The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 16, 1943, Image 4
THE FRONTIER D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at Postoffice at O'Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter * SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, Outside Nebraska 2.25 Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion. Subsequent insertions 5c per line Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if the publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Views of 1 Congress By Dr. A. L. Miller, M. C. The greatest stir in Washington this week was occasioned by the disclosures Senator Butler made of the glorified "boondogling" program we are financing in j South and Central America. Six billion dollars is still a lot of money even in the New Deal era. I The charges have started invcsti- ' gations by three committees, the j Byrd, Truman and the Appropria-1 tions Committees. The past per- J formances of these assures us that investigations will be pushed. When the new tax bill was be fore the House, Chairman Dough ton of the Committee on Ways and Means used figures from the treasury department to show that the per capita tax burden for the United States for 1943-44 is $357 as compared to $291 for the Uni ted Kingdom and $261 for Can ada. In explaining why the com mittee refused to bring in a bill that would raise the over ten. bil lions the treasury demands, he said: “When you destroy the in itiative and break the morale of the taxpayers it is like overload ing a good team and, being a far mer, I have seen many good teams ruined by being overloaded.” Every member of Congress is in favor of working out a plan that will make it possible for the members of the armed forces to vote in the 1944 election. Opposi tion to the proposal of the new deal senators that a commission be set up by the federal govern ment, the members of which are to be appointed by the President, is based on two considerations. One is the fear that the adminis tration will manipulate it in such a way as to win the election and the other is on the fundamental grounds that is is just another step in the direction of taking from the States another right which the Constitution reserved to them, i. e., the right to determ ine the qualifications of the elec tors. In addition to tnese objec tions there is the fear that a com mission set up by the federal gov ernment might be subject to legal entanglements which would delay the election and throw it into the House of Representatives. Person ally. I hope that some plan will be worked out whereby every mem ber of the armed foraM w^l have an opportunity to vote. A lot of merriment baa rffcen af forded the folks in Washington by the disclosure that Lease-Lend has shipped 100,000 completed dia pers and material for 800,000 more to the natives of North Africa. The Arabs, not knowing what to do with them, are wrapping them around their heads as turbans. Unless something is done about it before January 1st the amount withdrawn from the employees payroll as well as the amount the employer will pay into the Social Security Fund will double. With this in prospect it will come as a shock to those who have been paying money into the treasury for the past six or seven years to take care of their old age, to learn that the several billion dollars so far collected have been used by the governme nt to pay the cur rent expenses and that the till contains nothing but Uncle Sam's l.O.U.’s. This means that more taxes will have to be paid raise the money for payment of future social security benefits. We wonder what our children and grandchildren are going to say about us when they begin to look into their inheritance. They will certainly not be tempted to in dulge in any form of ancestor worship. The 78th Congress has already passed laws for the benefit of vet erans of the present war who have been discharged from the service. It is very likely that the bill to grant each man a certain definite amount at the time he is dis charged will be passed before the holidays. It will probably be $300. The purpose of this grant is to help him readjust himself to civilian life and to take care of his expenses until l^e is able to find a job. Service officers of veterans’ or ganization should have copies of Public Laws No. 16 and 113, 78th Congress, and House Document No. 285, a Handbook for Service men and Servicewomen of World War II and their Dependents. A limited supply of the latter is available for free distribution and your Congressman can supply them. They may be purchased for 15 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Print ing Office, Washington, D. C. I Of 111 be glad to have any vet eran write me Who is having dif jiculty in becoming readjusted to civilian life or who feels he has a claim under the law. The Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Academv at New London, Conn., has askea me to announce that the annual com petitive examiations for the ap pointments to cadetships will be conducted throughout the country on May 10 and 11, 1944. The ex amination is open to all physical ly qualified young men in the United States, military and civil ian, between the ages of 17 and 22, who are unmarried and who meet the specified educational requirements. Appointments are based on the results of this com petitive examination. Successful completion of the three - year course at the Academy, which is basically scientific in character, leads to the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and a com mission in the regular Coast Guard. Any young man that is interested may obtain complete information by writing me. In May, 1943, there were 6,202, 200 employtes of federal, state and local governments. For every 21 people in America we have an employee paid from the public till. The same ratio holds good in Nebraska. The payroll of the fed eral civil service in 1942 was $4,-1 396.000,000. This almost equals the ! pay rolls of all state and local governments combined for that year. From August, 1940 to May, 1943, civilian employees of the federal government nave almost trebeled. By January, 1944, wo will bo producing synthetic rubber at the | rate of 600,000 tons per year. By July, 1944, our production of syn thetic rubber will be at the rate of 800,000 tons per year. This is a gigantic accomplishment. In the year 1941 the total consumption of rubber in the United States was only 675,000 tons. The foregoing Ogures do not mean that in 1944 there will be plenty of tires. We must not lose sight of the fact that tanks, trucks, jeeps, airplanes and every other implement of warfare use a great deal of rubber. At the present time about 60% of the synthetic rubber is being made from petroleum and about 40% from grain alcohol. EMMET NEWS Lt. Leonard Fox arrived home Saturday and spent four days vis iting friends and relatives in Em met. He had been in training somewhere in Arizona, but start-! ed Tuesday evening for his new training center, Camp Hobbs, Texas. Mrs. June Luben spent Tues day afternoon at the Joe Winkler home. Miss Mary Lou Conard took care of Melvin Luben, Jr., last Sunday, while his mother was busy at the store. Mrs. Emma Maring and Oliver Maring were guests at Sadie Ma rie Lowery’s birthday dinner last Sunday. Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Winkler home were Father Kovar of Emmet, F. J. Weber of Long Pine and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peters of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith s daughter, Arlene, was found in an unconscious state in the corral last Sunday, when her folks re turned home from visiting at the Hickman home. No one knows just what happened to Arlene. She was taken to the O’Neill hos pital and was reported slightly improved at this writing. Miss Leona Winkler worked at the Guy Cole home while Mrs. Cole was at the salvage office in Lincoln last week. Miss Bernice Schneider is spend ing Tuesday and Wednesday of this week visiting Florence and Leona Winkler. A group of young people from Emmet accompanied Lt. Leonard Fox on a theatre party last Sun day evening. After the show they gathered at the home of Mrs. June Luben for lunch. Lt. Mike Harty returned to Camp White, Oregon, on Tues day after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harty and other relatives and friends. PAGE ITEMS Lt. Murphy Honored The picture which was present ed by the townspeople in memory ol Lt. Robert L. Murphy has been hung in the High School assemb ly. Mrs. Robert Murphy expres ses her appreciation for the me morial. Word was receivesd here by the Chaplain’s of Robert's base that he was on his third mission on the 29th of August and at that time was attacked by Jap Zeroes. He was wounded and died shortly after. His burial was in cemetery No. 1 in New Guniea and was held with full military honors with General Roger Ramey, Col. Harry Hawthorne, Major Welch, 403 Squadron officers and men at tending and Chaplain Beeby, 90th Bomb Group officiating. Lt. Nagy, 64th Squadron said: “Lt. Murphy was a fine pilot, and that much was expected of him by other flying officers. Squadron reports of him are that he was a swell fellow and popular with the en listed men. The latter is the test of an officer in my opinion.” “Lt. Murphy evidently had time for his men,” said Major Thomas Shea, Group Chaplain. The memorial message was given on Thess 4:13-14. “Our Hope in Christ.” No mention was made concern ing the rest of the crew but word has been received since that Pilot j F. O. Wood was killed in action on September 7th. Page relatives and friends re 1 ceived announcements this week of the birth of a six pound one and a half ounce daughter, Sue Ellen, to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Smith, of Troy, Ohio. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Wilma Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor. Kitchen fats are vitally needed to win this war and all persons j having waste fats are urged to i turn them into the Red and White store or Farmers Store and re ceive both cash and meat tokens. Mr. and Mrs Pete Nissen and Mrs. Laurence Haynes and daugh ter, Linda Sue, left Tuesday morn ing for Coleman, Texas, where they will spend the winter with A. S. Laurence Haynes who is stationed there taking primary j flying training. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Tegeler re ceived word that their son, Ensign N. F. Tegeler, is receiving advanc- i ed training at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Mrs. Tegeler, who has been em- j ployed in the office of the War Department in Chicago, will go to New York to be with her hus-, band. Mrs. Amelia Larson and Roger Larson, of Cheyenne, Wyo., were dinner guests Sunday at the Ralph Larson home. Lloyd Cork left Wednesday morning for Omaha where he was inducted into the army. Mrs. Albert Kirchmer was hostess to the members of the H. O. A. Club at her home Tuesday afternoon. All members were present and spent the afternoon doing needle work, after which lunch was served. A Christmas gift exchange was also held. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson and son visited with friends in Hast ings on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson and son, Lynn, Mrs. Amelia Larson and Roger Larson, of Cheyenne, j Wyo., spent Monday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl | Michael at Clearwater. The Get Together Club met I with Mrs. F. C. Tegeler December 10. There were seventeen mem bers and four visitors present. Visitors were, Mrs. Charles Weg man and Mrs. Jack Gallagher, Mrs. Otto Terrill and Mrs. Orville Kemper. Christmas gifts were exchanged and unwrapped after which a lovely lunch was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Otto Matschullat on January 14, 1944. Mrs. Esmond Weber was host ess to the members of the Bid or Bye Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Walker received high score prize, 'sssliSli DON’T LET DOWN NOW — KEEP BUYING BONDS The real test of your courage and endurance is just beginning. Taxes will make increasingly heavy demands on your income. Living costs are going up. Your budget is being strained to the bursting point. Still you must buy more and more War Bonds if the war is to be won — won without delay and without serious inflation here at home. Buy your Bonds every pay day, through a payroll plan or here at the bank. We sell War Bonds without com pensation or profit, as a patriotic service. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MEN’S SCARFS $1.00 One of the old standbys, and a gift always appre ciated. Various patterns. BEDROOM LAMPS $2.98 Each Clear crystal lamps with globe to match. Especial ly desirable for dresser lamps. BEDROOM SLIPPERS $1.29 Cuban heel in fancy quilted patterns. Service able sole. Blue and wine shades. All sizes to 9. KNEE HI HOSE 39c Plain color heavy ribbed cotton hose for wear and warmth. All colors and I sizes. ' CHENILLE SPREADS $3.98 Pastel shades in heavy chenilled spreads for baby’s bed. White, b’ue and pink. NIGHT GOWNS Printed powder crepe I gowns. Tearose ground j with beautiful large printed florals. Sizes S. M. L. If. . KNITTING BAGS > $2.98 Fabric fancy patterned knitting bags, with wood handles. Handy for knit ting supplies. LADIES’ PURSES $3.98 New large size fabric purses in metal and wood frames. Black, red and brown. • METAL COMPACTS $1.00 All metal lacquered com pacts in red, black, green, and blue. Handy size. • DRESSER SETS $3.49 Plastic mirror, brush and comb set in an attractive gift box. A gift for her. HANKIES 15c Large white sport size, with fancy embroidery corners. Nice for X-mas. PARKAS 79c * i Misses’ and women’s fan cy parka hoods. Plain colors and fancy com binations. APRONS $1.29 Fast color printed cover all aprons. Just arrived for Christmas. OFFICER SUITS $8.95 Boys’ dark brown officer suits, complete with gar- i rison belt. Sizes 4, 6, 8. PLAID shirts $1.29 Boys’ plaid Banned shirts. Warm for winter. All shades, 4 to 18. RAYON PAJAMAS $298 Stub weave plain color rayon pajamas in rose and blue shades. All sizes 34 to 40. , ~ WOOL ~ BLANKETS $11.95 100% wo '1 Chatham sin gle blankets in four beau tiful shades. Size 72x84. MEN’S CREPE SHIRTS $2.98 Men’s plain color smooth rayon dress shirts in blue, tan, faun, brown. Sizes 14% to 17. BILL FOLDS $5.00 All leather bill fold, hand made in Mexico. Beauti fully hand tooled. Light and dark brown. ALL WOOL SHIRTS $4.98 Men’s heavy all wool checkerboard plaid shirts in red, green and blue. Size 15 to 17^. CHRISTMAS DRESSES $1.98 Pretty printed and plain cotton and spun rayon dresses. Sizes 1 to 14. PAJAMAS $5.95 B.V.D.’s plain color ray on men’s pajamas for his Christmas. Maize, wine, blue shades. Sizes A, B, C and D. SHIRTS AND SHORTS 55c B.V.D.’s fine quality combed yarn shirts and shorts. Shorts white or fancy, half elastic waist. All sizes 30 to 42. SNO SUITS $7.95 Made of heavy woolen fabric. Two tones and hand finished decorations in wine, blue, grey com- . binations. ; SKI PAJAMAS $2.49 Men’s plain color knit pajamas. Made with high knit neck, knit wrist, also knit ankle. Warm for sleeping. 1 LUGGAGE $12.96 Just arrived. Lacquered canvas, leather bound, 2- : tone luggage. Hurry, only ] five. Best size. Others at $32.50. , TOWEL SETS $1.49 Fancy Christinas boxed guest towels. Two in a box in pastel shades. Blue, green, maize, peach. SHEEPLINED VESTS S6.95 Navy blue whipcord shell, with heavy lamb lining. All sizes. Buy now. BABY DRESSES • < ' All white soft imported dainty little dresses for the loved ones. Just ar rived DISHES $5.50 Set 32-piece set of fine oven baked dinner dishes at one - half the original value. Four patterns to choose from. J HH ® i a « i if iiii 8 8 f|§|§ I ■ ■ I ~| jllI ■■MH^gp2MMSH*vv9WniHp2Vf|flKltViSSV39HEaPVflHnrvVnHnrV"Tn^V"VHM8a La^>inTMiiiaiaaimijai_ Mrs. Esmond Weber traveling prize and Mrs. Jerome Allen low prize. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. A Christmas gift exchange was also held. Mrs. Charles Wegman and daughter, Clara, Mrs. F. C. Tege ler and Miss Bernice Strope, of Venus, were Norfolk visitors on Saturday. Roger Larson arrived Saturday from his home in Cheyenne, Wyo., and spent several days here visit ing relatives and friends. He left Thursday morning to return to his home, accompanied by his mother.Mrs. Amelia Larson, who will spend the winter there. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson took them as far as Grand Island. The C. L. C. Club held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. C. A. Townsend Wednesday afternoon. This was also guest day and 14 members and 14 guests were present and spent a social afternoon. A Christ mas gift exchange was also held and a lovely lunch served. Mrs. James Carson was hostess to the members of the Just-A Mere-Club at her home Friday afternoon. AH, members were present and spent a social after noon The members drew names and held a Christmas gift ex change. Page H. S. Basketball team played St. Mary’s, of O’Neill, on the Page floor Tuesday evening. The Page first team lost to St Mary's by a score of 18 to 23. The second team won. The Chatter Sew Club held their annual Christmas party and gift exchange Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, james and cards were played and Sunshine Pals of the past year were revealed and new members voted in. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President Mrs J. K. Braddock; Secretary, Mrs. Harold Heiss. Mrs. Elsie Ballentyne received vd Jr°m her son- Robert, that he had ben promoted to the rank of Corporal. Robert is taking ad vanced Radio Mechanic work at Fl0oCrldaRat0n Fi0ld’ 3003 R3ton’ Mr and Mrs. William Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell were Sunday noon dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace French. Mrs. Elsie Ballentyne and child ren were Sunday dinner guests at the Joseph Coon home at Inmap. Pfc. Marvin Howell writes from North Africa that he had persu aded one of the natives to let him have a camel ride but that he was not too much impressed as the ride was like rough, choppy water. Dwayne Finch, who has been a patient in the O’Neill Hospital for the past week after being thrown from his horse, was taken to Omaha Friday evening, where he entered the University hospital suffering from a skull fracture. He expects to undergo an oper ation this Wednesday. V. F. Bellows and John Flem ing, of Blair, and Harry Larson, of Creighton, were business visit ors on Friday. Pfc. Robert Wood, who had been visiting his parents, Mr. and (Continued on page Five)