The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 10, 1944, Image 7

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    Nosegays of Roses
On Princess Frock
"^OSEGAYS of roses, embroid
ered down the front of this
pert princess frock, will make
that youngster proud to wear it.
The transfer pattern for the em
broidery comes with the smart
little dress pattern.
* * *
Pattern 7645 has a transfer pattern of
embroidery for panel and collar; a single
dress pattern in sizes 2, 4 or 6. State size
Due to an unusually large demand and
current war conditions, slightly more time
is required in filling orders for a few of
the most popular pattern numbers.
Send your order to:
330 South Wells St. Chicago
Enclose 20 cents In coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No.Size.
Name .
Address .
Don't fool with a cold! Neglected, It
may easily develop Into a more seri
ous condition. Rest—avoid exposure.
And for usual cold miseries, get
Grove's Cold Tablets. They're like a
doctor's prescription—that Is, a mul
tiple medicine. Work on all these
symptoms of a cold . . . headache—
body aches—fever—nasal stuffiness.
Why Just suffer along? Take Grove’s
Cold Tablets exactly as directed. Ask
your druggist for Grove’sColdTablets
—for fifty years known to millions aa
"Bromo Quinine" Cold Tablets!
Save Money— Get Large Economy Size
Cactus as Compass
Because the barrel cactus always
leans to the south, it serves as a
compass to persons lost in the
Southwestern United States desert.
^ To rod eve distress ol MONTHLY ^
Female Weakness
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Is made especially for women
to help relieve periodic pain with lta
weak, tired, nervous, blue feelings
—due to functional monthly dis
Taken regularly—Flnkham's Com
pound helps build up resistance
against such symptoms. Here Is s
product that helps nature and
that's the kind to buy! Famous for
almost a century. Thousands upon
thousands of women have reported
benefits. Follow label directions.
Worth tryingI
Early Prophet
Roger Bacon, living in the 13th
century, predicted the automobile
and steamship.
- Y umiiIIM*® 1
l Olivia «e \
4 fY°* Toe‘D
« thatah10*- TOOTH
1 CM-O* "Y -v
Silent Motion for ‘Ghost* Troops
Swift white-clad warriors,
who are semi-invisible
against snow and who swoop
to attack on smooth, silent
skis, are aptly described as
“ghost” troops. Their means
of motion—skis—have risen
to the status of a war weapon.
Throughout the nation plants
are rushing production of
this weapon which was once
known only to sportsmen.
Top: Ski troopers in action
during maneuvers in the Colo
i rado Rockies.
Top: This man, at a Laconia,
N. H., ski manufacturing com
pany, is smoothing a ski on a
pneumatic drum. Right: With
a new ski held in a bracket, this
man is sitting on one end to test
for flexibility.
A bove: Ci
vilian skis are
generally given
a natural uood
finish. But
army skis are
whitened on
the upper side
so they will be
harder to see
against the \
snow. This £
worker i s |
spraying a |
white non-re- -j
fleeting camou- i
flage paint on jj
the “bedslatsJ
Skis are new
in warfare.
During the
Russian - Fin
nish war they
came into
prominence as
a silent war was \
fought in the j
snowy wilder- \
ness where
heavy mechan
ical equipment
was stuck.
• I I m III • •
A worker stacks “bedslats” on drying racks. Later they will be
waxed. Ski harnesses are not attached by workers but by troopers.
Left: A plant
forms a Vic
tory sign with
a new pair of
skis that may
help to bring
victory. Orig
inally most
skis were im
ported from
Europe where
the sport orig
inated. Today
American man
ufacturers have
developed a ski
which is be
lieved to be su
perior to the
model. The
ski. pictured
a. e cut from
hickory boards
i and laminated.
s B el o w : A
It r o o p e r
emerges from
his cave home
on Mount
Rainier, Wash.
M£ M 0 S*** $yJ!finCwnkhi
Let Hearts Be Gay on Valentine’s Day!
(See Recipes Below)
Cupid’s Share
Hold on to your heart! Here comes
Cupid ready to do tricks to your
heart on Valentine's Day! It’s time
for a party with cute Dan Cupid
reigning on a mighty throne.
February's a short, short month
but with plenty of opportunity for
party-giving. You
can have a Lin
coln’s or Wash
ington's birthday
party, or you can
be extra gay and
colorful with a
Valentine's par
ty. These should
be extra popular
this year with the
pepped - up pace
of romance. If anyone in your crowd
Is about ready for a shower or wed
ding you might take the cue from
Valentine’s day and make Cupid’s
decorations your theme.
Pink-and-white or red-and-white
are the gay color schemes and you
can carry these out in both food and
decorations. A simple but dramatic
table picture is seen in the picture
in today’s column. Three large, red
valentine boxes are set on their side
in a row to form the main interest
for the table. If you want to enlarge
on this, get other pink-and-white or
red-and-white decorations such as
nosegays of roses and tie with a
swirl of ribbon.
If you would rather carry this out
in flowers, get a nice centerpiece of
red-and-white flowers. But have a
heart, somewhere along the way.
If you have a valentine mold make
a valentine cake or jelly mold and
work out an arrow with a pastry
tube or, if the cake is iced you
might even put on an arrow made
out of red paper.
Here is a luscious salad that takes
it easy on rationed foods:
*Molded Raw Cranberry Salad.
(Serves 6 to 8)
2 cups raw cranberries, ground
1 envelope orange gelatine
1 cup chopped celery
14 cup chopped nuts
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups water
Juice of 1 lemon
Pour Vz cup water in a bowl. Add
gelatine to water. Add 1’4 cups
water and sugar
and stir until dis
solved. Add lem
on juice. Set aside
to cool. Grind
raw cranberries,
chop nuts and
celery fine. Add
these ingredients
to gelatine. Place salad in one large
Lynn Says
Play Games, Too! Nothing’s
nicer than having fortunes told
at a Valentine party. If you
can’t afford a professional, have
someone dressed as a gypsy, arm
her with a heavy glass crystal
and booth, and let her go to town.
Letter games are fine for start
ing off a party. Give each guest
a letter to tie around his neck as
he enters, and as others appear,
let each one dash around to oth
ers to make up words. When
words are formed, guests appear
in front of a person who takes
down their names. Prize goes to
person appearing in most words.
Novel idea for a scavenger hunt
which needn’t take you outdoors.
Select about 10 guests and make
them have something unusual.
For example, have a man with
two unmatched socks, a girl with
two different colored hair bows,
someone who wears his watch on
the left arm, a girl with two dif
ferent colored earrings, etc. Ev
eryone is provided with a list of
above so he knows what to look
for. As he finds the person, he
writes down the name. The one
finished first gets the prize.
Save Used Fats
Lynn Chambers’ Point-Saving
Valentine Party Menu
•Molded Raw Cranberry Salad
•Heart-Shaped Chicken
Strawberry-Rhubarb Tarts
•Recipes Given
or several individual molds and let
jell until firm. Serve with lettuce or
These clever ham roll-ups add a
colorful and festive note to your
menu. They’re simple to make if
you just follow directions:
Ham Roll-Ups.
(Makes 4 Roll-ups)
2 tablespoons fat <•
214 tablespoons flour
14 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
14 cup grated American cheese
4 slices leftover boiled or baked
ham, sliced thin
8 asparagus tips
Blend fat, flour and seasonings.
Gradually add the milk. Stir until
thick and smooth. Add cheese and
stir until it has melted. Cut ham in
thin slices 4x6 inches. Roll two
asparagus tips in each slice. Se
cure with toothpick, place in a shal
low pan and surround with cheese
sauce. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake
in a moderate oven (350 degrees)
15 minutes. Insert sprigs of parsley
at end of each ham roll. Serve at
Get out your heart-shaped cutter
if you want to make sandwiches.
For a simple
children’s supper
party or for val
entine refresh
ments for grown
ups, serve heart,
shaped sand- '
wiches filled with
chicken salad and
garnish the plat
ter with buttered beets cut in heart
shapes. Strawberry and vanilla ice
cream with little sugar cookies—a
tiny motto candy heart placed in
the center of each cookie—is effec
This chicken sandwich spread
may be prepared the day before it
is used to fit in the day’s schedule:
'Chicken Sandwich Spread.
4 cups finely minced chicken
1 can pimlentos, finely minced
lb cup pickle relish
% cup grated onion, if desired
Salt and pepper to taste
Mayonnaise to moisten
Thoroughly mix all ingredients
and store in refrigerator until ready
to use.
Cherries can make food decora
tive for any Valentine party wheth
er they are used in cake or pie:
Champion Cherry Pie.
l'/b cups bread flour
10 tablespoons lard
1 teaspoon salt
5 to 6 tablespoons Ice water
Sift flour and salt together, add
lard and blend. Add ice water grad
ually and cool.
2 lb cups pitted sour cherries,
lb cup cherry Juice
2lb tablespoons fine tapioca
H teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon butter
Soak tapioca, sugar and salt in
cherry juice and let stand while pas
try is being made. Then mix well
with cherries, add butter and put in
pie tin. Bake pie for 10 minutes |
at 450 degrees, then reduce tem
perature to moderate or 350 degrees j
and bake for 20 minutes. Turn I
off oven and let stand at oven tern- |
perature for 20 minutes before re
moving from oven.
If you want sugar-sat ing suggestions,
write to Lynn Chambers, If estern News
paper Union, 210 South Desplaines j
Street, Chicago 6, Illinois. Don’t for- \
get to enclose a slumped, self-addressed
envelope for your reply.
Released b; Western Newspaper Union.
r\ESIGNED for those who would
lik$ a trim two-piece costume
but who need a little extra fullness
in the jacket to conceal a too-full
hip line!
• • •
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1890 Is tn sizes
12. 14. 10. 18. 20 and 40. Size 14, short
I For war-time baking
... for quick breads and
biscuits ...
Use the baking powder
you would use for your
finest cake.
We can't make enough Smith Bros. Cough
Drops to satisfy everybody, because our out
put it war-reduced—so please buy only as
many as you really need. Through three gen
erations and five wars. Smith Bros. Cough
Drops have given soothing relief from
coughs due to colds. Still only 91.
MUSCLE PAINS ran do it to you
—make you feel old—look drawn
and haggard, soretone Liniment
contains methyl salicylate, a most
effective pain-relieving agent. And
Soretone’s cold heat action brings
you fast, so-o-o-thing relief.
1. Quickly Soretone nett to en
hance local circulation.
2. Check muscular cramps.
3. Help reduce local swelling.
4. Dilate surface capillary blood
For fastest action, let dry, rub in
again. There’s only one Soretone—
insist on it for Soretone results.
50c. Big bottle, only $1.
soothes fast with j
in cases of
due to fatigue or exposure
due to colds
due to overwork
“and McKesson makes it”
♦Though applied cold, rube
facient ingredient! in Sore
tone act like heat to increase
the superficial supply at
blood to the area and Induct
a glowing seuie waruaJk
sleeves, requires 3*4 yards 39-inch matert
al, *,* yard contrast.
Due to an unusually large demand and
current war conditions, slightly more time
is required in filling orders for a few of
the most popular pattern numbers.
Send your order to:
Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept.
564 W. Randolph St. Chicago 80. 11L
Enclose 15 Bents (plus one cent to
cover cost of mailing) for Pattern
Name ....
Address .
Tower of Justice
Although a leaning pagoda of
Indo-China leans more than its fa
mous counterpart at Pisa, Italy, it
was built to lean as a “barometer
of justice." As the administration
of justice becomes less equitable,
the tower, in native fancy, leans
lower and lower. The remarkable
tow'er is 80 feet high and was built
200 years ago.
SSt“5?.rJST. IABOUT colds
rated at home to relieve cold-coughing,
muscle aches. Smart mothers today sim
ply rub on Penetro. Modern medication
in base containing old reliable mutton
suot. Relieves such colds’ distress. 25a.
Double supply 35c. Today, get Penetro.
At Last
At Miami, Fla., a tombstone
bears the name of Happiness Com