The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 11, 1943, Image 5

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    Livestock Men!
We believe that the buying demand for stack
ers and feeders will begin to taper off very
soon. If you have livestock to market this
fall, we suggest that you bring them soon—
while the demand is good and the outlet broad
O’Neill Livestock Com. Co.
Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebraska
(Continued from page Four)
of the peace. On Saturday even
ing, November 3, C. E. Butler and
Miss Edith Smith, both of Atkin
son, were quietly married at the
home of the bride’s parents, Rev.
J. A. Abbott officiating. Again on
Sunday, October 4, at the home
of the bride’s parents at Dorsey,
Claud Baldwin and Miss Hattie
Davis were united for life.
The Frontier, Nov. 15. 1888.
Pat Biglin and sister, Lizzie,
took Monday’s train for their old
home in Pennsylvana to spend
the winter.
Overflowing with joy at the
success of the republican party
in electing the national, state and
county tickets, the republicans of
this patriotic, flourishing little
city celebrated the event in a
most becoming and elaborate
manner on last Saturday evening.
In the ratification, which for
grandeur and magnificence has
not been surpassed or even equal
led in the history of O’Neill, they
were ably and generously assisted
by friends throughout the county
Mary, wife of John Hynes of
this place, died at their home yes
terday morning at 10:20 o’clock of
consumption, after a long illness.
Funeral services were held in the
Caholic church here, after which
the remains were taken to their
former home at Manchester, Iowa,
for burial.
The Frontier, Nov. 21, 1888.
H. C. Seelye has disposed of his
bakery and grocery business to
Mr. Bentley, the firm name being
J. Bently. The business will be
continued at the old stand.
The Frontier, Nov. 29, 1888.
The Holt County Bank has pur
chased of Patrick Fahy the lot
adjoining their building on the
east, the consideration being
Married, at the Potter house,
Monday evening, November 26,
J. C. Fanton of Marshalltown,
Iowa, to Miss Della Perry of At
kinson. Mr. Fanton formerly re
sided in Atkinson and Miss Perry
is the daughter of James Perry
of that place.
Fifty Years Ago
The Frontier, Nov. 2, 1893.
The First National Bank people
are having a cement walk built in
front of their building.
One of the hottest campaigns in
the history of the county has been
waged during the past month and
the result will be unknown until
the votes are counted next Tues
The Frontier, Nov. 11, 1893.
The populists carried the coun
ty last Tuesday, electing their en
tire ticket. Following are the of
ficers elected: Treasurer, J. P.
Mullen; clerk, William Betheu;
sheriff, C. W. Hamilton; judge,
George McCutcheon; superintend
ent, W. R. Jackson; coroner, B.
T. Trueblood; surveyor, M. F.
Joe Mann took a pleasure trip
to Boyd county this week.
Even populist Kansas has gone
republican. But then there is Holt
County division was defeated.
The vote on the question in some
townships was a surprise to many,
especially in this city, where there
were some forty votes cast for di
vision. The unofficial vote as far
• I S
/Meet Aimed Nelson
Alfred Nelson, up at Stambaugh, Michigan, is a "North West
ern” car foreman with a 30-year service record.
Men like Nelson have a deep sense of loyalty. Their country
must be served. But Nelson has four other reasons for carrying
on—his uniformed sons. Alfred, Jr. is an army lieutenant; Dick
is a staff sergeant; Bob’s a sergeant in the Coast Artillery; Don
is a private first class.
Stationed in the iron ore region, A1 is a mighty important mam
His uncanny ability to keep rolling stock in top condition helps
to move the thousands of ore-laden cars that pass through his
yards. Aud moving iron ore is a real job, for this is the precious
material from which guns, ships and tanks are made, as well as
most other fighting tools needed for victory.
Car Foreman Nelson represents a group of valiant, hard-work
ing, conscientious railroaders. Though far from the fighting
• i i • » ^
front, these men work day ana nignt
in freedom’s cause. Their vigilance
never relaxes — come what may, they
keep vital materials on the move.
MNorth Western” salutes A1 and his
four sons. We’re proud of them and
those thousands of other "North
Westerners” active on the Transpor
tation and Fighting Fronts. They’re
the kind of American citizens who
never call it "quits” until the things
they are fighting for are achieved!
as can be learned is: For division,
1254; against, 1112. This falls con
siderably short of the required
three-fifths and the young empire
will remain intact.
The Frontier, Nov. 16, 1893.
The Atkinson Graphic speaks
of O’Neill opposition to division
as “stubborn stupdity.” Certainly.
The burning of Doc Mathews’
beautiful home is a matter of re
gret to our citizens aside from the
pecuniary interests involved. The
building was an ornament to the
west side, and although it bears
no external evidence of havoc, the
inside is wrecked from center to
The Frontier, Nov. 30, 1893.
The governor’s staff, and per
haps his excellency himself, are
expected to be in O’Neill Monday
evening to assist in the organiza
tion of the O’Neill Militia.
Married, at St. Patrick's church
in Spalding. Nebr., on Thursday,
November 30. 1893, Richard J
Dwyer to Miss Catherine O'Neill.
The bride is the daughter of the
late Gen. John O’Neill in honor
of whom O’Neill was named. Mr.
Dwyer is the son of John Dwyer
of this city.
Mrs. Everett Young and little
daughters, of Atkinson, visited at
the home of Leon Beckwith sever
al days last week.
Joseph McDonald was a busi
ness caller in, Emmet Tuesday.
Floyd Butterfield, Carl Miller
and Walter Puckett were grading
roads near Pzuztorski’s the latter
part of last week.
Jim Foreman has finished his
schooling in Chicago and is mov
ing to an unknown destination,
and his wife, Shirley, is expected
Harry Werner, while picking
corn, got a weed seed in his eye
and had to have Dr. McKee re
move it.
District Superintendent Harold
Sandall, whose former home was
Bassett, spent Sunday with Rev.
and Mrs. Peacock. There was to
have been a meeting Sunday night
at the Methodist church but on
account of the storm, the people
did not get into town.
Grace Vaughn, of Duke, Mo.,
is visiting Rev. and Mrs. Pea
cock. She is their daughter..
Both Mr. and Mrs. Wood are em
ployed at Fort Leonard Wood,
The L. F. Berger children have
the chicken pox and are of course
out of school.
Mrs. June Luben went out to
the Robert H. Fox farm Tuesday
afternoon to visit writh the home
folks and her son, Melvin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox and
children Carrol and Gordon, were
visiting relatives at Hastings Sat
urday afternoon.
This last week George Pon
gratz’s cattle were out of their
pasture and Charles Fox’s horses
were also out of their pasture.
It would be very obliging if hunt
ers, both local and transient,
would close gates when they
enter pastures to hunt. That
would at least be partial pay
ment to the owner of the prop
erty for the privilege of hunting.
Miss Armilla Pongratz is not
teaching at present, as he is
entertaining chicken pox.
Mrs. Floyd Butterfield called on
Mrs. George Skokec Saturday
Tommy Strong is visiting his
mother, Mrs. Freda McMillan and
enjoying some Holt county hunt
Funeral services were conduct
ed Tuesday afternoon at the
Methodist church for Mrs. Jane
Enders, an old time resident of
this community. Mrs. Enders
passed away at the home of her
son, Roy, in Montana. Burial
was in Inman cemetery by the
side of her husband, who passed
away a number of years ago.
Mrs. Ted Hopkins returned Sat
urday from Sioux City, where
she spent several days with her
daughter, Norma June.
Rev. E. B. Maxcy had the mis
fortune to fall, breaking the bone
in his hip. The accident occurr
ed on Wednesday evening of last
week. He was taken to Lincoln
on Thursday in the Biglin ambu
lance and is now in the Bryan
Memorial hospital. It will be
some time before Rev. Maxcy will
be able to return to Inman. His
many friends here hope for a
speedy recovery and wish him
Mrs. James Gallagher enter
tained at a luncheon at her home
on Wednesday, November 3, in
honor of Mrs. Walesby, of In
dependence, Mo., who has been
here visiting at the home of her
brother, A. N. Butler.
The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist
church served lunch at the Briggs
sale on Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton, have
received word from their son. Cpl.
Graydon Hutton, that he is in
Bari, Italy. They had not heard
from him since September 10
when he was still in the United
Mrs. Alfred Walesby, who has
been visiting relatives here for
past several weeks, left for her
home in Independence, Mo., on
Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelley enter
tained their pinochle club at
their home on Saturday night
Berle Conger and Roy Hoxie,
of White Fish, Mont., were here
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jane
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson
and son, Roland, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Tompkins and chillren.
The Young Adult Fellowship
held its regular monthly social
and business meeting Thursday,
November 4. A pioneer Thanks
giving theme was carried out in
the entertainment. Pioneer songs
were sung, and a few games were
played, followed by reminiscences
of pioneer days by Mrs. C. D.
Keyes; and impromptu recollect
ions by Mrs. Eva Murtcn and Mrs.
Bill Kelly, Sr„ as well as by the
rest of the group. Cards were
sent out to our two hospitalized
members, Mrs. Herbert Rouse and
Rev. E. B. Maxcy and a cash gift
of $5 was sent with the latter’s
card. The entertainment com
mittee consisted of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Stevens and Mrs. Harvey
Tompkins. Attractive refresh
ments were served by the lunch
committee, Mrs. Bill Kelly, Jr.,
and the Misses Murl Keyes, Mil
dred Keyes and Zittella Kestcn
Mrs. H. F. Rakow was hostess
to the members of the C. L. C.
Club at her home Wednesday af
ternoon. Thirteen members and
four visitors were present and
spent the afternoon playing
“Bingo,” following which a lovely
lunch wes served. Visitors pres
ent were, Mrs. Blanche Venker,
Mrs. John T. Walker, Mrs. Albert
Kirchner and Mrs. Elsie Cork.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allen and
children, Robert and Mvril, drove
to Wood River Saturday after
noon and spent a couple of days
at the home of Mr. Allen’s sister,
Mrs. Clinton Burmood. They re
turned home Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen and
daughters, of Brady, were also
guests at the Burmeod home.
Mrs. Warren F. Wood and son,
Larry, left Thursday for Salina,
Kansas, where they will be with
Pfc. Warren Wood, who is station
ed at Smoky Hill Army Air Field.
Mrs. Frank Davis and son,
Bobby, who had spent the past
ten days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Singleton, left Friday
to return to their home at Craig,
Mrs. A. B. McClure and daugh
ter, Artha, returned Friday after
noon from Wayne, where Artha
spent several days taking treat
ment for a skin infection.
Lyle Adamac, who has been a
patient at the University hospital
at Omaha, returned to his home
in Page the lattejc part of the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hayne and
Mrs. E. A. Chichester went to
Wayne Saturday afternoon and
visited until Sunday evening with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Jerome Allen entertained
the members of the Bid or Bye
Bridge Club at her home Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Crad
dock received high score, Mrs.
Harold Kelly traveling prize, and
Mrs. Ivan Heiss low score prize.
Guests were, Mrs. J. K. Braddock,
Mrs. Harold Banta, Mrs. Bernard
Allen, Mrs. La Vern Finley and
Mrs. Robert Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Reige and
daughter arrived Wednesday af
ternoon from Lodge Pole, and they
will make their home on the Wm.
Riege farm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Riege expect to move to Norfolk.
Word from Mrs. Forrest Storm,
of Royal, who is a patient in St.
Joseph’s hospital at Omaha with
polio, is to the effect that she is
showing steady improvement.
Mrs. F. C. Tegeler, Mrs. Harry
Tegeler and son, Harold, and1 Mrs.
Otto Terrill and family, drove
to Battle Creek Saturday where
they joined other relatives help
ing Mrs. Anna Stolle, of Battle
Creek, celebrate her 65th birth
day anniversary. Mrs. Stolle and
Mrs. Tegeler are sisters.
Mrs. C. E. Wilbur entertained
the members of the Just-a-Mere
Club at her home Friday at a 1
o’clock pheasant luncheon. Fol
lowing the luncheon the afternoon
was spent socially and at various
games. Eleven members and two
guests, Mrs. O. L. Reed and Mrs.
O. B. Stuart were present.
Mrs. Frank Chmeler and daugh
ters, Bonnie, Sherry and Julie,
drove up from Norfolk Friday and
spent the week-end at the C. A.
Townsend home. They returned
to Norfolk Sunday.
Mrs. Orville Kemper entertain
ed the Chatter Sew Club at her
home Friday afternoon. Twelve
members and two guests, Mrs.
1. a. Anthony Wayne; b. Andrew fackson; c. George B. Mc
Clellan; d. Robert E. Leo; e. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
2. The Third Division.
3. Private.
4. Virgil's “Aenoid."
5. Wellington alone lost more than 15 000 men at Waterloo on
fune 18, 18IS; Meade's losses at Gettysburg fuly 1-3. 1863,
were 23.000.
6. Allied Military Government.
7. Wolfe's Cove is the landing place of Gen. fames Wolfe's
British army in the attack upon Quebec in September. 1759.
8. fudge Advocate General.
9. General Washington gained only three decisive operations—
the seige of Boston, the capture of the Hessians at Trenton
and the victory at Yorktown—under his personal command,
but in reverses he was a master in retreat.
10. Thirty-one casualties have occurred among American Army
chaplains since Pearl Harbor. In the World War 23 chap
lains in the F. vere killed or died of wounds, accidents
and disec >e -/ were wounded in action.
Bureau of Public Relations
II. 8. War Department
Army Service Force* are extending
their lines of supply foot by foot
from Assam in Eastern India,
across the northern Burma border,
toward the heart of China. Army
Engineers have cut and hacked a
highway through the lush, green
Jungle, biasing hillsides and bridg
ing rivers, streams and chasms.
Above, this native bridge on the
Ledo road was crossed by 21,000
refugees fleeing from Burma in
1942. These primitive spans are
giving way to substantial struc
tures erected by American Engi
neer*. Right, a new river bridge
In India. As an integral part of
the Ledo road, this bridge will
figure in the future United Nations
plans to retake Bruma and reopen
the Bruma supply line to China.
(U. S. Army Signal Corps photo.)
Roger Bowen and Mrs. Milo Laud
reth were present and spent a
social afternoon, after which re
freshments were served. The
next meeting will be with Mrs.
J. M. Kennedy in December.
Mrs. Maude Palmer, of Norfolk,
spent the week-end at the C. A.
Townsend and L. B. Taylor homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer
spent the week-end visiting with
Mr. Weyer’s parents at Ainsworth.
A birthday dinner was held
Sunday noon at the Merwyr
French home honoring the birth
day of Leonard Heiss, which was
Sunday, and Frank Vrooman’s
which would have been Monday.
Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Heiss, George French, Frank
Vrooman, Miss Rose Vrooman,
Charles Vrooman, Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Murphy and family and
Mrs. Doris Murphy4 and daughter,
Frank Vrooman passed away
about 1:45 a. m., Monday, follow
ing a heart attack at the George
French home. Funeral services
will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday
afternoon from the Venus church.
Word from Elvin B. Stevens,
A. R. M. 2-c, states that he is at
present located at the U. S. Naval
Air Station, Eagle Mountain Lake,
Texas. There isn’t much dust to
blow there and the climate is
pretty hot. Elvin likes his work
very much and is assigned to a
squadron where all the pilots
seem like swell fellows and he ex
pects to do quite a bit of flying
there. News from home is al
ways welcome too.
Corp. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
arrived last Tuesday evening
from Moses Lake, Wash., and
spent several days with her par
ents, Mrs. O. H. Matschullat. They
left Sunday morning for Camp
Drew, Tampa, Fla., where Corp.
Anthony will be stationed.
Pvt. Lorenz Nissen arrived Sat
urday morning from Farragut,
Idaho, and is spending a furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Nissen.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rus
sell were Mr. and Mrs. Hal De
Laucey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rost,
Mrs. Jennie Holloway and Wal
ter Snyder.
The Sophomore class of the
Page high school and their spon
sors enjoyed a theater party at
Ewing Wednesday evening. Fol
lowing the theatre party they en
joyed a lunch at the Green Lan
tern cafe.
The Page Project Club met
with Mrs. Harold Kelley Thurs
bersday, November 4, with twelve
members present. This was an
all-day meeting and a covered
dish lunch was served at noon.
The meeting was called to order
at 1 o’clock by Mrs. M. G. French,
the club president. Mrs. Ray Snell
and Mrs. Doris Murphy, leaders
A and B, had charge of the les
son on “Health.”
Aviation Student LaVern D.
Stevens, who has been shipped,
from Macalester College, St. Paul,
Minn., to Santa Ana, Calif., re
cently informed his wife he had \
been made an aviation cadet and .
was classified as pilot. He will
begin his pre-flight training soon
at Santa Ana.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allen and
children were guests Friday even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Larson at Creighton.
Miss Mary Mohr spent Sunday
in Atkinson visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr and other
relatives and friends.
Pleasant Day Club
The Pleasant Day Club met
with Mrs. Laura Sterns on No
vember 3, with nine members
present. After a covered dish
luncheon the meeting was called
to order by the president, Mrs.
Lulu Sterns. The leaders brought
us the lesson from the Green
Light L. B. 295, a bill that was
passed by the 1943 Unicameral
Legislature which enables coun
ties or groups of counties to es
tablish and maintain a local pub
lic health department for the pro
tection of its citizens. When we
learn that Nebraska is forty-eight
of all the states in regard to
health, surely it is time for us to
do something about it. Let’s all
pull together and get a local
health department.
Next meeting will be held with
Mrs. John Pinnt on Tuesday, No
vember 30.
Mrs. Helen Simar left Sunday
for Chicago on a business trip.
First Presbyterian Churck
Kenneth J. Scott, Pastor
November 14
10:00 a. m., Sunday School. Mac.
Sauers, Supt.
11:00 a. m„ Morning Worship
Sermon: “Come Over and Help
Us,” by the pastor,
6:00 p. m. Junior Christian En
deavor in the church basement.
Mrs. Voecks, sponsor.
7:00 p. m. Senior Chrisian En
deavor, followed by catechism
class and recreation period.
Tuesday, November 16, 8 p.
Missionary Society meets at the
home of Mrs. Hiatt. Mrs. Brown
is the leader.
Wednesday, November 17, 8 p.
m., prayer meeting at the home
of C. E. Jones. "Prayer change*
things.” Join us in this hour off
spiritual fellowship.
Preliminary announcement far
Union Thanksgiving Service tn
be held in the Methodist church
at 9 o’clock Thursday morninfc
November 25th.
This Flour Helps You Bake
I ...OtUMt 'footS
1. USE FRESH YEAST. Old compressed,
or dry veast that has been stored too
lone will not leaven bread, or at best.
Rives poor results.
3. SCALD ALL LIQUIDS. If you don’t
certain microbes may Interfere with
action of yeast.
kneadlnc. Stiff doueh rises slowly, and
If not allowed to bake thoroughly,
causes poorly flavored bread. Mother’s
Best Flour has high gluten content,
needs more liquid than most flours.
This saves you money, for you use
less flour.
until It Is smooth, elastic—doesn’t
stick to an unfloured board. Over
kneaded dough gets stlckv. does not
rise well. Under-kneaded dough causes
poor-textured, streaked bread.
B. USE GOOD FLOUR — Use Mother’s
Best. Gives you a loaf with sweet,
delicate flavor, smooth, close-knit
texture, snowy white slices and a rich
folden brown crust. This flour toss
urthcr—elves more loaves per sack!
6. LET IT RISE ENOUGH—but not to*
much. Over-rising causes poor flavor,
IKirous loaf, pale crust and crumble*
easily Under-rising gives small, flat
loaf dark crust with blisters lust un
der the crust.
cool an oven bread continues to riss
too long. In too not an oven breat
does not rise enough, crusts over St
once, or crust may even break.
soon as you take R from the oven,
place on racks so air circulates over
entire loaf. Quick cooling keeps breat
moist longer.
will mold quickly. Frequently scald a*
containers used for storing bread.
LY CLEAN, and In hot weather ster
ilize nil bread baking equipment 1*
boiling water.
If you are contemplating buying a farm we will
loan you fifty per cent of the purchase price.
Low attractive rates, prompt service, no red
tape. See our local correspondent or write
Kloke Investment Company