The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 01, 1943, Image 2

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Axis Key Industrial Cities Hammered
As Italy Evacuates Strategic Areas;
Nation’s Taxpayers on Current Basis;
Huge Nazis Losses Disclosed by Russia
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinion* arc expressed In these columns they are those el
Western Newspaper Union's aews analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
_____________ Released by Western Newspaper Union. -—
Engineers from the amphibian command at Camp Edwards, Mass.,
are shown operating the 2'i-ton truck which is at home In water as it is
on land. Officially known as the DCKW. the army has affectionately
dubbed the truck the “Duck.” It proved Its worth during the North
African campaign.
In Coal Mines
Under an agreement reached by
Secretary of the Interior Harold
Ickes and John L, Lewis, the na
tion's 500,000 coal miners returned
to the pits to work under a new
truce expiring October 31. Accord
ing ta the announcement, produc
tion will be resumed under the
terms of the old contract, which
presumably include concessions
granted by the War Labor board
amounting to 23 cents a day.
The agreement followed Lewis’
contention that the miners would
return to work for the government
only, which took over the supervi
sion of the pits as a result of the
first strike threat Under arrange
ments, however, the government
named the operators to run the
mines and receive the profits.
Termination of the latest strike
left the “portal-to-portal” pay issue
up in the air. Lewis has argued
for such pay, which represents com
pensation to the miners for time
spent traveling to and from their
working stations. The WLB declared
it had no authority to pass on the
question, suggesting court action or
decision by the fair labor standards
bureau of the government
Possibility that Lewis might fol
low some such course was hinted
in the miners' statement announc
ing their return to work.
New Experience
July 1, 1943, will long be remem
bered in the United States. For,
history will show that on that date,
millions of American taxpayers will
have begun paying their income
taxes as they go instead of waiting
till March 15 of the following year
to settle their accounts with Uncle
Under the new pay-as-you-go sys
tem, employers will deduct 30 per
cent from employees’ wages or sal
aries. Farmers and others who ob
tain income from sources other than
wages or salaries must estimate
their yearly earnings and then make
quarterly payments. In all cases,
payments will be made after legal
The pay-as-you-go law forgives all
taxes for 1942 er 1943, whichever
is lower, up to $50, and 75 per cent
of all taxes above that figure. Al
though a person may not have to
pay an income tax, the 3 per cent
victory tax will be deducted from
his check.
^ Industries Hit
Eight hundred RAF bombers
clouded the sky in a heavy raid on
the German industrial center of Kre
feld even as British bombers re
turned from an assault on Fried
richshafen farther to the south.
First used at Krefeld last fall,
block-busters again were poured on
the German city, center of special
steel and parachute textile produc
tion. Site of hard coal mining, Kre
feld also is known for its sulphur
output The British admitted the
loss of 44 planes.
In attacking Friedrichshafen, the
RAF blasted the former Zeppelin
works housing a factory producing
radio location equipment similar to
the U. S. "radar ” Hits were ob
served on all main buildings, in
cluding a huge hangar.
Warn Italy of Bombings
As Lieut.-Gen. Carl A. Spaatz
stated that the Allies now could ob
tain air supremacy in the Mediterra
nean by concentrating their superior
forces in any given locale, the Italian
people were warned that their indus
trial centers would continue to be
pounded as long as they produced
goods for the Axis.
Commander of the North African
air forces, General Spaatz said that
any barrier before Allied troops
could be reduced by the proper use
of full air power.
Urging Italian workers to move
with their families from factory
areas. Allied radio broadcasts de
clared “Our airmen will bomb your
war industries and communications
as relentlessly as they have bombed
your ports and ships during the Af
rican campaign.”
Continuing their aerial assault, Al
lied planes, paced by British Wel
lingtons, plastered Sicily. Block
busters were dropped on Messina,
the terminal point for the ferry from
Italy, and Sicilian airdromes. Mean
while, the Italians were reported
evacuating the civilian population
from both Sicily and Sardinia.
Second Anniversary
On the eve of the second anniver
sary of the German invasion of Rus
sia. the Reds called on the Allies to
open up a second front in the west
and claimed that 6,400,000 Nazis had
fallen in action against them.
Declaring that delay in opening up
a second front would only protract
the war, the Reds said this would
mean "a colossal increase in vic
tims.” The Reds also stated that
they had reinforced their war econ
omy with the erection of hundreds
of new factories behind the lines.
In addition to Nazi losses in per
sonnel, the Reds claimed they had
knocked out 42,400 tanks; 43.000
planes, and 56,500 guns. They
placed their own losses at 30,000
tanks; 23,000 planes, and 36,000
In discussing international rela
tions, the Reds praised their coali
tion with Britain and the United
States, adding "The Hitlerites’ aim
to split this coalition failed."
Seek Stocks
In an effort to get corn moving to
processors and manufacturers,
Food Administrator Chester Davis
named a committee representing all
branches of the Industry to work
with him in breaking up the bottle
Producers, traders and millers
were brought together in the com
mittee as Davis determined to at
tack the problem from all angles
instead of considering it piece-meal.
According to reports, the confer
ees were studying a variety of pro
posals, chief among which was a
plan that would limit the feeding
of hogs to certain weights, and put
the 1943 com crop on an allocation
basis, assuring processors’ and
manufacturers' needs first.
Other proposals studied included
the cancellation of ceiling prices on
com; subsidizing farmers to release
their farm stocks, and the requisi
tion of terminal elevator supplies
and allocation of such supplies
among hard-pressed milling and
mixing firms.
B IGBLIGBTS . . , in the week’s news
WORMS: The worst plague of
army worms in 20 years has struck
the northern counties of Illinois as a
result of heavy rains.
• * •
PRISONERS: The war depart
ment released a statement that
more than 300 American soldiers
have died in Japanese prison camps
since the end of the Philippine cam
SUBMARINES: German naval
commentators admit that sinkings
of Allied ships by German subma
rines have dropped during 1943.
• • •
MEXICO: The Mexican govern
ment is seeking a loan of $60,000,000
to complete lines of the Kansas City.
Mexico and Orient railroad to the
Pacific coast, according to Col. Pau
lino Eontes, manager.
Supremacy on Guadalcanal
Braced by the arrival of Lock
heed Lightnings and Vought Corsair
fighter planes manned by experi
enced pilots, the Allies have achieved
air superiority In the Solomons.
Work has been completed on the
big air base of Henderson Field on
Guadalcanal, and except for repair
facilities, it is said to compare with
the largest in the U. S. Mean
while, the Japs have been bombed
out of their forward aerial positions
of Munda and Vila, 200 miles to the
Although the Jap Zero remains a
formidable weapon, the Lockheed,
with a climb over 30,000 feet, and
the Vought, with a maximum effi
ciency between 20,000 and 30,000
feet, are not only proving better in
performance but are also more
heavily armored and gunned.
Spread to Detroit
With its attention to race riots
first attracted by the “zoot-suit" up
risings in California, the federal
government was forced to step in to
quell outbreaks between blacks and
whites which threw Detroit into an
Before 2,300 soldiers arrived in
Jeeps, trucks and armored cars to
restore order, 23 people had died
and 600 had been injured. Hundreds
had been arrested and confined in
the city’s jails.
The trouble started after an alter
cation between whites and Negroes
at the Belle Isle beach, then was
fanned into flames with the spread
of the erroneous rumor through the
colored district that a Nt ;ro wom
an and child had been killed. Ra
cial groups gathered quickly, ston
ing private cars and public trams
and then beating the occupants.
When Detroit police could no long
er control the situation, Gov. Harry
Kelly of Michigan appealed to Presi
dent Roosevelt for federal interven
tion. The President ordered the dis
patch of the troops.
Agreement Reached
American and British insistence
on settlement of the Free French
wrangle resulted in the establish
ment of Gen. Henri Giraud as com
mander-in-chief of all French forces
in North and West Africa. Gen.
Charles DeGaulle was named lead
er of the forces in other French pos
sessions in Syria and East Africa.
The appointment represented a
victory for the Giraud faction, since
the territories put under his wing
are among the richest and most
strategic of French possessions and
contain the bulk of the French
army. Furthermore, Giraud's lead
ership in the territory allows him a
free hand in the disposition of many
military commanders to whom De
Gaulle was hostile.
At the time it announced the dual
arrangement, the French national
committee also revealed it had set
up a military delegation composed
of both Giraud and DeGaulle and
their chiefs-of-stafT to work out an
eventual unification of both com
Marshall Sees Victory
Addressing the 35th annual gov
ernors’ conference, Gen. George C.
Marshall, U. S. chief of staff, pre
dicted certain victory, but not with
out great effort and heavy losses.
"What we need now is a stoic de
termination to do everything in our
power to overwhelm the enemy, cost
IT e need stoic determination.
what it may. to reduce him to a
supplicant under the impact of
aroused and determined democra
cies,” General Marshall said.
Although Tunisia gave the Allies
an invaluable pattern for future op
erations. General Marshall said, the
coming battle of Europe will not be
a setup Water-borne movements
always produce complications, he
declared, and they are merely a
prelude to the heavy fighting re
maining once the land has been
Uphold by Supreme Court
In unanimous decision, the Su
preme court affirmed the right of a
military commander in imposing a
curfew on Japanese residents of the
Pacific coast in March, 1942.
Two American citizens of Japa
nese ancestry contested the army’s
action as applying against them as
well as aliens Of the 110.000 Japa
nese affected, 70,000 were citizens.
The court iwled the army had no
time to make distinctions.
iflViTH *\ 1M M i \ f» H
_ 1
Governments Philosophy
Set Forth in New Fantasy
Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s Delightful Fairy
Story, “The Little Prince,” Holds More
Than Artistry for Adult and Child Alike.
News Analyst and Commentator.
WNU Service, Union Trust Building
Washington, D. C.
On s June day, when a gentle
breeze brought the scent of new
mown grass in through the White
House windows, President Roosevelt
sat at his desk and read slowly to
a group of correspondents from a
typewritten sheet. It wasn’t a for
mal document but it was an historic
one—its purpose was to remind the
Italian people that the military cam
paign against them which had just
scored another Allied victory, Pan
telleria, was the result of the mis
conduct of their rulers.
The message has been variously
interpreted since, but to me, it con
tained one significant point—the re
minder of the coming birth of a new
nation; the new Italy which will
emerge when the chains of arro
gance and brute aggression which
bind her are broken. There has
been much talk about post-war po
licing of the re-made world; little
thought of the philosophy which will
underlie the forms which the reborn
governments must follow. To me,
such a philosophy is set forth in a
work of pure fantasy. A hopeful
note for nations and men is sounded
in this delightful fairy tale by an
author who found spiritual rebirth
in the tragedy of the fall of his own
I refer to Antoine de Saint-Ex
upery and his latest work, “The Lit
tle Prince.”
Those who have read his "Night
Flight,” “Wind, Sand and Stars”
and “Flight to Arras” are not sur
prised that he could create a fairy
tale as delicate as this. Reviewers
have disagreed as to whether it is
for children or for adults. I believe
it is for both, like “Alice in Wonder
land.” But the adult will find in
“The Little Prince” something more
than artistry and the children will
sense that, too, I think.
Saint-Exupery is a brilliant avia
tor who built up night flying for the
French airlines in South America.
He fought against the Germans—
“Flight to Arras” is the remarkable
book which tells at that experience.
He is now back with the French
army in Africa, scene of the open
ing of “The Little Prince.”
The Prince's Story
“Six years ago,” the author says,
“I made a forced landing in the
Sahara alone, a thousand miles from
help, and faced the necessity of re
pairing my motor by myself within
the number of days my drinking
water would last The first morn
ing, I was awakened by a deter
mined but gentle voica which said:
'If you please, draw me a sheep.’ ”
So Exupery learned the story of
how the Little Prince had found out
what is really important in life.
The Little Prince is at once a deli
cate wisp of fancy, something so
6heer that at moments he seems to
float like a piece of thistledown be
fore your imagination—again, he
has all the reality of truth itself, he
is eternal childhood, all that is gen
tle, and confiding and lovable, with
the faint shadow of sorrow on his
winsome face, he is the tug at your
heartstrings that comes when youth
looks at you in wide-eyed confi
dence, reaches up to take your hand
—the same reminiscent tug when
you look back and see the surprised
and longing sorrow in the eyes of
your dwn lost youth.
The Little Prince lived far away,
it seems, on a tiny planet with three
volcanoes so small that he cooked
his breakfast on one of them. A
flower came to his planet and the
Little Prince loved her and cared for
her but he couldn't understand her
and so he left to try to find out
why. He finally reached the earth,
and here the fox taught him.
j The Little Prince had never seen
a fox—"Come and play with me,”
he said, “I am so unhappy.” "I
cannot play with you,” the fox said,
“I am not tamed.” The Little Prince
did not understand. He told the fox
that he was looking for friends and
asked him what tame meant.
Philosophy of a Fox
“It is an act too often neglected,”
said the fox, “it means to estab
lish ties ... to me. you are still
nothing but a little boy who is just
like a hundred other little boys. And
I have no need of you. To you, I
am nothing more than a fox like a
hundred thousand other little foxes.
But if you tame me, then we shall
need each other. To me, you will
be unique in the whole world. To
you, I shall be unique in the whole
"I am beginning to understand,”
said the Little Prince, “there is a
flower ... I think she has tamed
“If you tame me," the fox went
on, "it will be as if the sun came
to shine on my life. I shall know
the sound of a step that will be dif
ferent from all others. Other steps
send me hurrying back underneath
the ground. Yours will call me like
music out of my burrow. And then
look: y«u see the grain fields down
yonder. I do not eat bread. Wheat
is of no use to me. The grain fields
say nothing to me and that is sad.
But you have hair that is the color
of gold. Think how wonderful that
will be when you have tamed me.
The grain which is also golden will
bring me back the thought of you.
And I shall love to listen to the
wind in the wheat ..."
The fox gazed at the Little Prince
for a long time. “Please—tame me,”
he said. “I want to very much,”
said the Little Prince, “but I haven’t
much time, I have friends to dis
cover and a great many things to
"One only understands the things
one tames,” said the fox, “men have
no more time to understand any
thing. They buy things already
made at the shops but there is no
shop anywhere where one can buy
friendship, and so men have no
friends any more. If you want a
friend, tame me ...”
And so the Little Prince did, and
another day when he came back, the
fox said: “It would have been better
if you had come back at the same
hour. If, for example, you come at
four o’clock in the afternoon, then
at three o’clock I shall begin to
be happy. I shall feel happier and
happier as the hour advances. At
four o’clock, I shall already be wor
rying and jumping about. I shall
show you how happy I am. But if
you come just anytime, I shall nev
er know at what hour my heart is
to be ready to greet you.”
But finally, the Little Prince had
to go.
“Ah,” said the fox, “I shall cry.”
Source of Comfort
“It is your own fault,” said the
Little Prince, "I never wished you
any sort of harm; but you wanted
me to tame you.” “Yes, that is
so,” said the fox. “Then it has
done you no good at all.” “It has
done me good,” said the fox, “be
cause of the color of the wheat
And there, I think, perhaps some
of you may find comfort—in the
memories that come from the wheat
fields, for the common and the beau
tiful things that remind you of some
one from whom, perhaps this war
has parted you.
That is only a flash I have given
you of the story of “The Little
Prince” which is not written for
children only but for those who have
the faith of little children and the
understanding to see how tragedy
can bring forth something which can
light the long shadows which it
leaves—out of the tragedy of his
nation and the searchings of his own
soul came this charmina fantasy
from the pen of the sol "er-writer
with the secret he learned from the I
Little Prince who learned it from
the fox—
“It is only with the heart that one
can see rightly; what is essential
is invisible to the eye.”
• • •
Diary of a Broadcaster
A postcard signed by a fictitious
name, dated the day Pantelleria
fell, contained this statement;
“Italy so far has got the best ter
ritory of the world: most of France;
the richest prize of the war: Jugo
slavia; the greatest strategical area
in the world: Greace and her is
lands. Italy will dictate the peace,
save the U.S.A. and get two-thirds
of Africa, meanwhile Mussolini is
Supreme everywhere. Italy got all
and lost least, can fight 1,000 years.”
• • •
Some 7,000,000 pounds of bombs
were dropped on Pantelleria island
from June 1 to June 11 when it
B R I E F S . . . by Baukhage
Soldiers make an average of eight
moves by railroad between induc
tion and embarkation for service
• • •
Radio France, General Henri
Giraud’s station at Algiers, has re
ported that because "young Ger
man students are getting stirred up”
• Gestapo agent has been stationed
i in "every” German university.
The Nazi "Gauleiter” for the Bal
tic States has ordered the removal
of all church bells as a total mobili
zation measure. f
• • •
Because many types of air raid
shelters now in use are scant protec
tion against Allied heavy bombs, the
German people have been told to
hurry the construction of new under
ground shelters.
to the
Roger B. Whitman—WNU Features.
Too may not be able to replace worn or
broken household equipment. This is war.
Government priorities come first. So take
care of what you have ... as well aj you
possibly can. This column by the home
owner’s friend tells you how.
A reader has sent in the follow
ing: ‘‘When preparing a partially
empty can of paint for storage, first
clean all paint from the sealing sur
faces of the can and lid to insure
an airtight closing of the lid. To
prevent the trapped air in the can
from evaporating the paint solvent,
shake the can vigorously for a few
seconds to saturate the trapped air
thoroughly with the solvent. Thus,
when the can is stored the air can
not absorb any more solvent and
film cannot form. Stand the can
upside down for storage, so that
the joint around the lid will be
Condensation on Walls
Question: Some time ago my stuc
co house was brick-veneered. No
air space was left between the walls.
During rainy or humid weather the
walls sweat and stain the wallpaper.
Is there a preparation which can
be applied over the plaster to pre
vent sweating? If so, can the walls
be painted or papered over this so-,
Answer: No kind of paint will stop
the condensation. The answer to
your problem is insulating board ap
plied over furring strips to provide
the air space that now is lacking
and to minimize differences in tem
perature. It will help to dry out
the air of the house if you leave the
fireplace damper open during rainy
weather. Additional ventilation also
would help.
Turning Circle for Cars
Question: What is the minimum
diameter necessary for a turning
circle in front of our house to ac
commodate any type of car? We
plan to make an island in the cen
ter containing an old millstone.
Answer: For large passenger cars
the radius of the outside curb should
be 28 feet, and the radius of the in
side curb 16 feet. This will accom
modate small trucks.
Finish for Shingles
Question: The wood shingles on
the walls of our house were put on
ten years ago and now are in need of
attention. One painter advises re
staining, another suggests painting.
Which do you recommend?
Answer: After ten years the stain
undoubtedly is weathered out of the
wood, and the shingles cither can be
painted or stained. The choice of
the finish is up to yourself.
Fireplace Plans
Question: Where can I get plans
for building a stone fireplace for a
frame cottage?
Answer: I do not know of any pub
lication for this. But you can get
ideas by looking over back issues of
Better Homes and Gardens, Ameri
can Home, and similar publications,
which have many illustrations of
fireplaces. You can see back issues
at your public library.
Oil in Fine Passages
Question: I have heard that spray
ing the flue passages of a boiler with
oil will prevent rusting during the
summer months. But won't this oil
cause an explosion when the heat is
turned on in the fall?
Answer: Not unless the flue pas
sages are soaked too heavily with
oil. Running a low fire for a half
hour or so will evaporate the sur
plus oil.
Question: Where can I get leaflets
on the remodeling of old houses?
Answer: Send five cents to the
Superintendent of Documents,
Washington, D. C, and ask for
Farmers* Bulletin No. 1749, which
‘has the title “Modernizing Farm
houses." You can also get informa
tion from your local office of the
Federal Housing administration.
* Preparing to Paint
Question: I wish to paint our win
dow frames on the outside, and am
rather pressed for time. The frames
hre quite dirty. What is the quick
est way of cleaning them so that I
can paint them immediately after?
Answer: It might be enough just
to brush the dust off. If not, you
could use a wire brush and wipe
with turpentine.
Cracked Boiler
Question: Can a crack in a cast
iron boiler be welded satisfactorily?
Answer: Yes, it can be. You can
get a mechanic with a portable
welding outfit to come and do the
Job. Inquire of a heating contractor,
a steamfitter or a plumber.
Protecting Tools
Question: Kow can I keep my
tools from rusting? I keep them in
both a metal and wooden toolchest
in a damp basement.
Answer: After using, rub them all
over with vaseline. Before using
again, wipe welL
Use Woven Rags for
Rugs and Cushions
Syf ANY an American of pioneer
background can remember
when all the floors in the house
except the parlor were covered
with woven rag rugs and carpets.
Today the local weaver with a rug
loom is flourishing in many com
The modern weaver has an as
sortment of colors in warp and
filler that may be used with the
--- l
_ I '
: plain!
„ separately
rags that you have prepared in the
manner shown here. About one
and three quarter pounds of sewn
rags will be required for a square
yard of carpet. Rugs may be
either cotton or wool but do not
use both in the same rug. The
rags should be soft and clean and
hems or uneven finishes should be
removed. Dye white rags the col
ors you wish to predominate.
• * •
NOTE—It is possible to make a great
variety of floor coverings from odds and
ends of things on hand. Books 9 and 10
of the series offered with these articles
contain fascinating new designs for hooked
and braided rugs. In Book 7 there is a
rug made from old felt hats and school
pennants. Boohs are 15 cents each. Or
der booklets direct from:
Bedford Hills New York
Drawer 10
Enclose 15 cents for each book
Name ....
Address .
15 years to pay —low interest —low
principal payments—just like paying
rent. No red tape. We own no farms
south of the Platte River or west of
Buffalo, Sherman, Valley, Garfield,
and Holt Counties.
• Write for lists. Specify counties in
which you are interested, and we
will send lists with names oi Super
intendents. Courtesy to brokers.
City National Bank Building
A choice lot of registered Angus bulls and
females ranging from calves to mature
animals. Bulls up to two years old. One
or a car load. Choicely bred of Earl Mar
shall and Prlnemere breeding.
L. E. LAFLIN • Crab Orchard. Nebr.
under one year and yearlings past. Also
springer heifers. Special price on four.
Dairy Supplies and Kqutp.—We buy and
sell used milking mach., any make. Get our
prices before you buy or sell. Comp, repair
KM West 4th. Grand Island. Nebraska.
FOR SALE: Smooth, medium type Cheater
White fall boars with lots of feeding
qualities. WM. BLEIiLER. Sterling. Nebr.
Ship or write to Sterling Feather Company.
Ml N. Broadway, St. Louis. Missenrl.
Wsaled—New goose, duck feathers, also old
used feathers. Top prices, prompt returns.
Ship to Formers Store, Mitchell. 8. D.
—Ray War Savings Bonds—
---—* '
■J HJ AV with its heat rash misery.
H I Sprinkle on Mexaana, for
h m THE ^ merly Mexican Heat Pow
U E | dar. Costs little, and you
■ I ■ save lots in larger sisca.
For Yon To Feel Well
24 hours every day, 1 days every
week, never stopping, the kidneys filter
waste matter from the blood.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove sur
plus fluid, exoass acids and other waste
matter that cannot stay in the blood
without injury to health, there would
be better understanding of uhf the
whole system is upset when kidneys fail
to function property.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina
§t!on sometimes warns that something
is wrong. You may suffer nagging back
ache, headaches, diszinesa, rheumatic
pains, getting up at nights, swelling.
Why not try Doan’s Pillt? You will
be using s medicine reoom mended the
eountry over. Doan't stimulate the funo
tion of the kidneys and help them to
poisonous waste from the
blood. They contain nothing harmful.
Get Doan a today. Use with confidence.
At all drug stores.