The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 28, 1943, Image 7

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    Italian Scenes Preceding New War Declaration
Thirty-five days after surrendering to the Allies, Italy declared war on her former Axis partner, Ger
many. Marshal Pietro Badoglio announced the declaration and said that German ferocity had “surpassed
every limit of human imagination” at Naples. In picture above, British anti-aircraft units are shown cover
ing the arrival of troops near the Cbiunzi pass, gateway to that city. Inset: After the fall of Naples, Italians
mobbed a car carrying three fascist generals who had been in charge of defenses there. The generals had
co-operated with the Germans and required Allied protection from the angry Italian masses.
Yankees in Germany Fare Better Than Civilians
A visiting delegate of the War Prisoners Aid of the YMCA made these photographs of captured American
soldiers at a German prison camp southeast of Berlin. The prison camp fare plus weekly 1H pound food
packages from the American Red Cross give the interned Yankees a better diet than that of German civil
ians. Top left: Prisoners receive Red Cross food parcels. Bottom left: American prisoners lined up before
the mess hail. Some wear British uniforms because theirs were worn out or destroyed in battle. Right:
Henry Soderberg, Swedish YMCA representative, talks with a leader of American prisoners.
Polio Victim and His Family
W ' . ' . ^ -
^ Fred B. Snite, who has spent the last seven years of his life In an iron
long fighting infantile paralysis, is shown with his wife and two children
as they left Chicago, III., bound for Florida.
Old and New Typewriter Keyboards
Top: New typewriter keyboard designed by Lieut. Comdr. August
Dvorak compared with the old keyboard at bottom. The new arrangement
gives the right hand more work and is designed to increase speed. White
lines separate the work done by each hand on the old and new keyboards, j
Indian WAVE
Seaman Second Class Carolyn
White Bear, first full-blooded Indian
to be graduated from the 17. S. na
val training school in New York,
shows her identification card to •
shore patrolman.
Jail or Deportation?
Stanley Mocarsky of Hartford,
Conn., who was given the alterna
tive of a Jail sentence or leaving the
U. S. forever when he told a federal
judge that he refused to fight for
this country.
Natives in Jap Area Help U. S. Fliers
mu i hi i brs
Although they were shot down well within Japanese territory in the
South Pacific, four United States fliers were cared for by natives until
they were able to set out for a home base in a rubber life raft. After rowing
four days they were picked up by a navy plane. They are pictured with
the co-pilot of the rescue ship.
Locker Room Scene After Yanks Won Series
Judge Kenesaw Landis is hoisted atop the shoulders of members of
the New York Yankees In their locker room after they won the 1943
World’s Series. Landis is supported by Chandler, Ettrn and Turner.
Pitcher Chandler hurled for the Yankees during two of their four win
ning series games.
Inspecting Bomb ’Chutes With X-Ray
In addition to providing a descending medium for men and equipment,
parachutes also carry bombs. They were used against the Japs in the
South Pacific with deadly success. Left: An employee of a war plant
in Stoughton, Mass., uses an X-ray machine to inspect bomb parachutes.
Right: Another employee holds a 23-pound bomb attached to its para
chute which is in the cylindrical container.
Four Ways to Cross a Jungle Stream
United States troops In Australia learn to cross jungle streams In
more ways than one. Four methods are demonstrated in this picture:
1. Via a raft made of timber found on the spot; 2. Via amphibious jeep;
3. Via a rope ladder suspended across the water; 4. Via a “flying fox,”
a form of breeches buoy.
Back to Argentina
After a series of conferences with
state department officials in Wash
ington, D. C., Norman Armour, U. S.,
ambassador to Argentina, boards a
Pan American Clipper in Miami,
Fla., with Mrs. Armour as he re
turns to his post. Argentina is the
only South American country that
has not broken relations with the
Losing Weight
Benito Mussolini, left, and Mar
shal Hermann Gocring appear to be
losing weight In more ways than one
judging by this picture taken recent
ly in Berlin and radioed to London
from neutral Switserland.
Bataan Air Hero
Lieut. Col. William J. Cummings
Jr., one of the U. S. flight heroes on
Corregidor and Bataan. He now
commands ■ fighter group in the
European theater of operations.
When Seaman Michael Quinn left
his Job as keeper of the gorilla house
at the Bronx Zoo, New York, “Cook
ie,” the chimpanzee, pined herself
into the hospital. They are pictured
1 during Quinn’s first leave.
Sunflower Quilt
'T'HE "Sunflower” is one of th«
* easiest of the quilt designs to
make—the diamond-shaped pieces
are easy to cut and a block works
up quickly. Use brown-flecked per
cales, tiny patterned cream and
yellow calicoes, grass-green and
leaf-green cottons. Do the center
in vivid yellow. Quilt has 12 pieced
blocks, each 14 inches square—12
plain blocks.
• • •
To obtain cutting patterns for the Sun
flower Quilt (Pattern No. 5161) complete
piecing and finishing directions, amounts
of all materials specified, send 16 cents
In coins, your name and address and the
pattern number.
SM South Wells St. Chicago.
French Guiana Has but
Few Modern Necessities
Although one-third the size of
France, French Guiana has no
passenger railroads and only 93
miles of mediocre highways. Not
one of its towns, including the capi
tal, Cayenne, employs street clean
ers or garbage collectors or has a
sewage system; and 5 per cent of
its entire population is afflicted
with leprosy.
Do you know the new regulations
on packages sent to men in the
service? Here they are: You can
send packages to soldiers any
where in the U. S., although there
are now Post Office restrictions on
packages to overseas Army men;
and you can send packages to men
in the Navy, Coast Guard, and
Marines, wherever they are. And
when you send that package from
home, remember—the gift men in
the service always appreciate is
cigarettes. And the favorite with
men in the Army, Navy, Coast
Guard, and Marines is Camel
(based on actual sales records in
Post Exchanges and Canteens).
So stop in at your local dealer
today—and mail him a carton of
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
verm laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
• bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchiHs
Plant Grows in Lava
A variety of Chilean berry grows
from hot lava on the side of Mount
llaima, Chile.
(hot hashes!
If you suffer from hot flashes,
weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are
a bit blue at times—due to the
functional "middle-age” period
peculiar to women—try Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
to relieve such symptoms. Taken
regularly—Pinkham’s Compound
helps build up resistance against
such distress. It helps nature!
Also a fine stomachic tonic. Fol
low label directions.