The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 09, 1943, Image 3

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    Along the Road to Rome and Berlin
Real ‘Devil Dogs’ on Bougainville
Follow the Leader
Left: These three soldiers ere charged with the job of keeping np the tires on the fleet of cars used bjr
the headquarters of the Allied Fifth army in Italy. Shown with their repair car somewhere behind the
front are Corp. Gordon Smith, Hilton, Va. (left), Corp. Morris Sigler, Hagerstown, Md. (center), and Pfc.
Herman Muchleisen. Right: According to the sign these British engineers are 120 miles from Rome as
they smooth out a road for units of the Fifth. The work of engineers gains in importance as the Germans at
tempt to retard the advancing Allies by blowing up bridges and destroying transportation facilities.
Lady Santa Claus: Opera Star: Jap War Trophy
Left: Max Factor, Hollywood make-up expert, advises women who will play Santa Claus to lower their
voices, puff out their cheeks with cotton and put on false noses. The probable result Is pictured. Center:
Helen Traubel, American operatic star, is made up for her part in the Metropolitan Opera company’s presen
tation of “Tristan und Isolde.” Right: Miss Edith Brechter, a war worker, displays a battle-scarred Jap
flag captured by U. S. troops on Guadalcanal and sent to her by her fiance as a birthday present.
Eton Lads Curry Iron Horse
Scoring Waterboy
Eton schoolboys change their high hats and carefully styled suits for *
overalls as they volunteer their services to clean railroad engines. A
group Is seen grooming an iron horse at a depot in Slough.
Nazis Burn, Wreck Towns; Then Flee
Retreating Nazis, riding in n half-track, pass through a burning
Crimean village as they hurry to prevent the Russians from closing off
the pen' i—um of Crimea. A meeting between President Roosevelt, Pre
mier Stalin and Prime Minister Churchill was believed imminent as Rus
sian armies near the Polish frontier.
Tiny Waterboy William Andrews
(left) was the center of a football
drama when he went into a game
for his Texas Longhorns to score
with two drop kicks.
King’s Bathtub
Corp. William Polzin of Chicago,
111., tries the hot water faucet on
one of King Victor Emmanuel’s tubs
in the royal palace near Naples,
Italy. The tub appears small but
the palace is considered the world’s
third largest.
The words “Devil Docs’* have been a nickname for marines for many
years. Today real dogs are performing combat tasks for the marines.
Men and dogs are pictured on Bougainville hot on the trail of the enemy.
Dobermans have been extensively used on this Island to smell out hidden
Japs, to carry messages, and occasionally In first aid work during bat
Duke and Duchess in Washington
The duke and duchess of Windsor are pictured as they arrived In
Washington, D. C., recently from New York city. They were expected
to stay at the British embassy. They came to the U. S. shortly before
the opening of the famed trial in which Count De Marlgny was found not
guilty of killing his father-in-law. Sir Harry Oakes.
Each coin represents 10 million dollars
Fighters Shop for Folks Back Home
New York stores are crowded with service men and women haying
Christmas presents for the folks back home. Uniformed men are baying
many toy guns, planes, tanks and other military playthings. Seamen
Bob I.awing of Mount Holly, N. C., and Eddie Hall of Nashville, Tenn., are
shown picking out a toy liberty ship for Lawing's nephew.
Captured German U-boat crewmen
march blindfolded along the deck of
an English destroyer escorted by
English sailor guards. These pris
oners were captured in recent At
lantic battles and will be taken to
prison camps in Allied areas..
Light Without Wires
This ball of light la bring bom
barded by a beam of high frequency
radio energy. Ita power doea not
come through a wire. Samuel O.
Hibben of Weatlnghouae la abown aa
he demonatratea the wireleaa light
ing In New York.
Royal Visitors
Vice Admiral T. T. Craven (left)
greets Prince Amir Khalid (center)
and bis brother Prince Amir Faisal
Saudi, Arabian minister of foreign
affairs, at a reception at the Wal
dorf-Astoria in New York.
‘Cahoots With FDR’
Sergt. L. St. Pierre writes the cur
rent menu for an advanced Amer
ican air base in Italy. The bill of
fare board was left by the enemy.
It reads: "Airport Grill, operated
by Sergt, L. St. Pierre in cahoots
with F.D.R. Dinner: cream of onion
soup, meat balls and spaghetti,
mashed potatoes, and apricots.'*
Army-Navy ‘E’ Awards
Of Six Months’ Duratioi
After a manufacturing plant hai
held an Army-Navy “E” pennan
for six months, the company’s rec
ord is reviewed by a govemmen
awards board, says Collier’s. I
the plant has equaled or exceede<
its previous six-months perform
ance, a service star is added t(
the flag; if it has not maintainet
both quality and quantity through
the fault of either the manage
ment or the employees, the fla*
is withdrawn and has to be earnec
over again.
Birth CirtMcilii, Citlienshlp, Nilirtlli*
Uon, all you need know in one little book.
$1.00. T. HARRIS, Boa filOI. Metre Sta
tics, Loa Angela* SB, California.
RADIO BATTKRIE9. Farm and Portable.
BOWMAN RADIO - Lawrence, Kanana.
State make and model radio.
• OMAN* •
of the moot modem typo
Writ* to u for booklot
Difficult Wire Laying
To establish telephone commu
nications across an almost impass
able glacier in Alaska, the glacier
was “bombed” with reels of wire
dropped by an army bomber along
a line staked out in the snow by
BUY asp: «*IN
that can ao more for you than St. >sepl*
Aspirin. Why pay more? World’* u-^est
teller at 10c. Demand St. Joseph Aspirin.
Indian Tradition
The modern Indian still refuses
to discuss business in the presence
of a squaw. This is an old tradi
tion with the Indians.
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulslon relieves promptly be*
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs. Chest Colds, Bronchitis
nurUil**’ e
of L*** Vse is one of
*t*r ” irtUts release- » u.
United Art ‘ ii.groomed, *'
the Holly wood
informed «0,‘Y oth Ponder.
use Y bbin#, Inc
USE 66^
That Nadine
May Warn of Disordered
Kidney Action
Modern life with Ita hurry and worry.
Irregular habits, improper eating ana
drinking—ita risk of exposure and infec
tion—throws heavy strain on the work
of the kidneys. They are apt to become
over-taxed and fail to filter excess add
and other impurities from the life-giving
You may suffer nagging backache,
headache, dizziness, getting up nights,
leg pains, swelling—feel constantly
tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs
of kidney or bladder disorder are some
times burning, scanty or too frequent
Try /loan's Pills. Doan's help the
kidneys to pass off harmful excess body
waste. They have had more than half a
century of public approval. Are recom
mended by grateful users everywhere.
Ask your nsigkborl