Wounded American Prisoners Reach Allied Port -j Repatriated from prison camps in Germany, wounded American fighters are shown as they reached Allied soil at Leith, Scotland. Left: One of the first Americans to be brought ashore was Sergt. John Gardner. Right: Many of these men are fliers who fell into German hands when their crafts were downed. Coastguardsmen’s Wives Keep House in Pacific On the Farallon Islands, 32 miles from the coast of San Francisco, five wives of coastguardsmen keep house for their husbands. Their only means of transportation to the mainland is the weekly trip of the light house service ship. Left: Warrant Radio Electrician George B. Warwick (right) and Chief Motor Machin ist’s Mate Frank Barnett, first and second in command respectively. Top Right: Wives of the coastguards men are (left to right) Mrs. Maxine Smith,vMrs. Betty Barnett, Mrs. Gloria Dunn, Mrs. Sara Hewett, Mrs. Betty Barnes, and Mrs. Eileen Spears. Mrs. Barnett has a little daughter with whom she lives on the mainland. Bottom Right: Rabbits abound on the Farallon Islands. Children Give Thanks for Deliverance Although the words are not nttered in English they could readily be understood by a casual observer as these Polish refugee children say grace at a camp in Santa Anita, Calif. They are some of the 300 Polish refugee children who are ou their way to Mexico where they will remain for the duration as wards of the Polish government in exile. Morning After the Night Before The morning after a night raid on Japanese objectives in the South Pacific, members of a patrol torpedo boat crew discuss the battle. This picture was made at a concealed base in New Guinea where the “Green Dragons,” as the Japs call the PT boats, hide out between forays. The men are leaning on a torpedo tube. GodfatherGen.Smuts Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, high commissioner of the Union of South Africa, played the role of godfather to Angela Petrina Hugo, whom he holds in a London church. Miss Hugo’s father is a captain assigned to the Mediterranean theater of war. Photogenic WAC Judged the most photogenic WAC in the army air forces west of the Mississippi, Mary Lou Ferguson, 26, has been named “Poster Girl.” Her picture will be used for recruiting. Yanks Press Back Counter-Attacking Japs t Japanese landings in the South Pacific, probably for the purpose of regaining the offensive, were foiled by United States forces. This sound photo shows U. S. coastguardsmen and marines unloading supplies near a Jap warship, the Kinugawa Maru, which was beached after a battle. Admiral Nimits warned the enemy of new offensives. United Nations Launch U. N. R. R. A. An international agency of 33 United Nations and 11 associated powers to relieve suffering in liberated countries was launched at the White House. President Roosevelt speaks with British Ambassador Lord Hali fax as Leighton McCarthy, Canadian minister, signs for. his country. The new agency was named the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration. Early Blizzards Kill 7; Delay Trains Early blizzards which swept the central west brought about the deaths of seven persons, five of them in Minnesota, where 11 inches of snow was reported in some localities. Track laborers are shown struggling to keep switches open in the Minneapolis railroad yards. Transportation and communication systems were stricken and most trains ran late. German Sabotage Fails to Halt Allies German troops destroyed a bridge near Caserta, Italy, to halt the advancing Allies. Their failure is illustrated by these British soldiers whs run their jeep into the river and cross without the bridge. In an effort to protect their winter line, the Germans launched a series of furious counter attacks against most portions of the Allied Fifth army. He’s Hunting Planes This camouflaged soldier appears to be bunting wild boars. Actually he Is trying to spot an "enemy** plane during maneuvers in Tennes see. His uniform closely matches the hides of the spotted pigs. WAVE Coolidge Miss Betty Coolidge, a fourth cousin of former President Calvin Coolidge, who was sworn into the WAVES. She is a former model and will don a uniform at Hunter col lege, where she will receive her bas ic training. Coal Flies Plane Gasoline made from coal was used in an airplane for the first time in the V. S. recently. It carried the plane from Morgantown, W. Va., to Washington, D. C. Senator Joseph O’Mahoney, Wyoming, receives a can of the gasoline from Represent ative Jennings Randolph. Junior Jeep __.k— A junior jeep, driven by Mary Adams of Chicago, 111., clatters along a downtown street. The jeep Is homemade and has a tiny motor. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FEATHERS WANTED WANTED; GEESE. DI7CK. PHEASANT body feather* and quills. We also buy dressed geese and ducks. Send to— FARMERS' STORE - Mitchell. S. D. STAMPED GOODS FOR FREE CATALOG Stamped goods for embroidery write WESTERN ART WORK CO.. Box 104, Monrovia, Calif. RADIO BATTERIES RADIO BATTERIES. Farm an« Portable. BOWMAN RADIO • Lawrence, Kansas. State make and model radio. TIRES TIRES —AI L SIZES Grade I. II. Ill Permits WRITE KING TIRE CO. IM I. Commerce • Wichita. Kan. When armored knights met, it was customary for each knight to raise the visor of his helmet as a means of identification. This ges ture has come down through all armies in the form of the salute. Traditional, too, is the Army man’s preference for Camel cigarettes. With men in the Army, Navy, Ma rines, and Coast Guard, actual sales records in their service stores show that Camel is the favorite. It’s one of the favorite gifts with service men. And though there are Post Office restrictions on packages to overseas Army men, you can still send Camels to soldiers in the U. S., and to men in the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard wherever they are.—Adv. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis SNAPPY FACTS — ABOUT I I RUBBER , It was not until almost 300 years alter Columbus that first commercial use was mada of rubber. Native rub ber articles — play balls, bowls, bottles, hats, capes and shoes—were brought to Spain and Portugal from vari ous parts of Central and Northern South America years before the commercial merits of rubber were realized. A rapidly growing army of more than 500 rubber-growing special ist* from the U. S. 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