The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 11, 1943, Image 7
Marines Celebrate 168th Birthday—Fighting “In the air, on land, and sea” the men of the United States marine corps are fighting at America’s battlefronts over the world as they celebrate their 168th birthday. Left: On Guadalcanal marine artillery ex perts shell a Japanese position. Their weapon is a 75 mm. pack howitzer, a favorite with marines because of its mobility. Center: Lieut. Gen. Thomas Holcomb, the highest ranking officer ever to command the marines. He served in much of the heavy fighting of World War I. Right: On a lonely hill overlooking one of the numer ous Alaskan inlets, a marine machine gun crew is on the alert for any attempted landing by enemy troops. ‘Khaki Farmers’ Help Gather Matanuska Harvest I The American spirit of co-operation is clearly in evidence at Matanuska Valley, Alaska, where soldiers from nearby camps are helping farmers harvest the bumper 1943 potato crop. Top left: Soldiers operate ;the community’s unique digging machine designed by the farmers which digs potatoes, sorts them from the dirt, and drops the spuds in sacks. Top right: Two soldiers aid a farmer load sacks of potatoes onto his truck. Bottom: Nestled in the valley is the town of Palmer. Its main street is pictured here. New York Yanks Vote in Panama Jungle New York troops take time out from jungle maneuvers to go to the polls. In their camouflage suits they mark ballots which were returned in time to be recorded in the election returns of their home town. Left to right: Pfc. Lewis Tunkel, Bronx; Corp. Leo Kirshenbaum, Brooklyn; | Private Thomas Mitelli, New York City; Corp. Frances J. Hurley, Brook lyn; and (on tree) John D. Alesandro, New York City. Von Csata of Hungary on the Spot __■ As the United Nations press back German troops on all fronts, as Allied raids over Naziland increase daily, and as native populations or Hitler’s satellite countries revolt openly, puppet leaders of these little na tions are constantly on the spot. Gen. Ludwig von Csata of Hungary Is pictured explaining something to Hitler. Fancy Telephone Pole A statue on the estate of the queen of Italy serves a practical purpose as Corp. Melvin Jewell uses its hand to support a telephone line. The next day Jewell was fighting with the troops that forced the Germans across the Volturno river. Hero Salutes Hero Private George Moorfoot, an Aus tralian who fought with Americans at Buna, New Guinea, kneels at the grave of Yankee buddy located near their former battlefield. Sign of the Times in Southwest Pacific I toMp^ewi I me of them* todoosevilt Two entertainers and their chauffeur read a prediction by President Roosevelt on this huge sign posted along one of our invasion routes in New Guinea. Reading the message are Ray Bolger, atop the rear seat, “Little Jack Little,” left, and Col. C. S. Meyers. The entertainers have been putting on shows for the Allied troops In the Southwest Pacific. Ancient and Modern Locomotion in Italy Italian peasants with their bullock cart present a strange contrast to the lightning-fast, streamlined fighter planes of the Royal Air force at an air field near Naples. The bullock team was loaned by a local farmer to clear the field for use by the RAF. This is a typical example of the co operation Italian and Sicilian peasants have given the Allied armies as our forces steadily move northward toward Rome and Berlin despite desperate German resistance. Modern Armor for Knights at Sea Three views of the navy’s new battle dress. It protects the wearer , from small fragments, flash burns, drowning, and underwater explosions. It weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces, is made of gray-green poplin, covers the entire body except the face and hands, and is padded from neck to thighs. Many Zeros in Their Batting Average A few of the fighter pilots of the 14th C. 8. air force in China who broke up a big force of Jap bombers attempting to destroy the 14th’s air field. The total enemy loss was 15 bombers and 2 Zeros confirmed, 7 bombers and 2 Zeros probably destroyed, and 3 bombers and 4 Zeros damaged. The raid was attempted on Japan’s “aviation day." 1st Sea Lord Feted Admiral Sir Andrew Browne Cun ningham and Gen. Dwight D. Eisen hower are pictured as the admiral was saluted by bis men after he was appointed Britain’s first sea lord and naval chief of staff succeeding Ad miral Sir Dudley Pound. Grid Dean Honored Amos Alonzo Stagg, coach of the famed Pacific Tigers, receives a scroll from Dr. Rufus B. von Klein Smld, president of the University of Southern California, during a game between the two schools. Triple Sub Launching For the first time in ship launching history, three submarines were launched simultaneously. The scene was the Portsmouth, N. H., navy yards. Pictured is the ‘‘Pomfret,” one of the new submarines. Czech Minister Jan Masaryk, Czechoslovakia's minister of foreign affairs and lead er of that country’s liberation forces, is pictured as be arrived in the Unit ed States after a London conference. % 5 ® Y* T ^ »i U 25s 8 May Be Hollow "I’ve kept my head above water so far.” "Didn't you know wood floats?” Nowadays, where there’s smoke, they’re often jaytalkers playing with fire. Most Likely "And when I sing everybody :laps their hands.” “Over their ears?” THE ANSWER Defendant—I don't know what I’d have done if it hadn't been for yon. Lawyer—Time. 'Business Is—* When the youngster applied for his first job his mother went with him. After various questions, the prospective employer asked: “Are you truthful, my boy?” Before the lad could answer, his mother spoke for him. “Yes, he is,’’ she said; “but, of course, he understands that busi ness is business.” Here and There The bride had finished throwing dishes at her hubby, then started to cry. “But for one thing. I’d go home and stay with mother” she said. “If hat’s that one thing?” demanded her husband. “Mother's coming here to live with us. She’s left father!” How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell yon a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Newspaper Letters Some years ago, when it cost 25 cents to send a letter by mail, some people sent' newspapers in stead, at a much lower rate, and underlined words to form mes sages. Ship UsAUihe FURS YOU CAN TRAP This is one season yea should ship to the house that yon can rely ea • Our expert ending sets you every cent of value in your furs. Our checks have pleased 4 and satisfied thousands of trappers. Ne commission avar char gad. Check . mailed immediately. t dbip mil your catcb to L| HILL BROS. FUR CO. b 326 Clark Av«. Jf . BUST. LOUIS - "O^jjadC SNAPPY FACTS ABOUT RUBBER —<» Ceylon, Africa and tropical America are expected to pro vide the U. 5. with 54,000 long tons of crude rubber during 1943. In 1939, it Is estimated, 499,473 long tons of crude were imported by this coun try. Para, Brazil, was the first great rubber center. Founded In 1615, It became an Important port for foreign trade about 1775. A hun dred years later it was the rubber capital of the world. Rubber obtained from a na tive wild vine in the Belgian Congo made Leopold II of Belgium wealthy during the 1890-1910 period. Plantation rubber development killed the Congo vine boom. nM 4%