, who has chalked up his sixth straight victor; with a one-hit shutout. Released by Western Newspaper Union. By VIRGINIA VALE Foolish notion,” by Philip Barry, is a play that’s right up Hollywood’s alley, partly because it would make a delightful picture, partly also because of its cast. Talullah Bankhead returned to Broadway in it after she had “Lifeboat” and “A Royal Scandal" to add to her screen career; Donald Cook is known to movie goers, as is Aubrey Mather. And Maria Manton makes her stage debut—she’s the daughter of Mar lene Dietrich. She's a big girl, pret tier than her mother was when she arrived in this country, with a peaches-and-cream voice and an ob vious talent for seductive roles. "Foolish Notion” could step onto the screen with its Broadway cast, suc cessfully. . Mi Of course we're used to those nick names—“The Look," "The Beard," and all the rest of them. But Para mount certainly didn't look ahead when insuring Olivia de Havilland’s chin for $100,000 because Ray Mil OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND land was to hit her on it in “The Well Groomed Bride." Because quick as a flash up came a name for Olivia — “The Jaw.” Sounds more like something belonging to a prize fighter than a pretty girl. ' " In Hollywood, it’s a nice gesture —Betty Hutton, between pictures, lent her stand-in, Barbara Cain, to Joan Caulfield, the young Broadway actress. Barbara, star of Broad way’s “Kiss and Tell,” was begin ning her film career, in Paramount’s j “Miss Susie Slagle.” It looked as if Penny Singleton was doomed to play “Blondie” forever until Hunt Stromberg gave her a chance to escape in “Young Wid ow.” She was a victim of typing, till he put her into this picture, in which Jane Kussctl and Louis Hay ward are co-starred. Jean Hersholt ran into the same difficulty after he did “The Country Doctor”; Van Johnson escaped the fate of the “Dr. Kildare” series, thanks to the bobby sockscrs. Basil Rathbone has to fight to avoid eternally playing Sherlock Holmes. Typing can make a Holly wood star, and ruin him. -* Virginia Bruce goes brunette for her dual role in Republic’s "Love, Honor and Goodbye.” She’s blonde for half the film, then dons a dis guise as a brunette French maid to test her husband’s fidelity. In pri vate life Virginia's best tint is honey blonde. _ t; Three years ago, after abandoning I his job as vocalist for Harry James’ j band to get a start in films, Dick Haymes was broke and hungry. He got a job chaufTeuring Chick Chan dler to work at 20th Century-Fox. j Now Chandler plays a columnist in “Kitten on the Keys” starring Dick Haymes and Maureen O’Hara, near- ' ly breaks up their romance—and Haymes is slated to give his for j mer employer a punch in the jaw! That’s a swell idea of Boh Burns’ —in his home town of G'anoga Park, | where he’s mayor, he’s planting me morial trees for all residents killed while serving in the armed forces, with a plaque bearing the war hero’s ! name attached to each tree. -* That’s a swell new radio show, “Detect and Collect," launched on CBS June 13 as summer replacement for “Which Is Which.” In case you haven’t heard it, Wendy Barrie and Fred Uttal give each contestant five clues to identify his surprise gift, and $25 if he guesses it the first time. Prizes decrease to $5, but the contestant gets the prize even if he | never guesses what it is. -■¥. ODDS AND ENDS — The Andrews Sisters have been voted the most popu lar harmony group by the soldiers sta tioned in Ireland. . . . Now that John Garfield won’t be drafted, Producer Carey Wilson is ready to start produc tion on "The Postman Always Rings Twice,” starring John anil Lana Turner. . . . This time Paul Whiteman has scheduled a group of Gershwin tributes instead of just a one-time shot; he's chosen Joan Edwards as soloist for the ! series. . . . Jimmy Carroll was vocal j pinch-hitler for five top singers before I he landed h is own commercial CBS j series, "Jimmy Carroll Sings.” Danes Gain Representation at San Francisco This group of Danish officials is shown on arrival In San Francisco, where Denmark was admitted as the 50th member of the United Nations Security conference. Met at the airport by Axel C. F. Sporon-Fedler, right, consul general of San Francisco, they are, left to right: Henrlck De Kauffman, minister to Washington; Prof. Erik Husfeldt and Prof. Uartvig Frisch. Twice Bombed Oil Flagship Vice Adm. M. A. Mitscher, commander of carrier task force 58, was twice bombed off his flagship by "suicide planes” of the Japs. Despite his close calls, Mitscher does not consider the Jap suicide planes a "serious threat to American success in the Pacific.” Photo shows Admiral Mitscher as he spoke to press conference In Washington. With him is Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. War Crimes Conference in Session Here is a view of the scene in the law court of London as the United Nations War Crimes conference opened. Great Britain’s Justice Wright (standing in center background) is addressing the assembled United Nations delegates to the conference. Generals Watch Front Line Action Marine Maj. Gen. Lemuel Sheperd, holding walking stick, and Lieu tenant General Buckner, center, watch front line action from an Okinawa ridge as their forces storm Naha, capital of the island. The conquest of this Island, at frightful cost, possibly wound up the long and arduous strategy of “island hopping,” which began with Guadalcanal in 1942. fcUp a Tree’ Five marine communicators are up a tree in an effort to further confuse a puzzled Okinawa native. The leatherneck linemen are (coun terclockwise from upper left) Cpl. F. Clevenger, Cleveland, Tenn.; Cpl. Thomas J. Kranz, Toledo, Ohio; Pfc. Jerry Locke, Pryor, Okla.; Ffc. Henry Luebbe, Bclvue, Kans., and Cpl. John Jones, Ebcnsburg, Pa. Happy Jap Arms folded across his bony chest, this skinny Jap prisoner was taken by infantrymen who captured Wawa dam on Luzon. He told his captors that he was kicked in the face by a Jap captain when he fell from ex* haustion while carrying supplies. Shown with S/Sgt. Andrew Fedoris. Icewoman Is Here Not even the iceman’s domain is safe from the assaults of advancing womanhood. Here is Mrs. Ada Man sell of Pittsburgh, Pa. Wins Opening Race Jockey Bobby Permane presented this mud-caked face after he had won the opening: race at Belmont Park, astride “Dusty.*• Bobby and mount weren’t leading: all the way.