The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 30, 1944, Image 7

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    Jap Equipment Captured in Burma
Colonel Lee, commander of an American-trained Chinese battalion
(left) and Lieut. Gen. Joseph Stilwell, wearing a Chinese cap, are shown
examining weapons and equipment that was captured by Colonel Lee’s
men when they attacked and wiped out strong Jap outposts in the Hawk
ing valley jungles, iu northern Burma.
Yankee Pitcher Gets Rubdown
The New York Yankees have begun their spring training at Atlantic
City, N. J. Picture shows veteran Yankee pitcher, Atley Donald, getting
a rubdown as his teammates look on. Left to right are Gus Mauch, Yankee
trainer, administering massage to Atley’s arm; Bud Metheny, and
Donald and Oscar Grimes.
Red Army Rolls on Towards Rumania
This map shows how the new Russian drive which ripped a 106-mile
Cap In the German lines south of the Dnieper bend, placing some 500,000
German troops in danger of capture or slaughter, may carry the Red
army to the border of Rumania. From the north below the Fripet
marshes, one spearhead strikes towards Rumania via Tarnopol while
another strikes towards Luck.
Wanna Lobster, Mister?
This little Indian boy dived into the sea and returned with this lob
ster, which he graciously offers to Pvt. H. Fordy, of County Durnham,
England. The village to which the little turbaned lad belongs was re
cently visited by 50 British soldiers, who toured the fishing hamlet, hun
dreds of miles from anywhere, and were later entertained by the villagers.
Battle-Wearv Enemy
Bag-eyed with battle-weariness, a
German grenadier shoulders his
light machine gun against the usual
“New Order” background of fire and
destruction. This photo was taken
in Zhitomir, Russia.
‘Ghost’ Is Caught
Their prowlings through the tree
tops at night, which keep U. S. in
fantrymen in state of tension, have
earned for banana bears the name
"ghosts of Bougainville.'' Specimen
shown here jumped from a tree onto
a headquarters tent.
MacArthur Pilot
For the past two years, Lieut. Col.
Henry C. Godman of Palo Alto,
Calif., has been personal pilot to
Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Here the
1936 graduate of Stanford university
stands by “Bataan,’* personal plane
of the Southwest Pacific command
Soldier Vote Bill
The senate approved the soldier
vote compromise measure by ballot
of 47-31. Senator Lucas (III.), left,
and Senator Green (R. I.), co
authors of original measure, look
over compromise bill.
Battle Anainst Disease Goes on Forever
The war against disease Is one in whirh there is no armistice. It’s a big war, too, for the toll of lives
from diseases exreeds that of the battlefronts. These pictures take you to medical headquarters of the Chil
dren's Aid Society in New York and show you a phase of the battle against disease. Left: Dickie is next.
Johnny has already gotten "the works.” Center: "No fair.” Johnny trusted the nice man and was pricked
with a nasty needle. Right: This little chap cuddles up to the doctor as if the doctor were his own dad.
Shopping in Washington With Senate Ladies
Congressional wives are doing most or the family marketing these days, as it is one of their big Jobs to
keep our lawmakers well fed and healthy. In picture at left little Dottle Clark helps her mom, Mrs. D.
Worth Clark, wife of Idaho’s senator, unload a bag of oranges. Center: Mrs. Claude Pepper, wife of the sen
ator from Florida, arrives home with a basketload of groceries. Right: Mrs. Tom Connally, wife of the
senator from Texas, checks the points in her ration book.
U. S. Navy Entertains Island Royalty
King and Queen Langlan of the island of Majuro tour their domain
with Commander D. J. Brimm of the U. S. navy, at the wheel of his Jeep.
The royal family, which included Queen Langlan’s child sitting on her
lap, were feted by the navy after the island was captured from the Japs
by Araeucan forces.
‘Gung Ho” Carlson
Lieutenant Colonel Carlson, famed
marine Raider, spoke at celebration
in honor of 19th anniversary of the
death of Sun Yat-Sen. He is shown
above, being: greeted by little
Marilyn Chu, who thanked him for
aid to China.
New WAVE Uniform
Seaman Second Class Hazel Bark
er poses in trim new uniform in
which navy WAVES will work this
summer. Made of seersucker, the
new uniform is easily laundered and
comfortably cool.
Dodo Birds Were Reality;
Slaughtered by Portuguese
The fabulous dodo bird is not a
mythical creature from Alice in
Wonderland as many believe. Sci
entifically known as Didus ineptus,
this ugly and awkward bird of the
pigeon family inhabited the island
of Mauritius until slaughtered by
Portuguese sailors during the 16th
century. Unable to fly or run
swiftly, it was easy prey.
Only slightly smaller than an os
trich, four dodos provided a tasty
dish for a hundred seamen. Stones
from the dodo’s stomach were also
salvaged as excellent knife sharp
Just 3 drops Penetro
Nos* Drops in each
nostril help you
breathe freer almost
Instantly. Relieve the
head cold nasal misery.
Only 25c—2H times as
much for 50c. Caution:
Use only as directed.
Penetro Nose Drops
Salaries of Teachers
Of the 900,000 public - school
teachers in the United States in
1942-43, approximately 360,000 re
ceived less than $1,200 and at least
66,000 of this number received less
than $600 for their year’s work.
a few minute* to make the
the te*t plot* ahown above. Inocula
tion of *eed with NITRAGIN not only
boost* yield* of aoybean*, alfalfa, clov
er* and other legume*, it al*o increase*
protein content, and help* build toil
fertility—adding a* much as 30 to 130
lb*, of nitrogen to the acre. It pay* to
inoculate every planting of soybeans,
and other legunw* regardless of pre
vious cropping. NITRAGIN i* the
moat widely used inoculant. Get it from
your seedsman ... in the yellow can.
. . . Leek let
ye* buy-1
Writ* for (see packet at
1*8urns literature
how to grot
profitable so
cloven—other legumes.
Tks Nitr,t!a B*., ha, MM R. laatk It. U, 1
Amphibious Lingo
Buffaloes are amphibious tanka;'
Alligators are amphibious troop
carrying tractors.
Happy Relief When
You're Sluggish,Upset
punk u the dickens, brings on stomach
upset, sour taste, gassy discomfort, take
Dr. Caldwell's famous medicine to quickly
pull the trigger on lazy “innards”, and
help you feel bright and chipper again.
DR. CALDWELL’S is the wonderful sennn
laxative contained in good old Syrup Pep
sin to make it so easy to take.
MANY DOCTORS use pepsin preparations
in prescriptions to make the medicine more
palatable and agreeable to take. So be sure
your laxative is contained in Syrup Pepsin.
INSIST ON DR. CALDWEl VS—the favorite
of millions for 50 years, and feel that whole
some relief from constipation. Even finicky
children love it.
CAUTION i Use only as directed.
co.u.H.0.. syrup pepsin
In the Long Ago
Sharks once swam in a sea in
our Central states where cattle
now graze.
Kidneys Must*
Work Well
For You To Feel Well
24 hours every dmy, 7 days every
week, never stopping, the kidneys filter
waste matter from tne blood.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove sur
plua fluid, excess acids and other waste
matter that cannot stay In the blood
without Injury to health, there would
be better understanding of vhy the
whole system is upset when kidneys fail
to (unction properly.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina
tion sometimes warns that something
Is wrong. You may suffer nagging back
ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic
pains, getting up at nights, iwelling.
Why not try Doan'* Pilltl You will
be using • medicine recommended the
country over. Doan'* stimulate the funo
tion of the kidneya and help them te
flush out poisonous waste from thu
blood. They contain nothing harmful.
Get Doan’* today. Uae with confidence.
At all drug stores.
Doan spills