The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 04, 1943, Image 1
The Frontier _ . .. - -—— LXIV O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1943 NO. 26 _- ___ . -- - —1 O’NEILL OVER TOP IN WAR FUND DRIVE Following is an account of con tributions by O’Neill’s citizens during the recent United States War Fund drive. The campaign was in charge of Rev. Kenneth Scott who handled all details of the drive in a very efficient man- i ner. He was assisted by members ! of the committee: Mayor Kersen-! brock, Ted McElhaney, Edith Davidson, A. E. Bowen and Dr. O. W. French who made the col lections in the business district. In the residential section of O’Neill the following acted as solicitors: Mrs. F. N. Cronin, Miss Berna dette Brennan, Mrs. Hugh E. Coyne, Mrs. Tom Green, Miss Anna McManus, Mrs. Leo Mullen, i Mrs. Mabel Gatz, Mrs. Gerald Graybiel, Mrs. Letta M. Sexsmith, Mrs. John Osenbaugh. The drive amounted to $1450.00 which oversubscribed by $386.56 the assigned quota of $1063.44. Herewith is the list of the names and amounts subscribed: Donations of $25.00 Art Cowperthwaite, Dr. O. W. French, Tri State Produce, J. A. Mann, Biglin Bros., Harding Cream Co., Ed Gallagher, Asimus Bros., J. D. Cronin, Jj J. Harring ton, O’Neill Livestock Commis sion Co., Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mer riman, W. J. Froelich, H. J. Bir mingham. Donations of $20.00 Coyne Hardware, Seth Noble. Donations of 15.00 Midwest Motor Co., Brown Mc Donald Store, O’Neill National Bank. Donations of $10.00 L. A. Burgess, C. W. Porter, Ralph Walker, J. B. Ryan, R. W. Weisser, O’Neill Photo Co., Ray Shellhammer, A. E. Bowen, Ralph Leidy, O’Neill P. C. A., Central Finance Co., Spelts-Ray Lbr., Co., Dewey Schaffer, H. J. Hammond, J. C. Penney Co., Msgr. J. G. Mc Namara, Rev. Kenneth Scott, Helen Sirek. Donations of $8.00 Council Oak Ssore. Donations of $6.00 H. A. Yocum. Donations of $5.00 Beatrice Harris, Ted McEl haney, James W. Rooney, Mrs. Ed Flood, A. A. Hiatt, Chet Calkins, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Park, Stan nard Store, Frank Pruss, C. H. McManus, Shelhamer Oil Co., L. %. D. Putnam, F. B. Harty, Jack Vin y cent, Stanley Soukup, Frank Clements, Harrison Bridge, Gold en Hotel, C. E. Stout. Ed Camp bell, O. M. Herre, H. L. Lind bers, D. R. Mounts, Tim Harring ton, Ben Harty, Edith J. David son, Jas. Davidson & Sons, Mrs. M. R. Sullivan, J. B. Grady, F. N. Cronin, J. Ed Hancock, Mabel Mc Kenna. W. F. Finley, L. W. Reimer, R. G. Tomlinson, R. E. Moore, B. Rentschler and Anna O’Donnell, P. J. McManus, Ralph Rickley, K. D. Fenderson, Anton Toy, B. T. Winchell, Harold E. Weir, McDonough Paint Store, John Kersenbrock, Gatz Bros., Miss Elsa Raabe, Anoka-Butte Lbr. Co., Lawrence Jonas, Rev. Daniel Brick, Leo J. Mullen, Mark Howard. Mary E. Carney, Mrs. Jim Corkle, Vic Halva, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs Chris Yantzi, Mrs. Jim Kelly, Lorain Will, Ira George, Donations of $4.00 Mrs. M. F. Scharping. Donations of $3.00 Anna Donohoe, Miriam Kubi chek, Paul W. Moreman, Kathryn Wood, A. P. Jaszkowiak, H. F. Gilday, W. B. Gillespie, R. B. Mellor, Fred Saunto, E. F. Quinn, Esther Harris, G. C. DeBacker, Miss H. Gallagher, Helen Mullen. M. H. McCarthy, Paul Beha, J. D. Osenbaugh, Mrs. Fred Lowery, Ted Rustemeyer, Mrs. Levi Fuller, Rev. R. Koepp. Donations of $2.50 Thad E. Saunders, H. L. Bennet, Elizabeth Harbottle, Edna Couch, (Continued on page Eight) L. G. Gillespie Injured In Car Crash Monday ♦ L. G. Gillespie met with an ac cident last Monday morning, while on his way to a fire down near the Northwestern tracks, the bulk station of the Lindberg Pe troleum company. Mr. Gillespie was riding in the car of Mr. Wells, an Omaha insurance man, when a small truck of the Wallace Oil company and driven by Mr. Banks an employee, while on the way to the fire, struck the Wells car, near the front of the car, throwing open the door and Mr. Gillespie was thrown from the car to the pavement, severely bruised and badly shaken up, although no bones were broken. He was taken to the O’Neil] hospital where he is still confined and will be there probably another week. The car was severelly damaged and has been sent to Omaha to be repair ed. The small truck was not badly damaged. From what we have been able to learn the Wallace car did not stop at the stop sign, coming on to Fourth street, and crashed into the Wells car going south on Fourth street, about the center of the street. The truck was going east on Clay street Births Mr. and Mrs. Hurtig, of Page, a boy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Fenish, a girl, Monday. v'f - Delinquent Registrants Will Be Rounded Up Delinquent registrants were warned on Thursday of last week of an intensive crackdown plan ned by the Nebraska Selective Service. Effective November 1, local boards will turn over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Attorney for prosecution the cases of all registrants between 18 and 38 years who failed to report in re sponse to induction orders, Additionally, the boards will prepare to induct as soon as pos sible, without regard for order number or dependency, all eli gible men who failed to keep their boards informed of changes in address and jobs, or to respond to classification questionnaires. Accoring to Brig. Gen. Guy N. Henninger, local boards also have orders to publish after Novem ber 1 the names of delinquent registrants.—From Omaha World Herald, dated October 29. Boys Inducted In Service October And November The following named boys were inducted in the Army and Navy in the month of October: Army Lloyd Eugene Retke, Atkinson. Duane Henry Dorr, Page. Richard George Smith, Cham bers. Navy Roy L. Ries, Atkinson. The following named Holt coun ty boys to be inducted in the month of November: Atkinson Francis Ferre Davis Paul Delmar4 Parshall Ivan Bernard Bacon Charles Jerome Ford Charles Harold Kubart Ivan Allen Kliment Freddie Harold Niebauer Nicholas Sylvester Schmit Ralph Kenneth Seger O'Neill Robert Henry Lamb Jack Alfred Dailey James Anthony Arbuthnot Percy Albert Watenpaugh Clifford Wayne Bridge Edson Leon Sargent James Francis Hood Joseph Wesley Conorro Francis Joseph Musil Stanley Joseph Peters Amelia Grant Leland Price George Lloyd Enbody Ralph Raymond Barnes Middlebranch Dale Arthur Waring George Grant Hendrick Eugene Clark Hansen Page Lloyd Cork William Earl Sorensen Edwin Gilbert Grubbs Stuart Leonard Colson Lonnis Edward Otto Chambers Willard Ervin Thomson Iven Casper Walter Ewing Richard Roy Pruden Spencer Mervyn Everett Asher MORE JEFFERS, AND FEWER PROFESSORS One of the most outstanding feats in war production was done by William M. Jeffers, of Nebras ka, former rubber director, in building up facilities to supply this nation with synthetic rubber. In about a year he had the pro gram completed and the rubber rolling out. He then resigned and went back to his job of rail roading. Shortly after he resigned it was suggested that he had better re turn and see that tires were made out of the new rubber supplies available, as tire companies claim ed they were short-handed. In reply, Mr. Jeffers said he finished the job he was chosen to do—get rubber; that the shortage of man power in the tire industry is not nearly as serious as on American railroads. He said that in his let ter of resignation to the Presi dent, he told him there was a shortage of tire fabric for which the War Production Board was responsible, and that the question of manpower shortage had been repeatedly called to the attention of the War Manpower Commis sion. He said that Colonel Dewey and others who worked with him on the rubber program, under stand it throroughly and that if Dewey will demand the ultimate in support of the rubber program from the rubber companies, the War Production Board, and from the War Manpower Commission, the rubber program will come through. “There are practical men in the OPA who, if given the opportunity to head up the rub ber problem within the OPA, will do a job.” The Jeffers philosophy of get ting production, which he did with rubber, one of our most scarce articles, is what this Na tion needs more than policies and theories which promote short ages. Bounteous supplies, reason able profit, and such regulation as is needed to prevent profiteer ing, is the real American way of doing business. We need more Jeffers and fewer professors. The Lions Club held a business meeting at the Golden Hotel ] Wednesday evening. CREDIT DUE LOCAL MERCHANTS Probably no business has had more burdensome detail to com ply with in carrying out rationing and price regulations than hdve the retail stores of the country. Almost overnight, their buying and selling methods were revolu tionized, and their banking and bookkeeping greatly complicated. On top of that, they have faced a manpower shortage more serious than most businesses. Only the inbred ingenuity and determina tion of the American merchant could have met the impact of such drastic changes, and at the same time maintained service to con sumers. Official data appears to demon strate that retail food distributors have fared worse and performed better than other more articulate and better organized groups. Chain food distributors are in a large measure responsible for holding the “Cost of Food Index” at a relatively low level com pared to average earnings of Uni ted States labor. It is apparent from the Index figures that retail food distribu tors cannot properly be charged with “profiteering” and the Index may well indicate the justifica tion for certain price adjustments. It is but fair to give credit to any industry that has made such a record as have the food stores under such drastic operating con ditions as they must meet. Armistice Day Program Parade at 9:30 a. m., with the O’Neill High school band, school children, members of the Ameri can Legion and men in uniform. Following the parade there will be a program rendered at the School Auditorium, consisting of: Band Concert Vocal selection, Students of St. Mary’s Academy. Vocal selection, Students of the O’Neill High school. Address: According to an agreement sign ed by the busines men of the city some months ago, most of the business places of the city will be closed on Armistice Day, Thurs day, November 11. Foot Ball game at 2:30 at the Park between O’Neill High and the Neligh High school teams. At the half, during the game, there will be a very impressive program put on at the grounds by the O’Neill High School band and the members of the American Legion. DATES’WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT Processed Foods: Blue stamps X, Y and Z good through Novem 20. Green stamps A, B and C (Book 4) good November 1 thru December 20. Meats and Fats: Brown stamp G good October 24 through De cember 4. Brown stamp H good October 31 through December 4. Brown stamp J good November 7 through December 4. Brown stamp K good November 14 thru December 4. Sugar: Stamp No. 29 in Book 4 good for five pounds November 1 through January 15, 1944. Shoes: Stamp No. 18 in Book 1 good for one pair indefinitely. Airplane No. 1 stamp in Book 3 good November 1. Fuel Oil Period No. 1 coupon in 1943-44 sheets good for 10 gal lons per unit through January 4, 1944. Period No. 2 good Novem bed 30 through February 8, 1944. Period No. 3 good November 30 through March 14, 1944. Gasoline: Coupon No. 8 in A Book good for three gallons each through November 21. Only B and C new type coupons with words “mileage ration” printed on the face aer good for supplement al gasoline purchases at rate of two gallons each. All coupons must be endorsed immediately. Tire Inspections: For B Book holders, must be completed by February 28; for C Book holders, by November 30; for A Book i holders by March 31, 1944. Late applicants for War Ration Book 4, apply in person at your local board and present War Ra tion Book 3. ____ I Ibreezes from > THE SOUTHWEST By Romaine Saunders j Atkinson, Nebr., Star Rt. No. 5 Down there at state headquart ers they have Holt county listed w'ith a few others as “past the half-way mark” in the war fund drive. I understand it should be listed past the goal. It is not like Holt county to do things by halves. The groups that make up the faculties of our schools have been regarded as conservative and mentally balanced. It is some thing of a surprise that at their state and district meetings the teachers took a hand in the “post war” mess. It is the sacred privilege of the Yankee to approve or con demn. The right to criticise too often is untempered with a duty to construct. Public criticism of a congress comprising a group of “yes men” has resulted in the public constructing a congress no longer dominated by Punch and Judy. Among quite some crowd of men and women at a sale, the latter had away and far the best of it with clean faces and neat attire. Many men were dressed in slouch clothing, unwashed and unshaven faces, brown tobacco stains forming lines through the stubble on dirty chins. Shave and wash up, brother, that we can make a better showing by the side of the leaders. Department store ad writers are outdoing the circus boys in the use of superlatives. Here’s a few from a city store ad: The bright er the better—an unexpected zing with color this season! the subtle flattery of lovely furred coats; sparkle trimmings distinguish after-dark styles; other chuck frocks. Evidently there are enough dizzy heads even in this tragic hour to make this line of gaff pay. The condensed Gothic type— like the Axis—are definitely on the way out. It was said of a Roman conspirator that “yon Cassius hath an leah and hungry look.’’ So hath the condensed type, like an ill-fed cow that barely makes it through till spring as thin as a rail. The type is neither handsome nor easily read. Down in the city I did the poster work for an entertainment organ ization whose manager rejected “slim type” with forceful words. The Frontier has consistently | stuck to the Caslons, of which there are no better faces either for readibility or art work. It j stems back to Doc Mathews, founder of the paper, who selected the Caslon for his masthead. Another expensive dream has evaporated into the mists of for gotten losses. This paragraph from the Lincoln Journal tells the doleful tale: Commenting on the sale for nominal prices of the expensive houses put up on the Falls City homestead now being liquidated, Hyde Sweet says: “The intention was to take a group of human failures, install them on ten acre plots, furnish them with modern, well-equipped homes to spur up their morale, and presto, make them into No. 1 farmers, garden ers,‘vegetable growers overnight. Those new deal promoters forgot that a ne’e-do-well in private endeavor cannot be transmuted from the dross of inability into the pure gold of efficiency by passing la ws, raking dough out of the treasury and handing it, over to them willy-nilly.’* Someone has said that if a min-; ister’s living fails to teach his teaching fails to live. Over a period of time I have had the priv- , ilege of the instruction and | preaching of priest and preacher of nearly every shade of belief as : well as the Jewish rabbi. Some ! BONDS OVER AMERICA * « * On the fringe of West Virginia’^ Bethany College it an old white frame house, the home of Alexander Campbell a century ago. Son of a Presbyterian, he founded the Dis- . ciples of Christ. Home of Alex Campbell Back the Attack With War Bonds H. Trotter, chief Nazi labor recruiter in Bel gium has just said: “The church in its protest against labor deporta tions is taking a politi cal action which has nothing in common with religion.” Can Still Apply For Ration Book No. 4 Persons who were unable to make application for and receive War Book 4 during the school registration dates were advised by M. E. Rawlings, district direc tor of the Sioux City office of the Office of Price Administartion, that they could make late appli cations at their Local War Price and Rationing Boards after Octo ber 31. Mr. Rawlings also called atten tion to the fact that A, B, and C green stamps in War Book 4 be come valid for processed foods on November 1. notables like E. Stanley Jones and the late Billy Sunday, many humbler brethren of the sacred calling — some inspiring, some with a gripping message, some dull and lifeless. The first preach ers to be sent on a mission had a brief message. “ And as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The message was brief. Seven words. But the message had something to do: “Heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out devils.’ A mission of deeds, not words. We live today in a world-of words. Church groups that are doing the most to herd sinners toward the “kingdom of heaven” are doing something besides talking. The first message was brief; the last message is likewise brief: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come.” The winter’s stock of fuel is stored away, bags of potatoes stacked up, every glass jar and bottle to which tops could be fitted filled with fruit and vege tables, along with “processed foods” according to stamp quotas in reserve. Jonathan and Ben Davises scent with apple fra grance a storage corner and the lady of the house—an artist with thread and needle—has patched and put buttons on my old unions. October drew to a close with a snow fall, emphasizing the import ance of all these winter provis ions out on the prairie land where you can be “snowed in” for weeks at a time. It is not hoarding but the customery forethought for the cold months ahead. Follow- , ing a night and day of rain, dense clouds through which neither sun nor stars appeared, flash of light- 1 ning and crack of thunder intro-, duced a snow fall. After many days of prolonged sunshine that touched the prairie with the gor geous tints of autumn an inch or more of moisture seasons the soil; for the annual freeze lip- The staccato note of prairie wolves warned of weather changes. The snow soon melted and sank away. Before dawn Tuesday the morn- j ing star looked down upon a land scape dusted with hoar frost and i an hour later the sun introduced a calm, clear day. A cordial and interesting letter was received last week from Montana Jack Sullivan. While in O’Neill the past summer he had planned to visit us but was unable to do so and now writes that he hopes to realize the fruit ion of these plans “the next time I go back home.” Much of the pleasure of life centers around our expectations, occasions we look ahead to. Now I have some thing to anticipate which an al ways uncertain future holds in store. “I enjoy your description I of the prairie,” to quote from the letter, “and your description of the cloud effects are inspiring.” i There is no greater compensation for humble efforts than the sin cere words of a friend. I quote! again from the letter: “The clos est I ever came to your ‘Home on the Range,’ was on a hunting trip, the last, I think I made dur ing the Prairie chicken era. My companions were a bunch, of died in the wool hunters, Jim O’Don nell. Charles Stout, Father Isadore (Dick Dwyer), and the Enright boys. I remember the flowing wedls, the white faced cattle and the endless stretches of meadow land. The warm welcome we were given by the farmers where ever we stopped to get a drink of water. Everyone we talked to wanted to do something for us. No where else where I have ever been are the people more natural and friendly than they are in and around O’Neill. This quality of its people, I think is what makes O’Neill such a drawing card to anyone who has ever lived there.” Jack.—Gentleman Jack as he was appropriately known— and his brother Phil were two of the “Michigan" boys who went to Montana to carve out life’s des tiny with bare hands. That Jack has never lost touch with the old home community discloses a re markable loyalty to early memor ies—memories of the warmth of human friendships; of the boy hood days in the great prairie land, the flash of gold and purple at sunset, the gathering of dark clouds and the ominous roar of an oncoming storm, the glow of sunlight on dripping bush and grassblade when the storm hast passed. The treasurers of mem ory are life’s floral bloom along the rugged way. Glad to hear from you, Montana Jack, and look forward to a visit with you not far hence. Capt. Thos. Gaughen Has Interesting Experience Captain Thomas Gaughen, who fills an important role in the war effort as pilot of a plane used in civic work connected with war operations, is enjoying a vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella Gaughan. He came Satur day evening and plans to leave for his base at Washington, D. C., this (Thursday) afternoon. On his visits home Captain Gaughen al ways brings generous gifts to his mother. This time they included a lovely wrist watch from South America, a Shaeffer lifetime pen and a box of Nylon hose. During the week he has enjoyed several hunting trips with friends. One trip was in search of frogs for a frog leg fry. It met with moder ate success, netting eight frogs, but it was decided another hunt would have to be made before the fry could take place. Thomas’ friends will be inter ested in some of the details of his work which he could make known. The ship he flies is a C-54. It carries eight tons of car go including the ship’s personnel, wounded soldiers of the allies, and prisoners of war. During June, July and August he made eighteen trips across the Atlantic. The ship makes one stop after leaving Washington, D. C. That is at Newfoundland. From there to London is twelve hours’ flying time. From London he goes to North Africa and on to Tunisia, from there across Sicily. He av erages 30,000 miles per month. When the ship needs new motors he returns to this country, and while the new motors are being installed is allowed time off ac cording to the time he has spent in the air. His leave this time was twenty days, but he was de layed two days in starting home because of wartime traveling con ditions and he must be back in Washington. D. C., for two days before starting on his next trip.— North Bend, Nebr., Eagle. Captain Gaughen is the son of a former O’Neill girl. Miss Ella Earley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Earley, pioneer residents of the country north of O’Neill and a sister of Edward and James Earley of this city. He has been an aviator for many years and has visited relatives here many times and is well known to many of our people. Crippled Children’s Clinic Here Saturday, Nov. 6 The regular 90-day clinic for crippled children will be held in the O’Neill high school auditor ium on Saturday, November 6th. The clinic registration will be from 7:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. The examining specialists conducting the clinic will be Dr. W. R. Hanna, orthopedist, and Dr. J. A. Henske, pediatrician. Children who are not now receiving services under the program may be admitted to the clinic when referred by the local physician. It is requested that all registrations be made as early as possible. The Elks Lodge is furnishing, without cost, a noon lunch to all children and their parents who are registered for the clinic ex aminatiohs. Hospital Notes L. G. Gillespie, an accident patient, was admitted Monday. George Alderman was admitted on Monday. Miss Alma Bacon had her ap pendix removed Wednesday. Livestock Prices Advance On All Classes Monday Last week’s postponement of immediate price restrictions on live cattle resulted in a firm mar ket trend on practically all classes at the local market last Monday. Prices were generally stronger with some kinds showing a big 25 cents advance. Buying action was good and all classes found ready clearance. Receipts were not as heavy in the cattle division as in recent weeks, but the hog alley was full to overflowing with more than 1100 head on sale here. The best grade of steer calves on sale here and scaling 350 lbs. paid up to $13.00. Heifers topped at $12.50. Quality was barely fair to medium without much room for choice. Yearling steers ranged in price from $11.50 to $12.50. with a few reaching slightly higher. Heifers paid mostly $10.25 to $11 25. Cow receipts were fairly heavy again. Beef cows scaling around 1400 lbs. made $11.00. Those car rying less flesh brought from $9.50 to $10.50 or above. Com moner grades cashed in the high eights and lower nines. Canners and cutters ranged from $8.00 drwn. Hog receipts were very heavy h- re. Bulk of the run consisted of slaughter hogs, though there was a good supply of feeders on hand. Butchers topped at $13 65, with a large share of supplies scoring that figure. Sows bulked at $13.40. Feeders averaging 135 lbs. brought $13.00. A few sheep and horses wound up the day’s offering. Next auc tion on Monday, November 8. Relatives here received word that Pvt. Laverne Morrow, who is in the Army Air Corp, had ar rived safely in England. ALL INFORMATION IS RUSHED TO NEXT KIN The War Department constant ly is intent on providing for the next of kin the maximum infor mation available as to the Army personnel who become battle cas ualties. With regard to the miss ing, just as with regard to the killed, wounded and prisoners of war, all information except the small amount which may immedi ately affect security is forwarded to those concerned. Uf the total of some ao.uuu men who have been reported as battle casualties through September 30, 1943, approximately 23,500 are listed as missing. Most of the missing were lost in the Philip pines. They include 10,788 Philip pine Scouts and 5,316 officers and men of the U. S. Army. Some of the latter still are being reported from time to time by the Japan ese government as prisoners of war. Japan has not furnished this country with lists of Philippine Scouts who are prisoners. From all other areas in the world where U. S. Army troops have been in action, 7,450 are re corded as missing in action. A number of these men may be sub sequently reported as prisoners of war in Germany or Japan and a few may be reported as internees of neutral countries. Some others may ultimately be located and re turn to duty. When a theater of operations reports the names of men listed as casualties, the Adjutant Gen eral of the Army immediately notifies the emergency addressees by telegraph. Care is taken to see that the names are not an nounced in the field and that the first word goes officially to the next of kin or the relative or friend who is designated as the emergency addressee. In the case of missing soldiers the telegram of notification gives all available information, including the gen eral area where the missing man was in action. As soon as further information is received, the emergency ad dressee again is notified by tele gram or letter. Often the Adju tant General is able to report that the missing man has been taken prisoner. Sometimes men tempor arily isolated in battle make tneir way back to duty, a circumstance which is promptly reported to the emergency addressee. In a case where the enemy has identified American dead and re ported it through the Internation al Red Cross, the Adjutant Gen eral notifies the next of kin that it has been determined that the man previously reported missing has been killed. At least weeks and frequently months elapse before reports that men have been taken prisoner are received from the enemy. In the meantime, there is usually no in formation at hand. The Adjutant General reports immediately to the next of kin all such informa tion as he possesses or subse quently receives. To provide information as to the essential facts on the casualty status of each of the 85,000 men who have been battle casualties has been a tremendous task in the face of obvious difficulties. The reporting on casualties is done from combat areas spread around the world, some of them isolated and all subject to the pressure of battle action. The ebb and flow of battle, the strain of continuous movement and fighting, and the limited nature of communication facilities at the fronts make the keeping of records in the field ex tremely difficult. These records, although naturally limited in de tails, are nevertheles maintained. O’Neill Boy Graduates From Lowery Field Pfc. Merrill C. Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks of this city, graduated on October 25, 1943, from the Lowery Field Colorado, Army Air Force Techni cal Command, Armament SchooL Merrill is a graduate of the O’Neill High school with the Class of 1941. After graduation he went to the west coast and was an employee of the Lockheed Cor poration at Burbank, Cal., prior to his induction into the army. He was inducted at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, and had his basic training at Lincoln, Nebr., and shipped from there to Lowery Field. He is 20 years of age. George Koster, Niobrara, Appointed Representative It has just been announced by Maurice E. Rawlings, district di rector of the Office of Price Ad ministration, that George G. Kos ter has been appointed a local board representative for the fol lowing counties in Nebraska, un der the jurisdiction of the Sioux City district office: Antelope, Boyd, Brown, Cedar. Cherry. Dix on, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Rock, ! Pierce, Wayne and "Wheeler, and | the following counties in South I Dakota: Bon Homme, Clay, and Yankton. Mr. Koster resides at Niobrara and will have his headquarters at the local war price and rationing board office in Center, Nebr. He represents the district director in the handling of all administrative matters in the field. Mr. Roster’s appointment became effective on October 18, last.