The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 16, 1943, Image 2

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L ^
Have a Two-Piecer!
V/'ES, have a two-piecer in your
* wardrobe — the top may be
checked wool, the skirt a solid col
or—or it may all match. Here’s
one of gay spirit which is good for
work or play.
• • •
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1877 la de
signed (or sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20
Corresponding bust measurements 28. 30
12, 34, 38 and 38. Size 12 (30), with %
sleeves, requires 41a yards 3!)-lnch ma
Send your order to:
530 South Wells St. Chicago
Enclose 20 cents In coins for each
pattern desired.
Pattern No.Size.
Name ....
Address .
What is the most welcome gift
you can send to a man in the
service? Well, surveys among
service men themselves show that
one of the favorite packages from
home are cigarettes. An<J first
choice among men in all the serv
ices is Camel, based on the actual
sales records in Post Exchanges
and Canteens. Though there are
now Post Office restrictions on
packages to overseas Army men,
you can still send Camels to sol
diers in the U. S., and to Sailors,
Marines, and Coast Guardsmen
wherever they are.—Adv.
" """ ■v
Tou breath* freer al
most Instantly as lust
2 drops Penetro Nose
V Drops open your cold
clogged nose to give
your head cold air.
Caution: Use only as
directed. 25c, 2'4 times
as much for 60c. Get
Marked for British Navy
In Maples, Maine, is a small
grove of stately pine trees, some
of which still show a faint “broad
arrow” marking that was used in
pre-revolutionary days by the roy
al navy to indicate that these trees
were to be reserved for masts of
ships in his majesty's fleet.
i rr • •
The war and the crude rubber
shortage have given empha
sis to synthetic rubber, but for
more than 70 years prominent
chemists in Europe, Russia and
the United States have been
worhteg on the development
ol this substitute for natural
One tapper con collect about six
gallons of latex from a morning's
tapping on a rubber plantation.
This yields about 20 pounds of
The first scientific or commer
cial interest taken in rubber
was evidenced in 1743, when
Charles Marie de la Conda
mine made a report on this
substance to the Paris Acad
emy of Sciences.
Elsa Cbatfield, Hollywood artist. Is dis
inherited by her Aunt Kitty, who died
from an overdose of morphine. Hunt
Rogers and Barry Madison go to Mazat
lan, Mexico, to solve what they believe
to be Kitty Chatfield’s murder. On ar
rival they find that Elsa's party had pre
ceded them by plane. During a fiesta at
the ranch of Elsa’s father, Sam Chat
field, James Chesebro Is murdered. Lom
bardo, chief of Mexican police, ques
tions Pedro, the pulque man, who Is
required to Identify the slayer. Pedro,
star witness, escapes during re-enact
ment of the murder. Search for him Is
made in the mountain country. Lom
bardo arrests Reed narton ou suspicion
of murdering Chesebro.
“Buenos dias, senores," he said
in Spanish, including the guard in
his greeting. The latter saluted.
Sam Chatfleld reached an Impulsive
arm through the bars to shake hapds
with Reed. “I'm sorry. Barton,"
he said in English. “I came as
soon as I heard the news. Drove
in at once. There must be some
mistake—unless you’ve confessed
that you did it?"
Reed Barton grinned. “Hardly
that, Mr. Chatfleld. I didn’t kill
“That’s good. Have they treated
you all right?”
“Very well, indeed; no com
“I rather think there'il be no cause
for complaint, Barton. I’ll use my
influence, of course. Berta and I
have powerful friends, and we’ll
see that you are comfortable so
long as you are here. Which I
hope will not be long.”
“Thank you, Mr. Chatfleld. That’s
very kind of you.”
Sam Chatfleld thrust his short
arm again through the bars and
took Reed’s hand in a vigorous
grip. Rogers and I likewise shook
hands with the prisoner, and with
assurance that we would stand by
him, we took our departure together
with Sam Chatfleld.
On the sidewalk outside, however,
we separated after a brief ex
Hunt and I went aboard the Ori
zaba to discover that Dwight and
Margaret were absent in the
launch; the suiling master pointed
it out to us well up in the Estero del
Astillero, but headed back in our
direction. It came eventually along
side, and Margaret and Dwight
climbed up the ladder to the deck.
“No luck!” said Margaret weari
ly, look ng up to espy the two of us
leaning over the rail. "Dwight’s lit
tle playmate ran away from us."
“I’ll say he ran away from us.
No strike; no sign; no anything.
Saw him break water Just once. This
is no place, of course, to go Ashing
for marlin. I guess that particular
one wandered into the bay by mis
ne stepped upon tne decK and
leaned his rod against the rail. It
was Margaret who detected some
thing unusual in our manner.
“What’s happened?” she demand
ed. Dwight looked sharply at uk at
her question as if to discover the
reason for it.
“Any new development — about
last night?” he inquired.
“Rather an awkward development
—for Reed Barton,” Rogers replied,
rubbing the side of his large nose
with a forefinger.
“What? Tell us."
“Reed’s in jail, charged with the
murder of Chescbro.”
Rogers hastened to explain why
Reed Barton was in jail, giving
them an account of our search for
Pedro, the pulque seller, and our
visit to Lombardo.
"Oh, I’m so sorry!" exclaimed
Margaret wrhen he was done.
“That’s bad luck. I wonder what
Elsa thinks about it.”
“1 don’t know whether she knows
It or not," I said. “Sam Chatfleld
didn’t say. when we were talking
with him.”
“We’ll find out, of course, when
Elsa comes on board this after
noon," said Margaret. “We’re real
ly going fishing tomorrow, you
A hail from the water drew us to
the ladder, and Margaret, who was
closest, waved both arms in wel
come. and called out excitedly:
“Oh. hello! So glad you cauld
come. But—why didn't we send the
launch for you? Why, we could just
as well as not. I’m sorry.”
Greetings from several voices be
low responded, and, looking over
the rail, I discovered a boat contain
ing Berta and Elsa, and on the seat
behind them Sam Chatfleld and
George Rumble, the latter wearing
his black sombrero with its silver
trimming which glittered in the aft
ernoon sun.
“It’s Reed, of course,” Elsa said
dispiritedly in answer to my com
ment as I gave her a hand at the
top of the ladder.
“We’ll have him out in no time,”
I comforted her.
"That’s what Papa says too, but
I’m afraid, Barry.”
To what lengths of extravagant
promise I might have gone at that
moment I’ll never know, for with a
sudden, bewildering sound of break
ing water, a huge silvery dark fish
leaped from the bay not fifty feet
from the Orizaba’s sleek sides,
soared almost even with the rail in
its mighty leap and fell back with a
resounding crash. I could hear the
■lap of his gills, so close was he;
almost, I fancied, I could smell him.
"Come on, you fishermen!” shout
ed Dwight, making for the ladder.
The rowboat had sheered off, its
native owner rowing as if for his
life, and those of us now intent
upon the pursuit poured into the
launch, across which the occupants
of the rowboat but a few moments
before had had to clamber to
reach the Orizaba’s ladder.
The launch had been rigged for
swordfishing. Two leather-cushioned
swivel chairs were mounted side by
side in the stem of the boat. There
were seats behind these for those
not engaged in trying for marlin,
or who were content to fish over
the side. Sam Chatfleld had climbed
Into the seat beside Dwight. He
was endeavoring to disengage a rod
rigged with heavy tackle which lay
alongside on the floor. I helped
him with it. George Rumble sat be
side me, his huge black sombrero
crushed down upon his round skull,
so that it would clear the awning
Dwight glanced up, his outfit
ready, and for the first time looked
about to see who had come along
with nim. He recognized Sam Chat
"Look here, I’m not so keen on
visiting that guy down at the Jail."
field at his side and smiled, then be
came solicitous of his welfare.
"Are you comfortable, Sam?” he
"Oh, yes; quite."
Dwight half rose. "Take this seat,
Sam. I think it is the better of the
"No, thank you, Dwight. I prefer
this side. As a matter of fact, I'm
going to ask you now if I may sit
here tomorrow on our little jaunt up
the coast.”
“You certainly may, Sam. Taka
whichever side is most convenient
for you.”
Humble removed his huge black
sombrero to let the breeze cool his
head; his dark oily hair lay close
to his round skull. He dropped the
hat at our feet where it lay beside
a small wrench. Rumble eyed the
latter for a moment, then picked it
up and turned it thoughtfully about
in his hands. Sam Chatfleld finished
baiting the huge number twelve
hook at the end of its steel wire
leader, took a firm grasp on his rod
and made a cast, sinking back into
his chair, which creaked under the
My gaze for the moment was on
George Rumble; there was an odd
look in his eyes. He was not inter
ested in the cast; his attention
seemed to center upon the straining
swivel mechanism underneath Sam
Chatfleld's seat. His gaze came
back to the wrench in his hands. He
turned it about, then of a sudden
dropped it beside his sombrero as
if the metal had suddenly become
Looking back on that evening
ashore in Mazatlan, I now can see
how freighted it was with tragedy,
but it began and ended, apparently,
as only a gay adventure. Berta and
Margaret remained on board the
Orizaba; Elsa, George Rumble and
I went ashore together in the
launch. Dwight, Rogers and Sam
Chatfield had not been ready to go
with us, and the launch returned
for them.
Elsa had only one purpose, and
that to go to the jail to see Reed
Barton. She kept pushing us along
until finally Rumble halted at a
street corner and said, “Lock here,
I'm not so keen on visiting that guy
down at the jail.”
“You don't have to go if you don’t
want to,” Elsa retorted. “That guy
probably isn’t interested in seeing
you, either.”
“That settles it sweetheart,”
Rumble replied in his husky voice.
"Nothing like speaking your mind.
I’ll see you later.”
“Where?” demanded Elsa.
"How do I know? I'm going to the
hotel and get my things together.
Margaret’s orders. See you on the
boat, anyhow, If not before.”
Rumble stood on th^1 street cor
ner, a curious figure in a yet more
curious throng of native life.
"Goodby,” said Elsa.
"Goodby, sweetheart.”
The jail, standing in all its medi
ocrity close by the church, its scal
ing, cracked, pseudo-Gothic exterior
softened now by the night’s warm
shadows, seemed less an eyesore
than in the hard light of the sun.
"Elsa,” I began, halting on the
steps, "perhaps I'd better take you
over to the hotel, and I’ll call on
Reed myself—”
"Don't be silly," she said, advanc
ing through the doorway with such !
precipitate energy that the splen
did creature preening his mustaches
leaped nimbly to one side to avoid j
being run down.
But there was no Reed Barton in
the Jail. Elsa did not at first com
prehend the information which was
offered in response to our inquiry,
and neither did I.
"Por que no?” she demanded in
Spanish of the Jail guard.
"El hombre no esta aqui,” the
man replied. “No se por que no.”
“I hope they haven’t taken him
out and shot him,” Elsa said, turn
ing to me, an odd light in her gray
eyes, which were now round with
apprehension. "They do things like
“Forget it,” I said. “Your fa
ther’s influence probably got him
out. Donde esta el hombre?” I in
quired of the guard who in reply
merely shrugged his shoulders, in
dicating that he haa no idea where
Reed was to be found.
We made our way to the plaza
where I hoped the old, old Mexican
custom once more was being ex
hibited. But when we arrived only
a handful of youthful Caballeros en
circled the kiosk, and a smaller
number of senoritas were moving
slowly, leisurely in the opposite di
rection. One Caballero, bolder than
the rest, halted before his favorite
and with a bow presented her with
a flower. Round and round they
went, while the band played the
arias of "La Boheme.” Motor cars
were parked at the curb, a haven
of parental refuge for any senorita
who grew weary.
“I’ve seen this before," said Elsa
after we had watched it for some
moments. "I never realized until
now, though, but I’ve been doing
this same thing for years. Every
girl has. Parading myself, my body,
my soul, all that makes up the piti
ful little me, hoping for the approval
of some gay Caballero.”
“Your gay caballero stands on
your right against the trunk of that
“Where?" Her head jerked sharp
ly in the direction I indicated. Heed
Barton stood leaning lightly, easily,
against the tree as he gazed at the
scene in the plaza. He pulled his
watch from his pocket and looked at
it, unmindful that we were near by.
Elsa left me instantly and flew to
greet him, and I walked over more
sedately to congratulate him on his
“Elsa had visions of your being
stood against a wall at dawn and
dying romantically to the rattle of
musketry," I said.
“Really?" He grinned, pocketing
his watch.
“Don’t mind what he says,” Elsa
implored him. .
“But how did it happen, Reed?” I
“It was just one of those things,”
he said. “They came and opened
the door to the cage and said to the
bird within, ‘Fly away, my sweet,’
and I flew away to freedom.”
“As simple as that?” said Elsa
with a sarcastic note in her voice.
“What I think happened was that
they discovered I was not just a
peon who could be thrown into jail
and forgotten. Perhaps your father
helped, Elsa; perhaps the consul
had something to do with it. Any
way, it’s nice to be out. Neither
your father will accept my thanks,
nor the consul; ’twas a mere noth
ing. Glad to do it, and all that.
Saw your father down the street a
while ago, Elsa.”
“He was coming ashore—Oh—
you’re going with us tomorrow.”
“Where and what?”
“Fishing. You’ll have to come
aboard tonight with your things;
we’re leaving early. And now—”
She halted, a wistful look in her
level gray eyes. “Isn’t there a dance
going on somewhere tonight, Reed?
Can't we dance and be romantic?”
“Oh, sure. There’s a dance at
the hotel tonight. Come along and
observe the flower of Mexican youth.
You’ll see something! These little
kids here in the plaza with their
hand-me-downs and New York mod
els are a bit tawdry. The newer
youth of Mexico is elsewhere. Com
ing, Barry?”
"Of course not!”
Later I looked in upon the dan. -
ers. Reed Barton was right; the
flower of Mazatlan was present.
Youth, in any land, of course, is
synonymous with beauty, but here
it was t<^ be found in extraordinary
I looked on for a while entranced,
then wandered away. There was a
crowd in the bar, and I stood for a
while drinking the excellent beer. I
wondered where Rogers was, where
he had gone, and presently he came
in and joined me.
Christmas Phrases
From Many Lands
People of other countries say
"Santa Claus” as follows: China,
Shun Dan Lao Ren; Germany,
Sankt Nicholaus; Switzerland
says it in four languages: Sankt
Niklaus (German); Samichlaus or
Schmutzli (Swiss German); Saint
Nicolas (French), Besana (Ital
ian) ; but the person supposed to
bring gifts to children on Christ
mas Eve is called Chrischtchind
li in the German speaking part of
Switzerland, Pere Noel in the
western or French part and Besa
na in the southern of Italian part.
The Netherlands, Sint Nicolaas,
or in children’s rhymes, Sinter
klaas. Sweden, Jultomte. The
Irish equivalent is Naomh Nio
clas, but this phrase is never used;
instead they say Father Christ
mas. Romania, Mos Craciun (Old
Man Christmas). French speak
ing Belgians say St. Nicolas, and
Flemish speaking Belgians call
him St. Niklaas. Albania, Shen
Kolli; Poland, the Star Man or
Gwiazdor; Finland, Joulupukki.
(Joulu meaning Christmas and
pukki meaning buck).
Santa Claus is unknown in
Spain, the children receiving gifts
on January 6 when the Three Wise
Men, Melchior, Baltazar and Gas
par, are supposed to bring them.
Christmas in Portugal is princi
pally of a religious character, the
correspondent to Santa Claus be
ing Menino Jesus (the Christ
Child). Santa Claus is unknown
in Greece, where Christmas is a
religious festival and gifts are ex
changed on January 1, St. Basil’s
Simplicity Motif
Of Holiday Table
Let simplicity be the keynote of
your table decorations during the
holiday season. Food and fine fel
lowship are complete without yards
of dazzling tinsel and impressive dis
plays to center the table.
Warmth should be reflected by the
colors of the centerpiece. Polished
apples, sprays of evergreen from the
tree in the front yard, fruit cake
with sprigs of red holly, and greet
ings written with pomegranate seeds
on a mirror spell out the Christmas
Evergreen Corsages.
Individual evergreen corsages on
top of the napkin at each place are
economical and attractive. Select
sprays of evergreen which are about
four inches long and fasten a cluster
of bittersweet or cranberries to the
center with a fine wire. Cover the
wire with a small red ribbon and
tie a bow on the front of the corsage
Bind the bottom of the stem with
clear, sticky cellophane to keep any
of the natural sap of the branch
from seeping out. Equip each cor
sage with a small pin.
Center the table with a group of
four corsages on a mirror. Place
the stem ends at the center as the
base for one broad Christmas can
dle. The mirror will reflect the
bright colors and will catch the drip
ping wax from the candle.
Fruit Wreath.
A fruit Christmas wreath on a
polished chop plate is made of green
grapes instead of the holly and dot
ted with clusters of red cranberries
rather than holly berries. The wreath
is finished with a large red brw.
Wash a bunch of light green grapes
in warm water and break tnem into
clusters about two inches in diam
eter. Remove any spotted »r dried
grapes from the bunches. Arrange
in a circle on a large wooden plat
ter, with the fruit overlapping to
make an even wreath.
Cut fine wire or white, wiry pipe
cleaners into two-inch lengths with
the kitchen scissors. Place a bright
cranberry on the end of each piece
of wire. Twist three or four of the
cranberry-tipped wires together to
form a cluster of berries. Tuck the
ends of the wire deep into the grape
December Poetry
Why Do Bells for Christinas
Why do bells for Christmas ring?
Why do little children sing?
Once a lovely, shining star
Seen by shepherds from afar,
Gently moved until its light
Made a manger’s cradle bright.
There a darling baby lay
Pillowed soft upon the hay;
And its mother sang and smiled,
“This is Christ, the holy child.”
Therefore bells for Christmas
Therefore little children sing.
—Eugene Field.
Singing Christmas Carols
The old custom of singing carols
in the streets was revived in 1917.
In 1918 30 cities co-operated. It is
expected that carols will be sung
this Christmas eve on the streets, in
the parks, as well as in the churches,
schools and public institutions of
Feast in Honor of Christ
The very first evidence of a feast
having been held in honor of the
birth of Christ was in Egypt, about
the year 200.
Submarine Crews Now
Identify All Fish Sounds
Seamen who operate the listen
ing devices cm our submarines
have in the past frequently mis
taken the purring and drumming
noises made by some kinds of fish
for those of the propellers of an
approaching vessel.
Today, however, these men are
abie to identify virtually all fish
sounds, having been taught to rec
ognize them from a series of re
cordings made for this purpose. 1
(home medicated mutton suet)—which
grandma used for coughing—nasal con*
gestion, muscle aches of colds—teaches
modern mothers to follow her example.
So their families get relief from these *
colds’ miseries with Penetro, the salve
with modern medication in a base con*
taining old fashioned mutton suet. 25c,
double supply 35c. Demand Penet o.
Chinese Abolish Queues
Chinese soldiers no longer wear
queues because they were a sign
of submission to the Manchu dy
nasty. They were cut off when
the republic was established.
\every suhom
-»» i O.CH
3 • Weed Tire Chaim
arn equipment for
jeeps, half-tracks,
trucks and other
military vehicles.
I* Repair old tire
chains now or pet
new Weeds before
you get stuck in
snowormud, or skid
into a smash-up.
Uncle Sam would have used TIRE CHAINS
Whenever Uncle Sam’s military vehicles run into snow, ice, mud
or sand, tire chains are put on to get them through safely and
on time. • The government also recognizes the importance of
tire chains for farm cars and trucks under WPB Order L-201.
But military needs are so great, we urge you to repair usable old
chains so long as they are safe. • If you must have new ones, buy
weed chains. For the best buy ask for weed American bar
reinforced—longer mileage, better traction, greater safety,
thanks to the bridge of steel on each contact link.
York, Po., Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Lot Angelet, Now York,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Francisco
BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT 1„ Business for Your Safa