The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 02, 1943, Image 4

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The people of Emmet were sor
3 to learn of the passing of an
i resident and friend. Johnnie
Gaffney, of Denver, brother of
Tom and Bert Gaffney of Emmet.
His illness and death was very
sudden. He was stricken on Sat
urday, November 20th while get
ting ready to go to work at the
Remington Arms Corporation,
where he had been employed as a
guard the last three years.
Cpl. and Mrs. Grant Peacock of
Laramie, Wyo., arrived in Emmet
on Monday, November 20. They
left here to return to Laramie on
Saturday, November 27. While
they were here the young couple
visited many relatives and friends
in Emmet, Newport and At
Owen and Zane Cole spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole.
The boys returned to the Univer
sity of Nebraska on Sunday. They
were fortunate to obtain a ride as
far as Omaha with Mrs. French
of O'Neill.
Cpl. and Mrs. Grant Peacock
were dinner guests at the Robert
Fox home Wednesday evening,
November 24.
Recent letters from Father John
J. O’Brien tell us that he is now
iri Italy. He likes the country and
reports that his present living con
ditions are pleasant and satisfac
Floyd Butterfield called on the
Maring family Thursday evening.
Wm. Luben has finished picking
corn and has sold his corn-picking
machine to Ira Livingston of At
Anybody around Emmet know
“Duke”? Well, Duke is a longish,
little white dog with black and
brown splotches all over his short
sleek coat. He has lately dug up
a bit of notoriety for himself and
goes about nowadays with that
“nobody loves me" look. This par
ticular representative of man’s
best friend belongs to the Cole
family and left shut up in the
Buick one night last week. The
results were terrible and most dis
heartening. In his efforts to es
cape from the car, the little dog
ripped the upholstery on the roof
and around the doors of the car.
It will probably be some time be
fore the interior of the car can
be properly repaired.
Vincent Cederburg and family,
who have been working on the
Z. G. Butterfield farm, moved
from our community on Wednes
day, December 1. Mr. Cederburg
has work at Verdigre.
Mrs. Jessie Lowery returned to
Emmet on Wednesday, December
I from Valla, Nebr., where she
spent some time visiting with rel
atives and friends .
The annual Booth Festival Rally
of the Methodist churches of the
various towns was held at Inman
Monday evening. It is the custom
for each Young People’s organ
ization of the church in its town
to have a booth at the Festival.
Page’s booth was awarded first
place. The booth was made of
card board and was a horse df’&wn
sleigh driven in the direction of
a little cardboard church with
lighted windows. The sleigh
was piled high with some of the
quarts of fruit and vegetables do
nated by the Page community
(75 quarts were donated). Offi
cers for the coming year were
elected. Miss Virginia Murphy,
of Page, was elected president of
the sub-district and Duane Banta
of Page, treasurer of the sub
district. Pago had the largest at
tendance at the rally, there being
nineteen from Page present.
The Fellowship class of the
Methodist church held their an
nual Thanksgiving dinner No
vember 23, at the church base
ment. The following were pres
ent: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snvder and
Rose, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French
and family, Mr.' and Mrs. Ray
mond Heiss and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Prill and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Marlin Chichester, Mr. and Mrs.
Duran Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Murphy and family, Mrs.
Doris Murpny and Marion, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Haynes and daughters,
Mrs. Verna Harris and Virginia
Buffalow, Miss Bonnie Tomjack
and Miss Eva Jones. The com
mittee in charge of the dinner
was Mrs. Harry Snyder, Mrs. M.
G. French, Mrs. Roy Haynes and
Mrs. Lowell Murphy.
Mrs. Eva Gray, Mr. and Mrs. P.
T. Stevens, Mrs. Gene Beber and
children Bobbie and Bonnie, of
Plainview, and Pfc. Ralph Gray,
of Camp Beale, Cal., visited Wed
nesday at the H. O. Stevens
home at Atkinson.
Mrs. Ralph Larson was hostess
to the members of the Bid or Bye
Club at her home Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. Charles Russell
received both high and traveling
prizes. Mrs. Roger Bowen the
consolation. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy
was a guest.
The Trowbridge family held
their annual Thanksgiving dinner
at the Forrest Smith home at
Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
Smith, of Compton, Cal., were
honor guests. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith and
Ardith. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke
and Robert, Mrs. Eva Murten. Mrs.
E. A. Stevens and daughters. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stevens and Lin
etta, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith,
all of Inman; Mr. and,Mrs. Charles
Cronk, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow
bridge and family, Mrs. Etta
Trowbridge and Ernest, of Page,
and Mrs. Howard Miller and Altha
Lon and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Fink
of Ewing. i , .
Mrs. Forrest Henderson enter
tained a group of children at her
home Saturday in honor of her
daughter Audrey’s ninth birthday.
The Get Together Club met
with Mrs. Theo Kemper Novem
beer 26. There were fifteen
members and two visitors present.
Miss Helen Asher anti Mrs. Rich
ard Kremeier, of Creighton, were
guests. The afternoon was spent
tieing a quilt for the hostess, af
ter which a lovely lunch was
served. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. F. C. Tegeler on
December 10. There will be a
Christmas exchange at this meet
Mrs. Richard Kremeier, of
Creighton, was a week-end guest
at the Jerry Sazama home.
Mr. and Mrs.Herman Hesse and
son, of Laurel, and Mrs. Richard
Kremeier, of Creighton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hesse were
Thanksgiving dinner guests in the
August Hesse home.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kemper en
tertained at a family dinner Sun
day evening for Pfc. Jack Galla
gher, who was home on furlough.
Those present were Pfc., and Mrs.
Jack Gallagher and son, Terry;
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper and
daughter, Delores, and Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Kemper and family.
Mrs. Ethel Asher received a let
ter last week informing her that
her son, Dale E. Asher, who is
stationed at Falcon Field, Mesa,
Ariz., had been promoted to Staff
Sergeant. Before his induction in
to the army he was employed by
the Skogmo-Gamble Co., and was
located at Redfield, S. D.
Miss Viola Haynes, who teaches
atf Lynch, spent the Thanksgiving
vacation with her parents in Page.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuart and
family were guests at a family
Thanksgiving dinner last Thurs
day noon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bennett Gillespie in O’Neill.
Corp. Harry Cullen, who had
spent two weeks here visiting his
{jarents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Cul
en, and other relatives, left Sat
urday morning for Fort Wayne,
Ind., where he is to be stationed.
Miss Marion Prill, who teaches
at Valentine, spent the Thanks
giving vacation at home.
Misses Sybil Ickes and Beth
Murphy, who are students at the
University at Lincoln, spent the
Thanksgiving week-end visiting
their parents in Page. They re
turned to their school duties last
Miss Doris Harvey, who is em
ployed in O’Neill, spent Thanks
giving at home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy re
turned Tuesday evening from sev
eral days spent in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MacLaren,
who had spent two weeks at the
E. E. Allen home and with other
relatives, left Monday morning to
return to their home at Mirror,
Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Allen took
them as far as Sioux City. Mr.
Allen and Mrs. MacLaren are
brother and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heese
and son of Laurel, Mrs. Richard
Kremeier of Creighton, Mr. and
Mrs. August Heese and sons and
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath were
Tuesday evening visitors at the
Henry Heese home.
Mrs. Blanch Venker left last
Tuesday for her home at Elk
Creek, after spending seven weeks
visiting here.
Mrs. J. M. Kennedy was hos
tess to the members of the Con
tract Bridge Club at her home
Thursday evening, November 18.
Mrs. A. G. Braddock won high
prize, Mrs. Earl Hurst the conso
lation. Guests were Mrs. Ralph
Larson, Mrs. Robert Gray and
Mrs. James Corkle of O'Neill.
Mrs. Elsie Cork returned home
Tuesday evening from Spencer,
where she spent several days at
the Harold Cork home.
Elvin Stevens, A. R. M. 2-c., of
Eagle Mountain Lake, Texas, was
a guest of honor at a Thanksgiv
ing dinner Thursday noon at the
home of his grandfather, R. K.
Stevens. Others present were Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Stevens and
daughters of Orchard, Mr. and
Mrs. B. H. Stevens and family,
Mrs. Vernon Parks and Ronnie
and R. K. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Waring and
son arrived Monday evening from
Portland, Ore. Mr. Waring went
to Omaha Tuesday evening, where
he took his examination and en
listed in the navy. He returned
home Saturday evening and ex
pects to report for navy duty1 this
Fay Clark and daughters, Mari
lyn, Neola and Kathlyn, of Nor
folk, were Thanksgiving day din
ner guests at the Wm. Clark
home. The girls spent the week
end here, returning to Norfolk
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Alice French, who teaches
in the O’Neill public school, spent
Thanksgiving vacation at the
home of her parents in Page.
Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Wal
ker of 846 N. E. 2nd Ave., Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., are the parents
of a 6%-pound son born to them
Tuesday, November 23. Mrs. Wal
ker was formerly Miss Jean
Mrs. Blanch Venker and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Neubauer and son,
Leo, were dinner guests Saturday
evening, November 20, at the Her
bert Steinberg home.
Donald Eickhoff, Aviation Ma
chinists Mate 1-c., who had spent
a week visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Eickhoff, depart
STRETCHING out over the United States is
a great network that is helping win this
war. It is the American Banking System. Here
is a vast array of specialized experience
and ability, housed in some 16,000 banks,
peopled by a trained staff numbering over
250,000 men and women, working endlessly
to hasten Victory. As separate units and as a
system, banks serve by keeping the economic
machine running, financing war production
and providing a host of financial services to
the government and nation. Can we help you9
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
ed Friday morning for Fremont,
where he spent a short vacation
with his sister, Mrs. Earl Ander-1
son, before returning to his duties
at Norfolk, Va.
Miss Fontelle Wood, who is em- i
ployed in O’Neill, spent Thanks-i
giving with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wood.
Thanksgiving day dinner guests
at the home oij Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Braddock were: Mr. and Mrs.
Merwyn French and family, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. French and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs Lowell Murphy
and daughter*, Mrs. Doris Murphy
and daughter, Marian; Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace French amd Alice,
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heiss.
Mrs. Elsie Ballantyne and child
ren spent Thanksgiving at the
Chas. Wegman home.
Mrs. Gene Baber and children,
Bobbie and Bonnie, came up from
Plainview Monday evening and
will spend the balance of the
week at the Eva Gray home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk en
tertained the following persons at
their home on Thanksgiving day:
Fred Cronk and daughters. Hazel
and Margie, and son, Warren, and
Melvin Lorenz of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Townsend
had the following guests at their
home Thanksgiving day: Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Townsend, Mrs. Ida
Townsend and Mrs. Eva Hunter.
Thanksgiving day dinner guests
at the Mrs. Eva Gray home were:
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer,
Pfc. Ralph Gray and Mr. and Mrs.
P. T. Stevens.
The following persons were din
ner guests Thanksgiving day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Esmond
Weber: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nis
sen and Dale, Mrs. A. O. Weber
and Donald Nissen and son, Jamie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, Jr.,
and children were Sunday dinner
l guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MacLaren of
Mirror, Canada, were Saturday
evening guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer.
Corp. Dale Matschullat arrived
Monday evening from Camp Rob
erts, Calif., where he is stationed
and will spend a ten days’ fur
lough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Matschullat.
The Page Project Club will
meet ThursdhV December 9, at
the home of Mrs. Harry Snyder
for an all-day meeting. The les
son topic is “Morale in the Home.”
Visitors are always welcome.
Mrs. Ray Snell was a guest from
Friday until Wednesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfred
Waller at Bellevue.
Mrs. Verna Harris and grand
daughter, Virginia Buffalow, spent
Thanksgivingvacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Roby at
Miss Helen Wcgman spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Merwyn Strope of Venus.
The Royal Neighbor Kensing
ton met last Wednesday afternoon
at the Jesse Kelly home. Eight
members were present and spent
a social afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stevens and
family, Elvin Stevens. A. R. M.
2-c., and Mrs. Vernon Parks and
(Continued ,on page Five)
Views of
Dr. A. L. Miller,
M. C.
On Tuesday, November 23, my
secretary, Mr. Huyck, and I called
on all those in the armed forces
from the Fourth Nebraska Dis
trict whom we knew to be in the
hospitals in Washington. At Wal
ter Reed Hospital we found Sgt.
Milton K. Williams, who bailed
out of a flying fortress when it
was returning from a bombing
mission over Germany. Sergeant
Williams was in a cheerful mood
as he told how lucky he was to
have picked such a good place in
which to land. It was only a short
distance from a Catholic hospital.
When the Germans who picked
him up rushed him there the
nurses was out in front waiting
for him with a stretcher and his
injuries were immediately treat
ed. He praised the care and at
tention he received and the many
little favors he was given even
though the supplies at the hos
pital were severely limited. He
also praised the work of the En
glish doctors—prisoners of war—
who were taking care of wounded
American and British prisoners in
German army hospitals. Although
he has suffered the loss of his left
foot, he feels extremely lucky to
be back in the States and soon to
be released from the hospital. Ser
geant Williams grew up at North
Platte. Nebr., where his mother,
Mrs. Mabel G. Williams, still lives.
At the new Naval Medical Cen
ter in Bethesda, Mainland, a short
distance from the District line, we
found Yoeman Third Class Edna
Cool, whose mother, Mrs. Cynthia
Blain, lives at Oshkosh, where
Miss Cool graduated from high
school. Yoeman Cool has almost
recovered from the after effects
of a bad coHand is almost ready
to return to duty in the Bureau
of Personnel here in Washington.
She took her boot training at
Hunter College, N. Y., and later
was stationed at Millegeville, Ga.,
and Stillwater, Okla. She is very
enthusiastic about her work and
is anxious to get back on the job.
Also at the Naval Medical Cen
ter wq visited wi*h Guy Nesmith,
whose mother, Mrs. R. Roberts,
lives at Loup City, Nebr. Before
his illness he was stationed at the
Navy Yards in Washington. He is
recovering from an appendectomy
and is almost ready to return to
duty. All the patients were pleas
ed with the care and treatment
they were receiving at the hos
If parents or relatives who have t
AT 10c—Individual hankies
of white lawn with embroid
ery trim.
25c to 49c i—Individual han
kies of pure linen, corners
embroidered in white or col
ors. Hand rolled hems.
29c BOX—Three hankies In
a box. White lawn, embroid
ered in white or colors.
49c BOX—Sheer, fine white
lawn, 3 hankies to a box.
Corners e m b r oidered in
white or colors.
49c EACH—Wisps of pure
Irish linen, with edges of
deep lace. Lovely for party
members in the armed forces in
hospitals in Washington, D. C.,
will write me I will be glad to
visit them.
All members of the House from
Nebraska have joined the Repub
lican Drive-For-Action Commit
tee, formed for the purpose of
forcing the Democratic leadership
to put an end to its dilatory tac
tics and bring out of committees
for consideration and action some
important measures that have
been buried there. Sixty-four Re
publican members from 26 dif
ferent states now comprise the
Drive-For-Action Committee. Re
sults have already been attained.
The Commodity Credit Corpora
tion bill has been passed by the
House and enough signatures have
been obtained to bring H. R. 2887
before the House. Passage of this
bill would make possible an in
crease in the production of fuel
oil and gasoline so badly needed
in the war effort and at home.
Other objectives of the Drive
For-Action Committee include the
thbyM£ WAMT
* pygsx
Two smart gifts in one. Practical
too, the cover keeps food warm
or serves as separate pie plate.
Foods bake faster in Pyrex ware
— and taste better!
2 quart size — only
The most popular new Pyrex dish
ever introduced! Deep with fluted
edge to keep all the juice and
flavor in your pies. Lovely
design with clear glass /i
handles ... 10 size "f Jr
Perfect for mixing, baking, serv
ing, and storing! Grand for baking
mound cakes. Attractive for serv
ing salads, desserts. Set of 3, nest
ed together to save ^
space.only /Jr
Notice the convenient glass han*
dies! Bakes perfect layer cakes
or doubles for meats, vegetables
and other baking. Washes easily.
A pair makes a lovely AFi
gift. Each .... only O ^'
L-_ - - - -
BftOUJn • fWDOnALD '
recommendation that a single
Food Administrator be appointed
to end the chaos existing in the
production and distribution of
food in this country, the proposal
that citizens be provided with an
opportunity for appeal thru regu
larly established judicial channels
from edicts of the ‘Kangaroo
Courts’ of the O.P.A., and a de
termined effort to secure some real
economy in government where
ever waste and needless spending
is apparent.
Water Power
Vital Fuel
The numerous war projects, air bases and
wartime industries located throughout Ne
braska, require a vast amount of Electric
Power. Yet, through the interconnected
facilities of Nebraska's public power sys
tem, that vital power was available almost
Instantly, thus allowing large wartime
projects to locale in our state. Better still,
these vast power demands are supplied
with comparatively small use of America's
vital fuel supplies, namely; coal and oil,
so essential in the successful conduct of
—an amount which would require
279.800.000 POUNDS OF COAL OR
YEAR if generated by other meth
ods. That's important, for, through
this saving. Your Consumers Public
Power District leaves these huge
supplies of fuel available for other
vital wartime needs.
Dectriclty is vital to Victory . . .
Use U wisely — Don't waste ill