It is easy to tell. The bustle and merriment; tbe good fellowship. We are wishing you, and You and YOU all the good things that 1944 can possibly bring. m s s HARTY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS ffoppa /leu) Yeux ^,<944 HAPPY NEW YEAR For many years in succession we have been wishing our friends and customers a Happy New Year. It is with the greatest of pleasure that we now renew this custom. Many thanks, and every good wish for you. O’Neill National Bank With the Hun on the way out, there is unusual cause for re joicing this New Year’s of 1944. So, let us make merry in the fullest sense of the word. We wish you a Happy New Year, and look forward to greater service to all of you in 1944. Travelers Insurance Go. R. E. Moore, Supt. 1944 tm cUxu 'tv CkejzA Our entire business ha>be» built upon friendship. We look upon all our customers as our friends, and are determined to give them the friend liest service possible. It is our aim to wrap up a little friendliness in each transaction. TlldllkSj friends, one and all, for the privi lege of serving you. And we want to say right now, as fervently as we can say it . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR WE SELL FOR CASH AND SAVE YOU MONEY 6AOUjnmcDonflLD CONSISTENT LOW PRICES THE YEAR ’ROUND SoME day soon we hope to thank you personally for your kindness to us during 1943. But right now, with the Spirit of New Year's in the air we want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR BIGLIN BROTHERS F what value b gratitude if k forever remains unexpressed? We are grateful to you for the loyalty which has enabled us to make measureable progress during these difficult times. And we want you to know it. WE WISH FOR YOU IN 1944 LOADS OF GOOD LUCK ANTON TOY QUALITY MERCHANDISE ★ Above Nio danger of the midnight bells one might hoar the ringing of another Boll, whose chimes moan "life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness." In your pursuit of happiness during 1944 wo wish for you the fullest measure of at HAGENSICK DRESS SHOP ★ The mcae we enjoyed in 1943 is not merely the resdt of chance. It is the accumulating reward of Long years of effort on osar part to give the most in quality and service for your money. That policy holds good in 1944, a year which, we hope, will shower many blessings upon you. Lloyd’s Booterie SB91 wmm* WE oan hanOy wish you 996 SUNNY days during 1944. but we can and do wish you 946 HAPPY days. Wo hope that tho coming year brings you more true happiness, true friendships, and more opportunities than any year that has gone before. * * * Spelts-Ray Lumber Co. Jtapw'Hfu) tytMi ★ The first Union Flag of 13 stripes -was unfurled by George Wash ington on New Year's Day, 17/? This is another good reason far rejoicing at this time, for Old Glory is a symbol of freedom wherever it waves. So, Happiest New Year to you, and God bless you, one and aDI ☆ Ben Franklin Store r T IS on New Year’s that we keep “open house”—a happy old tra ditional custom. On such occa sions how important that one’s home be inviting and comfort able. We have been particularly fortunate for many years in that we have helped our customers and friends to make their homes more livable. To all whom we have thus served, to all whom we may servfe in the future, we send the season’s greetings. Central Finance Co. ABOVE THE CLOUDS (Continued from page two) Catholics they weren’t any too enthusiastic about pouring out their life’s blood on a Methodist manure pile, union or no union. “I won every battle I ever fought up there above the clouds, but I usually got licked as soon as I got home. My mother had no objection to clouds in their proper place, but she said she was not going to have me tracking up the house with them. To say noth ing of the way they smelled.” The Misses Regina and Agnes Ruher left Friday for Omaha, where they will visit for a week. Aviation. Cadet Ted Manzer, 19, has just commenced the Army’s Primary Flight Training Course at 'Hiunderbird Field No. 1, Glen dale, Arizona. A-C Manzer, the son of Mrs. Myrtle Manzer of O’Neill, Nebr., is a graduate of the O’Neill High School. When he entered the armed service Feb ruary 2, 1943, at Jefferson Bar racks, Mo., he was employed by the Montgomery Hardware, of this city. He served at Jeffer son Barracks, Sioux City and Santa Ana, Cal. Pfc. Warren Steele returned to Lincoln Sunday, after spending Christmas here visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh and family..