THE FRONTIER D. H. Cronin. Editor and Owner Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter O. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded aa an open account. The names Of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at Siration of time paid for, if the lisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion Subsequent insertions 5c per line. Supervisors’ Proceedings O'Neill, Nebraska, June 27, 1944, 10:00 A. M, Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. The meeting was called to or der by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or-: dered drawn on Road 1 und in payment o|f same. F. O. Hammerberg-♦ ou Alfred Kazda-40.40 George A. Mentzer-3J0 Ed, J. Matousek —-—— 70.00 Frank Osborne-24.40 Frank Osborne-75.70 Clede Trobough- 21.50 Cliff Miller Much. Co. — 2 02 H. J. O’Connor-12 50 Central Supply Co.,-1-70 Frank Skrdla--- 88.74 Keating Imp. Co. - 10.70 Henry Dierks-14.25 Floyd; Continental Oil Co.,-- 88.00 Tom Pettijohn . 117.00 W. A Smith-130.50 Walter K. Smith-40.00 C. R. “Kelly" Myers-20.00 S. A. Marcellus . 28.84 O’Neill Retread Service — 13.80 Wm. Krotter & Son - 182.34 Wm. Krotter & Son- 30.10 Wm. Krotter & Co -- 9.50 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Company- 9.59 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Company-27.10 Central Supply Co.,- 1.80 D. E. Crandall-169.00 H. W. Huobard-55.00 H. W. Hubbard-12.2a Chet McClenehan- 162.50 Roy bnull-131.30 Robert Turner-91.00 Fred Grage - American Gear Co.,-— 12.83 Lawrence Bohrn- 3.2a Cliff Miller Mach. Co., _ 23.00 Ralph Cooke-45.17 Joe Farris ..2a.05 H. J. Harte-47.61 Lwdberg Petroleum Co., — 38.aO Hubbard bervice Sta.- 44.y2 H. W. Hubbard . 10.00 Henry Kestenholz-45.4a Looker Bros. --13.71 Wayne Standage --- 11-40 Edwin Thor in - 27.15 Peter Weber- 3.70 Peter Weber_18.90 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Company -- 54.75 Central Supply Co.,- 21.41 Central Supply Co.,. 84.00 Central Supply Co., —~— 24.00 Central Supply Co., -- 4.90 Leo S. Tomjack-—150.50 W. E. Wulf_30.00 Eben Graff_1.50 Frank Walter-5.40 Jos Schollmeyer T- 10.00 Austin Hynes-25.00 William Podany-12.00 Island Supply Co., - 1.30 Inter-State Oil Co., - 2.67 Andy Clark - 14.20 American Gear Co., --23.05 Ed Alder_187.80 Ed Alder_95.60 Leo Snowardt_17.50 Lyle McKim_165.00 Richard Minton_162.00 Maurice Cavanaugh_153.00 R. E. Calvert . 27.50 Frank Osborne_45.50 J. C. Stein_20.00 Floyd Warner _ 30.00 Claude Bates_2.50 Lyman Bursell_18.50 Emmet Hay Co., _ 21.00 Charles Fox_ 4.00 Lloyd Gallagher_70.00 John Fundus-11.05 Fred Fundus_25.05 James Hupp-7.65 Jess Hupp_ 20.39 Jess Hupp-14.00 Marven Boyens _ 8.00 Joe Jurgensmier _ 9.75 Clyde O. Johnson _ 108.60 Wilbur Mitchell_14.45 Harry Mitchell_11.05 A. L. Mitchell_11.05 W. J. Meusch _ 23.05 Orval Orr_ 10.35 R. M. Pease_34.40 Walter Pease _ 2.25 Floyd Post_7.65 Ray Tunender_ 26.00 Wm. Krotter & Son_62.31 Wm. Krotter & Son_ 264.74 Wm. Krotter & Son_ 89.11 12:00 noon, on motion, Board adjiurned until 1:00 p. m. J. C. Stein, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebrarska, June 27, 1944. • 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. The meeting was called to or der by the Chairman. The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on General Fund in Payment of same: J. Ed Hancock-$ 33.32 J. Ed Hancock-166.66 Beatrice Jardce - 92.50 Dorothy Krotochvil-92.50 Loretta Enright-17.80 John C. Gallagher - 6.86 Nora A. Mullen- 92.50 John C. Gallagher - -66.60 John C. Gallagher - 166.66 B. T. Winchell.. __ 133.33 Elmer R. Bowen - 10.00 C. C. Bergstrom-92.50 Peter W. Duffy .—. - 52.50 Peter W. Duffy - 150.00 Noreen D. Murray .— 92.50 Elja McCullough-158.33 Helen Sullivan - 92.50 Elja McCullough- 16.89! Julius D. Cronin _ ... 108.33 Marjorie Dickson .. - 92.50 Vivian Allendorfer —. 92.50 Esther Cole Harris- 7.65 Esther Cole Harris -125.00 Ross E. Harris, Jr.,- 28.40 Dorothy M. Lorenz — 94.00 1 Ira H. Moss ..- 166.66 Louis W. Reimer . -- 2.75 ; ! Louis W. Reimer . 183.33 Mary M. Sauers ._— 92.50 C. C. Bergstrom .. 66.35 L. G. Gillespie- 36.87 L. G. Gillespie-50.00 Betty Harris . 100.10 Irma A. Brown_ 77.50 Holt Co. Farm Bureau-129.35 Elmer R. Bowen . 125.00 Thomas F. Hannaberry .... 33.10 Irma A. Brown —.— 15.00 The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Bridge Fund in payment of same: James Ankney - $122.00 R. E. Calvert_ 12.50 Henry Clausen _ 82.00 Henry Dierks . 37.78 H. W. Hubbard . 5.00 H. W. Hubbard .. 20.00 Ed J. Matousek ... 20.00 Ed J. Matousek —. 8.05 Walter K. Smith _ 20.00 Lawrence Thurlow.. 120.00 Roy Thurlow-122.00 P. C. West _ 184.10 Ed Alder . 18.50 :John Babl - 1.35 j Walter Boche _ 1.35 Kenneth Boche _ 1.35 I Campbell Lumber Co., .... 6.70 Central Supply Co., — _ 168.00 Central Supply Co., __ 336.00 Central Supply Co., . 264.32 Central Supply Co.,_ 620.48 Central Supply Co.,_ 360.64 Central Supply Co.,... 234.64 Coyne Hdw. Co., . .. 23.00 Norm Galleher Lbr. Co.,_ 8.58 | Inland Construction Co., „ 30.00 Wm. Krotter & Co., _ 287.32 Jarvis & Son_ 1.75 Matousek Bros. _ 30.00 G. E. Morgan ....... 7.56 Jos Schollmeyer _ . 15.75 | Jos. Schollmeyer . 25.00 Frank Skrdla_ 5.62 Thomas Slattery _ 30.03 J. C. Stein __ 12.50 E. L. Watson . 10.00 P. C. West . 1.30 The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or-1 dered drawn on Drag Fund in payment of same: Nick Schmit _$ 22.75 Joe Homolka . 9.90 Clifford Jarman __ 11.05 Gerald Sazama_ 13.80 Otto Terrill_ 14.20 A. B. Latzel __ 24.60 James Fleming _ 11.40 Floyd Ritts_27.60 Ed Alder_ 52.80 Kenneth Waring.. 16.00 Calvin Allyn _ 15.30 Jess Hupp __ 35.00 The following claims were au dited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants or dered drawn on Unemployment Relief Fund in payment of same: Anderson’s Store_$ 4.00 Mort Gill _ 6.00 'Biglin Brothers . 135.98 Esther Harris_2.50 Drs. Brown & French_30.00 Ideal Market _ 28.00 R. E. Chittick_4.30 Wm. Krotter Co.,_8.75 Coufal Market _ 54.00 Rudolph Mitchell _ 4.00 Council Oak . 94.00 O’Neill Drugs _ 4.00 Cowles_6.23 Pelcer & Spence_15.00 Farmers Union Store _ 25.00 Thad E. Saunders _ 52.17 J. P. Gallagher Store-10.00 Watson Grocery .— 8.00 Dr. J. W. Gill _ 30.00 Wayne Hospital- 110.00 At 5:00 P. M., on motion Board adjourned until June 28, 1944, at 9:00 A. M. J. C. Stein, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebr., June 28, 1944, 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment, all members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following claims were au dited and approved and on TEAMWORK WILT DO IT —■ *OS£ FOOD PQOOUCnON$& UVSSTOfK DtSEASt aX*T90L EFOOD CTION motion were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on General Fund in payment of same: J. C. Stein_$45.00 J. C. Stein _ P.50 Jos Schollmeyer —--10.00 Jos Schollmeyer-40.00 R. E. Calvert_45.00 W. E. Wulf_17.50 W. E. Wulf_35.00 H. W. Hubbard_25.00 H. W. Hubbard_2.50 H. W. Hubbard_10.00 Walter K. Smith_55.00 Walter K, Smith_21.00 Ed J. Matousek -55.00 Ed J. Matousek _ 8.00 The Atkinson Graphic- 5.82 Consumers Public Power — 81.71 Hillyard Co., . 97.80 Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Company - 6.65 Johnson-Randolph Co., . 29.95 Nettie I Mills.. 7.10 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co.__ 23.07 N. W. Bell Tel. Co., _ 63.01 W. J. Holliday _ 5.00 Conrad Schager - 2.40 G. E. Miles -.- 3.75 National Association of County Officials-16.00 12:00 noon, on motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. J. C. Stein, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, June 28, 1944, .1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. The meeting was called to or der by the Chairman. On motion the following claim was allowed on the Soldiers’ Relief Fund: W. J. Holliday _ $200.00 The following assessors claims were audited and approved and on motion were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on General Fund in payment of same: Vera B. Anson .—1— $220.25 L. E. Axtell _ 85.00 C. N. Bigelow _ 280.85 Raymond E. Bly-115.50 George S. Cameron-81.50 Andy Clark-135.00 Ralph S. Coburn - 60.25 James Coventry .._ 190.00 T. J. Coyne _310.00 Fred Cronk . 256.75 Joe Dobrovolny_ 50.00 Charles C. Faqueir-110.00 C. E. McClurg _ 70.75 A. B. Latzel _ 140.50 Frank LeMunijan - 95.00 Jennie Hershiser _ 85.50 W. D. Calusen . 120.00 Frank McDonald _ 100.00 Nick Bonenberger _ 106.00 Irven Parsons-45.00 August H. Smith_ 95.00 P. W. Kilmurray _ 95.50 Kenneth LaRue _ 75.25 E. F. Porter . 181.50 Merle A. Richards —.. 257.00 Romaine Rohde .— 75.00 M. A. Schelkoff_125.75 F. P. Snyder_75.50 M. P. Sullivan_115.00 Wm. Troshynski - 80.50 John D. Walker_195.78 E. J. Welton_45.00 G. S. Withers_ 120.75 James Leib _ 90.25 J. T. Serck_ 65.00 On motion the following offi cial bond was approved: Dorothy Lorenz, Deputy Clerk of Courts. The petition of James David son & Sons fir Refund of taxes paid erroneously was read at this meeting. Motion by Schollmeyer, sec onded by Hubbard, that prayer of petition be granted and refund in the amount of $83.84 be al lowed, and refund warrant be issued for this amount. Motion carried. Motion by Matousek, seconded by Wulf, that membership in the National Association of County Officials be subscribed for by the Board and Clerk and warrant be issued on the General Fund in the amount of $16.00 in payment of the membership dues. Motion carried. Board spent balance of the afternoon with County Relief Director Saunders. 5:00 P. M., on Motion, Board adjourned until July 25, 1944, at 10:00 o’clock unless called at an earlier date by the Clerk. J. C. Stein, Chairman, John C. Gallagher, County Clerk. CHAMBERS ITEMS (Continued from page one) Saturday ,‘from Fremont, where they have been attending sum mer school at Midland College. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins and boys drove to Meadow Grove Sunday to visit in the Vernon Elkins home. They also saw Eldon Elkins, who is home on leave after having completed his boot training at Farragut, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe, of O’Neill, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Grubb and daughter, Patty. Duane McKay and Charles Fauquier, Jr., left Friday morn ing of last week with the Atkin son Legion ball team for York, to attend the State Tournament of the Junior Legion Baseball teams. The Atkinson team was defeated in their first game. Duane played the whole game .with Atkinson, and Charles play | ed two innings. They returned home Saturday. I A birthday supper in honor of Raymond Walter was held in the Alfred Walter home last Thurs day evening. Guests present were, Mrs. Rena Feyerherm, John Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and' son, Dean. Mrs. Jane Robertson went to Spalding Friday to visit Miss Susan Kinnier. She returned to Chamber^ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roth and family, of Grand Island, spent Sunday at the..Vernon Harley home. Miss Lavonne Roth, who has spent some time here, return ed to Grand Island with her par ents. Mrs. Gladys Green spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Troxel Green and Shirley. She returned to Chambers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gillette drove to Stuart Sunday, to visit at the Wesley Cobb home. Orin Gibson, of Flint, Mich., ar rived here the first of the week to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Gibson and Bobby have been vis iting here for some time. Mrs. J. W. Walter went to Ains worth Sunday to visit her cousin, Lily Eggart, also her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Lierman. She plans to re turn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walter and Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter and family drove to Clear water Wednesday to visit at the August Walter home. Cpl. Willard Thomson, of Camp Roberts, Cal., arrived home Tues day to visit relatives and friends while on furlough. Farm property insured for $7.00 per $1,000 first year and $2.50 per $1,000 each year thereafter.—L. G. Gllespie, O’Neill, Nebr. 14-2 Mrs. Willard Thomson and children spent this week visiting at the Roy Bachus home. Miss Marilyn Harley spent Sat urday with Miss Deloris Brittell. Pvt. Lela Ermer arrived hime Wednesday to spend a 15 day leave with her parents. Mrs. Robert Farrier and son, Dickie, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel and family Miss Madylin Nixon returned to her home at Wausa Monday of last week. INMAN ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger, Jr., and daughter returned to their home in Omaha Tuesday morn ing, after spending several days here with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Lee Conger, Sr. 1 Mrs. L. R. Tompkins spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Norfolk, at the home of her brother, L. H. Doughty. Harold Chenowith, of Omaha, stopped here a few hours on Sun day to visit his sister, Mrs. Ira Watson. He was on his way to the Black Hills. Mrs. E. L. Watson went to Nor folk Tuesday, where she spent a ‘few hours with .her sister, Mrs. Stewart Hartigan. Rev. E. B. Maxcy drove to Nio brara Sunday afternoon, taking Patty Bowering, Vivian Stevens ! and Wanda Lynch with him. They will attend the Methodist Youths Conference of the Nor folk district, which is in session there this week. Over 200 young people were registered for classes. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mr. and Mrs. James McMahn drove to Winner, S. D., on Sun i day. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor will, celebrate their 50th Wedding An niversary on Sunday, August 20, at their home south of Inman. Open house will be held to all their friends from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon and from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son, Jimmie, of Orchard, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson on Sunday. Mrs. Leslie Caster entertained Ensign Robert Hutton and S 1-c Earl Stevens at dinner on Wed nesday evening of last week. ! Jim Harte, who formerly lived here, but who now lives in Idaho, came last week to visit relatives. | He is helping his brother, Harry, put up hay. Luella Watson went to Norfolk Thursday of last week to visit her aunt, Mrs Stewart Hartigan. Lou Bitters, of Omaha, was an overnight guest in the L. R. Tompkins home Wednesday, August 2. | Rev. Maxcy and Ross Clapp were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson on Wednesday j of last week. This was a fish dinner. I | The R. N. A. Lodge met at the J home of Mrs. Lottie Thompson i on Wednesday, August 2. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Sara Sholes on September 6. i Mrs. Clifford Sawyer left for Camif Livingston, La., to visit her l husband, who is stationed there. Rev. E. B. Maxcy went to Sioux City Wednesday, where he spent a few days at Crystal Lake Bible . Conference. Ensign Robert Hutton, who spent a ten day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hut j ton, left for Omaha Saturday morning. On Monday morning he left for Norfolk, Va., where he will be stationed. Mrs. George Vandervelt re ! turned' to her home in Randolph 1 Sunday, after spending several days at the home of her son, Leslie Caster. i | Miss Ila Mae Caster left for Denver, Col., Saturday, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caster. S. 1-c Earl Stevens left for Oakland, Cal., Saturday, after a leave spent with relatives here. | The Coffee Club met at the home of Mrs. C. D. Keyes on Thursday, August 3. A lovely dinner was served at noon. Most of the members and several guests were present. The next meeting will be held at the home _ CHAS. E. SANDALL SAYSs M BEER items ts * A PRIVILEGE ~ NOT A PROPERTY RIGHV J A beer license is an important privilege granted (after careful consideration) to one party in one location. It cannot be sold or transferred. This Committee’s first purpose is to educate and en courage license owners to be fully worthy of their privilege This requires the operation of a clean sani tary tavern . . in such a temperate, law-abiding manner that all the community will approve. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE BREWING INDUSTRY FOUNDATION CHARLES E. SANDALL. Stitt Oirtctsr - 710 FIRST NATIONAL RLDO., LINCOLN of Mrs. Masy Kelley on Septem ber 14. Mrs. Eva Murten went to So. Sioux City Wednesday, to spend a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Beebe. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. William Kellog and daughter, Helene, of Omaha, came up Thursday to visit Mrs. Kellog’s father, Paul Schwisow. Mrs. Tom Semlock and Miss Loretta Enright returned Sunday from Norfolk, where Mrs. Semlock had undergone an operation. Miss Mary Ann Ruby, of Ewing returned to her home Friday, after Spending three weeks in O’Neill visiting Mrs. Neil Ryan and family. Dick Cronin and Quinten Cav anaugh went to Grhnd Island Monday to visit friends for sev eral days. io'# • V ^ John Protivinsky eatne up' from Hastings Saturday; to spend a few days visiting his .family here. Miss Rosalyn Bosrv -returned home Mdnday, after spending a week visiting her sister, Dorothy, in Omaha. ... Miss Dpris Harvey spent the week-end in Page, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey. Mrs. Ralph Rickly returned Saturday morning from Califor nia, where she had spent the past month visiting her father, N. N. I Barber at Hollywood. WHEELER COUNTY RODEO BARTLETT, NEBRASKA Friday (Entry Day), Saturday, Sunday, Aug. 18-19-20 CV1 R» Pin9'„?JU" D°99in9, Brahma Rid 9' Bronc Riding, and Buffalo Riding DANCE AT FAIRGROUNDS EACH Niff! Wheeler Co. fair Ass'n THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... (ftiAigS ^ **Good morning, Doc. Your good wife tells me you’re working night and day now that so I many of the younger doctorsare in the army:” | “That'• right. Judge, and I’m glad I’m still * able to do it Had a long letter from Harry... i that bright young fellow I was breakin’ in to I take over my practice. He said the boys in the service are getting the best medical care of any armed force in our history. They really should with all those brilliant doctors and plenty of supplies to work with.” _ "Speaking of supplies. Doc, not many people realize that a large part of the alcohol, required to make the medical supplies that' are being used right this minute to alleviata pain, combat infection and save human lives, is produced by the beverage distilling industry. For nearly two years this entire industry has been working night and day producing nothing but alcohol for ths government's program." ; < "Nobody knows better than I, Judge, what an important contribution to our war effort that has been.” This adtrliummt tpomotti by Conjrrtntt *f AlcaMie Barrtgt Irndwtrim, tm.