Gems of Thought There is knowledge of the way from walking in it, and a walking in the way through knowledge of it.—Swedenborg. Economy is the poor man's mint.—Tusser. It hain’t no use to grumble and com plane; It's jest as cheap and easy to re joice. When God sorts out the weather and sends rain, W’y rain’s mv choice. —JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY Man is created free, and is free, even though born in chains.—Schiller. He who toils with pain will eat with pleasure.—Chinese. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FEATHERS WANTED rrftTlirn<»OLD or NEW—WANTED.Tup H* U I 41 Years Satisfactory I Lft III LllW Dealing. Skip Hzprttt or Writ* PILLOW MFC. CO, 2219 Cole Street, St. Louis, Me. WANTED: GEESE. DUCK. PHEASANT body feathers and quills. We also buy dressed geese and ducks. Send to— FARMERS' STORE - Mitchell. 8. D. TIRES TIRES —ALL SIZES Grade I, II. Ill Permits WRITE KING TIRE CO. 424 8. Commerce - Wichita, Kan. _SEEDS WANTED FIELD 8EEDS WANTED. Brome Grass, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa. Red Clover and field seeds of all kind. Mail identical samples giving amount for sale. Top prices paid. Kollman-Warner Co, Inc, Norfolk. Nebr. CREMATION FOREST LAWN CEMETERY e OMAHA • CREMATION of the most modern type Write to us for booklet Leopard vs. Chimpanzee When attacked by a leopard, a chimpanzee can overcome its as sailant by biting its paws. Colds may lead, to serious Illness, If neglected! Rest—avoid exposure. And for usual cold miseries, take Grove's Cold Tablets. They’re like a doctor's prescription—that is, a multiple medicine. Contain tight active medic inal Ingredients—give prompt, deci sive relief from all these cold symp toms. Headache—body aches—fever —nasal stuffiness. Take exactly as directed. Get Grove’s Cold Tablets from your druggist—for fifty years known to millions as “Bromo Qui nine" Cold Tablets. Save Money— Get Large Economy Site Gorillas Here There are 16 gorillas in the Unit ed States. r YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM s (HOT rashes If you suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are a bit blue at times—due to the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly—Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It helps nature! Also a fine stomachic tonic. Fol low label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S compound ^Blllll - -- --~ I w*! JUST DASH IN FEATHERS.. _,_i Catgut From Spiders Silk taken from spiders provides the best catgut. WNU—U 45—H May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with ft* hurry and worry. I Irregular habits, improper eating and drinking—its risk of exposure and infee | tion—throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. i You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizeiness, getting up nighta, leg pains, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan's Pills. Doan's help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a I century of public approval. Are recom j mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your neighbor! Juvenile Fliers Learn Tricks Of Air Currents on Ground Schoolboys may be too young to fly real airplanes for their country, but they want to learn the principles of avia tion in a manner which approaches the thrill of the real thing. A California glider company and Aeronautical Engineer Vol mar Jensen have created a preflight glider which brings youngsters plenty of thrills and a basic flying technique with out risking their necks. With the glider, schoolboys learn to keep a steady course through rushing air currents. They do It on the ground towed by a car going 30 miles an hour. f i Breezing along behind the tow l car, the cadet above tries to pre vent the glider s wing tips from \ scraping the ground. Perfectly I controlled, the glider will roll i smoothly with tail up. Right: Use of these jigs simpli- | fies construction of the glider. f Wood parts are fitted in, nailed f and glued. The glider is made of | non-priority materials and can | be assembled by school manual | training classes. A control stick is f connected to wings and tail. Ready to match his technique against air currents, the student, above, informs the automobile driver that he is ready. Tow car pulls away and the 100 foot line is jerked taut. The glider zooms past an assembly of fellow students. Despite rushing air, it is level. The operator is controlling its balance, some thing that any pilot must master before he takes to the air. Below: Volmar Jensen attaches the rudder to the tail. He built several safety devices into the craft to eliminate the usual risks of preliminary glider instruction. Any ideas that the non-ascending gliders were “sissifietP were soon dispelled. It was quite difficult to keep a level course at a speed of 30 miles an hour. But most of them soon mastered this tech nique. Wings and rudder are removable for transportation purposes. Danger of Fire Lurks Constantly in Barns Hazards M ay Be Removed By Simple Precautions Bams generally house the farm er's most valuable livestock, equip ment and feed; yet, the barn is packed with fire hazards. But to all practical purposes, all of the major causes of bam fires can be eliminated if the farmer will prac tice simple precautions and be con stantly vigilant. The National Fire Protection association working with the Department of Agriculture, has compiled a list of these dangers. Cobwebs, dust and litter of all kinds should not be allowed to ac cumulate around fuse boxes where they may be ignited by short cir cuits or around high-speed machin ery where sparks can set them ablaze. Knotting of electric cords is dangerous as it may be the cause of short circuits. The main switch box should also be far enough removed from the lightning rod cable so that bolts of lightning cannot jump from the cable to the switch box, short circuiting the wiring. Inflammable roofs often are ig nited by chimney sparks, or sparks blown long distances from brush flres, bonfires or forest flres. For this reason inflammable barn roofs should be re-covered with fire-re sistant materials such as asphalt shingles or asphalt roll roofing. Lanterns should never be placed where an animal or a workman can kick them over. They should not be hung on a twine from a dusty and cobweb-covered ceiling. They should be kept away from drafts and away from any accumulations of combusti ble materials. It was a cow kicking over a lantern that started the great Chicago fire, according to tradi tion, and many a barn has been de stroyed in this way. Smoking should be prohibited in the barn at all times. It is even dangerous to light up a pipe or a cigarette on the way out the barn door, as the sparks may be blown back to ignite combustible stores inside. Workmen are also advised against carrying loose matches. Spontaneous combustion of hay is one of the most common barn fire causes. All hay should be properly cured before being stored in the mow and should be inspected fre quently for signs of heating. Roof leaks creating moisture will start the heating process in perfectly cured hay. In addition to these precautions, fire-fighting equipment should be kept on hand at all times to tackle any blaze that breaks out despite all carefulness. Each farm should have a long ladder, hose, buckets of water and sand reserved solely for fire use, and a fire extinguisher. To be effective these things must ,be kept in sound condition and in a spot where they are immediately avail able in an emergency. Clear Pecan Groves Clearing low producing trees and all foreign timber from a pecan grove often may double production in a relatively short time. Accord ing to J. F. Rosborough, horticultur ist for the Texas A. & M. college, this clean-up has the further benefit of aiding in the control of certain insects and diseases, and facilitating the harvesting of nuts. In all cases, however, it should be followed through with the elimination of stumps and sprouts. Released by Western Newspaper Union. THYROID EXTRACT When an individual is nervous, Jumpy, overactive mentally and physically, heart rap'd, the physi cian usually advises metabolism Or. Barton test shows the rate at which the body processes are working. In a case such as the above, the test will usually show that the body processes of this in dividual are work ing 15 per cent or more faster than normal. And the cause of this speed ing up process is an overactive thyroid gland. The treatment is rest and Iodine and if necessary removal of the thyroid gland by surgery or X-rays. On the other hand, where the in dividual is sluggish mentally and physically, is overweight, and skin shiny, the metabolism test will usu ally show that the body processes are working at a rate of 15 per cent or more below normal. The cause is an underactive thyroid gland and these patients are given thyroid ex tract daily to bring the rate at which the body processes work up to normal. The above symptoms of the over active and underactive thyroid gland describe what should be called advanced cases. What about cases where the symptoms are not so pro nounced? In the slightly overactive cases, rest of body and mind is needed, and in the slightly underactive cases some stimulation of mind and body is needed. Physicians have been finding many children in whom nose and throat infections, and also intestine disturbances and infections occur so often that they suspect some under lying condition of the body as be ing the cause. Dr. M. H, Stiles in "Archives of Pediatrics" (children’s diseases) states that because some children were having distension ol the abdomen and other symptoms pointing to a lack of thyroid Juice in the body, studies of the basal me tabolism were made in a group of 30 children and teen-age boys and girls, in whom there were persistent colds, bronchitis and inflammation of ears and of stomach and intestine. Of the 30 children studied, 90 per cent had basal rates below zero or less, and 60 per cent had rates of minus 10 or less, and for the whole group, the average rate was mi nus 11. Of the 30 patients studied, 18 were given thyroid extract. Of these 18, there were 15 who showed great im provement, and only three were not improved. Where, then, these symp toms keep occurring, the metabolism test might well be given. Excess Fluid in Body Puts Strain on Heart When the heart is beginning to fail, the first symptom noted is shortness of breath after exertion, and especially after eating. Palpi tation—hard beating of the heart— is another early symptom of a fail ing heart. Even lying down does not ease the shortness of breath or quiet down the palpitation for some min utes. Another symptom to appear in early heart failure is swelling of the ankles or of the other parts, espe cially the liver. The first thought in the treatment of early heart failure is to reduce the amount of work done by the heart by resting more, strengthen ing the power of the heart muscle yet quieting it if necessary. The drug used to strengthen the power of the heart is digitalis which not only slows, steadies and strengthens the heart action, but helps to drive the water from the tissues. The work of the heart is greatly reduced by re ducing the amount of water in the tissues. In Southern Medicine and Surgery, Dr. J. B. McLester, Birmingham, the noted food and nutrition authori ty, makes the following suggestions in the treatment of heart patients. “Weigh the patient every day; in crease in weight is the first sign of excess fluid in the tissues. The in crease in weight occurs several days before the appearance of liquid— swelling—in the ankles and other tissues. If the swelling (edema) is present or if the weight increases, have the patient stop using salt in his food and rest as much as possi ble.” Excess water in the tissues must be removed by use of ammo nium chloride, in 15 gram doses, three times daily for three days, if the low salt diet fails to remove it. • • • QUESTION BOX Q.—What is the meaning of re infection type of tuberculosis? Is there a cure for it? A.—Reinfection type of tuberculo sis means that tuberculosis has healed, but lung has become infect ed again. Treatment is rest of the lung. Q—Is the yolk of egg "butter fat?" A.—Tolk of egg is unusually rich In fat but it may not be classed as "butter" fat. SEWIN<3 CIRCLE 8314 12-20 8499 36-52 ^ For Every Day. V/fAKE this dress up for every day service—you’ll not get tired of it after constant wear. The pleasing bodice has just enough detail to make it always interest ing. • • • Pattern No. 8499 la In sizes 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46, 48. SO and 52. Size 38. short sleeves, requires 4% yards 35-lnch ma terial. , Hags Waist. 'T'HE princess dress has a way ! of hugging the waistline which turns out to be most flattering. Furthermore, the skirt, widening out at the hem, swirls as you dance. Could anything be more perfect? • • • Pattern No. 8314 Is in sizes 12, 14. 16. 18. 20. Size 14, short or % sleeves, re quires 4*/4 yards 39-lnch material. Hanging racks on cupboard doors are one solution to the need for additional storage space. • * • Make a sauce for cottage pud ding out of left-over fruit juice by dissolving cornstarch in cold wa ter and adding it to the fruit juice and cooking it for a few minutes. • • • Grape juice frosting is delicious and different. Put three table spoons grape juice into a pint bowl, then stir in 1 to 1% cups of confectioner’s sugar till mixture is thick enough to spread on your cake. • • • To dry a pair of silk stockings without creases or pin marks, clip a couple of clothes pins to a towel rack, slip the stockings over them and spread the pins apart to stretch and spread the hose smoothly. Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly moral time Is required In filling orders far a few of the most popular pattern numbem.' Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chicago Enclose 30 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No..Size.. Name .„„1.. Address .. TRY OVERNIGHT CARE FOR MISERABLE COLDS the way grandma did. She used mutton suet she medicated herself to relieve colds' coughing and muscle aches. Nona mothers just rub on Penotro. Has base containing old reliable mutton suet, with modern scientific medication added. 25c, double supply 35c. Get Penetro. ^BARBARA 1 1 STANWYCK J {§ war of L-iy H B u»ited jr^uioo®^ *'t \ $ \m *he ma"fuoi y^,taI,T^ I fi 'Tooth P*«?*£ ■ 3 use C»»° Kobbio*. lnC- ] S McKesson & ^ IK BridseP0"’0^ -0_M 1 ^ CMO* ffjj | You're helping out troop* when you tave ^ uted fat in your kit. then and turn it in to your meat dealer, j One pound of fat contain* glycerine for i 1.5 pound* of gun- <& powder.) _l