ON THE E FRONTr r\0 YOU know the Kaleidoscope quilt pattern? A block is riiown here. It is put together so that from every angle it makes a different design. One of these fas cinating quilts made in two tones of blue and white started all the sewing and sawing for the at tractive bed nook 53 iP“ f*OMTTD* Of 35‘BLUt GINGHAM -r M^^cotton f hinge I r EDGES SfRIOD CORNICE OVER BED CUT WITH A JIG 6AW KALEIDOSCOPE QUILT BLOCK PATTERN USED HERE FOR A TOP SPREAD WITH A FLOOR LENGTH G1N6HAM SPREAD UNDER THS MATTRESS AND OVER THE SPRINGS REGISTERED BOARS F« Hale: Jtoglat. red Cheater Whitt •prlng boar* Smooth, thick, eaay feeding bind. Lrltoy Urien, Herman, Nebraaka.1 hear cleafly With LA1KM Mlll kl l.l." Write for BOOKLIST—«r free UOMK TKHT K onotone r> World-firrald IH.lt , Omaha | ■1 MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hllli New York Drawer IS Enclose IS cents for each pattern ordered. Name ... Address ... YOUR ^ks better groomed with Moroltno IfairTonto. Keep* unruly hair in place, ai in a we ®ivea lustre. Big bottle, ALWAYS only 38c. Sold everywhere. 17. S. Military Courts in Britain Of the dozen or more Allied Na tions whose troops are stationed in Great Britain, the United States is the only one that has been per mitted to establish its own mili tary courts. Just 2 drops Penctro Nobb Drops In each nostril nnlp you breathe freer almost Instantly. Relieve the head cold nasal misery. Only 25o—214 times la much for 50c. Caution: Use only as directed. Peaetro Nm« Iirspa Light From Distant Stars The amount of light that reaches the eye from some distant stars is equivalent to the light coming from a candle six miles away. ^ YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM v HOT FLASHES If you suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous, cranky feellnirs, are a bit blue at times—due to the functional "middle-age’* period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly—Plnkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. If helps nature! Also a line stomachic tonic. Fol low label directions. tYDMtBNKHAM’SSSaK, COLDS! ROBBERS OF HEALTH! Don’t fool with • cold! Neglected, It may easily develop Into a more serl ou» condition. Reet—avoid eiposure. And for usual cold miseries, get Crove's Cold Tablets. They’re Uks a doctor’s prescription—that Is, a mul tiple medicine. Work on all these symptoms of a cold . . . headache body achsa—fever— nasal stuffiness. Why lust suffer along? Take Grove's * 1 Tablets exactly as directed. Ask Cold' your druggist for Grove's Cold Tablets —for fifty years known to millions as “Brora# Quinine" Cold Tablets! 5avsMsnry—C«r large Economy Jbg GROVE'S (OLD TABLETS tor Ml &&es m the Year Around, > Recommended by Many ) DOCTORS Helps tone up adult systems — helps ! children build sound teeth, strong bones. "Try SCOTT’S EMULSION Conserve Sugar, but Satisfy Sweet Tooth (See Recipes Below) saving on sugar Extensive summer and fall can ning has left many a family low on sugar. Homemak ers are writing in and asking for recipes which will give their fami lies “just some thing to satisfy the sweet tooth” —but that some thing must be sugar-saving. Now that jellies are rationed you may have to use what sugar you can get for putting up those juices* you canned during summer for jelly —and that means there will be less sugar than before left for baking uses. Sugar substitutes can be util* lzed not only in cakes and cookies but desserts and icings. Many cake recipes, too, can be made with less sugar than they call for. Fruits-in-season now include cran berries which are perfectly deli cious in this steamed pudding: Steamed Cranberry Pudding. (Serves 4) 2 cups fresh cranberries 1H> cups flour W teaspoon salt V\ teaspoon cinnamon V\ teaspoon cloves V« teaspoon mace 2 teaspoons soda Vi cup hot water 4 cup molasses Mix flour, salt, spices and soda; cut cranberries in two and add to dry ingredients. Combine hot wa ter and molasses; blend with first mixture. Transfer to greased pud ding mold; cover and steam 2^4 hours. Unmold and serve with your favorite pudding sauce. Do chocolates satisfy the sweet tooth in your family? Here Is a light, lovely dessert: Chocolate Puff Souffle. • (Serves 6) !i 7-ounce package semi-sweet chocolate 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons sugar Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon vanilla 3 eggs Melt chocolate with milk in top of double boiler. Beat with egg beater until smooth. Add sugar, salt, va nilla and unbeaten eggs; beat with egg beater 1 minute. Cover, and cook over boiling water 20 minutes without lifting cover. Remove from heat and serve Immediately with cream. It is possible to make cakes with out any sugar at all, but better re sults can be achieved if some sugar is used in the cake. Too many all syrup cakes have a coarse texture to which we are unaccustomed after years of light, flne-grained cakes. Here are suggestions which you can be proud to add to your wartime cookery collection: Lynn Says: Starve the Garbage Can! Pre cious vitamins lie right under neath the thin skin of carrots. Don’t pare, just scrub the vege table. The same is true of potatoes. Scrub well and cook with skins on, then eat skins and all. Young beets can be cooked as other greens. Season and serve. You’ll be delighted. Tops of spring onions make wonderful seasoning. Celery tops are grand for soups, salads. Coarser parts of celery can be pureed for soup. Carrot and radish tops are at tractive for garnishes. Parsley and lettuce are more than garnish —they’re to be eaten. Check refrigerator every morn ing—and the bread box, too. Use every bit of leftover in that day's meals. Lynn Chambers’ Point-Saving Menu Pan-Fried Liver and Bacon Baked Potato Spinach Apple and Celery Salad Bran Muffins Spread Beverage ‘Molasses Gingerbread •Recipe Given Ail-Bran Prune Cake. (Makes an 8 by 8 inch pan) H cup milk H cup bran cereal V\ cup butter or margarine cup sugar i egg 1 cup flour 1J4 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup chopped cooked prunes Pour milk over bran cereal and al low to soak for about 10 minutes. Blend butter and sugar thoroughly, add egg and beat until mixture is light and fluffy. Stir in soaked bran cereal. Sift flour with baking powder and spicei; mix with chopped prunes and add to first mix ture. Spread in greased cake pan and bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven about 35 minutes. *MoIasses Gingerbread. 1 cup molasses 2 tablespoons butter or margarine K cup sour cream 2 eggs 1 cup flour H teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon ginger M teaspoon allspice H teaspoon ground cinnamon K teaspoon ground cloves Heat molasses and butter. When the latter is melted, remove from the Are; add sour cream and beaten eggs. Mix remain der of ingredients together and sift into liquid mix ture. Pour into cake pans lined with greased pa per and bake in a slow oven about 30 minutes. Serve hot with cold applesauce or frost with cream cheese-powdered sugar icing, fla vored with lemon or orange juice. Have you enough sugar for a fa vorite white cake but not enough for an icing? Then here’s the answer in a lovely topping which does not re quire too much honey: Honey Topping. 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 4 tablespoons sugar * tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons honey H cup chopped nuts or coconut Cream butter, add sugar, mixing well. Add flour and honey and beat until well blended. Fold in nutmeats or coconut. Spread on cake which is still warm from baking and place under broiler until topping bubbles. A cookie recipe that’s low on all ingredients is this delicious wafer which is lovely to look at, tool Oatmeal Honey Wafers. (Makes 16 Wafers) * egg H cup honey 1 cup rolled oats H teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons melted butter oi margarine % teaspoon vanilla % cup chopped nuts Beat egg until light; add honey, continuing to beat. Then add re maining ingredients. Drop by spoon fuls. about 2 inches apart, on greased baking sheet. Flatten slightly with a knife dipped in cold water. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) about 10 minutes or until a light deli cate brown. If you want sugar-saving suggestions, write to Lynn Chambers, Western News [Hiper Union, 210 South Desplames Street, Chicago, Illinois. Don't forget to enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope for your reply. Released by Western Newspaper Unlaw. Beating Davy Jones on His Home Grounds Divers, like physi cians, must learn to “see” through their fingers. That is just what student divers are learning to do at the United States Navy’s salvage school in New York. Here students are taught to work by touch and to use all kinds of tools under water. Conditions here are purposely made difficult so that when the students are on their own they will have confidence. For example, Hudson river mud gives the water the constituency of black paint. Yet student divers work in it without lights. When accepted for training, a man is given a submersion test to discover any weakness. A claustrophobe might be totally unaware of such tendency until he is locked up in a suit on the bottom of the river. In top picture a student diver is being hoisted out of the depths on a special elevator gadget. Note water pouring out of his knee pockets. They are used to carry tools when he works below. Victory Parade Members of the officers' class at the salvage school are pictured around the diving tank. One student is going down to do some underwater welding and burning. Divers also learn to build bulk heads under water, splice cables, rig all kinds of tackle, and do practically everything that skilled mechanics do topside. Right: Hanging from the rafters to prevent creases or puckers in the rub ber, are some of the suits worn by the student divers. Be low: Divers bob around a float as they practice air control. Divers can regulate both the intake and outlet air valves. Control of these makes it possible for the div er to remain sta tionary at the re quired level. He must guard against inf la ting his suit very suddenly for the pressure might spread out his arms and legs so that he could not reach the valves, and send him shooting up to the surface. Be cause of this sudden decrease in pressure he would he in danger of an attack of the dreaded “bends'* — bubbles of gas in the blood. Right: Students listen carefully to a lecture on modern navy diving meth ods. This course consists of 14 weeks of hard work. Han dling the mechan ism of his suit must become second na ture to the diver. For example, a div er was working on the submerged hull of a ship in North Pacific, Jap planes were spotted. The diver, working on his back in a mud tunnel on the bot tom, was told he had four minutes to get out. Even a me dium - sized bomb falling anywhere within two or three thousand feet of a submerged diver will bring him to the surface—dead. Although working in the dark, and hampered by lines which might have fouled, he got out in time. These two students are making models of seagoing craft. PATTERNS SEWING CIRCLE 8470s 6-14 yrt. ( School Winner. npHE center panel of this dress ! A adds both height and slimness to the appearance of the girl who waars it. There’s the reason why this is one of our most popular school girl patterns. Origin of Goodby Our goodby is a shortened form of “God be with ye.” “So long” is thought to be an American cor ruption of the word salaam (“peace”) as heard in the Moslem greeting “Salaam alei-kum,” meaning “May peace be unto you,” perhaps brought to America by Moslem slavers, or African slaves. When you see news photos ol soldiers “off duty” in camp or be hind the battle-lines—notice how often you’ll see them smoking a cigarette. There’s a good reason for that. Army officials say that cigarettes are an appreciable fac tor in maintaining morale—and the soldiers themselves add that a carton of cigarettes from home is always welcome. What brand? Well, saies records in Post Ex changes and Canteens show that Camels are the favorite cigarette with men in all the services. Though there are Post Office re strictions on packages to overseas Army men, you can still send Camels to soldiers in the U. S., and to Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen wherever they are.— Adv. **• _ —'SSSSSt IcmCRS LV\ I Shoulder a Gun or the Cost of One ic Buy United States War Bonds + If Your Nose Fills Up Tonight -Get Quick Relief! _ Jut a Few Drops Relieve fa**-** Breathing Easier—Incite Restful Sleep It’s wonderful how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears the tran sient congestion that clogs up the nose! Results are so very good because Va-tro-nol is specialized medication that works right where trouble is—to relieve stuffiness and make breathing easier. Try it—put a few drops up VICKS each nostril—follow directions in folder, mmm mb a ■ VA-TRO-NOL Pattern No. 8470 Is In sizes 6. 8. 10. 1J and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2>,« yards 35-inch material. 3li yards ric-rac. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chicago Enclose 20 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No.Size. Name . Address . GRANDMA KNEW I ABOUT COLDS cated at home to relieve cold-coughing, muscle aches. Smart mothers today sim ply rub on Penetro. Modern medication in base containing old reliable mutton suet. Relieves such colds’ distress. 25c. Double supply 35c. Today, get Penetro. Head of Miss Liberty The head of the Statue of Lib erty can accommodate 40 persons standing upright. Gas on Stomach RaMcvad in S minutes or do«M* money back When excess stomach arid came* painful, suf focat ,n«