The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 28, 1943, Image 8

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TOR SALE—640 acres of unim
proved land. Consisting of farm,
pasture and hay land. Located
north of Page. Also hay in stack.
— J. J. Harrington, O’Neill,
Nebraska. 25-2
FARM RADIOS, 3 ice boxes, 2
sewing machines, oil heater, 4
coal and wood heaters, cupboard,
sanitary cot, buffet. Want pair of
spurs— hired man is lagging a
little. Have some nice easy chairs
when you are in town.—Hank’s
Second Hand Store. 25-1
BET your HYBRID com early.—
Western Auto Supply. 23-3*
FOR SALE—Spotted Poland boars
and gilts, registered and grade;
also one yearling boar, immune,
eligible to register. — Roy M. .
Black, 3 miles east of Spencer, i
Nebr. *j < 25-3
recently. Let me sell yourj
place.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill.
Nebr. 12-tf
FOR SALE: Several good farms
and three good ranches.—R. H.
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 8-tf
"For" rent
—See R. H. Shriner. 26- ;
ONE 5-ROOM HOUSE, one 2-'
room house.—Enquire at the Fox
Grocery. 20-tf
FOR RENT — Good modern res
idence. See R. H. Parker. 11 -tf
STRAYED—A spotted white and
yellow Collie. Will pay reward
for information leading to its re
covery.—John P. Berger, O’Neill,
Nebr. 25-1
STRAYED— A whitefaced calf,
branded 2X4 on right side.—Mrs.
Bertha Conway, O’Neill. 24-2*
I HAVE MONEY to loan on farms
and ranches and city property
at 4Vi% interest.—R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebr. 8-tf
Jour own Permanent with Charm
mrl Kit. Complete equipment,
Including 40 curlers and shampoo.
Easy to do, absolutely harmless.
Praised by thousands, including
June Lang, glamorous movie star.
Money refunded if not satisfied.
—Johnson Drugs. 21-15
(First publication Sept. 30, 1943)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued
by the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, in an action
lending in said Court wherein
Mrs. Anna O’Connor is Plaintiff
*nd Jeremiah C. Horrigan, ex. al.,
ire defendants, (being Case Num
ber 13759) directing me as Sole
Referee to sell the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit: The
south one-half (SVi) of the north
east one-quarter (NEVi), and the
southeast one-quarter (SEMi) of
Section Twenty-six (26), Town
ship Thirty-one (31), Range
Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.
M . in Holt County, Nebraska, I
■rill sell said real estate at public
auction to the highest bidder on
Ihe 2nd day of November, A. D.,
1943, at two o'clock P. M., at the
front door of the^ourt House in
O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska.
Terms of sale are 15 per cent cash
•n day of sale, balance payable
•n confirmation. Said sale will
remain open one hour.
Dated this 27th day of Septem
fcr, A. D., 1943.
O’NeiljL Nebraska,
Sole Referee.
Karbach Blk., Omaha, Nebraska,
Attorney for Plaintiff. 21-6
(First publication October 7, 1943)
Henry Michel; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal •epresen
tutives and all other persons in
terested in the Estate of Henry
Oflk* Pfceae 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glaaaes Correctly Pitted
I Dr. Brows, ZZ3
I Dr. French. >43
} ;
For Reliable Insurance
L. G. Gillespie Agency
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill : Nebraska
Insurance Of All Kinds. Real
Estate and Rentals
r. H. A. Loans @4K%
Office Phone 106 Res. 136
Michel, Deceased, real names un
known; John W. Bunting; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other per
sons interested in the Estate of
John W. Bunting, Deceased, real
names unknown; Irene Bunting;
the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the Estate
of Irene Bunting, Deceased, real
names unknown; and all persons
having, or claiming, any interest
in the northeast quarter of section
12, in township 25, north of range
12, west of the 6th P. M., in Holt
County, Nebraska, real names un
known; Defendants, are hereby
notified that on the 4th day of
October, A. D„ 1943, Ira Bunting,
as plaintiff, filed a petition and
commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Holt County, Ne
braska, aganst you, and each of
you, the object and prayer of
which is to have plaintiff decreed
to be the absolute owner in fee
simple of the northeast quarter
of section 12, in township 25,
north of. range 12, west of the 6th
P. M., In Holt County, Nebraska;
and to have the title to, and pos
session of, said premises forever
quieted and confirmed in plain
tiff; to have you, and each of
Kou, adjudged and decreed to
ave no title to, lien upon, or in
terest in, said premises, or any
part thereof; and to forever en
join you from asserting any title
to, right, claim, lien or interest in,
said premises adverse to plaintiff;
and to remove the clouds cast
upon plaintiff’s title by reason of
your claims.
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the
15th day of November, 1943.
By Julius D. Cronin,
22-4 His Attorney.
(First publication Oct. 21, 1943)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, in an action
pending in said Court wherein
John E. Kee is plaintiff and Della
Kee, et. al, are defendants, di
recting me as referee to sell the
following described real estate,
South one-half of the
North-west Quarter, and the
East one-half of the South
west Quarter of Section 8,
Township 29, North, Range
12, West of the 6th P. M.,
Holt County, Nebraska,
I will sell said real estate at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder
for cash on the 22nd day of No
vember, 1943, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
of said day at the front door of
the court house in the city of
O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska.
Terms of sale: 20% cash on day
of sale, balance payable in cash
on confirmation of sale.
24-5 Referee.
(First publication Oct. 14, 1943)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
TO: All Persons Interested in
said Estate, both Creditors
and Heirs;
You are hereby notified that
on the 14th day of October, A. D.,
1943, LeNora McLane filed her
petition in the above matter, set
ting forth among other things
that Eugene H. Luben, a citizen
and inhabitant of Holt County,
Nebraska, died intestate on May
10, 1935, seized and possessed of
the Northwest Quarter of Section
Thirty-five, Township Twenty
nine, North, Range Thirteen, West
of the 6th P. M., Holt County,
Nebraska; that he left him sur
viving as his sole and only heirs
at law his widow, LeNora Mc
Lane, and the following children,
to-wit: Eugenia M. Bowen, Dor
othy E, Stroman, Esther E. Luben
and Robert L. Luben; that the
petitioner, LeNora McLane, is the
widow of the deceased, Eugene
H. Luben and derived title to an
undivided one-third of said real
estate by inheritance from said
deceased; that the prayer of said
petition is that the Court may
find and determine the time of the
death of Eugene H. Luben, De
ceased; that he died intestate, a
resident and inhabitant of Holt
County, Nebraska; may find and
determine who are his heirs and
fix their degree of kinship; may
find and determine the right of
descent of the real property be
longing to said deceased; that
further administration of this
estate may be dispensed with;
that there are no debts against
said estate and that the claims
of all creditors are barred; that
there is no inheritance tax, state
or federal, due from this estate
or any of the heirs thereof and
for such other and further relief
as may be just and equitable.
That said matter Is set for hear
ing before the County Court of
Holt County, Nebraska, in the
County Court Room in the Court
House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on
the 4th day of November, A. D.,
1943, at the hour of ten o’clock
A. M., and that if you fail to ap
pear at said time and place to
contest said petition the Court
may grant the prayer thereof.
Dated this 14th day of October,
A. D., 1943.
23-3 County Judge.
(First publication October 7, 1943)
Arthur O. Auserod, Attorney
Bartlett, Nebraska
Carrie M. Maxwell and Carl
Maxwell, her husband; John W.
Stites and ._ Stites, first
real name unknown, his wife;
Carl Maxwell and . Max
well, first real name unknown,
his wife; Pearl Maxwell, unmar
ried; Nettie M. Harmon and
Harmon, first real name un
known, her husband; Cora Stead,
formerly Cora Neuenschwander,
and Ted Stead, her husband; Wil
liam H. Richardson and-j
Richardson, first real name un
known, his wife; T. B. Richardson,
whose real and true name is T.
Bert Richardson and _— Rich
ardson, first real name unknown,
husband and wife; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of Joseph
H. Richardson, Elizabeth M. Max
well, William E. Elder, Orville
H. Richardson, and John L. Rich
ardson, deceased, real names un
known; and all persons having
or claiming any interest in the
South Half of the Southeast Quar
ter of Section 31, in Township 25,
North, of Range 10, West or the
6th P. M., in Holt County, Ne
braska, real names unknown; de
fendants, are hereby notified that
on the 20th di ”
1943, Roy van
filed a petition _
an action in the District Court of
Holt County, Nebraska, against
you, the object and prayer of
which is to have plaintiff decreed
to be the owner in fee simple of
the South Half of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 31, in Town
ship 25, North,* of Range 10, West
of the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
Nebraska; to have the title to
said premises quieted in plain
tiff; to have you decreed to have
no title to or interest in said
premises; and to remove the
clouds cast on plaintiff’s title by
reason of your claims.
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the
15th day of November, 1943.
22-4 Plaintiff.
(First publication Oct. 28, 1943)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 3029
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, October 23,
In the Matter of the Estates of
Levi Roy Pinkerman and Maud
E. Pinkerman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment of
Lila V. Hull as Administratrix of
said estate, and will be heard
November 18, 1943, at 10 o’clock
A. M., at the County Court Room
in O’Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
The Methodist Church
Dawson J Park, Minister
Sunday, October 31
10:00 a. m., Church School. You
are invited to study and worship
with us.
11:00 a. m., Morning Worship.
Anthem. Sermon: ‘‘The Leap of
7:00 p. m., Methodist Youth Fel
lowship. Calling all Methodist
First Presbyterian Church
Kenneth J. Scott, Pastor
Sunday, October 31
10:00 a. rri., Sunday School. Mr.
Sauers, Supt.
11:00 a. m., Morning Worship.
Sermon: “Things Fundamental,”
by the pastor.
This Sunday is set aside by our
church to observe the Tercenten
nary of the Westminster Assem
bly, which gave us our Confes
sion of Faith. The sermon this
week is baisea upon the work that
this assembly did. Present day
need for the kind of thinking they
did becomes very apparent in an
analysis of their work, which is
what this sermon attempts.
6:45 p. m., Christian Endeavor,
Leader of Devotions: Connie Lou
Williams; Leader of Topic; Gor
don Hiatt. This is followed by
catechism class.
Monday, November 1, 7:30 p.
m., Christian Endeavor party at
the church.
Wednesday, November 3, 8:00
p. m., prayer meeting and Bible
study at the manse. .
Thursday, November 4, 2:30 p.
m., Ladies Guild meet at the
Dr. Fisher, Dentist. 24tf
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mahaffey
made a business trip to Omaha
on Sunday.
Clarence Stannard left Friday
for Denver, where he plans on
going into defense work.
Dr. J. P. Brown left Monday
for Omaha, where he will attend
a medical convention.
Mrs. Arthur F. Mullen, of
Omaha, was a week-end guest of
Mrs. Agnes Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Moses
spent Thursday and Friday in
Sgt. Robert Ott, U. S. A. A. C.
arrived this morning from New
foundland, to spend a fifteen day
furlough visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Ott and other rela
tives and friends.
The Alpha Club had a pheasant
dinner Sunday evening at the
Aaron Boshart home. The even
ing was spent informally.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren
entertained the Sunday Evening
Club at their home Sunday even
ing. Mrs. O. W. French won high
score for the ladies and F. E. Par
kins won high score for the men.
Mrs. O. W. French entertained
the Bridge Club at her home on
Wednesday. Mrs. L. A. Burgess
and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn won high
Pvt. Charles Cooper, of Califor
nia, arived Saturday to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cooper
and other relatives and friends.
C. E. Lundgren purchased the
Chevrolet Garage building from
Mrs. Starlin the forepart of the
Miss Bea Jardee and Miss Mary
Lois Mohr were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ker
C. E. Stout made a business
trip to Sioux City last Monday,
returning home on Tuesday.
Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10
The O’Neill National Bank
of O'Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on
OCTOBER 18, 1943
Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency,
under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.
Loans and discounts (including $3,094.20
overdrafts) .. ....-- $134,821.32
United States Government obligations, direct
and guaranteed - —;—--. 440,441.00
Obligations of States and political subdivisions. 37,866.70
Other bonds, notes, and debentures-- 38,932.50
Corporate stocks, (including $3,000.00 stock
of Federal Reserve bank)--—~ •. 3,000.00
Cash, balances with other banks, including re
serve balance, and cash items in process
of collection-.------ 611,978.81
Bank premises owned $3,000.00, furniture and
fixtures $842.00 _ 3,842.00
Real estate owned other than bank premises— 1.00
Total Assets_ $1,270,883.33
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, _
and corporations -7- $928,729.43
Time deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations - 34,377.77
Deposits of United States Government
(including postal savings) --—- 857.09
Deposits of States and political subdivisions — 100,378.03
Deposits of banks_ 51,886.81
Total Deposits_ $1,116,229.13
Total Liabilities_ $1,116,229.13
P Common stock, total par $50,000,00- $;>0,000.00
Sumlus _ 50,000.00
Undivided Profits-—- *>0,154.20
Reserves ___ 4-50000
Total Capital Accounts- 154,654.20
Total Liabilities and Capital Account- $1,270,883.33
Pledge assets (and securities loaned) (book Tliar
value): wi E .12
United States Government obligations, di
rect and guaranteed, pledged to secure
deposits and other liabilities--- $30,000.00
Otner assets pledged to secure deposits
and other liabilities (including notes and
bills rediscounted and securities sold
under repurchase agreement—-lo.ouu.uu
Total 48,000.00
Secured liabilities:
Deposits secured by pledged assets
pursuant to requirements of law- 5o,o<b.54
Total_ $56,676.54
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss:
I, E. F. Quinn, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. _ _
E. F. QUINN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of October,
(Seal) MARJORIE DICKSON, Notary Public.
My Commission expires June 5, 1947.
Correct— Attest: F. N. Cronin, Julius D. Cronin.
Charles E. Abbott, Directors.
(This bank carries no indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders)
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
St. Mary’s Trim Butte
Last Friday 18 To 8
Last Friday to St. Mary’s Card
inals traveled to Butte, where
they won their first game of the
season 18 to 8. It was a very good
game and they had a fairly good
Action started early in the first
quarter when Froelich, St. Mary’s
end, took a short pass and ran
eight yards for the Cardinals’ first
six points. Later in the first quar
ter Clark drove across for the
second touchdown of the game, to
give the Cardinals a 12 to 0 lead.
Then Anderson, the hard plung
ing fullback from Butte, made
Butte’s only touchdown on a short
run. The dropkick for point was
low. Butte made their other two
points when they blocked St.
Mary’s kick and recovered in the
end zone.
Late in the last quarter Baker
ended the ^coring of the game
when he scored the Cardinals’
third touchdown on an end run.
All St. Mary’s try for extra points
were no good.
The Cardinals played a good
game. They completed many short
passes which gave way to touch
downs, and also making much
yardage on the ground.
Kelly, St. Mary’s fullback, was
injured in the early minutes of
the first quarter and was forced
to remain on the bench for the
remainder of the game.
St. Mary’s next game is with
Chambers at the city park next
Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Let’s
all be there to cheer the Card
inals on to victory.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and
Mr. and Mrs. Romaine Saunders,
of Amelia, and Motor Machinest
Mate 2-c Romaine Saunders, Jr.,
who has been in the Hawaiian Is
lands for the past two and a half
years, were in the city Tuesday
looking after business matters and
Romaine, J., left on the after
noon bus for Omaha, where he
will visit for a few days before
reporting for duty at San Fran
cisco. He had been visiting at
the home of his parents for the
past ten days. Romaine has been
in the Coast Guard for the past
two and a half years and he likes
it fine. He was on the Islands
when the Japs made their treach
erous attack in December, 1941,
He says that is a fine country
down there but he would not
want to make it his home. He
does not expect to be sent back to
the Islands.
Keith Vincent will leave on
Friday for Evanston, 111., where
he will attend Northwestern Uni
versity. He is taking a pre-med
ical course.
Douglad Hill, of Washington, D.
C., came Thursday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Tomlinson and
other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Robert Ford and Mrs.
Francis Murphy and son went to
Atkinson on Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Bedford Scott.
Mrs. George Agnes returned to
her home in Norfolk Monday,
after spending a few days here
visiting relatives and friends.
The Misses Lou, Dottine and
Glee Her left Thursday for Dallas,
S. D., to visit their father and
other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Ben Grady returned to her
home in Omaha Monday, after
visiting relatives and friends here
for a few days.
Mrs. Hilda Bowen returned
home Wednesday from Bemidji,
Minn., where she had been visit
ing her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bowen and
Miss Mildred Cavanaugh re
turned to Atkinson on Thursday,
after visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh and
other relatives and friends here.
Miss Kathleen Shorthill, of
Omaha, spent the week-end here
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jettie
Shorthill. , _ .
Sergeant Junior Raffel of Prince
Rupert, British Columbia, spent
Wednesday here visiting friends.
Pvt. Donald Loy left Tuesday
for the Lincoln Air Base, after
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Loy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kennedy, of
Orchard, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Loy and family Sunday.
Mrs Frank Grenier entertained
the Sew and Chatter Club at her
home on Wednesday.
Mrs. L. V. Hassel, of Humbolt,
spent from Friday until Monday
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mc
Elhaney and family.
Miss Dorothy Wilson left Thurs
day for Sioux City to visit her
grandmother, Mrs. Anna Mingo.
Miss Davene -Loy entertained
the Presbyterian Choir at her
home Thursday evening.
Seargeant Laddie Carey of
Louisiana arrived Monday to visit
relatives and friends.
Corporal Cecil Sparks, of Jack
son, Miss., arrived home Sunday
to visit relatives and friends here.
Warren Sparks, of Crawford,
came Tuesday to visit his son,
who is here on a furlough from
his army duties.
Mrs. Theodore Lindstrum left
this morning for her home at Po
eohantis, Iowa, after a ten day
visit at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Augusta McPharlin
Miss Hilda Gallagher left this
morning for Norfolk to attend the
annual convention of the Nebras
ka Teachers’ being held here this
Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs. John
Walker entertained a group of
friends at the M and M on Wed
nesday for Mrs. Gerald Graybiel,
who left for Chicago, where she
will make her future home.
Benny Wetzler, U. S. N. will
leave tomorrow for Homestead.
Florida, after visiting hi# mother.
Mrs. Mary Wetzler and other rel
ative and friends.
Try the Frontier on Classifieds.
This Is s family war. Put
| your War Bondbuying through
i the payroll savings plan on a
family plan, which means fig.
ure it out yourself.
Chesterfield With Velvet Collar! 3^^
Belted Casual With Action Back! f
Winter Models of warm, durable fleece;—styled for
seasons of constant service! So practical^the^’ll
go where you go and-you’ll wear them with every
thing from suits to dressy frocks! (^lean-cut tailor
ing ... hardy and warm. Of soft fleece-lined with
rayon and warmly Interlined.*Sizes 12 to.20
A. S. Francis Murray, of Ames,
Iowa, arrived here Sunday to
visit his father, Frank Murray,
and other relatives and friends.
Miss Dorene Smalley and Miss
Elaine Fernu, of Butte, visited
friends here on Saturday.
Miss Betty Flood spent the
week-end here visiting her par
ents and other relatives and
The Misses Margaret Jordan.
Alma Bacon and Iona Bacon spent j
Sunday in Atkinson visiting
Uncie Heuton returned to his
home in Carroll, Iowa, on Friday,
after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pruss and other relatives and
Pfc. Vern Eppenbach, of Fort
Leonard Wood, Mo., arrived here
Sunday, called by the death of
his father, Julius Eppenbach.
Mrs. Mabel Gatz and son visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Morton of Opportunity Sunday.
William Froelich spent Sunday
and family here visiting his
family and left Tuesday for Chi
Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott
entertained at an open home tea
at their home from 7:30 until
10:00 o’clock Tuesday evening.
The parishioners presented them
with a lovely gift.
Pfc. Henry Reimer left Sunday
for Kingman, Arizona, after vis
iting his parents, Judge and Mrs.
Louis Reimer and other relatives
and friends.
Miss Margaret Cronk spent
Sunday in Page visiting her
father, Fred Cronk and other rela
tives and friends.
Miss Ruth Harris, of St. Ed
ward, spent the week-end here
visiting her mother and other rel
atives and friends.
Captain Robert Biglin returned
to Richmond, Cal., on Friday,
after visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Biglin and other rela
tives and friends.
Ensign Margaret Bosn, United
States Navy Nurse Corps, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bosn,
of this city, left the west coast
for overseas duty somewhere in
the Southwest Pacific area.
Mrs. W. H. Harty and Mrs. W.
J. Biglin took Pfc. Jack Harty to
Sioux City on Wednesday, from
where he left for Camp Campbell,
Ky., after spending a furlough
here visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Harty and other rela
tives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reinaas!
left Tuesday for Redfield, S. D., |
to visit Mrs. Reinaas’ parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Anderson.
Pfc. Jack Harty left Wednes
day for Camp Campbell. Ky.,
after visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Harty and other rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Clara Miles returned Mon
day from Randolph, where she
had been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Ella Shipman.
Mrs. William Froelich, Mrs. C.
E. Stout and Mrs. Hugh Birming
ham entertained at a 6:30 dinner
at the M. and M. cafe on Saturday
in honor of Mrs. John Robinson
of Hampton, Iowa. Following the
dinner the guests played cards at
the home of Mrs. Stout.
Mrs. Henry Lohaus and Mrs. C.
J. Gatz entertained at a dinner
at the M. and M. Thursday even
ing, in honor of Mrs. George
Agnes, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Ben
Grady of Omaha. Cards were
played at the home of Mrs. Gatz.
Report of Condition of The
of Emmet, Nebraska, Charter No.
958, at the close of business on
October 18, 1943.
Loans and discounts (in
cluding $154.47 over
drafts) - $ 20,855.35 #
United States Govern
ment obligations,
direct and guaranteed 77,578.57
Cash, balances due from
banks, cash items in
process of collection .102,558.27
Bank premises owned_ 1.00
TOTAL ASSETS .... $200,993.19 *
Demand deposits _$164,658.32
Deposits of States and
political sub-divisions 3,368.70
TOTAL DEPOSITS_...168,027.02
Capital . $10,000.00
Surplus__ _ 15,000.00
Undivided profits__■ 7,966.17
I, W. P. Dailey, Cashier of the
above named bank, do hereby
certify that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
W. P. Dailey, Cashier.
Correct— Attest: Frances Dailey,
DeMaris Birmingham, Directors.
Miss Doris Harvey spent Sun
day in Page visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshart re
ceived word that their son, Don
ald, who is in the Quartermaster’s
Corps, will leave soon for duty
over seas.
Homer Mullen, of Scribner,
spent the week-end here visiting
his wife and other relatives and Jt
friends. "
Mrs. John Robinson and son left
Monday for their home in Hamp
ton, Iowa, after visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dishner and other rel
atives and friends for a couple of
Mrs. Ben Grady of Omaha, Mrs.
George Agnes of Norfolk and
Mrs. C. J. Gatz and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Lohaus were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. P. C. Donohoe last Thurs
day evening.
Miss Lanone Miles will arrive
home Thursday to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles and
other relatives and friends over
the week-end.
Mrs. Maggie Siders and daugh
ter, Beulah, spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Luben of Ewing.
Eye. Ear, and Nose Special
ist, will make his regular
visit at Dr. Carter's office in