The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 18, 1943, Image 3

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    Wounded, Captured Yanks Come Home
Wounded American soldiers, who were among the first to be exchanged
nnder an agreement arranged with Germany, are shown as they ar
rived in the United States. Left to right: Staff Sergt. Lester F.
Miller, Tech. Sergt. John H. Gardner, Staff Sergt. Norman C. Goodwin,
Staff Sergt. Milton K. Williams, and an unidentified soldier. Exchange is
based on mutual repatriation of seriously ill or wounded men who cannot
return to combat.
Learning to ‘See’ Through Their Fingers
Students at the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind,
Bronx, N. Y., prepare to write a composition on the subject of "Why 1
Like a St. Bernard Dog." They are getting impressions of their friendly
subject through their fingers. The patient dog is “Shag Boy,” owned by
Mrs. Eleanor Re iff who is holding him.
■■■ .—1 ■ - ' I
16 Italians Die for Shooting of Nazi
. i limn in in (Tin-ihm—■Trrn mi—imrm—miOMHin:x i— i lnnrirrf ~'rtVi~ii»n(WT'i ~ virMirrrri nitTif 1 irtTifcttii ~r iir.Ti
Mourning relatives gather around the fresh graves of 16 Italians who
were killed by the Nazis In retaliation for the shooting of a German
soldier. The soldier bad stolen a chicken from a local family. Inscription
on the cross reads: “They died from the forces of Naziism and Fas
cism.” According to reports from Italy, this scene is common In many
towns through which the Nazis are retreating before the might of Allied
armies which were steadily rolling toward Rome and Berlin.
Soldiers Dine on Reverse Lend-Lease Food
Pfc. Paul T. Cannon, Worcester, Mass., and Donald W. Stanton of
Indian Lake, N. Y., who are stationed in England, dine on food obtained
from the British via reverse lend-lease. Rarest item on their menu is
the egg. Combat crews of the air corps are the only ones to rate this
protein. Lend-lease credits pay for this food.
Claims Extortion
Nicholas M. Schenck, president of
Loew’s Inc., as he left federal court
in New York, after testifying that he
was forced to pay extortion money
to a ring of racketeers. Eight men
were on trial for the extortion of
more than $1,000,000.
Is the Sky the Limit?
Wearing oxygen masks and cold
weather flying gear, these men par
ticipate in an experiment to deter
mine heights to which fliers can
safely ascend. This is one of the
tests being conducted at the aero
medical laboratory, Wright Field,
Postwar Dream Girl
Dolores Moran, Hollywood, Calif.,
holds a picture of a soldier’s post
war dream girl painted by Private
James J. Fagan, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Men of the 13tth ordnance depot
base voted that she most closely re
sembles the dream girl.
Source of Vitamins
The demand for vitamins has
stimulated cod fishing at flaspe,
Quebec, Canada. Jean Colombo
(right) shows a friend a 50-pounder
be has caught.
Republicans Gain in State, City Elections
Republican and Democratic political strength Is apparently more on a par than It has been for many
years, according to results of the recent off-year state and city elections. GOP candidates won not only the
po^ts they were expected to get but also some they were not expected to get. Three of the victors are pictured
above. Left: Walter E. Edge, Republican, elected governor of the State of New Jersey. Center: Joe R. Hanley,
Republican, elected lieutenant-governor of New York state. Right: Simeon S. Willis, Republican, elected gov
ernor of Kentucky in a tight vote battle. Kentucky had not elected a Republican governor since 1927.
The recent election was said to have been the closest In that state since 1915. In Philadelphia, Pa., Mayor Ber
nard Samuel won over his Democratic opponent, William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to Russia and France.
Four Typical U. S. Fighters of the South Pacific
Left: U. S. A. of the U. S. N.—that'* U. 8. Aarnham, 24, a yeoman of the United States navy, pictured In
specting a box of junk jewelry on an island in the South Pacific. The jewelry was collected in Los An
geles for trading with island natives. Center: Sitting on top of their sleeping quarters are two marine anti
aircraft gunners who have shot down many enemy planes during the 140 raids they have helped to disperse
in two months. They are Pfc. Frank D. Doliard, 19, (left), and Corp. Robert Wolf, 23. Right: George Asl
makis, 29, a machine-gunner with the coast guard who took on a Jap in the jungle and scored with a left hook
to the jaw. But he was forced to resort to firearms when the Jap drew a knife.
Carrier Transports, Supplies Tank
riHfflnMWniFWnWWB'1 — II —.—...—
Wear and tear on our tanks is cut down considerably by this tank
recovery vehicle which carries the tanks up to battlefronts. Thus, they
enter an engagement with cool engines and full fuel tanks. The carrier
is 58 feet long and weighs over 40 tons. It is armed for protection against
enemy ground and air attacks. It carries enough ammunition and ra
tions to enable the crew to operate independently for four days. The
army has labeled this new craft the M-25.
The King Is Peeved; the Queen Dignified
Norman Nelson (left), 15 months old, appears to be on the verge of a
hearty howl as he poses for the cameraman after being named “Master
Chicago” at an annual baby contest sponsored by the Women of the
Moose. His attitude draws a look of disdain from the queen of the show,
Jacqueline Clark, 29 months old, (right), who dignifiedly accepts the title
of “Miss Chicago.”
Mountbatten in India
British Admiral Lord Louis Mount
batten (right), supreme Allied com
mander in Sopthcast Asia, is greet
ed by General Sir Auehinleck, com
mander in chief in India, as Mount
batten arrived in New Delhi. This
will be Mountbatten’s headquarters.
Opens CIO Meeting
—I.I —■■■ IIIIIIWI III & ,i
Philip Murray, president of the
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
opening the CIO’s sixth annual con
vention in Philadelphia. Pa. CIO
members now number 5.285,000.
For relief from the torture of simpt* I
Piles, PAZO ointment has been famous I
for more than thirty years Here’s why: I
First. PAZO ointment soothes inflamed ■
areas, relieves pain and itching. Second, I
PAZO ointment lubricates hardened. I
dried parts—helps prevent cracking and I
soreness Third. PAZO ointment tends I
to reduce swelling and check bleeding. I
Fourth, it’s easy to use. PAZO oint- I
ment's perforated Pile Pipe makes ap- ■
plication simple, thorough. Your doctor I
can tell you about PAZO ointment. |
She often used medicated mutton suet
—now many mothers use Penetro,
modem medication in a base contain
ing mutton suet. Rub on—double
action relieves colds’ muscular aches,
coughing. (1) vaporises to comfort
stuffy nose (2) outside, stimulates at
spot where applied. Get Penetro.
Ian money by
ordering beautl
<ut life-like
MARVEL plates,
by mall. Send
for Illustrated
folder showing
many styles Including the
popular transparent. FREE
Impression material sent
with Instructions on taking
your own mouth impress loo. Write I uuai.
Dept. S-N 343 8. Dearborn St., Chicago
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
The gaily enameled unit insignia
you see oh a soldier’s lapels and
overseas cap are reproductions of
his regimental shield displayed in
the center of the eagle on his reg
imental flag. It’s a part of U. S.
Army tradition. Traditional, too,
is the Army man’s preference for
Camel cigarettes. (Based on actual
sales records from service men’s
own stores.) It’s a gift from the
folks back home, that always
rates cheers. And though there are
Post Office restrictions on pack
ages to overseas Army men, you
can still send Camels to soldiers
in the U. S., and to men in the
Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard
wherever they are.—Adv.
_ ___!___A
Of the 125,000 communities In
the United States, 54,000
have no rail connection. They
depend on rubber tire* fair
their existence and their con
tacts with other communities.
They rely solely on buses,
truck* and pasienger cars.
Reduction of the national average
mileage of passenger cars to 5,400
miles a year through rationing has
proved an I mportont factor In rub
ber conservation. An Idea of how
this mileage Is regulated will be
understood when it Is known that
55 per cent of the country's cars
are operated on "A" gas ration
books alone; about 25 per cent
have "B," and 20 per cent have''C"
books for supplementary supplies.
Help Them Cleanse the Blood
of Harmful Body Waste
Your kidneys are constantly filtering
waste matter from the blood stream. Bus
kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do
not act as Nature intended—tail to re
move Impurities that, if retained, may
poison the system and upset the wholo
body machinery.
Symptoms may be nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puffinesn
under the eyes—a feeling of nervous
anxiety and loss of pep and strength.
Other signs of kidney or bladder dis
order are sometimes burning, scanty or
too frequent urination.
There should be no doubt that prompt
treatment is wiser than neglect. Use
Doan's fills. Doan’s have been winning
new friends for more than forty years.
They have a nation-wide reputation.
Are recommended by grateful people thn
country over. Ask your neighbor!