The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 28, 1944, Image 4

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O H Cronin. Editor and Owner
fcjterec at PoAoffke at O'Neill.
Hebrajxa. as Secood Class Matter
D H CrtiA Editor and Owner
Baterec at Postofbc* at O'Neil,
K - iiii as Secood Cla» Matter
One Tear, in Nebraska -52.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.2b
Every sobscrtpucm is regarded
W an Open account The names
af subscribers will be instantly
•amoved from our mao.r4 L*t at
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anderstand that these coodincct*
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Display advertising a charged
tor ca t basis erf 25c an inch (one
eohirr. wide) per week. W ant
ads 10c per Irne, first mser-.nn
Sabsecjucr t insertions 5c per line
(Continued from page one)
Misses Clara and Evelyn £az
uni erf Plain view, spent Sunday
arvj Monday at the home of their
parents, Hr and Mrs. Jerry Saz
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bolin and
fbzmiy, of Orchard, and Mr. and
Mrs Ervin Held and family, of
Venus, spent Christmas day at
the home of the ladies parents.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Wood,
Mrs Myrtle Coon and ton
Lester, were Christmas eve din
ner guests at the Harvey Spang
ler borne
E E Reed. Royal. Mr and Mrs
Harry Harper, Mr and Mrs
Frank Bee lea rt and family, Roy
Haynes and family and Mr and
Mrs Oscar Reed were Christmas
day darner guests of Mr. and Mrs
Allen Haynes and Viola.
The C L. C. Club held theu
annual Christmas party Friday
afteroofn at the R. D. Copes horn:*
There were nine members pres
and and eight guests, Mesdarrev
Herbert Steinberg, Edgar StaufTer
Dave Bowen, C. A Townsend
Rollie Snell, Edward Soukup
Ida Chase and Elsie C .rk
Christmas gifts were ex
changed The afternoon hours
were spent with a contest, a
sax a phone solo by Miss Jean
Woods, accompanied by Miss Lois
Parks at the piano; a duet by
Gene Braddock and Bobbie Sor
ensen A delicious lunch was
served by the hostesses
Mr. and Mrs, James Kelly and
son and Mrs. William Kelly and
children, of Inman, spent Christ
mas day at the Owen Parks home.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Asher and
son Freddie, of Fremont, spen’
Saturday night and Sunday at
the home of the latter* m it her
Mrs. Margaret Anderson and Sun
day night and Monday at the
home of the former’* mother
Mrs. Ethel Asher.
The Misses Sylvia Belilj, Fgye
Finch and Florence Cunningham
who work at the Goodyear plant
at Lincoln, are spending a weeks
vacation with their respective
v* a . a a a a
IWMliVCO iwovcu wuiu
that Edmund Taylor. S2c, who
finished his boot training at the
Great Lakes Training Station this
month, has been sent to a radio:
school at Mad 1-on, Wis.
The Get-to-Gether Club he’.d
their Christmas party Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs
Evelyn Gray. Tnere were fiftee'
members present and two guests. I
» Mrs Keith Weyer and Mrs. Ger
ald Sazama Christmas gifts
were exchanged during the gen-j
eral meeting. Silent prayer was
offered for our boys in service :
Singing of Christmas carols. A
silver offering of six dollars was
presented to the Nebraska
Children's Home. A delicious
lunch was served by the hostess
Mr. and Mrs Walter Asher and i
son. Freddie. Mr and Mrs. Sam |
Coover, Mrs. Margaret Ande ;in
and John Friday spent Christmas
eve at the home of Mrs. Ethel |
Mr and Mrs. Keith Weyer, Mt.j
Pleasant, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs
Gene Baber and family, Plain
view;Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Walktr
and family, Mr and Mrs. P T.
Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Snell were Christmas day guests
of Mrs. Evelyn Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Cifford French
and family, of Lambert:n, Minn,
are spending a weeks vacation
with relatives at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E Rosner and
son, of Hastings, spent Sunday
and Monday at the nome of Mrs.
Rosner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs
J. E. Smith.
Loren Rakow, of Fremont
spent the week end with his sis
ter, Mrs. Margaret Anderson and
father, H. A. Rakow.
E»veiyn aim anarun nsnci
were Plainview visitors Tuesday
Mrs. Evelyn Gray has received
word that S. Sgt. Virgil Chase is
located at Smyrna, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley enter
tained the following guests at a
dinner Christmas day; Cpt. Le
land Finley, Camp Robinsin, Ar
kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Gailen
Miller and family, Niobrara; Mr.
and Mrs. LeVern Finley and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Al
len and daughter.
Miss Mane Heiss, of Lincoln,
spent Sunday and Monday visit
ing relatives at Page
The primary department of the
Sunday School had a Christmas
program at the Methodist church
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French
entertained the following rela
tives at a dinner Sunday, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Heiss and
Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Heiss and family and Mr
and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and family.'
Christmas day guests at the
George French home were* Mr::
and Mrs. Cliffird french and fam-i
tv ■ .n i
.»*•/!It* > v JB&ftftl
pfh tg j %, ro '> >uin)od
Prt Harold L. Stone Jr.. Galf
poct. Miss.. tt, i*B« beta***
War Bonds healed his arm. frae
tured by a ballet ia Franee. He
rad bee* sear chine bosses for
Sari and was cramline oat U es
cape en-mr sbelluu mhea the
blow strath.
Sergt- Norris Pendergrass. Roseburg. Ore.. ?1.
suffered a broken leg. broken jaw and flesh
wounds when Nazi threw a grenade into tank in
which be was riding. AH his wounds are mend
ing satisfactorily because War Bonds provided
him with the best medical care overseas and in
Permanently waited out of the war when a
r.fle grenade blew np close to his left fo>t in
F rance. P.F.C. Martin Grabanowitch 2». Mil
waukee. Wise., erf the Rangers says War Roods
are the best inrestinrnt people can make. They
are restoring him to eirilian nsefulness. He
says bay War Ronds.
Hit in the head and leg by mor
tar shell fragments while taking
a hill. Pvt. Robert B. Graham.
Pontiae. Mich.. 26. says he is glad
people boT Mar Bonds. They sup
plied treatment for those wounds
and his fractured humerus.
li. S. 7 reajurj Utfarmr-'
iJy. of Lamberton, Minn ; Mrs
Merle Brouse. Valentine; Mr and
Mrs O. W French and family.
O'Neill;; Mr and Mrs Merwyn
French and family, Mr and Mrs.
Wallace French and Alice, Mr
and Mrs . Leonard Heiss and
Mark and Mr and Mrs. Alton
Braedock and Jo Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allen
were guests Monday at the home
of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Sprague
Mr and Mrs Ralph Larson ana
son and Mrs. Amelia Larson, were
guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs
Carl Michael at Clearwater
Mr and Mrs. Lowell Miller and
Mrs Max Miler and son. of Lin
coln. visited relatives at Page
and Ainsworth over the Christ
mas holiday.
Mr and Mrs. George Rost were
Christmas day dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R D. Copes.
The MtesoB Neva and Sybil
I ekes, of Lincoln, visited over
Christmas at the home cT their
fiarenta, Mr, and Mrs Sevan
Mr. and Mrs Lowell Mill and
Mrs. Max Miller and son, of Lin
coln, Mr and Mrs. N G. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs Art Miller
and son. and Mr. and Mrs Arnold
Stewart, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray
Christmas day.
jar ana nit- a. d. m lju c «uu
'daughter spent Christmas day at
the Floyd Black home at Ewing.
Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Cunning
ham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Cunningham and family, Mr and
Mrs H. J Stevens, Misses Maude
Martin and Effie Stevens ard E
E. Stevens were Christmas d.n
ner guests of Mr and Mrs. L. R.
Mr. and Mrs Will Luebbers, of
Osmond, visited at the P. E Kis
ser home Monday afternoon.
A large crowd enjoyed the
Christmas program given by the
!trade pupils at the auditorium
as! Thursday evening.
Mr and Mis Lowell Miller and
Mrs. Max Mi’h-r and *o*\ rf. Lin
coln, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Car
son. and W E Snyder were gue- s
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snyder, of
Ainsworth Sunday
Miss Fontelle Wood, of O 'a v
spent the Christmas holiday witt
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edfar
John La mason, of Adam?,
Nebr., is spending a week’s va
cation with relatives at Page.
Mr and Mrs Jerry Lamas* n
and Mr. and Mrs. Jihn D. Walker
spent Chris*mas eve at the Max
Wanser home.
Feodor C Kattner. Minister
Sunday School at !0 a. m.
Classes for all age groups.
Worship Service 11 a. m.
For children in the church
basement with Mrs. Kattner in
For adults in the sanctuary. ]
with the minister in charge
Youth Fellowship Watch-Night
Service closing with the ringing
of the church bell at 12 o’clock.
Misses Jeanette Riley, Marilyn.
Donnabeth and Suzanne Bressler
came Friday to visit at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilton Hayre.
Mr and Mrs. Virgil Terrill and
j daughter. Dixie, of Sterling, 111,
are spending a week's vacation
with the former’s parents, Mr
and Mrs. C. J. Terrill and the
For Best Results
and satisfactory returns,
bring your livestock
to the
O’Neill Livestock Com. Co.
H. S. Moses and G. P. Colman, Managers
Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska
We Sell Every Monday
.alter s, Mrs Myrta Van
Mr. and Mrs C. A Townsend,
Mr and Mrs E. Roy Townsend
and Mrs Nora Peterson were
Christmas day dinner guests of
Mrs. Ida Townsend and Mrs Eva
Mrs Minnie White, who has
oeen on the sick list for several
days appreciated the Carols sung
for her Christmas eve.
Mr and Mrs. Warren Kernedy
and daughter, of Omaha, and Mrs
Walter Schneider and family, of
Plamvjew. Mr and Mrs. Harley
Kennedy and family and Mr. and
Mrs Forrest Henderson and fam
ily were Christmas, day guests of
Mrs Nora Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Plen Nickel and
sons. Mr and Mrs. Earl Parks and
sons and Mrs. Austin Nickel and
children were guests Christmas
day at the Alfred Ulry home.
Mrs. Myrta Van Conett and
daughter, Yvonr.e, entertained at
a Chr stmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs
Virgil Terrill and Dixie and Mr
and Mrs. C. J. Terrill.
Mr. and Mrs Keith Weyer. who
have been visitJng relat ves at
tPage and Ainsworth, returned
to their home at Mt. Pleasant
Iowa. Wednesday
Mr. ana Mrs. c.ari i>uss ana
family and Mrs Venice Bressler
and family of Wayne, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Johnson and famiy, of
O’Neill, enjoyed a Christmas day
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilton Hayne. Marilyn and
Dorr, a be lie Breesler and Jian and
Joe Nuss stayed to spend the
week with their grandparents.
Mrs Gailen Miller and children
and Cpl. Leland Finley were call
ers Christmas day at the home o'
their grandmother, Mrs. Minnie
White Mrs. E J. Smith and
daughter, Mrs E E Rosner also
; visited at the White home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Terrill and
family of Rembrandt. Iowa are
spending a week visiting relatives
at Page and Royal
Mr and Mrs. Raymond Heiss
and family. Mr and Mrs Harold
Heiss and family and Mr. and
Mrs Lloyd Bergstrom and son
spent Christmas day with Mr. and
Mrsfl Fred Cu’.llen.
Mrs Rose Fridley, of Nirfo k, is
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Katherine Boise.
Mr. and Mrs. A B. McClure en
tertained Mr. end Mrs. Sam
Coover at an oyster supper Sun
day evening.
Mrs. Earl Closson assisted at
the Ewing telephone office Friday
and Saturday of last w-eek.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Terrill en
tertained at a family dinner Wed-1
nesday: Mr and Mrs. Virgil
Terrill and Dixie, Mr and Mrs.
Arthur Ternll and fami y an t Mr.
and Mrs. Ott Terrill and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood and
family and Mr. and Mrs. E. C
Wilber were guests of Mr. ard
Mrs. E. A. Edmisten Christmas
Mr and Mrs. Warren Kennedy
and daughter, of Omaha, spent j
from Friday until Tuesday visit- j
ing at the home of the former’s
Sarents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Mrs. Nora Peterson, of Grand
Island, spent Christmas with I
Page friends.
Mrs. Margaret Barrett, Richard
and Lorraine are visiting rela
tives at Pierce and Norfolk.
Mrs. George Lubbers left Wed
nesday afternoon for Farragut,
Idaho, where her husband, Geo.
Luebbers S2-c is stationed.
Mr and Mrs Harlan Parker
and daughters, ah Ashland and
Mr and Mrs Les Getter ana fam
ily of Ewmg. spent from Saturday
night until Tuesc-y night at the
home Mr and its. Roy Parker
They enjoyed an oyster supper
Christmas eve and a Christmas
day dinner Monday.
C A Woods, of Lincoln, and
sons Dale and Richard Wood S2-c
spent from Tuesday until Thurs
day at the R D, Copes horn?.
Jean Woods, who had spent
Chrtstmas at the home of her par
ents at Lincoln, returned to Page
with them. JLcr.ard Woods S2-c
is stationed at Farragut, Idaho,
and had spent a few days at Lin
coln before coming to Page.
Mr, and Mrs Gordon Rakov,
and son returned to Minneapolis, i
Minn.. Wednesday, after visiting
relatives here.
Second Ll La veme Stevens
left for Lincoln Wednesday, alter
spending Christmas with his wife
and other reatives at Page.
(Continued from page one)
W O. Jarman came nome Fri
day from the hospita in Omaha,
where he has been for several
weeks recovering from an injury
to his jaw. He is reported as
gc*tmg a!or.g nicely.
i It. and Mrs Lawrence Barnett
and family, id Hastings, arrived
i he. e Saturday to visit his parents,
ll-.r. and Mrs Stace Barnett and
1 with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. T.
E Alderson and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lape Lenz and
Luetta eni*.iain«c the following
geests at a Cl>ri*trr,as drnn.r at
their place Sunday afternoon:
Mr. ar 1 Mrs. Louis Iiarlty and
family, Mr, and *Mrs. Victor Har- j
ley and daughter*, and Norman ;
small son at Mr and Mrs. Vernon
Harley; Mrs. E. M. Brooks, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Harley and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beck
and family of Hooper, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny couch and |
Eunice went to Royal Monday to
spend the day with relatives.
The following people had j
Christmas dinner with Mr. and |
Mrs. C. W. Rothchild: Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Rothchild and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rothchild
and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Sanderson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Troxel Green and daughter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shores.
John Nachtmartand son, Edwin
motored to Omaha Wednesday of
last w'eek to be present at the
Ordinatiin to the Priesthood of his
nephew. Francis Price. He was
accompanied by the Price family
of O’Neill. During his absence
John Ritterbush took care of the
stock on tbe Nachtman ranch.
Father Price Will offer up his
f.rst Soemn Mass at St. Patrick's
in O'Ne 11 on December 28. ?t
10 o’clock to which the public is
cordially mv.tea.
James Platt arrived home Wed
nesday, December 20, from the
Norfolk hospital, where he had
recenty submited to an operation
Miss* Celesta Gleed arrived
home from Lincoln by bus Wed
nesday evening of last week, for
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes and
family and Mrs. E. H. Russel
drove to Sargent Sunday of last
week to spend the day visiting
Miss Doris Kiltz came to Cham
bers by bus from Denver, Col.,
Thursday of last week to spend
a short vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Dinner guests of Mr. arw Mrs.
Clarence Tibbet’s Sunday after
noon were the following: Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Cooper, Mr. and Mrs
Hale Osbourn and Sharon, all
from Winner. S. D.; Gordon Coop
er, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs Don
ald Grimes and Bonnie, Mrs.
Genevieve Bell and Mr. and Mrs.
L. V. Cooper.
Mrs. Lela Crandall came home
Wednesday from Sioux City, to
spend Christmas with home folks.
Paul Roth took Mrs. Rena Fey
erherm to O’Neill Sunday from
where she left for Wayne to
spend her vacation visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. William Phyle and fam
ily. Hamilton Spence accompan
ied them to O’Neill, going from
there ti Norfolk to visit re a'ives.
The country schools near
Chambers held their Christmas
programs on various days and
evenings of the past week. The
snow, which began Thursday
afternoon and continued we'l in
to Friday night, only added to the
Christmas spirit with its white
ness, and the little school houses
were crowded with parents and
•£r iends of the pupil*. District
156, taught by Genelle Held, had
District 107, Marian Carpenter
teacher, and tfce schiol east of
town, taught by Mrs. Duane Car
son. had their programs Friday
evening. Joyce Catron, teaching
in the Lone tree district, held her
program Fnday afternoon. Dis
trict 163, taught by Phyllis Car
penter and the Cavanaugh school
taught by Mrs Heinz, both had
their programs Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Childers
drove to Elgin Friday to get
Helen Childers and Mrs. Vernon
Smith, who arrived there from
Wichita. Kansas. A friend of the
two young ladies, who had spent
her vacation at Niobrara, drove
to Chambers after them and they
all left for their work at Wichita
Monday afternoon.
Mrs Wilfred Martfeld and son.
John Edward, of Avoca, Arkan
sas, are visiting at the John
Martfeld home.
Miss Marian Carpenter went to
Atkinson Wednesday to spend the
rest of the week at the H. O.
Stevens home.
Dr. Loran Coppoc, of Omaha,
submitted to an appendicitis oper
ation in the Imanuel hospital at
Omaha, where he is an intern.
At this writing he s reported as
Mr and Mrs. Charles Spath
and family went to Page Satur
day night to attend a shower in
the Gus Spath home, in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Spath.
Mardell Butts of Hastings,
spent a short Christmas vacation
at home.
(Received too late for publica
tion last week.)
Mrs. Reba Oetter received wird
from the War Department on
Monday, December 11, that her
husband, Sgt. Benjamin H. Otter
had been missing in action since)
November 24 in France. Sgt.,
Oetter entered the service last
March and was stationed at Camp
Roberts, Cal. He was home in
August on a furlough, while en
route to New York. He sailed
from there in September .
Mrs. Cecil Thornton has so’d
the fixtures in her cafe in the
west part of town to the Martes.
Friends at Chambers have re-1
teived word from Lurlin Collins
that he has been shifted from1
Evansville, Indiana, to Farming
dale, Long Island, New YorK.
He is in the experimental branch I
if the factory of the Repub
lic Aviation Corporation. One of i
His duties is to fly the personal |
plane of the president of the (
John Walter, sr„ and Mrs. Rena
Feyerherm were supper guests of'
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter Thurs
day evening of last week.
Mrs. Nellie Stark left for St.
Paul Monday, after receiving a 1
;all that her grandson, John Lil,,
son af Mr. and Mrs. Bob Starr,
had broken his arm in two places
and had been taken to Omaha, j
where he was in a hospital.
Pvt. Robert Peltzer left Sunday
for Camp Butner, N. C., after
spending a short furlough with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs Reuben
Peltzer and other relatives.
Delbert Robertson arrived!
home from the hospital at Ro
chester, Minn., Sunday. When
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. |
Robertson, left last week it was
though he would have to remain
for several weeks His cond.tion
improved sufficiently so that the
doctors allowed him to come
home for a short time. He will i
return after Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dqnald Grimes
and 6onnie had supper Thursday
af last week with Mr. and Mr*.
Glen Grimes and family.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ncwhousr
received word that their son,
Keith, had been promoted from
Dorporal to Sergeant Set, New
louse is stationed at Muskogee,
Chester Fees S. 2-c met I’vt
Darrel Schipman on the streets of|
Honolulu. These biys are both
from Chambers and the meeting
>vas a pleasant surprise to «fteh
>f them.
Margaret Thornton who teach
?s near Page, spent the week en t,
with home folks.
Mrs. Cecil Thornton, who had,
seen visiting relatives at Okiaho
na City, Oklahoma, for the past
nonth, yarrived home Thuurnday
Mr. and Mrs. Lape Lenz enter
:ained Mr. and Mrs. John ('huh
and Eunice at dinner Sunday, In
ionor of their dauchter, l.uetta *
eighteenth birthday.
The young people of the Mrth
xlist cliurch met on Wednesday
evening olf last week at the Ei tie .1 ^
Farrier home to practice songs
for the Christmas eve program.
Refreshments of apples and pop
corn were served.
Mrs. Mary deed came home
Saturday night from Lincoln,
where she has been visiting rela
tives. .
Phyllis Wood arrived home Fri
day from Fremont, to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry- Wood and Dale.
Elaine Adams has been ill with
the flu
Mrs. Alma Farrier left Tuesday
for Red Oak, Iowa, to spend
Christmas with her daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrg. Brig *4
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter,
Mrs. Wayne Rowse and baby and
Mrs. Robert Farrier were Norfolk
shoppers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Staley
moved into the vacant house at
the T. E. Alderson place recent
ly. They plan to work for Mr.
Aldeerson the coming year.
Charley Grimes and boys and
Mrs. T. E, Newhouse visited Mrs.
Grimes at the Stuart hospital
Saturday. They report her con
dition improved.
Elvera Sorenson had supper at
the John Dankert home Saturday
Relatives here have received
word that Pvt. Delbert Nissen is
now in the Philippines.
Mr. ar,d Mrs. Clarence Grimes
and family and Clair Grimes and
Miltton drove to Tilden Sunday.
Clair and Milton visited Mr. Stew
ard and Mrs. Edward Grimes and
twin daughters. The Clarence
Grimes family visited at the
Steward home and also with Mrs.
Grimes’ sister, Mr. and Mrs Paul
Corkle and family.
Donald Cavanaugh left Thurs
day for the Great Lakes Training
Station to enlist in the Navy.
Mr and Mrs. John Albers and
Delores and Mrs. Lewis Walter
were Nirfolk shoppers Monday.
A seven o’clock dinner was
served at the Tangeman home
Sunday evening. Those present
w-ere: Mrs. Alma Farrier, Mr. and
Mrs. Hylas Farrier and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Farrier an!
boys and Mrs. Robert Farrier and
luck crion arove up irom raw
ing Sunday, to get Mrs. Brion
and Ronnie, who have been stay
ing at the J. W. Walter home.
They are now visiting at the
dome of his parents at Ewing.
Ruby and Ei leen Jones accom
panied their father, Ed Jones to
Elgin Saturday.
Rev Park was a caller at the
Louis Rothchild home Sunday
Miss Carol Page, of O’Neill,
who teaches southwest of Amelia,
spent Sunday at the George At
kinson home.
Mrs. Chas. Edwards was quite
sick several rdays last week.
Mrs. Blanche Edwards helped
care for her and the chidren.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson
and Ardith Roth made a business
trip to Grund Island Thursday
of last week,
Mr. an Mrs. Stanley Elkins en
tertalned the following guests at
dinner Sunday in honor of
the birthdays of her brother.
Ray Grubb, and their son
Kidney Lee: Mrs. Lola Grubb
and Ray, Mr. and Mrs William
Woods, Mr. and (Mrs. Bayne
tjrubb and daughter, Mr. and
Gauis Winter mote and Carolyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones and
Ruby were all sick with the flu
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Troxol Green and
daughter were supper guests at
the Louis Rothchild home.
Rev. and Mrs Park and Robert
and Mrs Alrria Ear rlrr had dinner
Wednesday of Inst week with Mrs.
Nellie Starr.
Dinttrr gurqtn At the George
Fullerton home at Amelia Sun
luy wei*- Mi and Mrs. Vein
•ugesar and Floyd, Mi. arid Mrs.
hares Hpath and dauughters,
Vlary I.oi» ahtl Angie, Mr. and
Mrs M 1,. Hagenar, Mi and Mi’s.
I1.rule Johnston anil Mr. and Mrs.
F ftrnall and (family,
Mi and Mis Kuln'ii Peltzer
•rid Mi and Mrs Alfred Walter
lio'/» p, ItanPui Wednesday exf
as) week |o attend the funeral
.f tie ft nephew, MMM 3-c Hubert
lloeffner, who was killed in a
:daoe erash at t,ak*' City, Florida,
at Friday, Derember H. The
funeral was tield in the Congre
rntmiiml i imi'h at Stanton. Pvt.
Ifolaui t’alt/ar arrived in Stan
on Wednesday evening, hut was
i feW home too lata II attend the
funeral Pvt Peltzer is from
'amp Mutnei Durham, NO.
Pvl and Mrs, Wvert Gorgan
ir rived Saturday from Camp
Wallers, Teaas, for a short fur
lough Pvl ({organ will leave
I anna tv % Hnr California, from
when- he expects to be sent over*
seas. Mrs . Gorgan will remain
Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb drove to
Stuart Monday for treatments at
the hospital.
Mrs Cecil Thornton returned
Thursday from a three weeks'
visit with relatives at Oklahoma
City, Okla. She reports the
weather there as being unusually
cold with rain and light snow.
Donald Alderson, jr., son of
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Alderson is
staying with his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alderson and
attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harley and
girls were visitors at the Earl
Diolittle home at Amelia Sunday.
Floyd Whitaker attended the
: pure-bred Hereford Cattle sale
at Grand Island on Thursday of
last week, where he purchased
j a bull and heifer.
“The Helping Hand Club of the
Amelia Community met with Mrs.
Beryl Waldo on December 14 for
I their annual Christmas party.
Eighteen members and five visit
I ors were present. They were
served a delicious Christmas din
; ner with all the trimmings. An
I enjoyable program of music end
games was arranged ty Mrs.
Blake Oit and Mrs. Lee Sam
mons after which the gifts from
their mysterious sisters were
passed and namts drawn for next
| year.
Delores Primus, teacher in the
Berry School and pupils, gave a
Christmas program and held a
! basket social at the school house
‘ Thursday evening of last week.
; Owing to the bad roads not a
large crowd attended but an en
• joyable evening was spent. Ten
dollars was taken in from the
box social, which is to be used
for play ground equipment and
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson
and Patty had dinner Sunday at
the Harry Scoftt home. Harry
is suffering frim three broken
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritterbush
were Sunday visitors at the Al
bert Ritterbush and Arnie Mace
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin and
LaVonne were callers at the John
Nacfrtman home Sunday evening.1
A pretty wedding was solem
nized in St. Paula Lutheran
church Buffalo Creek, near Tilden
at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
December 10, 1944, when
Miss Leona Mullhoff became the
bride of Victor Schlecht, off Clear
water, Nebr.
A white arch decorated with
pink, blue and yellow roses and
a tiry attace fence outlined en
twined with sweet peas outlined
the altar.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs.
: Kenneth Berg, of Meadow Grove, *
| sang, “Whither Thou Goest," ac
companied on the piano by Mrs.
Walton Grant, also af Meadow
Grove. They wore green and
pink formals respectively.
The bridal party advanced
diwn the aisle to the Strains of
Moonlight Revere wedding march
played by Mrs. Awald Saume,
sister of the groom.
Miss Emma Mullhiff, sister of
the bride, and Miss Victoria
Schlecht, twin sister of tht groom,
acted as bridesmaids; the former
wore a pink silk brocaded floor
length dress and corsage of vari
gated carnations with white ac
cessories. The latter wore a
sheer pink marquisete over p nk
silk, flior length dress with white
accessories and a corsage of vari
gated carnations.
They were attended by Alvin
Schutt and Wilbur Reinke, cous
ins of the groom. They wore
dark brown and dark hue suits
respectively and each wort a
white carnation
They preceded Paul Mullhoff
the groom’s best man, a brother
of the bride; he wore a blue pen
cil stripe suit and a white car
natiin. Mrs. Paul Mollhoff, h.s
wife, acted as matron of honor;
she wore a sheer, light blue floor
length dress over blue taffeta and
pink and white accessories and
a corsage of pink carnatons.
They preceded the little flower
girls, Lois Sanne, niece,,°L#
groom, and Judy Kay Mollhoff,
niece of the bride; they wore
floor length rose colored taffeta
gowns and carried white baskets
of rose buds and sweet peas.
The bride beautifully attired in
a floor engtn gown of s-^eer
white rayon brocade, with sniricd
front bodice; was accompanied by
her father to the altar who gave
her to the groom, who appeared
from the vestry. He wore a darK
blue suit and wore a white car
Tbe bridal veil and train v*aa
of white illusiin bordertd in
Chantill lace and cap was em
broidered in small pearl beads.
She wore a bracelet and necklace
a gift from the groom and carried
a boquet of pink rose buds and
baby's breath tied with ribbon
streamers, which complettd the
bridal ensemble.
The double ring ceremony was
used, Rev. Gerhard Walter a cous
in qf the groim, read the marriage
lines. ... . i
Arnold Sanne. brother-in-law
of the groom and Theodore Whit
wer were the ushers.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride’s parents near
Tilden. A sumptuous six o clock
dinner was served to about fifty
relatives. The pink and blue
color scheme prediminated in
the table decorations. A three
tiered white wedding cake decor
ated in pink roses and tiny blue
doves, topped with a minatuie
bride and groom formed the cen
ter piece. It was baked by the
bride’s sister, Miss Emma Moll
hoff. Mrs. Walter Lang and Mrs.
Harold Sanne were "waitresses.
The bride is a charming young
lady, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Mollhoff and grew
to womanhood in a farm near
Tilden. She graduated from the
Tilden High school with the class
(Continued on page five)