The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1944, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin. Editor and Owner
btered at Postoffice at O'Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
■ntered at Postoffice at O'Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
ae an open account The names
■f subscribers will be instantly
sesnoved from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
torce at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
tB»derstand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
oplumn wide) per week. Want
•ds 10c per line, first insertion
Subsequent insertions 5c per line.
(Continued from page one)
chell spent Friday at the Jim Cav
anaugh home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rittcrbush
movtd to Chambers Thursday of
last week They are living near
the school house in the south
nection of town.
Mrs. R K. Platt attended to
business matters and visited rel
atives at Grand Island, Hastings
and Central City last week
Miss West, of Orchard, spent
last week visiting Miss Fletcher
at Chambers.
Dick Brion left Tuesday for his
home in California.
Mr. and Mrs. H C. Mignery, of
Elgin, spent Monday afternoon in
the E R. Carpenter home.
Mrs. Mark Gribble and son
Bernard, accompanied the truck
to Omaha Tuesday to shop. They
returned Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs Duane Carson and
Patty spent Thursday evening
playing bridge at the Paul Roth.
Marilyn Harley spent Thu; sd y
night at the Alfred Walter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Childers
had dinner Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Jarman and family.
Rena Feyerherm and John
Walter were guests at the C. V.
Robertson home for dinner Sun
The training meeting for Pro
ject Club leaders was held
Thursday at the Legion Hall in
Chambers MJLss Della Lewis,
County Demonstration Agent
presented the Christmas lesson
She showed gifts which she had
made and some she had purchas
ed which could be made by club
members. This is a timely
to complete gfts before Christ
to complete gifts befire Christ
Mrs J. W Walter and son-in
law, Dick Brion returned Sat
urday evening from Norfolk,
where they had been with Mrs
Brion, who underwent a majo
operation on Tuesday. They re
port Mrs. Brion as getting along
nicely. Little Ronnie is staying
with his grandparents in Ewi: g
at present.
The oupils and teacher in
district 95 enjoyed a halloween
?arty, weiner roast and hike
hursday afternoon.
Mis. M. L Sageser returned Sat
■rday from a nice visit with her
brother in Kentucky.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper
drove down from Winner, S. D.,
Wednesday. They spent Wednes
day night at the C E Tibbetts
borne, attending the Freideri.h
■ale Thursday, returning horns
that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C Bourne, a!
Colorado Springs, Col., are visit
ing Mrs. Bourne’s parents, mr.
and Mrs. S. B Carpenter and1
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerlfc, M:s
W Paval. Mrs. Harold HoerL
and children and Pvt. ^averne!
Hoerle were visiting at the Eari
Hoerle home Friday. Pvt. La 1
verne Hoerle left Saturday night
for Camp Grubber, Oka.
Cpl. and Mrs. Glen Taylor are
rejoicing over the arrival of a
7*6 pound baby boy, born to them
on Saturday, November 4, at Lin
coin. Cpl. Taylor had to report
back to Camp Campbell, Ky.,
Pfc. Frank (Bud) Cady and
Miss Genevieve Dike, of McCook,
epent from Tuesday until Friday
mght with his sister, Mrs. Lloyd
Hoerle and family. Pfc. Cady was
on a 17-day delayed route fur
lough from the hospital at In
dianapolis, Ind,. to Camp Breck
enridge, Ky. Bud has spent the
Cst four months in the hospital
Indiana, where he received
treatment for malaria fever.
Mrs.. Ernest Young visited Mrs
Fannie Riley at Amelia Sunday
Mrs. Paul Roth drove to Colum
bus Tuesday on business and to
bring her daughter, Ardith home
Ardith has been visiting her
uncle, Albert Roth in Oklahoma
the past two> weeks.
Mr and Mrs. R. E. Childers
drove to Genoa Thursday to vhit
their sons, Mr and Mrs. Charles
Childers and son and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Childers and family.
A large group of friends gath
ered at the Paul Fisher home on
Tuesday evening ttf last week for
a farewell party for Cpl. Vernon
Thompson. The evening was
spent at games, after which re
freshments of ice cream and cake
were served.
Cpl. Vernon Thompson, whc
has been visiting his parent?,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of
Amelia, left Monday for Camp
at Seattle. Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman
left Sunday for a visit with Mrs
Jarman's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Smith, at Fonda, Iowa
The following guests enjoyed
dinner at the Glen Grimes home
Sunday of last week. Mr. and
Mrs. E. H Russell, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Beed and family, Mis
Earl Hoerle and children and, M-,
and Mrs. John Reynolds and
family, of Long Pine.
Word has been received that
Cpl. Gerald Disney has been ser
iously injured on the German
French front. Cpl. Disney is a
nephew of Wm. Majors and lived
i in Chambers at one time.
——- —■ ■■■
(Crowded out last week.)
S. Sgt. Ben Asher returned to
Camp Crowder, Mo., Wednesday
; evening, after spending a two
weeks iurlough with his parents,
I Mr and Mrs. Neil Asher at Page
and relatives at O’Neill,
i The Help-U-Club met with
Mrs LeRoy Cunjunj,ham Wedi e
; day for an all day rneetin .
' Twelve members were prese t
and one guest, Mrs. Albert An -
thony. The hours were s >t -t
doing needle work for the ho te
The next meeting wil be with
M.s E. A. Edmisten.
Ivan Stewart, of Omaha, spe.n
, the weekend at the home ot n
parents, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Stew
art and other relatives
Win. Howell A. S. left Tuesda ’
for Ames, Iowa, after spend n
one week visiting his paren’.s.
Mr and Mrs. W E Howell an i
sister, Mrs. Warren Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Summer -.
Mrs Emma Canaday and Mrs
Kenneth Masden and dnugbte
spent the week-end visitng M
and Mrs. Orville Canaday, it
Richland, Nebr.
Tom Knudson and Glen Nelson,
<?f Galva, Iowa, were Page v'si
tors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Switzer, at O'Neill.
Mrs. Charles Cronk was hostess
to the Get-To-Gether Club Fri
day afternoon. There were flf
teen members and three guests
Mrs. Frank Cronk, Mrs. Alben
Anthony and Mrs. Pegler. The
afternoon was spent working on
the club quilt
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson are
the parents of a daughter, Rita
Jeanenne, born Friday, October
7 at the O'Neill hospital.
The ladies of the W. S C S. are
having a bazaar dinner and sup
per at the Methodist church base
1 ment election day
! Mrs. Kenneth Masden and
daughter, otf Wagner, S. D., have
been visiting her mother. Mrs
Emma Canaday and other rela
; tives.
The Royal Neighbors held a
1 dress up party at their regular
lodge meeting Wednesday even
, ing. There were twenty-five
: members and four guests pres
ent. After the lodge meetirg
the evening was spent socially.
A, luncheon of weiners, buns
doughnuts, apples and coffee
was served. An enjoyable even
ing was spent.
Misses Lola Ickes, Tillie Bar
tos and Naomi Steinberg spent
Tuesday night with Miss Barbara
Ralph Meredith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Meredith was born at
I Page, Nebr., September 19. 1891.
Died at Cherokee, Ilowa. October
20i 1944 age 53 years. When ten
years of age he moved with his
Earenta to Iowa. He is survived
y his wife, five daughters,
lone son and one granddaughter.
' His father passed away recently.
Mr. Meredith was a nephew of
Mrs. Rollie Snell of Page, He
was accidently killed while blast
Feodor C. Kattner. Minister
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Classes for all age groups.
Worship services 11:00 a. m.
For chidren in the church base
ment with Mrs. Kattner in
For adults in the Sanctuary
with the Minister in charge.
Sermon subject: “The Only
Faith That Saves." ,
Youth Fellowship 8:00 p. m.
A box social was held in Dist..
138 Tuesday evening. There was
a program by the pupils. Pro
ceeds from the sale of the boxes
was $25.25, which will go to he
Red Cross. Miss Murray is the
Mrs. Will Fink, rrf Omaha,
spent the weekend at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Trowbridge.,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kumm
and family and Mrs. Elsie Hor t
man, of Winnetoon, visited with
Mrs. Albert Anthony Monday
afternoon at the Mattschiillat
A family reunion was held at
the C. M Stewart home Sunday
when all their children were
home and were their dinner and
supper guests. They have one
daughter and four sons. Attending
ti e dinner we e Mr. and M-s. Me -
vin Smith and daughter, of Los
Angeles; Joy Stewart, Corte
Madera, Cal.; Ivan Stewart.
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stew
art and daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Stewart and son, of
Page. This was the first time
they had all been together for
eight years.
Mr. and Mi’s. Smith and Joy
Stewart left for their homes in
California Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of
Omaha, arrived in Page Tuesday
Mr. Armstrong is the new section
Mrs. Ray Siders submitted to
a goiter operation at the Stuart
hospital Friday morning.
The Bid-or-Bye Bridge Club
held their “Pay Off" party at the
home ctf Mrs. Melvin Carson Wt'd-1
nesday, October 25. Mrs. Frank '
Cronk received high score for the
year and Mrs. Jerome Allen
second high. Officers elected for
the following year were, Mrs. C.
E. Walker, president and Mrs.
Roger Bowen, secretary and
treasurer. Names were drawn
for exchange of Christmas gifts.
Mrs. Kenneth Braddock was
elected as a new member. A
1 o'clock covered dish luncheon
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snyder and
daughters, of Ainsworth, we e
Sunday dinner and supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Allen
Pvt and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes
and daughters, of Amarillo
Texas, came Saturday evening to
spend a two weeks furlough with
their respective parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Haynes and Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Nissen and other rela
tives Miss Viola Haynes, ol
Lynch, went to Omaha, where
she met Pvt. and Mrs. Haynes
Saturday. She also visited at the
home of her parents.
Miss Fontelle Wood, of Omaha
spent the weekend at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Wood.
.Mrs. C. A. Townsend, Mrs
Wilton Hayne, Mrs. James Car
son, Mrs Oscar Reed, Mrs. Ids
Sh?«s£YMrs- H F- Rakow, Mrs. E
r. Wilbur, Mrs R. D. Copes anc
Mrs. O. B. Stuart entertained al
a rook party Wednesday, Octobei
al the Towmsend home ir
honor of Mrs E. A. Walker, wht
expects to spend the winter ir
California. The ladies served i
delicious lunch.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Sorensor
were Saturday evening dinnei
of Mr- and Mrs. L. B. Tay
Marvel and Marcella Snyder,
wno have spent the past two
weeks and Milo Snyder who spent
one week at the home of their
grandparents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
»*nith, returned to their home at
Orchard Sunday. The Orchard
school has been having a co. n
; husking vacation.
Mrs. H. P. Rakow was hostess
; to the Just-a-Mere Club Friday
afternoon. There were eleven
members present. Guests were,
Mrs. Luke Rakow and Mrs. Dor
othy Rakow. Tne club recently
voted to give five dollars to the
, United War Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Neubauer
and son, Leo, and Mrs. Blanche
Venker were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Steinberg and Naomi.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. N.ssen
and daughter, Evelyn, entertain
ed at a dinner Sunday, in honor
of Pvt and Mrs. Laurence Haynes
and daughters, of Amarillo,
Texas. Other guests were Mr. |
and Mi's. Alien Haynes and V.ola |
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen
and family
Miss Lola lekes spent the week
end with Miss barbara Trow
Mr. and Mrs. John White and j
son have moved into the Flora:
house, which they recently pur
Mr. and Mrs. E, A Walker and
Mr. and Mrs C. E Walker and:
family spent Sunday at the home
of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Walker.
Mrs. H. F. Rakow entertained i
at two tables of rook Satuiday
afternoon, in honor of Mrs. E. A.
Walker. Other guests were,
Mrs. Wilton Haynd, Mrs. J. T.
Walker, Mrs. E. C. Wilbur, Mrs.
J. N. Carson, Mrs. Ida Chase and
Mrs, Elsie Cork. Mrs. E . A.
Walker received high score.
Miss Effie Stevens was hostess
to the Contract Bridge Club Fri
day evening at the I. O. O F. hall
at an 8 o’clock luncheon followed
by bridge. • Miss Viola Haynes
received high score and Mrs. Her
bert Steinberg second high. The
Misses Viola Haynes and Alice
French wee'guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason
were Sunday ctihner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sorenson.
Donald Stevens left for his
homei at Belvidere, 111., last week,
after spending two weeks visiting
relatives here.
The Chattef-Sew Club met
with Mrs. Wayne Henderson at
Orchard last afternoon.
Eleven members were present.
The hostess served a delicious
) Mrs. Clara Stong, off Los An
geles, Cal., is viiiting her sister,
i Mrs. O, A. Weber and other rela
i tives
Chief Petty Officer Duane
Allen left for New York Satur
day, after spending a few days
with his father, Fred Allen.
The Earl Closson family moved
to the Wagers residence.
Mrs. Elrner "Trowbridge and
daughter, Judith, went to Omaha
Friday where they visited the
former’s daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Fink. They returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks and
family spent Sunday afternoon at
Inmgn visiting at the homes of
Wiliam and James Kelly.
Mrs. Elizahe^h Negenfine is
staying wth *Mrs. Minnie Finley,
who is reported on the sick list.
Sunday dinper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Matschullat w£re
Cpl. and Mrs. Albert Anthony, of
Tampa, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Trease .Orchard and Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Asher.
Mrs. A. L. Dorr was hostess to
the R N. A Kensington Wednes
day afternoon. There were
twenty members, present. Guests
were, Mrs. Albert Anthony, Mrs.
Dorothy Rakow and Mrs. H. L.
Banta The afternoon was spent
i socially. A delicious covered
dish luncheon was served.
Pvt. Victor Snyder, of the
j Sioux City Air base,' spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Harry Snyder.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell left
Wednesday for San Diego, Cal.,
where they will visit at the home
of their daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Passmore.
Cpl. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
Sun'4'"' hfterno''n and
evening at Creighton, where the r
were auernoon gUests at the A.
J. Edscn home and supper guests
at the Henry Kumm home.
Mrs Dorothy Keeling was a
Plainview visitor Wednesday
Owen Parks, who is the relied
section foreman at Belden, spent
the week-end at his home in
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyers, of
Orchard, spent Tuesday evening
at the Otto Matschullat home.
Sgt. Donald Allen, from Salt
Lake City, Utah, has been visit
ing relatives and friends at Page
The proceeds from the W. S. C.
S. dinner, supper and bazaar
election day were over $137.00.
Robert Cunpingham, son of
Mr. and Mrs. LoRoy Cunningham
who enlisted in the Navy, left
last week for Omaha and from
there went to Farragut, Idaho.
The Senior and Junior classes
had a roller skating party at
Summerland Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorenson,
of Brunswick, were business vis
i itors in Page Monday. *
(Crowded out last weekV
Mrs. Earl Closson and son.
Clifford, spent Wednesday night
1 at the Anson Closson home in
i O’Neill.
Mr and Mrs Walt Christon and
family were dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Frank Beelaert Sunday
Mss Marian PrilL who teaches
school at Bentley, Iowa, is spend
ing two weeks at the home of her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Prill,
while her school is having a vaca
ton so the pupils can assist with
corn picking.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leach, of
Bellingham, Wash., are visiting
the latters parents, Mr and Mrs.
W F. Williamson and other rela
Mrs J O Ballantyne and child
ren, Faye Irene, Jimmie and Cpl.
Roy Ballantyne were dinner
guests Thursday evening of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wegman.
Mrs. James Finley is spending
a few days at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Earl Closson.
The H O. A. Club met with
Mrs. Plen Nickels Tuesday after
noon. There were fourteen
members present and two guests,
Mrs Kenneth Matsen, of South
Dakota, and Mrs Laveme Finley.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Larson,
who have spent the past two
months at the home of the for
mer’s mother, Mrs. Amelia Lar
son, letft Tuesday morning for
Cheyenne, Wyo., where they ex
pect to locate.
Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs.
Harold Keiliy went to O’Neill
Monday to attend the Project
Club Demonstraton of “Christmas
in Wartime” presented by Miss
Della Lewis, Home Demonstra
tion Leader.
Relatives have received a tele
phone call from James Finley
S 1-c stating that he was in Cal
ifornia for a short time. He has
been at New Caledonia
Mrs. Charles Russell is staying
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Siders, while her
mother is in the hospital receiv
ing medical care.
Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne, Jimmie,
Faye Irene and Cpl Roy Ballan- i
tyne were Wednesday noon din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and !
Mrs. E. A. Riggs.
Cpl. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
of Tampa, Florida, arrived last
week to spend two weeks at the
home of Mrs. Anthony’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat.
Mr and Mrs. E. A. Walker and
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Walker
were dinner and supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker
A group of ladies called on
Mrs Nancy Sarchet at the Grass
home Tuesday afternoon, when
they had a prayer meeting and
sang a number ppP hymns. Mrs.
Sarchet has been bedfast for a
number of years and is being
cared for by her granddaughter.
Miss L/ura Grass.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins
j left Friday to visit Leslie Tomp
kins, his brother. They returned
home Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J Abrahams
| have returned to their home in
' Omaha.
Mrs James Coventry and Mrs.
Kenneth Smith were Nonfolk vis
itors Friday and Saturday
Herbert Rouse and Marvin,
Mrs. C. D. Keyes and Mildred
visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor
Youth Fellowship held their
monthly party Monday night
with a pie social.
The Extension Club meeting
was held at Mrs. Lena Butler's
Wednesday with a covered dish
luncheon at noon Their lesson
was “66 War Time Christmas.”
Mr and Mrs Clarence Hansen
and children visited Mr. and Mrs.
Erick Neilsen and family of
The Coffee Club met with Mrs.
Walter Jacox Thursday.. Mrs
Lottie Thompson and Mrs. Jacox
were hostesses.
The Harmony Club met with
Mrs. Sarah Sholes Tuesday after
The Inman Community held
an election dinner and the pro
ceeds went to the Cemetery As
sociation. The officers of the
Cemetery Association are: Earl
Watson, Presdent; Leon Tomp
kins, secretary; Mary Hartigan,
(Continued from page five)
to the Voters of Holt
County and also of No-'
broska for the stinging
defeat given the Prohibi
tion Amendment lost
Tuesday, Nov. 7fh.
“He gallantly gave hit life in the defense of hi* country,” end*
hi* elution for the Silver Star. During fighting on Tulagi, Marine
Private George Alfred Johnson, of Coatesville, Pa., with utter ditre*
£rd for hi* personal safety, rushed to the mouth of a cave that
eltered Jap sniper* and blasted them out uitli hand grenades until
he was killed. He’d want us to buy IP or Bondi to fulfill that missionl
War Bonds—The Ideal Christmas Cift.
Established in 1891 — O'Neill, Nebr.
Surety and Court Bond Furnished
Notary Public
3 &, 67c
2 26-OZ.
Acquaint yourself with the
Convenience, High Quality
Groceries, and Everyday Low
Prices of Your Neighborhood
Store where you Spend and
Save at the same time.
8 PKG.llC
Corn Flakes
2 Ki£-_17c
Cake Flour
23 LB.
4 PKG.
Tomato Soup
3 TALL -7
cans ... LIC
(1 Red Point)
2 PER LB. 21C
For Sale in Nebraska Only
Pancake Flour
Royal Guest
The Coffee of Character
1 bag 27c
able—she uses bar
that neighbors
call-ind -
placing a
Calls, allows i
t •
No wonder bar
neighbor. No woi
»length of bar
» nee the line.
phone courtesy.
i-t •.
asms tela- '
• ... T*TJ
Ideal party line
. iltVt 1
»'A*' rl