■ a* »»—>—.■ —r !—rrt ’ >' <'>' 1 i11 ”~rr ~ T"" High Officers Given Promotions ** ( o.-r BtariJ; jiti m-nsl ms smi . r v> f Churchill and>%ttv*gfe<}w«UB*}ig&r leAivtaA .things over on the Rhine river bankv. IJppcj; right. Fi^li. ^*£$hal Bernard L. Montgomery visits British-and OafeadUM troops in the forward area®.' Lower, Prim*, Minister ^sym£hji!5d|iI^wy-s^dfi!|Jgpn%Wj^am^im;^f}ft tp makethe trip ac^ss^p^^ne^^e GflW»an g _1*1*^- 'fir.li .- -_aa -iaini, vrr• 1. .'.0_Jiaii—.qflivlg f iina\, • i./:oocja«3 ilJn ■ Vw-oj anooqsoide• xiL ili - atermewwi* top * Iw<* . Warriors „ JE aaauujoo ca* .is omsc }• anooqsfjida r. mvml 1 ■>**»»- an.--, mam. i'.T. r^.-.r -I'-iflc «nm- ** 881 Tliisi,jiiuiiiiiMjma«aafcamila^daMMLiiaaa at lirt am » /nrr— Samurai sword to slice a watermelon, a rare fruit on tbat»barren uol^uiu Island. %he melons, In addition othdr product, rodiprised a Ship ment sent by transport plane from the United States farms omMSuasa* where TinciJni£liiil-ini..R^11""11 *g'rlrultu™ wpr" conducted.... G J. uAd ^iizi ircjoes i kt flliJ ' J: 1 I Abo*J p(idt6gri^: show the dtf fentnce tbetatfeefi the^V^S. and the Npiiit heroes. Upper, MaJ. tlkrroll’Cl Smith, America’s first night fighter ace, who flew a Black Widow P-61. Bhktw, Fritgle siflpekv k hef6 to ’-bis esmnde^ befdre .capture. .' ht! : I imi» u-i-’-i f£ *t 11 SiShat’s i-lS&is Aikmit?* .sil ,1‘jaxnij 9ltlTJt .ill .siaiu 't .fdtei jtooiay.i cqif. invotuv l ¥ .fef«Pr*SaS' jfcs cominanarns raurd qf,Me JU. S., al^fri^,* tclfs'Ms supenorj^Gjy) eral of the Altmy Dwight^^eifnoW? iV? aWMi* the ’big pusH id46^ GCt-~ ‘ nMuy* either indicating th^ size of the drive or the final push y»t hi wims ~=^ 1 !| ■■- = siligboss" i a VMBsi- .03 .bci:ot —Maj. Gen. Lucias P. Ctay;"wlm ' has been ‘.canned as pide to (penpral Eisenhower, * is to be in charge ot civilian affairs' d» Germany 'When - . ■ «—. —■ — *- - -< “ -» —— -“ ‘ ‘ T* T: O , ' £»*** n • /~'t* .Revenge Is bweet to oome Russian Civilians '-7 .taliiM*- i ,iil ox. 9jiCL.-.j:u jnii’t .ul 410I .cmat'jia W • 1 __...... _ ._. ■ . .uir .. . I Is TH90TCO .flOfiJWOo 9909, < - ill i 1JXM&* li 1 fAl fl 9 IT I’ The Naxis are taking a beating Inside GefrMihy, as Well aS oh’ the war fronl. This sfrip c^f photos shows ja Geunaa.civj^w R9,lcWI?n %*il»e P1**8 *he tmiteppy'file of1 ‘'tVrfmaehf.* T#6 Russians, former slave laborers, take a tnumphaut role as thoyvbesS«4im Nasf lnSolfeSr aas* bodily let him get SWay. The ‘Russians met the* NiSrWffigy were searcW Jo* ^,er|ftsn “kHanHmed hmn «*nts»:» MI^OO i gJflSEMSsiis: '"'tLMa'^On oGiganlo';'. l„r_* •Ml*'l«i a**ftt flo!J* 3 • 1 toons dxU >5 a <*!<; Aaiaumm nannh srrrw ■..% l »<», .an*» . ... ,oiaciaa *> idJo netnow joi a.i e of the shipsnrhich comprised the ijNgsntle 'Beet. thit participated ip t#p, Uiypolpo *f Okinawa are with tbousutuls ot tdns of equipment and suppitasat ua adtdnced Pacific base,. Holiest Allied OPeta-, _ this ,theatre, «• armada of Borne 1,400 whips took part in tte amphibious a^at-k oq ^la k?y island f In the'stepping-stone chain between Formossnod Japan proper. *vi'Jtoi noso'u /a.i a;: '_j aiuv. co****> JK:J oJ a —111— ~-Tl flijitwll WJUl'T1' XiVi CVI\Di 9J' MT-UP nw^ 1v- 'jrsycbbmtic al warfr^fp, bf*pc]jn<*#.|He »r«liibrowk asts y. Toflay h«< is regarded as one of tne piopt- lively Ipftking prospects working out with the Indians. He will be farmed, pul until, hr. sraurra mnra amariaane. .— I ' qn’i *1 * * * ■ ■ Flag Over ^rima 1 i i, !?n «uoa 'tip-l v 01/1 (1197)11*7 * »***** -* .» » - - T'ftMM'Pf tbenaw IMh auuiy’*-*MI*> by the d*risiM chmirtalWsm^vsidJ. | :qw>»;it" ■' 31 ..*»4'"-nb9)0»l !- > 'to- ■ •3il -i9oa‘ ,9)om3Jniv’ .MaJ. Gen. Maurice Rose, brilliant U. $. armored commander of the 1st «rray» who was murdered by Germans after his surrender. He is the son of Rabbi Rose of Denver. :rl i ! « I I ■ ■ Inches iijgh pnd :th# drawers* are planned to hold the shaker cans that spites come in today. TMs drheSt'fe'ea^ to thafcW frdfk scraps inf lumber with plywbod back fhappd;in simple curves that may be cut with, a upping saw. The drawer fronts are made with bldck H8£k“ construction Which! “re quires nb'special tools. * Plastie bfr brass kjjnhftaca.ysertsagd NbTBMPatWrti !7*Jglvei !*b:a'9eeH ' ■ 'ie«t a* 4 f SIJAPPX fAPTS ,7 ’ kBATTT ; ■ * l J JUT1T1 rn— U H ** ir RUBBER * m »v I o ,.jrJI .laiaaaooi b 93 n c o/i1 nodifi* j o Recent government teats 'n In demonstrated that Synthetic '• iri|tpck tires sl|««r-id»*e'T wegr.:»8‘ »" r, ,«"d less Jmadrjtoc|d<|i whWi v k1 operating at night than do»*Jl99 1( ing daytime service. Atmos ! 0 phedfe1 * tetUperillred 1 ’eWkto . given a* the reoseef or CMs t c«i i t«8( 9.1 w Like ether rubber commodities,1’1 r‘T footwear should be tosfltid ptopooi l outer surfaces'oiler ee* wfftrrirtg/ 1 l9.fky «; tfil&at °a?l the way • I *>»n^ favtaMu lAw. ’4OT ,: i ftwfc f fvfluw/ ;« I 'l&UtattlOfK.' f; .,jt t toitcougfclj thloat«WHWtiftrt# or’1”911 i •searraw^*-^ J | j~i; sifl' T!gg' iv »m»911 ,anM3* 9<>r *>01 f Vlltftettfdfc ohdCcft+W— ll U l: nol ■ n - «m'ej[tlb^ ™ II : .Of *Otl#fce ISey"4fcte ' *S 1, f cris^^tyl’catroo aadndelSttotis •*'* ... &&22SL !,( i !’Batb»dSU^yDu^ai#1%?iV,i%eeS[>“0 . j a^iin sfriWttfll obttoatthat aafep- d.*r » ■< • Vodf ’l$Voriti^{fe%Ter has a wide ,., l; canye afiFMty*e FWwer^Hd Vefce- ^ table ^Jeeds.- Hgye ,« better gar<- MS deb wjih Ferry’s SfpdSp, joru. r FIIU*Y-MOBS« ,5«D CO. . ,ao , 1 10.j*TMm,**r 1 .« ny «ooo ««n. ^oycf 4;1J»A.4.VJT > r r 1 ;a9n “•** errt's | ...SXfLDS