FOR SALE I SOLD 3 FARMS AND Ranches recently. Let me sell your place.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Nebr. 12-tf FOR SALE: Several good farms And three good ranches.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 8-tf WANTED WANTED—Two girls for general housework.—Write to Mrs. W. J. Froelich, O’Neill, Nebr. 31-2* I HAVE MONEY to loan on farms and ranches and city property at 4 Vi % interast.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 8-tf MISCELLANEOUS -YOU WANT'EXPERT and effi cient handling of your live stock, insured responsibility and prompt returns of proceeds? Then consign to FRANK E. SCOTT COM. CO., Sioux City, la., the firm with a 31 year record for dependability. 26-tf PERSONAL ' PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands, including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. —Johnson Drugs. 21-15 {First publication Dec. 9, 1943) Julius D. Ct-onin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3043 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 7, 1943. In the Matter of the Estate of John Dlouhy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Mary Dlouhy as Administratrix of said estate, and will be heard December 30, 1943, at 10 o’clock A. M„ at the County Court Room in ONeill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, 31- 3 County Judge. {COUNTY COURT SEAL) {First publication Dec. 16, 1943) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3034 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 14, 1943. In the matter of the Estate of James Nickels, Deceased. James Nichels, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that) the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is April 6, 1944, and for the payment of debts is December 14, 1944, and that on January 6, 1944, und on April 7, 1944, at 10 o’clock A. M„ each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 32- 3 County Judge. {COUNTY COURT SEAL) /[First publication Dec. 2, 1943) NOTICE OF SUIT To: The D»*nton and Hopkins Investment Company, a corpor ation; Anton Bezposka; and All persons having of claiming any interest in the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 30 North, Range 13, Wiwtro£lhe 6th P. M., in Holt Coun’ty.^tfibraska, real names unknown.' 1 1 You and eaoh of jtou are hereby notified that on the 24th day of November, 1943, Frank J. Weber, as Plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and others as defendants, the object and prayer of Plaintiff’s cause of action as set forth in said petition feeing as follows: To foreclose ■ county treasurer's tax sale certi ficate No. 415 executed and de livered to the County of Holt on i first day of September, 1941, by tthe county treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, at county treasurer’s private tax sale for itfae years 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1939, and by said County *of Holt assigned to the Plaintiff for the taxes for the years 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1939, DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH (Me* PHm 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment CHaaeea Correctly Fitted Residence (Dr. Brown, tSl Phones ) Dr. French. *41 nmimnmiumumntmwtnmmr For Reliable Insurance PROMPT SETTLEMENT REASONABLE RATES 8EE L. G. Gillespie Agency nmwmnmmmmtmmnmmmni ngmmrmnmmmwwwrenmnr W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 1 O'Neill : Nebraska | RAYH. SHRINER O'NEILL. NEBR. Insurance of AU Kinds, Real Estate and Rentals P. H. A. Loans @4Vt% Offlco Phone 106 Res. 136 said tax sale certificate covering the real estate hereinabove de scribed. Said petition prays for an ac counting of the amount due the plaintiff upon said tax sale certifi cate; that the plaintiff may be decreed to have a first lien upon the above described real estate for the amount due him thereon; that the equity of redemption and other interests of each and all of the defendants in said action in said real estate be forever barred and foreclosed; that the real es tate herein above described be sold as upon execution to satisfy the amount found due the plain tiff upon his said tax sale certifi cate; interest, costs and attorney fees, and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of January, 1944. Dated December 1st, 1943. FRANK J. WEBER, Plaintiff. By Wm. C. Smith, Jr., 30-4 His Attorney. (First publication Dec. 16, 1943 NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE By virtue of an order directed to me by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in the case wherein Mary Jenkins is plaintiff and Frank A Carter, et. al., are defendants, (being case numbered 14012), ordering me to sell at public vendue at the Front Door of the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, th6 following described real estate, to-wit; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 13 and 14 in Block 16, Hazelet’s Ad dition to O’Neill, Nebraska. South 45 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 17, Haze let’s Addition to O’Neill, Ne braska, and part of the South east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty, Township Twenty-nine, North Range Eleven, more particu larly described as follows: Commencing at a point 45 feet east of the Southwest corner of Block 17, Hazelet’s Addition to O’Neill, Nebraska, thence south 463 feet more or less to the section line on the south side of said Section Thirty, Township Twenty nine, North, Range Eleven, thence east along said section line 557 feet thence north 463 feet thence west 557 feet to place of beginning being part of the West Half of the South east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty, Township T w e n t y-n i n e, North, Range Eleven, Holt County, Nebraska, being all of Blocks 19 and 20 of Haze let’s Addition to city of* O’Neill, Nebraska, except Lots 8 and 9 in Block 20 in said ad dition to the City of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and All of Section Ten; West Half of the Northeast Quar ter; East Half of the North west Quarter; Northwest Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section Fourteen; North Half of the Northeast Quarter: Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Fifteen; Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion Three, except about five acres according to the platted road off the west thereof; two and one-half acres of ground off the south side of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Four, being a strip of land 33 and one-third rods east and west and 12 rods north and south measured from the southeast corner of Section Four, all in Township Twenty-five, North, Range Fourteen West of the Sixth P. M., Holt County, Nebraska. Southwest Quarter; South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Two; East Half of the Southeast Quar ter; Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Three, Township Twenty-five, North, Range Fourteen, 'Vest of the Sixth P. M., Holt County, Ne braska, for cash subject to unpaid taxes and any existing leases, I will offer said above described real estate for sale and will sell tht same to the highest bidder for cash on the 17th day of January, A. D„ 1944, at the hour of one o’clock P. M., at the Front Door of the Court House in the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, when and where due attention will be given by the undersigned Sole Referee. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 16th day of De cember, A. D., 1943. T. F. NOLAN, Sole Referee. Julius D. Cronin, Attorney for Plaintiff. Council Proceedings O’Neill, Nebr., December 7, 1943. i Council met in regular session. | Present: Mayor Kersenbrock, and Councilmen Johnson, Yantzi, Mel ' vin, Wallace and Bosn. Meeting was called to order by the mayor. Minutes of the previous meet ing read and approved. City Treasurer’s statement for the month of November read and approved. Upon motion the following bills were allowed on the Gteneral Fund: Roy Lowery $ 57.76 Chester Calkins 117.96 Bert Peterson .- 90.40 Bob Cook 103.40 J. B. Grady 20.00 J. D. Cronin 30.00 L. G. Gillespie 22.30 Lohaus Motor Company 7.52 A. V. Virgin 2.05 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co. ... 3.99 L. G. Gillespie .. 16.33 Ralph Scofield 7.00 The Texas Company 30.69 Lohaus Motor Company 5.13 Con. Public Power Co. 235.75 R. E Calvert 1.50 R. H. Shriner . 5.43 Frank Clements . 4,00 Upon motion the following bills were allowed on the Water Fund: G. E. Miles _ _...$ 4.00 Jesse Scofield-117.96 J. B. Grady.._ 10.00 N. W. Bell Tel. Co_ 7.65 The Texas Company 68.00 Int. Mach. & Supply Co. ... 1.88 Ralph Scofield . 46.50 Mary Miles _„_ 29.64 Con. Public Power Co.. 11.00 Motion by Johnson, seconded by Bosn. that the City Treasurer transfer $2,008.20 from the Liquor License Fund to the City General Fund. Motion carried. Motion by Melvin, seconded by Wallace, that the following insur ance policies be accepted: $2500.00 on the pump and engine house, premium $16.33, Gillespie agent, policy number OFW 2900. $1000.00 on building at airport, premium $22.30, Gillespie agent, policy No. 386558. $300.00 on the tool house in City Park, R. H. Shriner, agent, premium $5.43, policy No. 24087. Motion carried. Upon motion the council ad journed, subject to the call of the mayor. J. B. Grady, City Clerk. AAA News Notes At the county convention of the Holt county AAA, on December 9, the following were elected by the delegates present to hold oiTice for the 1944 program year: Harry E. Ressell, Chairman; Fred R. Mack, vice chairman; A1 J. Sauser, regular member; Otto L. Terill, first alternate; Ora R Yarges, second alternate. Listed below, in regular order, (chairman, vice chairman, regu lar member) are the returns from the Community elections for the year 1944: Antelope-Iowa—LuVern Var. Conett, Orville T. Kemper, Lynd ley J. Crumley. Atkinson—Joseph W. Rocke, Warren W. Marr, Sylvester R. Tushla. Chambers-Shamrock — Joseph T. Serck. Clarence C. Young, Her man R. Holcomb. Clcveland-Dustin—Charles M. Mulford, Elmer C. Allyn, William J. Meusch. Conley—Adelbert Fauquier, Le on C. Hertel, Joseph E. Koci. Deloit—Leo R. Funk. Frank P. Miller, Adolph B. Latzel. Ewing-Golden—Doyal D. Wise man, Martin G. Helmricks, Joseph P. Kaczor. Verdigris—Frank W. Cronk, Otto L. Terrill, Walter E. Snyder. Swan-Josie—Claude C. Lier man, Louis W. Barthel, Ira W. Lierman. Fairview-Wyoming—Harold L. For Best Results and satisfactory returns, bring your livestock to the O’Neill Livestock Com. Co. Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET * We Sell Every Monday Frontier’s Honor Roll H. J. Hammond W. R. Shaw J. J. Harrington, new John Davidson Mrs. James Davidson Ralph Prill C. E. Stout Mrs. W. H. Hungerford, new Joseph Weibel Hank Martin,new Lloyd Phelps L. E. Downey • Jean Griffith Jones Karl L. Keyes Joe Jerabeh W. F. Grothe Paul Schwisow Walter Hudson T. Set. Edw. G. Ohde, new Frank Darr T. F, Gallagher Frank Pierce Arthur Cowperthwaite D. E. Bowen Fred W. RLstow, new John Joseph Donlm Gilman, Ernest P. Johnson, Clyde H. Widniqq. Grattan—John T. Murray, Or ville Morrow, Leonard G. Shoe maker. Greeq Valley, Holt Creek and Francis—Arthur'I. Pacha, Edward A. Bouska, Edward H. Friedel. Inman—JLeo P. Mossman, Ver non J. Davis, Chester C. Youngs. Lake-McClure—Magne B. Gor anson, James M. Hawk, Seth L. Hertel. Paddock—Sam R. Robertson, Fred W. Lindberg, George D, Hansen. Emmet-Pleasant View—Walter F. Rice, Joseph Wagman, Ira L. Livingston. Steel Creek—Ralph E. Nighten gale, Herscbel H. Miles, Richard B. Marston. Rock Falls—Henry E. Vequist, William Grutsch, Ren J. Kroupa. Sand Creek—Patrick W. Kil murry, George H. Beck, Charles W. Sloan. Coleman-Saratoga—Romaine J. Rohde, Ulysses E. Owen, John F. Storjohann. Scott—August H. Oberle, Frank W. McDonald, Harvey C. Krug man. Willowdaje—William Derick son, Elmer A. Juracek, Nels A. Lindquist. Sheridan—.James A. Beck, Rob ert M. Martens, Francis J. Hanel. Shields—John D. Pruss, Ed M. Murray, John J. Schmidt. Stuart—Ora R. Yarges, George H. Wallinger, Florian J. Scholz. Harry E. Ressell, Chairman, Holt County AAA. Pleasant Day Club The Pleasant Day Club met at the home of Mrs. Leona Pinnt on November 30. There were ten members present. Two new members, Mrs. W. P. Carroll and Mrs. Doug Bacon were taken into our club. After a covered dish luncheon plans were made for a Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Saturday evening, December 18. The les son, “Morale in the Home” was given by the leaders. It was a round table discussion by every one and proved most interesting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Della Vciquist in January. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all neighbors and friends for the sympathy extended to us, during the illness and following the death of our beloved husband and father.—Mrs. W. G. Morrow and Family. Dr. Fisher, Dentist. 24tf Cliff Lundgrer\/made a business trip to Omaha oii Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Simar spent Sunday in Atkinson visiting Mrs. Ida M. Becker. Miss Helen Biglin and Mrs. Hugh Birmingham went to Sioux City on Friday. The O’Neill Womens Club met at the home of Mrs. L. A. Burgess Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Mattie Soukup left Friday for Omaha where she will re ceive medical treatment. Miss Barbara Bradley returned to her home in St. Joseph Mo., on Saturday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Anton Toy and family. m __ Ban On Gift Of Hams Is Lifted The ban on gifts of hams, jel lies, preserves and other rationed foods was lifted today by the OPA and a further effort made to make rationing fit the practical needs of American families. This action means such gifts will be permitted this Christmas, the first under war-time ration ing of many important foodstuffs, and will assist charitable organi zations in carrying out their tra ditional gift-giving at this season. In addition shoes may be given away point-free beginning today. Henceforth housewives may give rationed foods bought with their own ration stamps to other con sumers or to charitable organiza tions. Charitable organizations re ceiving these rationed foods from individuals may distribute them to needy families without collect ing ration stamps. In announcing the change, Dis trict OPA Director M. E. Raw ling said: “There were some per fectly good reasons for the old rule against giving rationed goods without collecting stamps, but they were outweighed by the ar guments for making this ration ing program just as simple and practical as possible for Ameri can families. Under the new plan we’re free to do as we please with the food we buy with our ration looks.’’ Rawlings said that while the change becomes effective with the Christmas season, it will continue in effect indefinitely. The gift provision does not ap ply in any way to denltrs. jobbers, manufacturers or other commer cial food handlers. v‘ ■ • • . **' <■ r8& 200 HEAD -y ^ _id:__ Regular Cattle and Hog Sale | -* •"* ' , i v -f .• (j. • | Every Saturday « - n : , f ,y ! -*-- ' — — ! . .. • •• * Ed Evans and Bill Brugger, Auctioneers I Buv Wanser, Manager I Mrs. J. J. Harrington returned Friday from Omaha, where she had been visiting relatives and friends for a few days. Mrs. Charles Moss reurned home Sunday from Scribner where she had been visiting her son and wife, also visited friends in Omaha be Lt. and Mrs. Hugh McKenna. She fore returning home. Ed Hancock returned Friday from Omaha, where he had attend ed the meeting of the County Officials organization. H. A. 1-c John Osenbaugh, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Osen baugh of this city, has recently been transferred from San Diego, Cal., to Norman, Oklahoma. He is in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson and family on Sunday. Miss Mary Jareske, of Yankton, S. D., spent the week-end here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jeraske. The employees of the various offices in the court house annex had a Christmas party at the Golden Hotel Wednesday evening. Dinner was served at 7:30. The dining room was decorated in keeping with the holiday spirit. Santa Claus was present and pre sented gifts to the employees. Mrs. Henry Lohaus entertained I the Martez Club at a 7:00 o’clock ! dinner at the M and M Tuesday evening, followed by cards at her home Mrs. Homer Mullen and Mrs. Ed Campbell won high score. H. J. Riggs, of Omaha, spent Sunday and Monday here on bus iness. Mrs. H. J. Hammond returned Friday from Omaha, where she had been visiting her daughter, Margaret, and other relatives and friends. Miss Mildred Stuart spent the week-end in Page visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuart. H. H. Combs, of Stansberry, Mo., and W. B. Evans, of King City Mo., spent Tuesday and Wed nesday here on business. Oliver Hill returned Saturday from Orchard where he had been visiting his brother, Leonard Hill. William Bruegman, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bruegman of this city, went over to Des Moines on December 4 and was sworn in as a member of the Mer chant Marines, and is now wait ing his call to duty. Pharmacists Mate 2-c Eldon Pra witz of Dallas, Texas, spent Sat urday here visiting friends. Romaine Saunders, the sage of the southwest, came up from his ranch home south of Amelia Tues day morning and spent the day looking after business matters and visiting old/ friends. Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church held their annual Christ mas party at the home of Mrs. Enard Leach last Wednesday eve ning with thirty-five people pres ent. A delicious dinner was served. Clem Cuddy, of the Navy See bees, arrived Tuesday from Mare Island, Cal., to visit relatives and friends. His wife, who is making her home in Omaha, came up here with him. Mrs. Hazel Scharping received word Friday of the death of her mother, Mrs. A. H. Lease, of Bell, Mo. Mrs. Lease had been seri ously ill for the past several months. Pvt. Jerry Toy returned to Fay ettville, Arkansas, on Saturday, after a week’s visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Toy, Sr., and other relatives and friends. He is taking the Army specialized training course at the University of Arkansas. Ivan Merwyn French, son of Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French of this city, has been given the rank of First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps, according to a war depart ment announcement. He is tak ing medicine at Creighton Univer sity in Omaha. Miss Doris Harvey spent Sun day in Page visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey and other relatives and friends. Miss Lois Bahm left Sunday for her home in Lincoln after vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Anton Toy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yantzi en tertained the Sunday Evening Bridge Club last Sunday evening. » Pvt. James Harty, Camp Elkins, W. V., came Wednesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harty and other relatives and friends. Seaman 1-c William O’Connell, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. A. O’Con nell of this city, is now stationed at Nuroton, Conn.. John Sullivan, Sr., returned Sunday to his home in Grand Is land, after visiting his son who was here on furlough from Cali fornia. Aviation Student Gene Me Ken na, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenna of this city, has been accepted for bombardier training and is now at Santa Ana, Cal. Lt. (S G) Arthur Mullen and wife of Washington, D. C., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harty last Saturday. Lt. Mul len is a grandson of James Mul len, one of the pioneer residents of Holt county, and is a nephew of the late Arthur F. Mullen. R. E. Spelts of Loup City and daughter, Eva Bell, spent Tues day here visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Spelts. Mrs. R. E. Miles and daughter, Betty Jean, returned to their home in Chambers on Monday, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles and family and other rel atives and friends. Pvt. William Biglin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin of this city, is now at the University of Cali fornia, at Berkley. He is a mem ber of the Army Specialized training plan. The members of Garfield Lodge, No. 95, A. F. and A. M. at their regular meeting last Thursday evening elected the following of ficers for the ensuing year: Lyndle Stout, W. M.; R. D. Spindler, S. W.; K. D. Fenderson, secretary; H. L. Lindberg, treasurer; H. E. Asher, J. W. Mrs. Edna Selden of Valentine arrived today to spend the Christ mas holidays visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Miles. Miss Lanone Miles spent the week-end here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles, and other relatives and friends. SUNDAY IS FUNDAY with the Big Sunday Magazine You can keep going all day In the big Suit day Magazine. Do you play Crossword Puzzles? Well there's a superdooper puz zle to try your wits. Do you play bridge, or want to learn? Culbertson tells you the Intricate how. Do you write poems, or think you could? Then spend some time in the Poet’s Corner, strictly for amateurs. And never, never miss “Letters Home" from the boys at the fighting front. Here’s the war in Intimate detail, first hand, and all the facts that will pass the censor. 4 Bis Sections Eighty-six per cent of the people who open the Sunday Magazine read "Letters Home,” so they must be good. A lot of folks read the Book Reviews and more read "Ne braska Scene," a collection of homespun opinions on current events from prominent Nebraskans, compiled by John Bentley. The Magazine is a panoramic review, one of six big feature sections in a big Sunday newspaper. It carries short stories by such writers as Mark Hellinger, articles by na tionally recognized authorities like Con stantine Brown, columns by Walter Win chell and Damon Runyon, and state fea tures by Carlyle Hodgkin and other well known local writers.