The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 11, 1943, Image 1

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    Renewal Of Motor Vehicle
Operators’ Licenses
Owen J. Boyles, assistant direc-1
tor of the motor vehicle division
of the state of Nebraska, calls to
the attention of all motor vehicle
operators that Operators’ Licenses
must be renewed every two years
from date of issuance of original
According to the reports from
the different counties, it is indi
cated that there are a consider
able number who are operating
vehicles in violation of the Ne
braska statutes.
Applications for renewal of Op
erators’ Licenses need not be made
in person, unless the original has
expired more than 90 days after
the same became due for renewal.
In all cases where the Oper
ators’ License is more than 90
days past due, the applicant for
renewal must appear before a pa
trol-examiner to take the exam
ination as required on an original
Even though the individual may
renew within 90 days without ex
amination, this does not authorize
him to operate a vehicle over the
highways of the state of Nebraska
after his license is delinquent.
Mr. Boyes therefore urges all
persons to check their Operators’
License to determine the expira
tion date.
Forty-two Children At
Clinic Last Saturday
Forty-two children were exam
ined by Dr. H. Winnett Orr and
Dr. J. A. Henske at the Ortho
pedic Clinic held in the O’Neill
high school last Saturday.
The doctors were assisted by
Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mrs. Lynus
Brennan and Mrs. John Osen
baugh. August Schneider, chair
man of the Elks committee for
crippled children, was present to
supervise the noon-day lunch fur
nished by the Elks Lodge of Nor
folk. One-hundred-eight luncheon
plates were prepared and served
by the following named ladies of
Circle Number 2 of the Presby
terian church: Mrs. Pete Hert
ford, chairman, Mesdames Moses,
Spelts, Marshall, Scott, Peterson,
Osenbaugh, Walling, Sauers, No
ble, Shriner, Toy and Henry.
Dollars-and-cents ceiling prices
for sales of new luggage at retail
and wholesale are fixed by Maxi
mum Price Regulation No. 476,
which became effective October
16, 1943.
The regulation requires manu
facturers to calculate retail ceil
ing prices for their products, and
to mark this price on a tag at
tached to each piece of luggage
they sell. Beginning December 1,
1943, it is illegal to sell luggage
at retail without such a tag at
tached showing the legal ceiling
price. You will not be asked to
calculate your own ceiling prices
on luggage shipped by a manu
facturer after November 1, 1943.
Items shipped to you before that
date will have to be tagged by
you after December 1, 1943.
Hospital Notes
L. G. Gillespie dismissed on
Miss Alice Bacon dismissed on
Mrs. Simon Bosn, a daughter,
born Monday.
Mrs. Daniel Page and baby dis
missed on Monday.
This office received a letter
last week from J. S. Kirwin, of
Boise, Idaho, enclosing a renewal
of his subscription to The Frontier
for another year. In his letter he
says: “I prize The Frontier more
and more as time goes on, as it
keeps reminding me of the many
good friends of the good old days
and the pioneers of Holt county.
My best wishes to all of those who
remember me, as well as the ones
I have forgotten.” Mr. Kirwin
was one of the pioneers of this
' county, coming here with his par
ents about 1879 or 1880 and was
for many years a resident of this
county. He has been living in the
northwest for many years, his
last visit to the “old home town”
being three years ago this fall.
The O’Neill Woman’s Club will
meet with Mrs. Cowperthwaite
on Wednesday November 17, at
2:30 p. m.
Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mrs. C. E.
Lundgren and Mrs. L. A. Burgess
entertained twenty-four guests at
a dinner Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Brown. Prizes
were won by Mrs. W. T. Spelts,
Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. George Mar
shall. Mrs. Henry Lohaus and
Mrs. Harry Peterson,
attends Wayne State Teachers
College, spent the week-end here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Higgins.
Pvt. Donald Lowery, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Lowery of this
city, has recently arrived some
where in Italy.
Pvt. William Biglin was recent
ly transferred from Camp Rob
erts. Cal., to Santa Rosa, Cal.
He is a member of the S. T. A.
R. unit.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Bob North,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott and family
on Sunday, in honor of Pvt. Chas.
Worth, of Texas and Sergeant
Robert Ott, of Newfoundland.
The first storm of the winter
season visited Nebraska last Sat
urday night and continued until
Tuesday. In this section about
six or seven inches of snow fell,
which was piled in drifts as a
thirty-five or forty mile wind
blew from the northwest for two
days and a half and the snow
was piled in drifts, at fence cor
ners, in hollows and gulleys and
in front and around buildings in
the city. One thing about the
storm it did not get very cold here,
the lowest being 16 above zero on
Monday night.
The storm was much worse
east of us, more snow and colder
weather. The snow fall in the
Sioux City area reaching about
one foot and was drifted in piles
and highways blocked. The Sioux
City- O’Neill bus did not operate
for two days. The O’Neill-Nor
folk bus was also idle for a day
on account of the storm. The
southeast portion of the state also
received a heavy snow fall and
roads were also blocked in that
section of the state.
The storm extended over a
large area reaching down into
Missouri. A few lives were lost
in the storm. A young man 23,
was in Bloomfield Sunday evening
and left there for his home,
about five miles from town. He
never reached home. His car
was found the next day on the
road not far from the highway,
but his body was not found until
Tuesday afternoon. He was mar
ried and the father of one child.
Other deaths from the storm are
reported from Iowa and South
Ellen Jane Enders
Ellen Jane Riley was born at
Lafayette, Wisconsin, on May 2,
1864, and departed this life at
Whitefish, Montana, November 4,
1943, at the age of 79 years, six
months and two days.
In 1880 she moved with her
parents to Holt county, Nebraska,
where her father settled on a
homestead 4 Vi miles south of In
man. She lived in Inman vicinity
the balance of her life with ex
ception of last four months, when
she went to live with her daugh
ter at Whitefish, Mont.
On March 10. 1885, she was uni
ted in marriage to Wilson Hoxsie.
To this union six children were
born. Mr. Hoxsie preceded her in
death, passing away in the year
She was united in marriage to
Charles Enders on March 4, 1897,
to which union was born one
daughter. Mr. Enders passed away
June 2, 1924.
In early life she united with the
Methodist church and had always
been a faithful worker for the
church and her Master, and to her
family. Her departure marks the
passing of another of the pioneers
who endured the early hardships
in the settling of Holt county.
Left to mourn her passing are
four sons: James Hoxsie of In
man, Nebr.; Arthur Hoxsie of
Sturgis, S. D.; Roy Hoxsie of
Whitefish, Mont.; Lemuel Hoxsie
of Vancouver, Wash.; one daugh
ter, Mrs. Hazel Conger of White
fish, Mont.; two brothers, Joe and
Minor Riley, thirteen grandchild
ren and a host of friends. **
Last Friday night, November 5,
under the lights at Carney Park,
St. Mary’s defeated Butte with a
score of 18 to 0.
In the first period of the game
the Cardinanls were really in for
victory for, with perfect blocking
from the rest of the team, Clark
ran over for a touchdown, which
made the score 6-0. That score
remained until the half, Butte
holding the Cardinals during this
At the beginning of the last
half the Cardinals again showed
good blocking and handling of
the ball and Clark ran over in
the first minute of the third period
making the score 12-0. The
Cardinals failed to make the extra
point either time. Clark again
went over for another score in the
same period and the score was
18-0 and again the extra point
was missed.
. During the fourth period Butte
held the Cardinals and the game
ended with a score of 18-0. Jim
Merriman, St. Mary’s quarter
back went out of the game in the
third quarter with an injured
On Friday night, November 19,
St. Mary’s will play their last
game of the season with Lynch
at Carney Park. It is going to
be a good game, for St. Mary’s
will try hard to close the season
with a victory.
The Weather
High Low
November 5_49 28
November 6_54 31
November 7.. 40 23
November 8_23 16
November 9_ 29 19
November 10 43 22
Precipitation .25.
Mrs. Homer Mullen spent the
| week-end in Scribner visiting her
husband and friends,
j Mrs. John Grutsch left Wednes
day for Sioux Falls, S. D., to visit
j her sister, Mrs. Claude Johnson.
Holt County Exceeds
War Fund Quota
Acting on instructions from
the state chairman of the United
War Fund the Holt county chair
man prepared the quotas for each
town and precinct in Holt county
on the basis of 42c per capita.
After these quotas had been as
signed, the committees appointed
and publicity given to the quotas
and appointment of committees
in Holt county, an announcement
from the Lincoln headquarters
raised the quota from 42c per
capita to 48c per capita, making
Holt county’s quota in the drive
$7,945.00. 1
Both the original quota and the
state quota have been oversub
scribed. In closing the campaign
the chairman for Holt county
wishes to thank all those who
worked so faithfully on commit
tees,, the publicity director, Ralph
Kelly, the newspapers that gave
such splendid publicity to the
campaign and finally all those
who contributed so generously to
this most worthy cause.
All funds collected as indicated
by the final statement, have been
remitted to the state headquarters
for the United War Fund of Ne
braska at Lincoln.
Chairman, Holt County United
War Fund Campaign.
Township Quota Donation
Antelope_$ 64.26 $ 75.00
Atkinson_258.72 306.03
Atkinson City-567.00 746.96
Chambers Village
and Township_306.60 345.00
Cleveland_ 75.60 160.37
Coleman_ 80.22 122.25
Conley_113.82 145.00
Deloit_169.26 146.75
Dustin_62.16 110.68
Emmet Village
and Township_147.00 180.97
Ewing __ 74.34 87.00
Ewing Village_286.02 394.45
Fairview_ 56.28 76.65
Francis_ 52.50 67.75
Golden _122.22 154.50
Grattan_310.38 413.99
Green Valley .. 88.62 147.60
Holt Creek_ 25.20 35.00
Inman _206.64 285.78
Inman Village- 86.52 111.55
Iowa_115.92 151.25
Josie_ 23.52 27.00
Lake _ 89.88 89.88
McClure _ 60.06 109.53
O’Neill City . 1063.44 1541.65
Paddock _ 166.74 195.67
Pleasant View_ 70.14 75.55
Rock Falls _120.54 132.50
Sand Creek . 94.92 204.16
Saratoga_ 71.40 107.50
Scott _ 121.54 170.00
Shamrock__ 59.64 67.50
Sheridan .-.— 152.46 208.50
Shields . 168.00 194.40
Steel Creek _108.78 116.10
Stuart _ 314.58 *221.52
Stuart Village 319.20 440.00
Swan __-__ 87.78 67.35
Verdigris _224.70 321.00
Page Village_ 140.70 150.00
Willowdale..— 95.76 95.50
Wyoming _116.34 279.68
Old Settlers’ Picnic
Donation_ 2.50
Total __ $9,077.02
♦Stuart Township incomplete.
The following donations have
been received since last week’s
report on the United War Fund
Ralph Beckwith -$ 1.00
St. Mary's High School-30.00
O’Neill High School _60.65
N. W. Bell Telephone Co. ...15.00
An error was made in last
week’s report in which a contri
bution of $10.00 from Dr. J. P.
Brown was omitted.
No Sale At The Local
Yards Last Monday
Owing to the storm here last
Monday, the sale at the local auc
tion yards was cancelled. The next
sale will be held Monday, Novem
ber 15. There will be five regis
tered purebred Hampshire boars
offered for sale at this auction.
Pvt. Fredrech E. Jungbluth de
parted Tuesday for Pittsburg,
Calif., to which camp he has been
transferred from Camp Perry, O.,
after spending two days visiting
his mother, Mrs. Margaret Jung
bluth, and other relatives over in
the Chambers country.
__ _ I
By Romaine Saunders
Atkinson, Nebr., Star Rt. No. 5
I heard of a voter the other day
who thought he had been voting
for Teddy Roosevelt.
No amount of pay ever made a
good soldier, a good teacher, a
good artist or a good workman.
John Ruskin said it a long time
ago, but was there ever a time it
was more pertinent than now?
Whatever the individual may
think of Lewis and his miners,
they brought both government
and mine owners to terms in the
sum of $1.50 per day wage in
crease, which will now be passed
on to “we the people.” Lewis gets
I results.
I have done seme ad writing
and a lot of ad setting. Not pos
| ing as the scientist, but I can see
very little appeal in the ads pre
pared by the war advertising
council and the U. S. treasury de
partment. Ad writing that gets
results is something different than
managing a war.
An explosion, a crackup, a dis
aster and life is needlessly sacri
ficed. Then an “investigation.”
The time to investigate, to make
sure, to protect those whose lives
may be placed in jeopardy, is
before disaster comes. Investi
gators after the thing has hap
pened are about as Useful as hon
orary pallbearers.
This from the Department of
Agriculture down at Washington:
“There is nothing quite like a
tossed weed salad, preceded by an
entree of burdock stems in bat
ter, topped off by cattail pollen
pancakes." They have put a lot
of things over on us but they can’t
get away with that. We’ll stay
by the buckwheats, butter and
A young woman left her purse
containing $23 and other valu
ables on the counter after pur
chasing groceries. Returning to
the store, discovered the purse
was missing and vreporttd it as
"stolen” at police headquarters.
Believe if I left a wallet like that
I wouldn’t care to advertise my
dumbness by calling the blue
Raymond Bly has secured the
old unoccupied residence at the
lower end of the John Bower
ranch, will move it to his ranch
and convert the building into a
barn. Mr. Bly has been appointed
assessor in Swan precinct, the of
fice having been made vacant by
the removal from the county of
Rafe Shaw, who assessed the
property in the precinct for many
Election results in the east add
emphasis to the political drift
away from the present setup in
the White House Yankeeland
must have its periodic political
house cleaning and it looks like
’44 is the year. The woods are full
of republican presidential timber,
while the new dealers have the
one old reliable. It will be a cour
ageous soul who ventures to take
over the heritage from the na
tion’s capital.
November. It has been written
about as melancholy, brown and
sober. It is also celebrated in song
as the happy season “when the
frost is on the pumpkin and the
fodder’s in the shock, and you
hear the kyouck and gobble of
the struttin’ turkey-cock.” It tells
of days of drifting clouds; am
ethyst, sapphire and jasper tints
bathing the horizon at the dawn
and twilight hour; of moon and
stars glowing from night’s purple
velvet; of wind scattering dry
leaves and rolling tumble weeds;
of trees raising nude arms to rain
and sleet; of long evenings when
a gale moans out of the north and
sucks at doors and windows; of
the warmth of firelight, the lure
“If they mean to have
war, let it begin here,”
Capt. John Parker cau
tioned his 60 Minute
men on Lexington
Green, just before they 2
fired “the Bhot heard |
round the world.”
Lexington Green
I Back the Att ack,Buy
an Extra $100 Bond
Czechs, Dutchmen,
Danes, Frenchmen,
Norsemen, now living
under the Nazi heel,
remember their free
dom and cherish their
lost memorials now re
placed by the black
Another Pioneer Passed
Away This Morning
J. K. Ernst, one of the pioneer
residents of the county and one of
its most highly esteemed citizens,
passed away at his home north
west of this city at 11:20 this
morning. He had been a resi
dent of the county for fifty-nine
years and was a little over 70
years of age. He had been in
poor health the past three years
but able to be up and around.
He is survived by his wife and
eight children, three sons and five
daughters. Arrangements for the
funeral had not been completed at
the time of going to press. An
obituary notice will appear next
Commercial Club Had
Good Meeting Tuesday
The O’Neill Commercial Club
held their regular meeting at the
Golden Hotel last Tuesday even
ing, November 9. There was a
large attendance and a very in
teresting meeting.
Committees were appointed to
arrange a meeting to entertain
the farmers and ranchers of the
territory around O’Neill, in the
near future.
A committe also was appoint
ed to again invite Santa Claus to
again visit the city with treats
for the chldren.
The possibility and advisability
of starting a Boy Scout Troup in
this city was also taken up and
discussed, but no definite action
was taken.
Farmers who are looking for
farm labor and especially corn
pickers are asked to make their
needs known to the County Agent.
Although some of these orders
.cannot be filled immediately,
quite often some out of the county
labor is asking for war work and
cannot be placed. To make the
most efficient use of what labor
is available, it is necessary that
both the farmer and laborer re
port their needs to this office.
of brown doughnuts and hot
cocoa, the pop of red apples when I
bitten in to. It tells of a horn of
plenty, of spiced pumpkin pies,
of Thanksgiving cheer, of a boun
tiful Creator who, in basket and
in store, has provided for us an- j
other season.
The week began with a bliz- \
zard. Brown shafts of grass slant
ed in the wind with drifting snow.
Horses in the open hung their
heads close to earth and stood on
an angle with the storm. Com- J
pared to ’88 it was nothing. Com
pared to a 1st of November storm
still earlier revived memories. My
parents had anchored their faith
and planted their family on Holt
county prairie. The house, ample
for size and habitable but not yet
finished. Barn and stock shelter
planned but lumber not yet
“hauled out.” That early autumn
storm caught us lone prairie dwel
lers with no shelter for the few
head of stock we had except a
pile of hay and a wagon. But
prairie cattle, like prairie home
steaders, were made of stern stuff.
The storm had abated by the next
morning and those cows shook
the snow from their backs and
went about their business of feed
ing. As the wind moans tonight
sifting the powdered emblem of
winter across the land the boy of
that distant day, again anchored
to Holt county prairies, sits by
glowing coals with every living
thing under his care abundantly
fed and sheltered. In a day or
two we expect to be around in
shirtsleeves again and the full
throated note of the hardy mead
ow lark will float from the top
of a fence post.
Mr. and flllrs. George T. Robert
son of Omaha, and Mrs. Richard
P. Orth, of Lincoln, were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
C. Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson
entertained the following guests
at their home on Sunday: Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. McElhaney of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. George T.
Robertson of Omaha, Mrs. Rich
ard P. Orth of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mrs. George Robertson, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Robertson and Ray
mond and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ernst and family.
Ffc. and Mrs. Robert Miles and
daughter, Betty Jean., spent Mon
day in Chambers visiting Mrs.
Miles’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Charles Berger spent from Sun
day until Monday here visiting
his brother, John and family, and
other relatives and friends. His
home is now in Houston, Texas.
Miss Margaret Higgins, who
Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian
church will meet this afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Anton Toy.
Mrs. Lula Quig is assistant host
Mrs. Clara Miles entertained
at a family dinner at her home
Tuesday evening in honor of her
grandson, Pvt. Robert Miles, of
Camp Abbott Oregon, and his
wife and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed and
daughter moved to Hastings on
Tuesday. Mr. Reed will leave
soon for the army and his wife
and daughter will make their
I home in Hastings for the duration.
Judging from the elec ion re- j
turns of last week in different
states it is evident that the rule
of the New Deal is about over, j
Thenext time the voters get a
crack at them they will be sent
to oblivion. There were not many
elections held this fall, but what
there were, the republican candi
dates were triumpant.
The republicans carried the
state of New York, electing their
candidate for lieutenant governor
with a majority of about 350,000.
The democratic candidate had the
support of the administration,
Jim Farley and the labor party,
but he went down to defeat. This
victory is especially gratifying
to republicans.
In New Jersey the republicans
elected their gubernatorial candi
date with a very nice majority,
which indicates where that state
will line up in the next election.
Philadelphia elected a republi
can mayor, despite the active
support of the administration of
the democratic candidate.
And old Kentucky also embrac
ed the republican elephant on
election day and elected a repub
lican governor and all of the state
officials except two. This is the
first time that Kentucky has gone
republican for many years and
clearly indicates the trend of poli
tics in the good old U. S. A.
O’Neill Nurse In The
Philippine Islands
The Daily Press carried a spec
ial message from Normugas, Port
ugese, India, the latter part of the
week, as follows: ‘‘Dozens of
Army Nurses left behind in the
Phillipines after the Japanese oc
cupation, have been administer
ing to the ills of interned Ameri
can civilians, repartriates who
arrived here aboard the exchange
liner Gripsholm. Among the
nurses in the Santa Tomas Camp
in Manilla is Madeline Ullom, of
Miss Ullom is the daughter of
Mrs. M. L. Ullom of this city and
has been in the Phillipines for
about three years, and was there
when the Japs captured the city.
Elaborate Plans Laid
For Induction Of WAC
Elaborate plans are underway
l for honoring the second unit of
the Nebraska WAC Company to,
be sworn in under the All-States
Plan. The unit, which it is hoped
will number 100, will be featured
in the Armistice Day parade in
Omaha, being the only group to
ride in jeeps.
Following the morning parade,
the Nebraska women will be
sworn into the Corps at a eere
j rnony at the Armory. They will
! receive their basic training at the
First WrAC training center, Fort
Des Moines, Iowa. The WAC
band from Fort Des Moines will
participate in the parade.
Applicants may choose their
branch of service — air corps,
ground forces or service forces.
Faced with a drastic need of
women' for vital behind-the-lines
! services, the Army Air Forces be
gan this week an intensive cam
j paign to enlist 46,000 recruits im
mediately in the Women’s Army
I Corps.
I In stressing the urgency of the
' need for “Air WAC’s," recruiting
officials pointed out that com
I manding officers of AAF instal
lations had requested many thous
ands of additional women to per
form scores of specialized jobs.
Nebraska women who volun
1 teer for the air corps will train
with a Nebraska Company during
the six weeks of basic training,
at the end of which they are as
signed immediately to an air
corps job.
We have just been informed
that arrangements have been
completed whereby army trucks
, will be collecting scrap in Holt
county in the very near future.
This plan has been very success
ful in adjoining counties and we
believe the time has arrived for
all scrap to be moved. Do not be
misled—and think the Army is
“buying” scrap.
Holt County Scrap Committee.
Harry E. Ressell, Chairman
Miss Jean McCarthy went to
Omaha Wednesday to spend Ar
mistice day visiting relatives and
Miss Margaret Teel, Texarkana,
Arkansas, spent last Thursday
here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
I Sergeant Louis Peter, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter of this
; city, has arrived somewhere in
Pfc. Verne Eppenbach returned
to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., last
Saturday after visiting his mother
and other relatives and friends.
Pfc. Luther Schulz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Schulz of this
| city, has recently been transferred
from Louisiana to Los Angeles,
■ California.
Mr. and Mrs. Appleby of Oma
ha, and daughter, Mrs. Gene
Saunders and baby of Portland,
Oregon, arrived Saturday to visit
relatives and friends here.
Miss Grace Suchy and Miss
Helen Bowers spent Armistice
Day in Norfolk visiting friends.
Lots Of Home Canning
In Holt County
A report which will be of inter
est to Holt county people was
tabulated at the county agent’s
office last week. 140 members of
Women’s Project Clubs reported
they had preserved, by different
methods, food totaling 70,327
quarts which is an average of 500
quarts per family, ^canned since
April, 1943.
These women reported they had
preserved 22,194 quarts of vege
tables by canning, 1427 quarts by
freezing, 322 by drying, 7026 by
storing and 753 by brining.
The same 140 homemakers re
ported canning 16,562 quarts of
fruit and 4,980 quarts of meat,
while 17,063 quarts of meat were
preserved by freezing.
Well over 50 per cent of those
reported the family food supply
was improved in 1943 by making
changes in home food production.
This report, covering a represent
ative group of familes over the
county, gives a good idea of the
contribution of rural people to
the food supply of the nation as
well as the saving of ration points.
Farmer Ownership
The Goal Of P.C.A.
Orderly return to the Treasury
of government capital in Produc
tion Credit Associations was the
main topic of a state-wide con
ference of Production Credit rep
resentatives held in Omaha on
November 4th, according to D. C.
Schaffer, president of the O’Neill
Production Credit Association,
who returned from the meeting
last Friday.
“Reserves and capital struc
tures of the associations were an
alyzed,” said Schaffer, “and the
generally favorable financial con
dition of the associations, along
with present favorable prices and
unlimited demands for farm pro
duts, indicates that now is the
time to start plans for return of
government capital in the Pro
duction Credit associations.
“Production Credit associations
have now been operating for
ten years,” Schaffer commented.
“That period has been one of
steady growth in membership and
constantly improving credit ser
vice to farmers. The ‘getting on
our feet’ period has passed and
the great majority of the associa
tions now want to get on the basis
of farmer ownership and control
of the short-term credit coopera
tives which the Farm Credit Act
intended when it established this
credit service."
Schaffer said other topics dis
cussed at the planning conference
were annual meeting plans for
the associations, which will cele
brate the tenth anniversary of
their establishment, wartime cred
it needs of farmers and discussion
of the Nebraska farmers’ and
stockmen’s problems in meeting
war food goals.
The O’Neill Production Credit
Association president said the ex
act date of the association’s an
nual meeting will be announced
i later.
James W. Rooney, secretaiy
treasurer of the O’Neill associa
tion, accompanied Mr. Schaffer
to the Omaha meeting.
Allowances Granted
Dependent of Women’s
Reserves; $50 Month
Enlisted personnel of the wom
en’s reserve of the Navy, Marine
Corps, and Coast Guard became
1 eligible November 1, 1943, for the
benefits of the new family allow
ance authorized for service peo
ple by an Act of Congress—on
virtually the same basis as the
enlisted men of those services.
If the enlisted woman has a
jhusband dependent upon her for
| chief suport, $50 per month is al
lowed. Should she has a parent,
brother or sister dependent upon
her for a substantial portion of
support (authorized only while
there is no allowance payable to
any Class B-l dependents), they
are her Class B dependents and
are allowed an aggregate amount
of $37 per month. If. however,
she has a parent, brother, or sis
ter dependent upon her for chief
support, they are her Class B-l
dependents—and, in any month
payment is authorized, one par
ent receives $50, two parents re
ceive $68.
Family allowances for members
of the women’s reserve can be
based upon new applications only, ,
and not upon those filed before
November 1, 1943. There is also
an “Initial Family Allowance” for
personnel entering active service
on and after that date which is
payable for the month of entry
into active service—if the appli
cation is filed 15 days after the
entry in pay status.
John Connolly, of Los Angeles,
Cal., arrived Tuesday morning to
spend a few days visiting relatives
and old time friends. John had
quite a time getting here, being
marooned for two days in Sioux
: City on account of the storm, and
I finally got here by going from
! Sioux City to Omaha and from
! there here on the Northwestern.
Mrs. Ed. Campbell entertained
i the Martez Club at a 7:00 o’clock
dinner at the M and M Tuesday
evening, followed by cards at her
home. Mrs. Max Golden, Mrs.
Henry Lohaus and Mrs. Hugh
i Birmingham won high score. „