The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 23, 1943, Image 1

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    The Frontier
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Farmers Must Obtain
Permission For Other Job
To avoid loss of their agricul
tural deferments, farmers who
plan to engage in essential work
other than farming during the
winter months must have written
permission from the selective ser
vice local boards before leaving
the farm, Brig. Gen. Guy N. Hen
ninger, state director for selective
service, warned today.
He said selective service local
boards have orders to cancel the
deferments of farmers who leave
the farm without permission.
The general explained that Se
lective service encourages farm
ers, who have completed their
own work, to take temporary jobs
in such essential activities as meat
packing, manufacture of war ma
terials, construction, and transpor
tation, but that care must be taken
to assure the return of irreplace
able farmers to the farm in the
Farmers who are between the
ages of 18 and 45 and who want
to work off the farm during the
winter, should take these steps:
First, obtain permission to leave
the farm from the county agent.
Second, take the county agent’s
statement to the selective service
local board and seek the board’s
permission to leave the farm. This
step protects the farmer’s agricul
tural deferment. Third, report to
the local office of the United
States Employment Service for
AAA News Notes
We have feed wheat in the bins
at Atkinson, O’Neill and Page.
The price is $1.33 per bushel.
We have been informed that we
may expect our car of soybean
meal shortly after the first of
the year.
The ceiling price for corn for
Holt county is $1.00 per bushel,
shelled, at the farm. Ear corn is
$1.00—less the cost of shelling.
Harry E. Ressel, Chairman,
Holt Co. AAA Committee.
| ' ST. JOHN'S
May the Babe of Bethlehem
bless you this Christmas and may i
the Peace of Christ be yours dur
ing the coming year, is the sin
cere prayer of the Pastor and peo
ple of St. John’s for their many j
friends during this Holy Reason.!
O’Neill merchants have had a
splendid trade this fall. The
weather has been exceptionally
nice and every day of the week
the city has been crowded with
shoppers, coming from practically
every county in this section of the
state and every town. The only
thing lacking this fall has been
the shortage of certain lines of
merchandise, but notwithstanding
this handicap the season’s sales
will far exceed those of any fall
for several years.
Corporal Mike Dowd, U.S.M.C.,
arrived Sunday from Long Beach,
Calif., to visit friends for a few
days. He had been stationed some
where in the Southwest Pacific
war theatre for the past eighteen
months. He left Wednesday for
Tilden to visit relatives.
Miss Dorothy Moore arriyed last
Saturday from Winona. Minn., to
spend the Christmas holidays vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Moore. She is attending St.
Theresa’s College.
Pvt. Paul, Kubitschek left Mon
day for Fort Logan. Colo., after a
short visit here with his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek, and
other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson
went to Nebraska City last Friday
to bring home their son, Mickey,
who will spend the holidays here.
J(He attends the Nebraska School
Air the Blind.
Bert Brennan, wnqf is auenaing
the Millard Military Academy, a
preparatory school for West Point,
arrived home Saturday to visit
I his mother, Mrs. F. M. Brennan,
i and other relatives and friends.
Eldon Asher of Eagle Grove,
Iowa, arrived Saturday to spend
the holidays visiting his father and
other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Schrad and
son, of Omaha, are newcomers to
j our city. They moved here last
j week from Omaha. Mr. Schrad is
, a representative of the Liggett &
Mevers Tobatco Company.
Mr. and Mrs. James Corkle
£ made a business trip to Omaha
| last Sunday.
Miss Vein Coyne, who is at
itending Rosary College in Chi
f;cago, arrived home last Friday to
spend Christmas with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coyne.
Mrs. F. M. Kerns and daughter,
Nadine, returned to their home at
Coffey, Mo., last Saturday, being
here through the illness and death
of their mother and grandmother,
Mrs. Lansworth.
Miss Hazel Cronk will spend
Christmas in Page visiting her
father, Fred Cronk and other rel
[ atives and friends.
Miss Mona Melvin of St. Louis,
Mo., is expected to arrive home
Fridav to visit her parents, Mr.
^ and Mrs. John Melvin, and other
^relatives and friends.
William G. VanDover
Buried Here Monday
William Grayson VanDover died
at a Norfolk hospital last Satur
day morning, after an illness
of about four years, at the age
of 27 years, six months and 23
days. The body was brought to
this city by the Biglin ambulance
and funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at the Biglin
Funeral Home at 3 o’clock. Rev.
Dawson Park officiating, and bur
ial in Prospect Hill cemetery.
Deceased was born at Rodney,
Iowa, on May 25, 1916. In 1929
he came to Holt county and lived
here until he was taken to the
hospital at Norfolk about four
years ago for treatment. He is
survived by his father, Marsh
VanDover of Opportunity and two
brothers, Pfc. Ephriam VanDover,
somewhere in the Southern Pa
cific, and Everett VanDover of
Star, Nebr. Two uncles, Earl and
William VanDover of Opportunity.
Livestock Sales Barn
Closed Temporarily
Ed Hall, owner of the O’Neill
Livestock Commission Company,
announces that he is compelled to
close the sale barn temporarily,
on account of the loss of help.
John Alderman, who has been of
fice manager at the sale barn for
the past two years, is now in the
army and some of the other help
is sick, so he was compelled to
close for a short time, until other
help is secured.
The Undefeated Cardinals
Win Another Victory
The St. Mary’s Cardinals won
their third straight victory of the
season, with no defeats, when
they journeyed to Newport last
Friday and trimmed Newport
high 25-14. The Cardinals took
the lead early in the game and
they were never seriously threat
ened. Froelich was high point
man for the Cards with seven
points while Grady was second
with six. The second team made
it a grand sweep with a 30-0 vic
tory. Ryan and Bosn were high
point men with twelve and eleven
points respectively.
Last Monday the Cardinals went
to Atkinson where they won their j
fourth straight victory from the;
game St. Joseph’s team by a score
of 24-10. St. Mary’s again out
classed their opponents and held i
a safe margin throughout the
game. Froelich was again high
point mjm for the Cards with
seven points while Grady and j
Kelly shared second with six j
points each. The second team
lost their game to the Bluejays
by the count of 14-5. Ryan
was high point man for the Cards
with four points.
St. Mary’s first home game of
the season is Monday, December
27, when they will be hosts to
the boys from St. Mary’s Acad
emy of Grand Island. Although
these two teams have not played
each other for about five years
Grand Island has always had a
good team and this should be a
very good game. Let’s all at
tend and help the Cards try to win
their fifth straight game.
Lt. (j. g.) Frank Donohoe and
wife, Lt. Donohoe, of the Waves,
came up from Omaha Tuesday
to visit Miss Bernadette Brennan
and other relatives and friends..
He will be stationed at Corpus
Christi, Texas.
The M. M. Club had their
Christmas party Monday even
ing at the home of Mrs. Harold
Lindberg. Gifts were exchanged
among the members.
Mrs. Sam/Barnard was honored
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Chris Yantzi, the occasion
being Mrs. Barnard’s 84th birth
day. Twenty-four ladies were
Pfc. Elmer Loeffler of St. Louis,
Mo., arrived Sunday to visit his
Earents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
The Catholic Daughters of
America had a party at the
Golden hotel Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Tom Green, Mrs. Harry Sul
livan, Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky, Mrs.
Winchell and Mrs. Bauman were
in charge of the affair. Lunch
was served in the blue room of
the M and M cafe. Mrs. Leo
Carney and Mrs. Carsten Hansen
won high score.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock
will leave F'riday for Lincoln to
spend Christmas visiting with her
mother and sister, Mrs. Mary
Keenan and Mrs. L. H. Pierce.
The A. F. of L. Local No. 463
held their regular meeting Mon
day evening, followed by a Christ
mas party at the M. and M. Cafe,
where gifts were exchanged. A
splendid time was reported by all.
The Weather
Hieh Low
December 17-36 15
December 18 _50 22
December 19 ...- 63 24
December 20 __ 40 12
December 21 47 19
December 22 35 5
December 23 12 -4
No precipitation.
The Truth Will Out
The special House investigating
committee under Representative
Harold W. Smith (D.) of Virginia,
which has just filed a 30-page re
port on the illegal activities of the
OPA, represents one of many ser
ies of damaging disclosures that
should make every American vow
never again to put too much trust
in one man, or group of men, in
the executive branch of the Gov
ernment. The committee detailed
its findings as follows:
(1) Found in the files of former
OPA Counsel David Ginsberg “a
well devised and planned scheme
to control the profits of American
industry by freezing them at the
level earned by the industry dur
ing the 1936-39 period, regardless
of whether or not there had been
increases in the prices of products
since that time.”
(2) The power assumed by
OPA to suspend the rights of in
dividuals or businesses such as
restaurants to receive rationed
goods amounts to the taking of
private property without due pro
cess of law. Suspension orders di
rected against merchants require
the “guilty” business man to dis
play his “guilt” to the public at
large in the same fashion, as con
victs in medieval times were
branded or mutilated for the pur
pose of drawing “public ridicule
and contempt.”
(3) The OPA violates the sanc
tity of the home through an army
of enforcement agents.
“The illegal, useless and con
flicting regulations promulgated
by the OPA are creating such
great confusion that it is impos
sible for the average citizen to
know how to comply,” the Con
gressional report said. “The com
mittee believes that the facts here
presented reveal practices which
. . might conceivably lead to
the undermining of our basic Con
stitutional provisions for separate
and independent executive, legis
lative and judicial departments of
“It follows that concentration
of all three categories into the
hands of the executive branch
with merely a limited and cir
cumscribed review by the courts j
violates a basic principle of the !
Constitution and constitutes a
dangerous approach to totalitar
Since a Democratic majority
signed this report, it can hardly j
be termed “political,” although
no Democrat can overlook or deny 1
the fact that the original OPA act
was passed by a predominating
Democratic Congress at the insist
ence of a Democratic executive.
Edward McManus, son of Chas.
McManus of this city, who recent
ly returned from Alaska, where
he had been stationed with the U.
S. A., is now an aviation cadet
and is stationed at Sheppard Field,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson,
Mrs. James Davidson, Mrs. O. H.
Johnson of Wausa and Pete Han
sen went to Chambers today to
attend the funeral of A. L. Han
sen of Amelia, who passed away
at his home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
returned home Tuesday from Red
field, S. D., where they had at
tended the funeral of their uncle.
Miss Bea Jardee will leave Fri
day for Stuart to spend the holi
days visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Jardee.
Miss Edvina Jones, of North
Platte, arrived today to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Keven Cronin and
daughter, of New York City, ar
rived Wednesday to visit Mrs.
Cronin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. R. Morrison.
Miss Dorothy Kratochvil will
leave Friday for Osmond to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin
Kratochvil. j
Miss Ruby Weisman left Tues
day for Colorado Springs, Colo.,
to spend Christmas with friends.
i'&'km. •*.'» ’ «»*• -u.
Leu than 100 people
live in Santa Claus, In
diana, but each year the
postmaster sends out
more than half a mil
lion Christmas cards ]
and packages. Nearby
is a granite statue of
Santa Claus, dedicated
to children of the world.
Santa Claus' Post Office
Keep On MMWP*
Backing the Attack
With War Bends
In the Nazi slave coun
tries of Poland, Greece,
Jugo-slavia little chil
| dren starve to death, the
older and stronger ones
are sold into slavery
where they can live but
a few sad years at the
By Romaine Saunders
Atkinson, Nebr., Star Rt. No. 5
The Season's Cordial Greetings
Valued and Faithtul Friends
The Breezes Household
Assessments, taxes, holdouts of
one kind and another are getting
to be just about the No. 1 business
of the country.
Among other “post war” prob
lems, what is to be done with Hit
ler—if caught? If Europe is to
rebuild, maybe paper hangers will
be needed.
A lot of clodhoppers far out in
the hinterlands are learning that
the income tax is not all. They
have been hit for $2 to have the
papers made out.
The community has been sad
dened by a death in the Ole Han
sen home near Amelia. It was
reported to the writer Tuesday
that Mrs. Hansen had awakened
that morning to discover her
husband cold in death beside her.
A 13-year-old Illinois boy was
found a suicide. The reason given
was that he had lost tickets to a
school play and feared the school
authorities who were pressing the
child to pay for the lost tickets. It
is not unusual for teachers to
allot to pupils tickets for a school
entertainment for them to sell.
The tragic incident in the Illinois
town will render such practice
open to criticism.
The mistress of the White House
was greeted by a native woman
of jungleland on her flight abroad
in native fashion, nose to nose.
Now the first lady says nose rub
bing is old stuff \Jth her family.
Forms of salutation and modes of
hospitality are as varied as there
are races. In a sparsely settled
section of the state I once drew
up to a human habitation, a com
bination of dugout and sod walls.
It proved to be the abode of a
bachelor of foreign tongue and
well along in years. I was made
welcome and as an emblem of hos
pitality as I started again on my
way he presented me with a large
onion. It is the kindly sentiment,
the good will of fellow toward fel
low, that is important even when
symbolized in an onion.
Recent activities, accidents and
achievements on the prairie—Mrs.
Keenan, who has been at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Minahan in Amelia while her hus
band has been in South America
on engineering work for the gov
ernment, went to Miama, Florida,
to meet her husband who flew up
from the south. Bill Fryrear sus
tained a broken leg when a horse
whaled away at its mate but
struck Bill instead. The Knutzen
family will go to Saunders county
to spend Christmas with relatives.
A program and box supper crown
ed the pre-Christmas term at the
Berry school and doors closed for
a week. Neighbor Withers brought
over to the Breezes home a hand
ful of mail the carrier had left
in his box. Orland Fryrear made
good when he drew deadly bead
on both the first and second coy
ote to make the mistake of gett
ing in his rifle range.
Once again Christmas story tell
ers touch tender memories and
for a fleeting moment at least
turn the thought of many from
life’s sordid pursuits to linger
among the stars. The first Christ
mas story is brief and never has
been surpassed in beauty and sim
plicity. “And the angel said unto
them, Fear not: for, behold, I
Prophetic Words
In the light of the trends in
Washington today, it is interesting
to look backward toward a warn
ing given to America a decade ago
by the governor of one of the
great states of the Union. In his
inaugural address, this governor
“There is a present dangerous
tendency to forget a fundamental
of American democracy—the ten
dency to encourage consolidation
of power at the top of a govern
mental structure alien to our sys
ttm and more closely akin to a
dictatorship or the central com
mittee of a communist regime.
We have met difficulties before
this and have solved them in ac
cordance with the basic theories
of representative democracy. Let
us not at this time pursue the
easy road of centralization of au
thority, lest some day we discover
too late that our liberties have
And, in one of his radio addres
ses, the governor again touched
upon his basic theme through
which he was appealing for elec
tion, saying:
“It was clear to the framers of
our Constitution . . . that any ad
ministration attempting to make
all laws for the whole nation . . .
would inevitably result at some
future time in a dissolution of
the union itself.
“The doctrine of regulation and
legislation by master minds has
been too glaringly apparent in
Washington during the last ten
years. ... To bring about gov
ernment by oligarchy masquerad
ing as democracy, it is funda
mentally essential that practically
all authority and control be cen
tralized in our national govern
The governor who uttered these
prophetic words was Franklin D.
bring you good tidings of great
joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in
the city of David a Saviour, wnich
is Christ the Lord.” “To all peo
ple.” Everybody, everywhere.
Heaven’s highest gift was not be
stowed for a favored few. No one
has a monopoly. Therein lies the
universal appeal of the Christmas
spirit., If it were wooed every day
life’s gall and wormwood, its
sighs and tears would disappear.
But once a year, one brief mo
ment may heal the soul’s corrod
ing wounds. Earth runs red with
ruin and death this Christmas
night, but that story, that an
nouncement brought by messen
gers out of the sky has never
been revoked.
A stirring patriotic appeal to
return to the American way of
life comes out of Dixieland. It is
an address on “the New Deal and
Diocletian’’ by Clayton Rand and
is sent out by the Dixie Press of
Gulfport, Miss. This copyrighted
work will doubtless have a wide
circulation as a presidential elec
tion approaches. “I light my
torch,” said Mr. Rand, “at Runny
mede, Concord, Lexington and, as
a southern democrat, at Appomat
tox.” He believes “only the indif
ference, the apathy of the Ameri
can people can destroy our inde
pendence and freedom. Given the
facts I believe our people will be
come aroused .... and public
opinion will salvage the Goddess
of Liberty and our American
freedom from what has become
the Old Deal and the World War.”
And then the ringing appeal to
crush what he believes to be
“sinister influences within that
would destroy our individual free-1
dom, our traditional independence
and our American way of
thought.” A new battle cry of
freedom arises out of the deep j
I can join in the song but am
not able to name the author. Do
you know a better way to begin
your day?
“The day will bring some lovely!
I say it over each new dawn.
“Some gay, adventerous thing to
Against my heart when it is gone.”
And so I rise—and go to meet
The day with wings upon my feet.
I came upon it unaware—
Some sudden beauty without
A snatch of song— a breath of
A poem lit with golden flame;
High tangled bird notes—keenly
Like flying color on the wind.
No day has ever failed me quite:
Before the gravest day is done
I find some misty purple bloom,
Or a late line of crimson sun.
Each night I pause — remem
Some gay, adventurous, lovely
Mrs. Elmer K. Ellingson receiv
ed word that her husband, Pvt.
Elmer K. Ellingson, has been pro
moted to Corporal. Corporal Ell-!
ingson is on maneuvers in Louisi
ana at the present time. j
O’Neill Boy Is An Honor
Graduate Hospital Corps
John Raymond Osenbaugh of
O’Neill has been selected as an
honor graduate at the hospital
corps school, U. S. Naval Hospital,
San Diego, Calif., and has been
promoted to the rating of Hospital
Apprentice First Class, the Elev
enth Naval District announced to
Upon the completion of the six
weeks course at the corps school,
he was ordered to the Naval Hos
pital at Norman, Okla., for fur
ther training.
He was given special honors
during recent graduation cere
monies of the San Diego hospital.
While attending the hospital corps
school, he received intensified in
struction in first aid, anatomy,
physiology, minor surgery, hy
giene, nursing metrology and ma
teria medica.
Osenbaugh is an alumnus of
O’Neill Public High School. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Os
enbaugh of O’Neill.
Will Establish Children’s
Hospital In Omaha
A hospital to provide specialized
facilities and care for the children
of Nebraska is to be built at
Omaha as soon as materials are
Since it is for Nebraska and
Iowa children—and since 40 per
cent of the beds are to be for
children whose families cannot
afford to pay for the service—the
board of trustees anticipates that
many out-state Nebraskans will
be glad to give financial support
to the project, either through pur
chase of memberships, or through
outright gifts.
With that in mind, the board of
trustees announces that four types
of memberships have been estab
lished. They are:
Life, $500; Charter, $100; Friend
of-Children, $50; Contributing $25.
Smaller or larger gifts will be
gratefully appreciated.
The hospital fund was started
with a gift of $117,000 from the
Omaha World-Herald and its fam
ily—since then other substantial
contributions, ranging up to $10,
000, have been received.
Persons wishing to purchase
memberships, or to make Christ
mas or year-end gifts, are asked
to mail their checks to “Children’s
Memorial Hospital,” c-o W. Dale
Clark, president of the Omaha Na
tional Bank, Omaha.
Marriage Licenses
Sergeant Leonard E. Jungman
and Evelyn Shald, both of Atkin
son, on December 15.
Marvin Duane Richter and Bet
ty Lloyd Brady, both of Dorsey,
on December 18.
Ferdinand Krutz, Jr., of Inman
and Bessie De Groff of Page, on
December 21.
For kindly help in life, for sym
pathy and flowers in death, we
thank you.
The Lansworth Family.
Junior Shoemaker, who is at
tending the University of Nebras
ka, at Lincoln came home Wed
nesday to spend the holiday va
cation visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Shoemaker.
Miss Ruth Ann Biglin arrived
this morning from Rapid City, S.
D, to spend Christmas visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Miss Lanone Miles, of Grand
Island, is expected to arrive home
tomorrow to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miles.
Miss Leona French, of Omaha,
came Sunday to visit her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French over
the holidays.
Miss Margaret Ellen Donohoe,
of Marty, S. D., arrived Tuesday
to visit Miss Bernadette Brennan
and other relatives and friends.
Miss Hazel Cronk entertained
a group of girl friends at a dinner
at her home Monday evening.
Following an exchange of gifts
the evening was spent informally.
Francis Kelly, U. S. Army, left
lost Thursday for AmiriUo,
Texas, after visiting his oarents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly. His
wife and daughter remained here
where they will make their home
for the duration.
Dr. W. F. Finley left Wednes
day for St. Paul, Minn., to visit
his daughters, Mrs. Carrol Ste
phenson and Miss Catherine Fin
ley .over the holidays.
J. P. Protivinsky of Hastings is
• •xpected to arrive Friday to spend
Christmas visiting his wife and
Isa L. Brundage returned to her
home in Omaha Saturday, after
attending the funeral of her
mother, Mrs. Lansworth.
J. B. Ryan left this morning for
Chicago to spend Christmas at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Em
mett Doyle.
Joe Bartos, who has been sta
tioned at Camp Houston, Texas,
has been promoted to the rank of
Corporal and transferred to Free
port, Texas, where he is now sta
tioned. He is in the medical de
[ Careful Driving Saves
Lives, Gas And Oil
Probably no other agency steals
the joy, pleasure, and zest from
the Christmas holiday season as
the death-dealing, property, dam
aging motor collisions which, if
apportioned among the families
of Nebraska, would effect one in
approximately every 106.
During this season, pedestrians
are caught in a mad whirl of so
cial and business activities. As
they scurry about their shopping
ladened with bundles, they are
more apt to disregard the safety
rules which under ordinary con
ditions they would respect. Hence,
a driver must increase his vigi
lance and if pedestrians refuse to
look out for themselves, the mo
torist must look out for them.
“Drinks are not for drivers” is
an old story but still good advice.
Regardless of how popular drink
ing may be, it is definitely taboo
when one intends to operate a
motor vehicle, for driving must be
done with a sound mind and the
utmost seriousness. During the
month of November of this year,
the Nebraska Patrol made 41 ar
rests for driving while intoxicat
ed as compared to 48 arrests for
the same violation in November,
1942. Not alone is the drunken
driver to be considered, but also
the drunken pedestrian on the
highway. The Patrol also made
18 arrests for pedestrians being
A glance at the rest of the Pa
trol’s November report will reveal
the wide-spread, activity of the de
partment and its constant effort
to make driving safer. Among the
559 arrests, 150 were for speeding
which is considerable more than
the 131 cases for November of
1942. Reckless driving arrests
numbered 53 which, is an im
provement over the 83 reckless
driving violations of November,
Other arrests included: No op
erator’s license, 76; failure to ob
serve stop signs, 43; improper
lights, 25; truck overweight on
capacity plates, 34; and desertion
from the armed forces, 27, in
which cases the deserters were
turned over to the Provost Mar
Patrolmen reported 1,187 ser
vices rendered, which included as
sisting motorists with tire changes,
towing in stranded cars, and like
good acts.
The Patrol recovered 9 stolen
automobiles during November
while 165.866 miles were being
patrolled. 81 accidents were in
vestigated and reported and 40
safety talks were made by the
Many motorists are still care
less about automobile lights. Pa
trolmen issued 1,555 violation
cards during November; 1,080 of
these cards were for improper
lights. The other cards being for
no operator’s license, no license
plates, one plate missing, and
other equipment violations. In
cases where a violation card is
given, which is on equipment vio
lations, the violator must correct
the violation in a limited time
and have the police, county sher
iff or patrol certify the correction
before the case is closed.
To complete the Patrol’s No
vember activity, there were 418
warning cards issued motorists in
cases where circumstances did not
warrant arrest. These cards con
tain a request asking co-operation
of the violator toward the promo
tion of safety on Nebraska’s high
ways. Copies of the violation are
filed with the respective driver’s
license application of the violator.
158 of these cards were issued for
speeding; 93 for stop sign viola
tions; 64 for reckless driving, and
27 for failure to dim headlights.
In concluding the Patrol’s No
vember report, states C. J. Sand
ers, captain of the Nebraska Safe
ty Patrol, it must be remembered
that no one can say exactly how
many motor vehicle accidents are
due to a particular cause, because
most accidents have a combina
tion of several causes—many of
which are due to violations which
have been listed in this activity
report. When violations cease—
accidents will cease, warns Mr.
County Court
John Carl was arrested by Pa
trolman Walter on December 20
and charged with having an ex
nired driver’s license. He was
fine $1 and costs of $3.10.
Orvel Neal was arrested on De
cember 19 by Patrolman Walter
and charged with having wrong
number plates. He was fined $3
and costs of $3.10.
Herbert Canfield of Lynch was
arrested by Patrolman Walter on
December 19 and charged with
having wrong number plates. He
was fined $3 and costs of $3.10.
Frank Biglin was down town
last Friday, the first time for over
two months. Frank is getting
along nicely and it will not be
'ong now until he will again be
back at his old place of business,
a fact which will be pleasing
news to his many friends in this
city and county.