The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 22, 1944, Image 4

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D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
Entered at Postoffice at O'Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
M an open account. The names
•f subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if the
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every subscriber must
anderstand that these conditions
■re made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber
Display advertising is charged
lor on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
ads 10c per line, first insertion.
Subsequent insertions 5c per line.
(Continued from page one)
visited at the H. A. Rakow home.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Cemans. of
Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Steinberg and family, of
Orchard, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs H. H. Steinberg and Naomi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen,
Dixie and Kay, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nis
sen Sunday.
Miss Barbara Stevens, of Lin
coln, spent from Friday night
until Sunday morning with her
Eirents and visiting her brother,
enneth, who was home on a
short leave.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stevens and
family spent Fathers’ Day with
the Raymond Stevens family at
The annual local convention of
the W. C. T, U. was held at the
home of Mrs. E Roy Townsend
Tuesday, June 20, for an all day
meeting. A covered dish lunch
eon was served at noon. There
were 16 members present. The
Juest of honor was Mrs. Elsie
ohnson, past state secretary of
O’Neill. Talks were given by
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer on Citizen
ship; Mrs. E. Roy Townsend on
Movies; Mrs. Duran Rutherford
on Scientific Temperance In
struction. Rev. Kattner also
gave a alk.
Eddie Roth, Phm. 2-c, of the
Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth.
Va., is visiting relatives and
friends at Page.
Mr, and Mrs. Vern Reige and
son spent Sunday with Mrs.
Reige's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hofferer off Verdigre.
Pvt. Roy Schaeht, who has
been in Africa eighteen months,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louie Schacht, while en
route to Fort Sam Houston,
Mrs. Selah, of Bellflower, Cal.,
came Tuesday to visit her son,
Eddie Roth Phm. 2-c, Mrs. Eva
Hunter and other relatives and
Miss Verna Russell, of O’Neill,
is spending a weeks’ vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reige and
daughter visited from Wednesday
till Sunoay at the home df his
brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz
Renge and Mr. and Mrs Vern
Reige. Lester came from Venice,
Cal., to Meadow Grove, where
his wife ann baby were staying
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lines and
family, of Lodi, Cal., are visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les
James Finley S 2-c has finished
his boot training at Farragut,
Idaho, and is spending his leave
with his wife and parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Finley.
Miss Maude Martin has return
ed to her home at Page. She had
cared for Grandma Waring, who
passed away Tuesday.
Mrs. Vernin Parks began work
ing at the Farmers Union store
Mrs. Dolly Skinnea and Duane
and Kitty Corey, of Ainsworth,
and Mrs. C. E. Brown, of Beatrice
visited at the Harold Banta home
Tuesday. Mrs. Brown stayed for
a longer visit at the home of her
Mrs. Genie Waring Dead.
Mrs. Genie Waring, age 89
years, passed away Tuesday even
ing. June 19th. She was an early
settler of the Middlebranch com
munity. Funeral services will
be held at the home of her son,
Roy Waring, Thursday afternoon.
Bryan French, of Auburn, Cal.,
visited relatives at Page from
Wednesday night until Friday, of
last week. A party in his honor
was held at the Merwyn French
home Thursday evening.
Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne has re
ceived word that her son, Robert,
who is in England, has been ad
vanced from Corporal to Serge
Bible school at the Methodist
church closed last Friday noon
with a picnic on the church lawn
for the children and their
mothers. Sunday morning dur
ing Sunday school hour the
Bible School gave a program.
Mrs. Helen Hurst and Mrs.
Helen Braddock enttrtained the
Contract Bridge Club at the
Hurst home Thursday, June 15.
Mrs. June Townsend, of Omaha,
and Mrs. Erma Weyer of Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, were guests.
High scose was won by Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Singleton
have moved from the Dr. Gal
lagher house recently purchased
by John Stauffer, Sr., to the M.
C. Tipton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayne and
family drove up from Fremont
a week ago Wednesday and re
turned home the next day. They
"TTsVisited Mrs. Haynes’ sister and
^That's the way I like to see them," said Gen.
MacArthur when he saw the rows of dead Japs
in the Admiralty Islands. In this war—the
That's why there’s a Fifth War Bond drive on
new, a drive in which you’re needed to support
the men on the fighting fronts who are facing the
costliest, crudest war of all time—
our boys must fight with savage
fury. Kill or be killed! And on how
well each plays his part depends
the lives of many of his buddies.
Here on the home front, too, just
cheering the attack on isn’t enough.
most treacherous forces Americans
have ever met in combat We on the
home front can't let them down—
and we won’t. So resolve now to at
least double your Bond buying in
the 5 th War Loan drive. This is the
time to do better than your best
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Hlbbs. They were in the
flood area.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Murphy
and daughters, Margaret, Beth
and Virginia, Mrs. Doris Murphy
and daughter, Marian, and James
Murphy of Plainview, spent last
Sunday in Page. They attend
ed services at the Methodist
church, and a picnic was held in
their honor at the W. H. French
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason
spent the week-end visiting rela
tives at Allen, Nebr.
Charles Claussen, Mrs. Mary
Lewis and Harold Gene and La
Verne Claussen called at the
Wm.Claussen home Sunday.
Miss LaVina Kloppen'oorg re
turned home Saturday, after
spending a week in the O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. F. J Weber and
children Shirley Jean and Doug
las Lee. visited at the Joe Wink
ler home Sunday. Shirley Jean
will remain for a few weeks visit.
Charles Abart drove to Lincoln
Wednesday to attend the funeral
of his sister, Mrs. Henry Stran
Mr. and Mrsu Joe Babl enter-1
tained the following at a dinner
in honor of Fathers day, Father I
Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Janz- ]
ing and Jerrold Dusatka.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen
borg and children. Ruby and
Donny, called at the C. E. Ten
borg home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy O’Don
nell and son, James Edward, left
Thursday after spending a few
days with relatives and friends
in this vicinity. They drove to
Spalding where they will visit
her parents before returning to
Ervin Kloppingborg left for
Milford Sunday, where he will
attend a mechanics school.
Mrs. Frank Foreman and Nor
ma Lou, and Mrs. Lloyd John
son and daughters, Vivian and
Judy Ann, visited at the Joe
Winkler home Friday.
Charles Claussen, Mrs. Mary
Lewis, Harold Gene and La
Verne Claussen called at the
Henry Kloppenborg home Tues
day evening.
Miss Leona Feme Beckwith
spent several days last week with
her grandpartnts, Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Young, near Atkinson.
D. S. Conard, of Atkinson, was
a caller in Emmet Tuesday morn
Misses Anna Rose and Helen
O’Donnell were shopping in At
kinson Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz were
looking after business matters in
Atkinson Tuesday.
Mrs. Joe Jurgensmier spent
Sunday afternoon at the Jtssie
Lowery home.
Mrs. Jessie Lowery, Mrs.
Grant Peacock and Mrs. Homer
Lowery were dinner guests at the
Clara Jennings home in Atkin
★ 5th war loan drive *
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Peacock
and Mrs. Grant Peacock drove
to Newport Sunday to attend the
famiy reunion at the Walter Var
gason home.
Joe Jurgensmier is putting up
alfalfa for Jesse Wills this week.
| Mrs. Verne Swick, of Clinton,
Nebr., arrived Saturday night to
I spend some time at the home of
her father, W. R. Tenborg and
sister, Mrs. Ruth Wagnon.
Alex McConnell was a dinner
guest at the Jessie Lowery home
H. P. Owens, of Central City,
spent Sunday at the E. R. Young
home west of Emmet.
Sgt. Dewey Newton, who has
spent two weeks at the home of
his parents, left Saturday for
Hobbs Field, New Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gaffney and
Mrs. Bill Kramer spent Monday
afternoon in O’Neill.
Sharon Wagnon entertained
seven of her little friends at her
9th birthday party. Everyone
departed wishing her many more
happy birthdays.
Mrs. Louisa Lowery, of Cham
bers, arrived Thursday to spend
some time with relatives in Em
Mrs. Jessie Lowery and Mrs.
Louisa Lowery were dinner
guests at the H. Lowery home
The Guy Cole blue grass crew
started work Monday afternoon.
Most of the ground is too wet
I yet, but some can be harvested
on the higher ground.
M'iss Olive Beckwith accom
panied her uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Garvin and
Leslie to Scottsbluff and Denver.
They left Monday morning.
Mrs. Frank Foreman helped
Mrs. Lloyd Johnson can peas on
| Monday.
Mrs. Kloppenborg and Mrs. Boy
Fox were papering Mrs. June
Luben’s house Monday.
Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and fam
ily were callers in O’Neill Satur
i day.
Mrs. Bill Kramer arrived Wed
nesday afternoon to spend some
time with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Fox.
Several families from Emmet
attended the carnival in O’Neill
Wednesday night.
Owing to high water three of
the bridges south of Emmet kept
a crew busy Wednesday and
Thursday hauling dirt and ce
ment blocks to keep them from
going out.
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Peacock
were business cailers in Atkinson
Jean Wandersee, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper left
Tuesday of this week for Wash
ington. They plan to stop at
Thermopolis,' Wyo., for a short
time while on their way.
Harve Lee and Mrs. Harold
Michael, both of Seattle, Wash.,
arrived Saturday for a short visit
with friends here. They came
here from Kansas, where they
had been visiting relatives.
Lesley Lieswald and Hilbert
Hoge sold their place some time
ago. Hilbert Hoge recently pur
chased the Fred Smith farm.
Word has been received here of
the birth of a daughter, born
June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack |
Vincent of Omaha. Mrs. Vincent
was formerly Thelma Leinhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Peltzer
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle
and son, Kenneth, drove to Ne
ligh Friday cyf last week to have
dental work done.
Pvt. Robert Peltzer recently
sent word to his. parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Peltzer, that he had
arrived safely at Camp Roberts,
and expected to be stationed
there for some time.
Glee Grimes was honored at a
Father’s Day dinner in his home
Sunday, June 18. Guests pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Grimes and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Coolidge and Kenneth,
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Grimes and
family, and Mrs. Lois Adams.
Chloe Ellen Harley assisted
with the work in the Glee Grimes
home four days last week.
Bernard and Darlene Grimes,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Grimes, spent last week-end in
the Glee Grimes home.
Luanne and Kay Eisenhauer
left Friday of last week by bus
to visit relatives in Lincoln.
Dean and John Lee Farrier
returned to their home Tuesday
of last week. They had spent
the previous week with Mr. and
Mrs. Mordhorst in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Farrier and
family had Sunday dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wandersee
and Jean.
Cpl. and Mrs. Glenn laylor
left Thursday otf last week to
return to Kentucky, where he
is stationed at Camp Campbell.
They had been visiting friends
and relatives here while he was
on furlough.
Capt. and Mrs. C. M. Eason left
Tuesday of last week to return
to Camp Maxey, Paris, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wintermote
and Bobby Wallace and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. O. Wood3 were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gauis Wintermote and Carolyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Hale Osborn and
Sharon and Gordon Cooper, all
of Wichita, Kansas, stopped in
Chambers for a short time Sun
day while on their way to Win
ner, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Tibbetts accompanied them to
Winner. After a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper and
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cooper, they
, plan to return to Chambers to
visit friends and relatives here,
while Mr. Osborn is on vacation.
He is employed in an airplane
plant in Wichita.
Word has been received here
from the Red Cross concerning
Pvt. Richard Osborn. The re
port states that he is quite ser
iously ill. He has a private room;
a special nurse, and is being
given the best care that is pos
sible. It is hoped by everyone
that he will soon begin to im
There has been quite a siege of
flu in this community the past
week. Some of the victims were,
Mrs. Gaius Wintermote, Bayne
Grubb and daughter, Patty, and
Mrs. E. P. Grubb and Ray.
Stanley Elkins has received his!
orders to'* report for induction
into the Navy within the next
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blake and [
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake, |
Mr. and Mrs Duke Reed and
Mrs. Gladys Green and Marvin
were at C. I. Blake’s Sunday to j
help Mr. Blake celebrate Father’s
Day. j
Mrs. Harold Michael spent
Monday with Mrs. E. A Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fees took
Chester Fees,S.2-c, to Grandlsland
Monday night, where he took the!
train back to Farragut, Idaho.
He had been visiting relatives
and friends here while on leave. 1
Buy your Canned Vegetables
now while you can get them.
Most of the wholesale houses
and jobbers are running out of
them now. We have the finest
quality Extra Standard and
Fancy Grades.
(3% Discount in Case Lots)
rACCCC Butternut, Nash's,
•wITLL Rob Roy. Milady,
Maxwell House, Hill's
Bros—1-Lb. Glass Jar jZl
Avery JALb. ^IQ
good brand IV Bag Z#l
Apple Butler, Imitation
Jelly, Citrus Marmalade
2 GUss Jar.. 29(
Dried Peaches & Apples
4 No Points
Ice Cream in Pint Cans
The Richest and Best Ice
Cream in town
Sardines, Mackerel
and Pilchards
Large Oval or
Tall Can_
WIENERS ft*._32c
The most complete slock of
in North Nebraska. If it can be
bought anywhere we have it.
are all leapt in refrigerators and
they are always fresh.
Plums, Apricots, Water
melons, Cantaloupes,
and Tomatoes
in the country from Wes San
ford's Registered Jerseys. The
milk is almost half cream.
Try it.
AA Cornfed Beef Steaks
and Roasts
The finest beef money can buy
TOBACCO Suham .„d
CRACKERS 2£, 23c
SUGAR 10 & 63c
LAUNDRY » Bars dr,
SOAP 4 for
Mincemeat in Packages
Plenty of Syrup, Candy,
Jelly, and Fancy Frosted
2Q LBS. in Burlap
or White Bag
10 LBS
STOCK SALT 100&g69c
FOLGER'S COFFEE—New Low Price—Lb._ 31c
1,000 Lbs. Kraft Cheese — Apricots and Plums by the crate —
Ice Cold Watermelons — Binder Twine
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lenz and
Luetta, and Mrs. E. Brooks were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mr9. Victor Harley and family,
June 18. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Walter and Norman called on
them in the afternoon.
John Walter was honored at a
Father’ Day dinner in the C. V.
Robertson home, Sunday, June
18. Guests present besides Mr.
Walter were: Mrs. E. L. Feyer
herm, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott
and family and Duane Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Roth and
daughter, of Columbus, arrived
Sunday morning to spend the day
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth,
Ardith and Mary Jo.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Roth and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth
and family and Elwyn and Del
bert Robertson attended the cele
bration at the White Horse ranch
Sunday. .
Rev. Harris took Julius Belew
to Norfolk early Saturday morn
ing, where he was operated on
for appendicitis at 8 o’clock in
the LutheranJ hospital.
Warren Enbody, who has been
ill for some time came back Fri
day. He had been in the hospit
al at Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin and
Lavonne took in the celebration
at the White ranch Sunday.
George Porter was also there.
Mrs. Jenny Gibson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Gibson, of Grand Is
land, and daughters Rose Marie
and Jeanenne, and Mr. and Mrs.
Darrel Gillette and Mary Ellen
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Gibson and family
Mrs. George Fullerton and Don.
aid and Mary Lou Spath drove
to Norfolk Friday, where Donald
Continued on next page.)
... 77uaia AfeitA HfaUbtS1
Over la Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Agent Klimo Is
the man who looks after things for "North
Western." Jake is never too busy to be court*
eous —never too pressed to do his share in
war bond purchases — never too tired to
devote some of his leisure time to music;
Like so many "North Western” men and
women, Jake is a heavy war bond pur*
chaser. Now that the 5th War Loan Drive
is on, he’s investing in extra bonds—to
him the slogan "Do more than before*?
means just that.
WW Jake is a father of fighters, too. Son Bob, a
W mate in the Merchant Marine, has sailed
A the seas to five different continents. John, for
B roerly with the Chicago Symphony, is in tb«
Marines. And Claude, now in New Jersey
■ finishes Officer’s Training this month.
Jake’s music activity includes managing
Mt. Vernon’s Municipal Band and playing
the tuba in the El Kahir Temple Band
VNorth Western” numbers its "Klimos" by the thousands-fam
ihes that fight and will continue to fight—that buy bonds and
will continue to buy them. They reflect the spirit of America.
Back the Attack fV: BUY MORE THAN BEFORE