' BLACK SOMBRERO t^TCLIFFORD KNIGHT «"» ..VvKUi Elia Chatneld, Hollywood artist, U dis inherited by her Aunt Kitty, who died from an overdose of morphine. Hunt Ko*ers, professional sleuth, and Barry Madison, an amateur detective, go to Maxatlan, Mexico, to solve what they believe to be Kitty Chatfleld's murder. On arrival, they And that Elsa’s party had preceded them by plane. During a fiesta at the ranch of Sam Chatfield (Elsa’s father), James Chesebro is mur dered. Lombardo, chief of the Mexican police, questions Pedro, the pulque man, after questioning all the guests. They re enact the prologue to the death of Chese bro. While this is going on Pedro, the star witness, makes his escape Into the mountains. CHAPTER XI “It’s a nice little puzzle so far, Barry,” observed Rogers. "We’ll not solve it tonight—probably not to morrow. It can very quickly be solved if Lombardo and his man Friday will catch up with Pedro. Suppose we sleep on it.” We did sleep on it, rocking gen tly in our stateroom on board the Orizaba anchored in the harbor. In the light of a new day, after a lei surely breakfast with Margaret and Dwight, at which time we spoke softly and with respect for the now murdered James Chesebro, we wait ed for the launch to take us ashore. Suddenly Dwight’s body stiffened. "Look! Did you see that?" he cried. "Look!” 1 Before our eyes some hundreds of yards away a huge fish leaped clear of the water and then fell back with a great splash. "There’s your marlin, darling,” said Margaret sweetly, "come to play with you." "Let’s go fishing now.” Dwight’s voice was excited. "Come on, fel lows.” "Sorry,” said Rogers. “I’d planned some other things—about Chesebro’s slayer.” "Well, go on, then; the launch is waiting for you. As soon as it’s back I’m going after that fellow. Hunting me up, is he? Wanting to play with me?” said Dwight as Rog ers and I went down the ladder. We landed at the wharf, found one of those ancient two-wheeled aranas like the one Elsa had ridden in that first day, climbed in and set off. "It's probably like hunting for the needle in the haystack, Barry,” he remarked, after an extended con versation with the driver which ex plored the fellow’s acquaintances among the pulque sellers. At first the driver, a sleepy-eyed fellow with a bushy mustache, had not been able to comprehend why we should search for a pulque seller when liq uor of many kinds was easily ob tainable almost anywhere. When he realized, however, that we were looking for a particular dealer in pulque, he believed that he knew several Pedros. And so we started out. we stopped at one thatched hut which our driver said was the home of Pedro, the pulque seller. But the man who answered Rogers’ sum mons was fat and small, with a smile that was well nigh irresistible. Did we wish to buy pulque? He in dicated a nearby contrivance which was just a frame on wheels with holes for the brown clay jars. No, we did not. We sought Pedro, the pulque seller, who was a thin man with small eyes. He knew such a man farther down the street, and counted the houses for us and bade us a courteous good morning. But the second Pedro was not our pulque man, either. At last our dispirited horse pulled up with a sigh before a thatched hut near the end of the street. A small shy woman came to the door when Rogers knocked. “Does Pedro, the pulque seller, live here, senora?” Rogers inquired in Spanish. "Yes, sir," the woman replied hes itantly. a frightened look in her deep, dark eyes. “Is he Pedro, the pulque seller, who last evening went to deliver pulque at the rancho of Senor Chat field?" “Yes. sir.” "May we speak with Pedro, se nora?" inquired Rogers, smiling. The woman shook her head vague ly. Finally she said: "He is not at home, sir.” “Where can I find him?” "He is away, sir.” “When will he return?” The wpman shook her head and did not reply. "He is away, sir,” she repeated. We were getting nowhere. Rog ers suddenly looked up at the little green parrot overhead, held up a forefinger invitingly against the green breast and the parrot prompt ly climbed on and was lowered to the level of our eyes. “What is he called, senora?” Rog ers asked. "He is called Pepe, sir.” “He is not a young bird, senora, the yellow patch of feathers on his head is large. It is, like gray hair with us, a sign of age.” "Yes, sir; he is very old.” “Did your husband return home last night from his trip to the rancho of Senor Chatfield?” “Briefly, sir; and then made haste to depart.” “Did he go far, senora?” “To the mountains, sir,” she re plied, with a gesture that indicated the distant range. “And he will return soon?” The woman shook her head. “He is away, sir. I do not know when he will return.” A man was lurking inside the house as we talked, just beyond our view. I had heard him and so had Rogers. At last overcome by curi osity he appeared suddenly behind the woman in the doorway. It was not, however, Pedro as I suspected, but a man whose face was familiar. Rogers glanced at him. "Good morning,” he said and smiled. The man returned the greet ing hesitantly. "My brother, Jose,” the woman said. "And did the old dog die, senor?” inquired Rogers. I recognized then the individual who the morning of Elsa’s attack on Chesebro was put ting to death with chloroform an old dog near the stables. "Oh, yes, sir. Quickly, as you said he would.” "Senor," began Rogers, "the chloroform—tell me again who gave it to you.” "Senora Chatfield, sir.” "Senora Chatfield?” “Yes. She of the golden hair—” Rogers suddenly elevated Pepe to the thatch of the roof where with a flutter of wings and wildly clutching feet he reestablished himself, wheeled about to stare down at us with his wicked little eyes and ut “What la he called, aenora?” ter a squawk of pleasure. We pre pared to take our departure; Rogers bowed and smiled. "I wish your husband a safe jour ney, senora, and a speedy return," he said, and we withdrew to our arana, tagged by the still silent chil dren, while the pulque seller’s wife stood in the doorway of the hut to observe our departure. We had jogged along for some dis tance in the direction of the busi ness district when I remarked, "Some grist for the mill there.” “Yes, Barry, There is confirma tion of the conclusion we reached last night. Pedro ran out on us at Sam Chatfleld’s, hurried home, re mained briefly and then fled to the mountains for an indefinite stay. He carried with him the belief that he not only saw the murderer of Chese bro, but can identify him. He fears the consequences if he is made to identify him.” "You’re right, of course,” I sighed. "But where does that leave us. Hunt?” "It leaves us with a simple ex planation of the crime—when Pedro is captured and returned to Mazat lan. To the jefe del policia, Senor Otilio Lombardo, will fall the honor of solving the murder of Kitty Chat field, as well as that of Chesebro, when his men bring in Pedro.” “But there’s no evidence that the two were done by the same hand." “No," admitted Rogers, as we drove along the shady streets, “there is no evidence of it; there’s only a hunch on my part, and a very, very faint hunch at that. Per haps no more than a wish that it be so. Simplify things enormously, wouldn’t it, Barry?" he said, look ing at me with a twinkle in his mild blue eyes. “Let’s go and talk with Lombardo and urge upon him our belief, and perhaps spur him on to greater effort in bringing back Pedro." He turned to the driver and said in Spanish: “Senor, take us, please, to the police station.” Rogers asked for Lombardo at a small desk, and the courteous occu pant assured us that we should see the jefe at once. But it was some ten minutes before we were shown into a small room where Lombardo sat alone. “We came,” Rogers said slowly, “only to offer what help you think we can give toward the solution of the murder of our friend, James Chesebro." “That is very kind of you, gentle men." “Our opinion, reached after con siderable reflection, senor, is that it is vital to capture Pedro, the pulque seller, who fled last night when we were about to require him to identify the slayer." "Yes, of course,” was the laconic response. "Undoubtedly Pedro knows who the slayer is." "I believe so, gentlemen." "We understand that he fled last night to the mountains." "Ah, so?" Lombardo’s eyebrows shot upward. “You know that too?” “Yes. from the man's wife. You, of course, have questioned her?” "Of a certainty, senor. Already the order has been given to bring the man back from the mountains.” "It would be helpful, gentlemen,” he said carefully, "if you could pro vide us with additional motives to be put with those we already have when It comes to the trial.” "You—” he began hesitantly. "Is it possible you have reached a de cision, senor?" "We have made the arrest, this morning. The murderer is now in custody, gentlemen. I would appre ciate it it you could supply, perhaps, additional motives, although what we have are ample, I am sure.” We both were silent, stunned a little at this announcement of an ar rest in the case so early, before even Pedro had been returned to Mazatlan. "May we ask, senor—” began Rogers. "Of course,” Lombardo replied, his white even teeth showing in a magnificent smile. “I have arrest ed Senor Reed Barton—” "Barton!” I exclaimed. "Yes, Senor Madison. It was not difficult to discover the fact that he is guilty. There was the testimony of Pedro last night; not testimony in so many words, gentlemen, but by his actions. He was terrified of hav ing to identify the murderer who was at the moment re-enacting the role before our eyes.” "But—” Rogers attempted to pro test. Lombardo ignored the effort courteously and with the same mag nificent smile. "Moreover, senores, yesterday Se nor Barton and Senor Chesebro quarreled violently in the office of the mining company. Senor Barton was discharged; there were threats exchanged. The quarrel was over Senorita Chatfield. All this has been told us by Senor Costillo, the clerk in the office, who was a witness." Reed Barton was sitting In his cell smoking a cigarette with the air of one upon whom has descended a vast and philosophic calm. His dark blue eyes indicated that there had been no strain, no loss of sleep. His handclasp through the bars of his cell was vigorous and warm, and he looked at us with a faint expres sion of amusement at our concern for his predicament. "I didn’t dream, Reed,” 1 said, “when we parted at Sam Chatfleld's last night, that we would find you here this morning.” "Neither did I, Barry. Mexico not only is a land of romance, but. In the threadbare observation, anything can happen in It.” "And does, apparently,” re marked Huntoon Rogers, a wry twist to his lips. “I’m sorry that this has happened, Reed. It is much too soon to make an arrest.” We spoke in English, to which the guard lounging near by paid no attention. "When were you arrested, Reed?” I inquired. "At the very moment when I was sleeping my best, just before sun rise. They came knocking on my door, made me dress and brought me here.” "But they haven't anything in the way of evidence that a good attor ney couldn’t shoot holes through—at least, back home it would be so,” I said. Reed cocked his head and looked at me. "This is different, Barry,” he remarked. "I don't know what they’ve got. Except for one thing— the police picked up a paper knife in my room while I was dressing. It seemed to have its effect.” "Yes, it was a small, thin-bladed weapon that killed Chesebro. But there’s more than that, of course,” Rogers explained. "Lombardo seems to have been swayed a great deal by what a clerk in your office told about you and Chesebro quar reling." “Costillo?" said Reed. “He would, of course. We did have quite a go— the Chief and I I guess I told you about it, Barry. We unloaded every thing we had been storing up for each other for several months. Chiefly concerning Elsa, you know; but, even if I do say it, he rather started talking about Elsa. Down here, of course, things like that amount to fighting words.” Steps along the corridor interrupt ed our conversation; the guard sat more erect in his chair and shot a glance at us as if he meditated bringing our conference to a halt. Walking rapidly around the corner came the short, rather thick figure of Sam Chatfleld. He saw us stand ins outside Reed Barton’s cell and came directly toward us, a smile lighting his rather serious face. (TO BE CONTINUED) Factory-Made Coops Aid Chicken Raisers Trimly Designed Houses Come in Various Sizes Householders, moved by the red meat shortage, are being converted by the thousands into backyard chicken fanciers. The chicken “popu lation” increase this year over last —in rural areas alone—is about 132 million head. At an all time high, the present chicken population of the country is above 500 million. No census is taken on urban raised chickens, where the rate of increase is greatest. Interest in chicken raising, deal ers say, is now spurred by the in troduction and display of small ready-made houses in retail stores. As these become easily procurable in complete units or prefabricated for quick assembly, it is thought in terest will zoom higher. The de signs now being shown range from two-story compact types, about the size of a piano box, to large roomy ones big enough to double as hunt ers’ cabins. Because of the labor shortage and limitations affecting many kinds of building material, the public is finding the ready • made chicken house most easily obtainable. The commercial fabricator on the other hand may use various kinds of sub stitute material advantageously or remnants and knotty pieces of lum ber. One of the smaller chicken houses exhibited in the Merchandise Mart, Chicago, was designed to accommo date nine laying hens, or 50 small chicks, and is approximately 6 feet by 3 feet and 4 feet high. The ground floor is a scratching area and is connected by a ramp to the sun deck which is equipped with De Luxe Chicken House ftv^nuT urfM* AT M%HT thre« '‘departmentalized’’ nests, re movable roosts, and has compart ments for charcoal, grit, water and mash. The second story front is of glass, while the slanting top is built of sliding slat panels of wood. Above this is a second top which may be lifted to admit sunlight. By the lowering of this top-lid and the rais ing of the ramp, drafts and cold are excluded. The larger house is 8 by 12 feet, overall height 7 feet 1 inch; in front 6 feet 7 inches, in rear 56 inches. Of the prefabricated type, it comes in eight sections. Main door is 6 feet high by 22 inches and is fitted with hinges and hasp for lock. Equipped with hardwood floors, ventilators and sliding door for chicken outlet, the house has triple windows, 4 lights each, 9 inches by 12 in sire. Side walls are made of %-inch Nu-wood, insulated sheeting, coated with asphalt inside and out. The roof is made of %-inch Gypsum board sheeting covered with 55 pound rolled roofing. Small Farm Engines Get Preference Rating Farm rationing committees of courty war boards again have au thority to assign preference ratinga for delivery of small engines heeded in essential food production. This will apply to about 37,000 air and liquid-cooled internal combus tion engines of 20 horsepower and under which will be manufactured during the current year. No state or county quotas will be established for the distribution of these engines, since the production is estimated to be sufficient to meet all essential needs. The only distribution control will be at the county level, where county farm rationing committees will is sue preference rating certificates to farmer* or operators of farm ma chinery for hire. The certificates will bear a preference rating of AA-2, the highest which can be giv en a civilian product. Good Poultry Houses Experience has shown that the es sentials of a good poultry house are a dry floor that can be easily cleaned, walls that give protection from wind and excessive cold, enough light, provision for ventila tion, and, of course, a firm founda tion and a tight roof. As about three fourths of the heat lost by conduc tion from a poultry house is lost through the roof, the ceiling is the flirft part of the house that should be i insulated. I To make your extension cord last longer, coil it around a mail ing tube when not in use. • • * Plastic cups for furniture legs and casters will prevent dents in linoleum and make it wear longer. • • • Cooked chicken should be cooled as rapidly as possible and stored promptly in the coldest part of the refrigerator. • * t If the handle of your iron gets hot, cover it with a piece of cor rugated cardboard held in place with strips of adhesive tape. FALSE TEETH owners CAN LOOK YOUNGER —IY WEARING YOUR PLATES EVERY DAY —HELD COMFORTABLY SNUG THIS WAY Face-lines sag—wrinkles form—when plates remain un worn. Avoid this—hold plates firmly all day, every day with this ‘'comfort-cushion,” a dentist’s formula. L Dr. Wernet’s plate powder forma toothing “comfort-cushion” between plate and gums—lets you enjoy solid foods, avoid embarrassment of loos* plates. Helps prevent sore gums. *. World’s largest selling plate powder. Recommended by dentists for 30 years. S. Dr. Wemet's powder is economical; a very small amount lasts longer. 4. Made of whitest.costliest ingredient —so pure you eat it in ice crease. Pleasant tasting. All druggist*—304. Money both It not delighted Dr. Wernet’s Powder i RECOMMENDED BY MORE DENTISTS THAN ANY OTHER! 4 H0/VW 2 Y&sn f F&mpv9 fMMtmBN, TOWMMEM •jasjursjw355 issrstr'S5^ ever used* Here • whyl FAST USING-! gt^bBking result* every tune. ■\JJTOVCl ,(££& »mmr ICE! Put It on your pantry *helf and use when you’re ready! Fleitchmann ■ new & Ve». U P»ck«l <••-££ proof, air S^t package that tea the freshnes*. the full etrengthl V snuff usr-fiiwre snomn6! Order a .apply today from your grocer, uraer a i meischmann . and bake when you hk*. Fieiscnm S™ Yeast makes it easy to ■>»<“< Srtr«=ss goodneu. FLEISCH MANNS DRV YEAST Acts fast/ Stays frestf 6R0CERSI If you have not yet received your supply of the new Fleischmann's Dry Yeast, write immediately to: Standard Brands Incorporated, 1229 Montgall Ave, Kansas City 16. Missouri. ★ IN THE MARINES* they say: CHICKEN" for recruit "GREENS"for winter service uniform * SQUARED A WAY "for everything rhipshap# CAMEL" for the favorite cigarette with in the Marines MILDNESS —THEy f/Rsr MTHE SERV/CE )With men in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, the favorite cigarette is Camel. (Based on actual sales records.) CAMEL COSTLIER TOBACCOS ■ 'j' ■ ■ L