The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 27, 1943, Image 1

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    The Frontier
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The Frontier received a letter
from Senator Tony Asitnus the
first of the week in which he
gives an account of Legislative
Bill No. 129, the bill which pro
vides a new way of dividing the
counties share of the gasoline tax
money, which was introduced by
him and successfully pushed thru
the legislature. Following is the
Senator’s letter:
“Legislative Bill 129, a new plan
of dividing the counties’ share of
gas tax money, and introduced
and sponsored by myself, finally
passed the Nebraska Legislature
and has been signed by Governor
Griswold. This bill passed with
the emergency clause attached,
and goes into effect at once.
“This bill caused one of the bit
terest fights in the Legislature in
years. The only reason it received
35 votes on final vote was that
we were lucky enough to place it
on general file about five days
ahead of Omaha’s power bill, L.
B. 204. We were entitled to 23
votes. Douglas and Lancaster
counties used every means pos
sible, fair and unfair, to defeat
the bill up to final vote. After
this bill was raised to the top of
general file, six of our 23 voters
agreed to a compromise with the
other side. This bill in its present
form is this compromise, which
only gives us one-half of what my
original bill would have brought
our counties. I hope we get the
other half when the next Legis
lature meets.
“The bill as passed, however,
gives our district a good gain.
Figured on the average of gas
tax collections of 1939 to 1943, it
“Holt county, approximate gam
of $10,000 to $10,500 per year.
“Boyd county, approximate gam
of $4,000 to $4,400 per year.
“Rock county, approximate gam
of $3,300 to $3,500 per year.
“Keya Paha county, approxi
mate gain of $2,900 to $3,100 per
“This same principle of division
on rural population will also work
on vehicle registration fees. If a
bill is introduced in the next
legislature on registration fees, it
will almost double the money left
in our counties for this purpose.
F. F. A. Agriculture
Teacher To Leave
The O’Neill chapter of the Fu
ture Farmers of America held
their monthly meeting on Tues
day night. May 10. They went
through their regular business
and then decided to have a picnic
at Emmett Revell’s. The picnic
will be in honor of their advisor,
Mr. Mathis, who will teach in
Wisner in a similar position the
following year. Mr. Mathis has
taught Vocational Agriculture in
the O’Neill Public Schools for the
past four years. He organized the
local F.F.A. chapter and worked
very hard to make it a success.
While here, in addition to
teaching his day classes he had
conducted one young farmers
class, two adult farmers classes
and supervised two mechanics
courses at the Ford garage. He
also helped coach football and
basketball the past school year.
Mr. Mathis stated, “I regret
very much to leave my friends,
and have enjoyed working with
the people of O’Neill and the sur
rounding community very much.
Livestock Prices Steady
At Local Sale Monday
Supplies of livestock were
moderate at the local livestock
auction last Monday. Prices held
about steady on most classes and
the general market undertone
looked firm. The hog market
showed strertgth under pressure
of urgent demand.
Lightweight steer calves topped
at $17.20 with the bulk ranging
from $15.50 to $16.50. Heifers in
this class made $15.55 with the
long end cashing from $14.25 to
$15.00. Yearling steers priced
from $13 00 to $14.50 with a few
lightweights reaching a little
higher Supplies were limited in
the yearling division.
Good beef cows with weight
paid upwards to $12.50 f°r ar*
treme top. Bulk moved at $10.50
to $11.75. Thin cows made $9.00
to $10.00. Bulls scaling 1350 lbs.
reached $12.50. ,
Hog receipts were fairly heavy
and prices were extra good. An j
extreme top of $14.15 was paid on
choice 250 pound butchers Bulk
of supplies moved at $14.00 to
$14.10. A few sows averaging
around 300 pounds brought $14.00.
Bulk cashed from $13.85 to $13.95.
Pigs scaling 70 pounds topped at
$16.10. Next regular auction on
Monday, May 31.
Nels Barbour, of Fullerton,
Nebr., left for his home Wednes
day after visiting his daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Rickley and family for a
few days. He will leave the first
of June for Hollywood, Cal.,
where he will make his home.
Miss Kathryn McCarthy, of
Grand Island, spent the week-end j
here visiting relatives and friends. |
Saturday Poppy Day
Men who served in the first
World War were urged to be first
to put on a poppy, next Saturday,
in a message issued today by Paul
Beha, commander of Simonson
Post of the American Legion.
Recalling the service and sacri
fice of the men who fought for
America twenty-five years ago,
Commander Beha said:
“Men are again being called
upon to give their lives for Amer
ica. as did our comrades in 1917
and 1918. Our own boys and our
neighbors’ are among them. Our
hearts are heavy at the thought
that these young men must meet
the same fate as those other
young men we left beneath the
poppies of France twenty-five
years ago.
“To show that we honor and
remember the dead of both wars
we have our memorial poppy. By
wearing this little flower on
Poppy Day, we express feelings
we cannot put into words. We
signify that we are carrying on in
their spirit for the final triumph
of the cause for which they laid
down their lives.
“Poppies, made by disabled war
veterans, will be offered on the
streets all day Saturday by the
American Legion Auxiliary. I feel
certain that they will be accepted
eagerly and worn proudly by all
citizens. I urge that among the
first to put them on be the mem
bers of the American Legion for
we, before all others, should un
derstand the significance of the
little red flower and should lead
the way in paying tribute to the
nation’s fallen defenders.”
Former O’Neill Boy
Passes Away In Iowa
Clayton Messner was called to
East Pleasant Plains, Iowa, on
May 4, by a message announcing
the serious illness of his brother,
Clyde Messner. According to word
received by relatives here from
Clayton, Clyde died on May 22,
at the Jefferson County Hospital
at Fairfield, Iowa, and he was
buried at East Pleasant Plains,
Iowa, on May 24th.
Clyde Messner was born at
Mineola, Nebr., on December 1,
1884, and would have been 59
years of age next December. A
paralytic stroke suffered eighteen
days prior to his death was given
as the cause of hs death.
Clyde was raised in O’NeilK
the family moving to this city
when he was a little boy. He at
tended the O’Neill public schools
and at the completion of his
school years he clerked for a time
in the grocery store of Jacob
Pfund, then in the J. P. Mann
store. He later turned, to the jew
elry business and worked for
William Lockard, who operated a
jewelry store here for several
years, and also for W. B. Graves.
He left O’Neill about 1913 and
went to East Pleasant Plains,
Iowa, and opened a jewelry store
and had been engaged in that
business up to the time of his
death. He never married, and is
survived by his brother, Clyde, of
O’Neill; a niece, Edith Messner,
of O’Neill, and several cousins in
South Sioux City and at Fairfield,
Iowa. Clyde was a fine young
man and he had a host of friends
in this city who will regret to
learn of his passing.
O.C.C. Will Have An
Interesting Program
Already it is assured that the
O’Neill Country Club will have a
large membership for the present
year. Gas and tire rationing will
cause people to seek recreation
near their homes this season.
At the Ladies Tea last week it
was decided to hold frequent
children’s parties and dances.
Mrs. Clark Wilson and Mrs. H. J.
Birmingham were designated as
a committee in charge of these
enjoyable affairs for the younger
set. It is assured there will be
weekly or bi-weekly dinners at
the club house. The one-day tour
nament to be held Sunday, June
20th will be in charge of Allan
Jaszkowiak and Max Golden. A
bridge party for the ladies will
be held the day of the tournament
and golf players from surround
ing towns will certainly bring
their wives and lady friends to
this affair. Mr. Jaszkowiak and
Mr. Golden will also be in charge
of a dancing party for club mem
bers to be held early in June.
The O’Neill Country Club has
usually been the center of social
activities in O’Neill during the |
summer months. Government of
ficials have been encouraged to
seek recreation near their homes,
and it is hoped that all old mem
bers and many newcomers will
join the club during 1943.
The first of the week Mr. and
Mrs. John Melvin closed a deal
for the purchase of the Norton
residence on the corner of Fifth
and Clay streets. This is one of
the nice residences in the city and
is surrounded by a nice grove of
trees and will make a spendid
home for these O’Neill pioneers.
184 Eighth Grade Pupils
Graduated Last Monday
At the Holt county Eight Grade
Promotion exercises held in the
O’Neill High School Auditorium
last Monday afternoon, the fol
lowing pupils received the highest
honors for their scholastic stand
Rural Schools
1— Edward Hynes. 95 Vi, Dist.
No. 84.
2— Ardith Ruroede, 94%, Dist.
No. 173.
3— Francis Rohde, 93%, Dist.
No. 84.
4— Barbara Trowbridge, 93%,
Dist. No. 138.
5— Mary Murphy, 93%, Dist.
No. 70.
6— Donna Rae Peterson, 93%,
Dist. No. 228.
7— Mary Ruth Goeke, 93, Dist.
No. 89.
Town Schools
1—Richard Fenderson, 95%,
1— Richard Morgan, 95%,
2— Naomi Knepper, 94%, O’Neill
3— Alta Boatman, 94Vi, O’Neill.
4—Juanita Kaup, 94%, St. Boni
5— Dorothy Hamilton, 93%,
6— Wilma Evans, 93%, O'Neill.
Virgie Hartland, Dist. No. 3,
Redbird; LeRoy Barta, Dist. No.
4, Redbird; Marva Losher, Dist.
No. 5, O’Neill; Rita Graham, Dist.
No. 8, O’Neill; Helen Burival,
Dist. No. 9, O’Neill; Rob Roy
Prouty. Dist. No. 13, Spencer; Ed
win Wabs, Dist. No. 14, Spencer;
Lois Bredehoeft, Dist. No. 15,
O’Neill; James Jardee, Dist. No.
15, O’Neill; Dorothy Nekolite,
Dist. No. 15, O’Neill; Evelyn Lind
berg, Dist. No. 16. O’Neill; Bern
ard Rouse, Dist. No. 16, O’Neill;
Ruby Fox, Dist. No. 20, Emmet;
Jerry Tomjack, Dist. No. 20, Em
met; John Wagman, Dist. No. 20,
Emmet; Roland Wills, Dist. No.
20, Emmet; Elmer Wiseman, Dist.
No. 23, Page; Mary Ann Roche,
Dist. No. 23, Page; Billy Hartman,
Dist. No. 23, Page; Eleanor Hus
ton. Dist. No. 23, Page; Roy De
vall Dist. No, 27, O’Neill; Ronald
Borg, Dist. No. 27, O’Neill; Mar
garet Langan, Dist. 34, Spencer;
William Schorn, Dist. No. 35, At
kinson; Daryl Terrill. Dist. No.
j 39, Page; Jim Parks, Dist. No. 39,
Page; Dick Cunningham, Dist. No.
39, Page; Mabel Derickson, Dist.
49, Star; Berna Dean Miller, Dist.
49, Middlebranch; Norman Hob
son, Dist. No. 50, Middlebranch;
Harold Coburn, Dist. No. 51,
O’Neill; Wilbur Wells, Dist. No.
51, O’Neill; Robert Deming, Dist.
No. 52, Stuart; Donald Henderson,
Dist. No. 52, Atkinson; Ronald
Wood. Dist. No. 57, Page; Richard
Holliday, Dist. No. 57, Page; Na
omi Steinberg, Dist. No. 57, Page;
Lola Ickes, Dist. No. 57, Page;
Bobby Fuller, Dist. No. 58, Stu
art; Donna Whaley, Dist. No. 62,
O’Neill; William Murphy, Dist.
No. 64, O’Neill; Elaine Ressel,
Dist. No. 65, Chambers; Glen Cad
wallader, Dist. No. 68, Stuart;
Evelyn Parshall, Dist. No. 68, At
kinson; Mary Murphy. Dist. No.
70, Stuart; Lorraine Straka, Dist.
No. 70, Stuart; Donald Durre,
Dist. No. 73, Ewing; Eugene Zis
ka, Dist. No. 77, Atkinson; Doris
Ziska. Dist. No. 77, Atkinson; Ray
mond Dobias, Dist. No. 79, Atkin
son; Tommy Blake, Dist. No. 84,
O’Neill; Edward Hynes, Dist. No.
84, O’Neill; Francis Rohde, Dist.
No. 84, Spencer; Robert Scott;
Dist. No. 87, Chambers; Mae
Scott, Dist. No. 87, Chambers;
(Continued on page four)
Spangler-Nelson Vows
On Sunday, May 16th
Miss Wanda Spangler, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Await Spangler
of Star, and Clayton Nelson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson of
Walnut, were married at the Ve
nus Lutheran church on Sunday,
May 16th. Miss Doris Hansen of
Omaha and Sergeant Vernon
Spangler were their attendants.
County Court
George Enbody of Atkinson was
arrested May 23rd on a complaint
by Charles Switzer and charged
with assault. He was fined $10
and costs of $5.10.
Vernon Wesiman was arrested
on May 23rd on a complaint by
Charles Switzer and charged with
assault. He was fined $10 and
costs of $3.10.
Robert Tomlinson of Star was
arrested on May 17th on the com
plaint and information of Fred
Timmerman and charged with as
sault. He was fined $10 and costs
of $8.45.
Leo Strong of O’Neill was ar
rested on May 21st by Patrolman
Meistrell and charged with hav
ing a truck not equipped with
flares. He was found guilty as
charged and was fined $25 and
costs of $3.10.
The Weather
High Low
May 21_71 47
May 22 74 54
May 23 ... _74 52
May 24 62 44
May 25 _ 58 40
May 26 69 40
May 27 .... 70 40
Rrecipitation .08.
By Romalne Saunders
Atkinson, Nebr., Star Rout* No. 5.
Cattle were brought in last
week from Colfax county and put
on pasture at Henry Knudzen s.
Not so long ago Yankees snear
ed at the “Chinks.” Now comes
along China’s First Lady and
steals the whole show away from
our own First Lady.
Holt county has been favored
with better weather than allcted
to us this spring. Cloudy, cold
and but little rain. All this is
preferable to death, wreckage
and ruined farms by flood and
tornados experienced elsewhere.
A south wind worked on us Sat
urday and part of Sunday, when
the sky became overcast with
dense clouds and rain followed.
Mists hung a soggy blanket across
the prairie that rekindled the
hope and verified the faith of
gardener and rancher alike.
Pasture lands are green and sus
tain the usual run of cattle but
moisture is not yet ample to re
ward us with a normal nay crop.
The tragic fruitage of one-man
rule is seen in ghastly outline
across Europe, surging in the
backwaters of Asia and over
whelming islands of the seven
seas. Herr Hitler was not a bad
Euy at the start, but no man can
e placed upon a pedestal with
safety to his generation. As I
view it, no man however great
or how lofty his purposes should
for the third time be placed at
the head of the nation and a
fourth term is unthinkable.
Neighbors planned early in the
week to go to the Fredrich’s
home on Wednesday, the ladies
laying hold on soap and mops and
water to clean house and their
men folks going to the fields with
planters to put in corn. Mr.
Fredrichs has been in an Omaha
hospital for several weeks, the
burden of much ranch work fall
ing on Mrs. Fredrichs and the
children, the oldest a boy under
draft age, besides the anxiety of
sickness and several trips of one
or more of the family to Omaha.
I read of the death of Frank
Barrett with regret. Frank and
I spent an afternoon in visiting
during the fair at Chambers last
summer. I recall but little of
what went on that afternoon on
the fair grounds but the warm,
friendly contact of an old friend
remains a fragrant memory. “It
is appointed unto man once to
die.” As we gave our parting
saluations that day I entertaining
no thought that the appointment
was near at hand for my friend.
Mr. Barrett was a steady, sub
stantial citizen with a calm out
look on life that developed a
strong and worthy character. He
estimated men for what they were
worth and placed an unerring
finger on sham and make believe.
Stock tanks and windmills are
now not freely available, making
the water supply for stock a
problem with some citizens. The
first citizens of the county solved
the water problem by taking a
spade and excavating a sizeable
hole, boarded the sides, fastened
to the sides two upright timbers
with a cross piece, to which was
attached a wheel with a grooved
rim and through this a rope was
run and a wooden bucket attach
er to each end of the rope. Out
there on the prairie we knew
when Mike Carroll a mile north
of us and Jim McTaggert to the
east were drawing water by the
screeching of those unoiled
wheels. Vinegar or kerosene bar
rels sawed in two served
as stock tanks to supplement the
water holes elsewhere.
“During the past week or so
Americans have learned the reas
on why it is no longer possible
for a person to accumulate great
wealth. The income tax has
doomed fortunes of the future.
It is not probable that this gener
ation will experience lower in
come taxes. The nation will
slave for a century to pay the
cost of this war. There will prob
ably be few tears at the passing
of great fortunes but the masses
of the people might well pay at
tention to whether the same pro
cess will impoverish everybody.
Doubtless some of these emotional
observations by an editorial
writer will be found all too real
istic all too soon if there is to be
no release of the government
stranglehold on the intelligence,
the initiative, the executive and
the creative ability that has not
only built great fortunes but has
rewarded thrift and industry in
a less spectacular way.
Mrs. H. J. Hammond returned
Sunday from Paris and Aboliene,
Texas, where she had visited rel
atives for the past few weeks.
She visited her daughter and son
in-law, Pvt. and Mrs. Charles E.
Chase at Paris, Texas, and her
son, Pvt. George Hammond, who
is stationed at Camp Barkley,
Aboliene, Texas.
More Holt County Boys
Inducted Into Service
Following are the names of Holt
county boys recently inducted in
to the Armed Forces:
John J. Rosser Buford, Stuart,
Navy: Edward Merriman Kirk
patrick, O’Neill. Army; Roy Fran
cis Humrich, Jr., Stuart, Army;
Clinton Vernon Peterson, O’Neill,
Army; James Thomas Thompson,
Jr., Inman, Army; Robert Lee
Wood, Page. Army; Robert Char
les Snider, Ewing, Navy; Emrich
Edmond Rocke, Atkinson, Navy;
Edward Karl Kunz, Stuart, Army;
James John Mathews, O’Neill,
Army; Merrill Clarence Hicks,
O’Neill, Army; Arthur Charles
Walter, Chambers, Army; Fred
Fay Appleby, Inman, Army; Leo
R. Mossman, Inman, Army; Rob
ert D. Selah, O’Neill, Army; Floyd
K. Raymer, Atkinson, Army; Du
ward A. Loughrey, Ewing, Army;
Joseph E. Ritts, O’Neill, Army;
Stanley J. Lambert, Ewing, Army;
Donald L. Pollock, Ewing, Army;
Beverly E. Wanser, Page. Army;
Walter E. Meyborg, Ewing, Army;
Stanley E. Primus, Ewing, Army;
Delbert R. Nissen, Chambers,
Army; Donald E. Loy, O’Neill,
Army; Maurice Cavanaugh, Jr.,
O’Neill. Army; Clayton J. De
seive, Atkinson, Army; Harlan
James Van Connett, Chambers,
Army; William C. Haglan, O’Neill,
Mrs. Ralph Voecks returned to
her home in Norfolk on Wednes
day, after visiting relatives and
friends here for the past few
Miss Helen Toy of Chadron is
expected to arrive here Saturday
to visit her parents, Mr. and M«.
Anton Toy, and other relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Carl Wedtfeldt left Sun
day for Seattle, Wash., to make
an extended visit at the home of
her brother, P. J. Lansworth, and
family. Her nephew, Bobby, is
seriously ill.
Mrs. Fred Saunto entertained
the 9FF Club at her home last
Thursday evening. Mrs. Gilles
pie won high score, Mrs. I. W.
Johnson second high and Mrs.
Lyndle Stout third high.
Ensign Lawrence Hanna of Los
Angeles came last Friday to visit
relatives and friends for a few
days. He is on his way to the east
coast, where he will take special
ized training at Cornell Uni
Flight Officer Bob Earley left
last Saturday for Alpino, Mich., j
where he will become a member'
of a ferrying squadron, after vis- j
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Earley, and other relatives
and friends here.
Miss Inez Bensen, of Tulsa, j
Okla., who had been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ben
son and other relatives here, left
for her southern home Saturday;
Mrs. Harold Lindberg enter
tained the Merri-myx Club at a
1:30 dessert luncheon at her home
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hayes
of Gilmore City, Iowa, was a j
Among the 906 members of the
graduating class Tuesday at the
University of Nebraska, in Lin
coln, were Jack Frederick Vin
cent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack!
Vincent of this city, who was
awarded a Bachelor of Science
degree, and Robert Edward Clift,
son of Mrs. Tina Clift of this city,
who was awarded a Bachelor of
Science degree in Chemical En
Mrs. O. W. French entertained
the Contract Bridge Club at her
home Tuesday evening. Mrs.1
Anna Hayes, of Gilmore City,;
Iowa, formerly of this city, was;
guest of honor. Mrs. H. G. Kruse j
won high score, Mrs. Frank Par
kins second high, Mrs. Hayes
guest prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter
have purchased the late R. H.
Murray residence on east Fourth
steret.* the transaction being
closed the first of the week. Mr.
and Mrs. Streeter have been oc
cupants of the house for several
Mrs. W. J. McDonough return
ed Monday from Concordia,
Kansas, where she had visited
her parents and other relatives
and friends for the past two
weeks. Her father. W. E. Brown
had been seriously ill but is now
coming along nicely.
Mattie Soukup will leave Fri
day morning for Washington, D
C., where she will witness the
graduation of her son, Lieutenant
Francis J. Soukup, on June 2nd
at Fort Washington. Maryland,
from an officer’s candidate school.
She will return to O’Neill on Fri-:
day. Francis will return with his;
mother to spend a short furlough
here before going to his new lo
J. B. Fullerton of Pleasantviow
township, and his son, James, Jr.,
of Gordon, Nebr., were in the city
yesterday and made this office a
pleasant call. Mr. Fullerton says
that they have had a good deal
more rainfall in the western part
of the state than we have had in
this section, but on account of
the cold weather pastures are not
in very good condition. This was
his first visit to O’Neill in six
years and he was surprised at the
number of new buildings erected
in this city since his last visit, j
Harry J. Gleason, district direc
tor of the Sioux City district of
fice of price administration, ad
vised today that while the miles
driven per car on national av
erage has been reduced some 2,400
miles per year, and this district’s
miles has been reduced approxi
mately 3,000 miles per year, it is
still necessary that further mile
age curtailment be effected.
The national office estimates
that it will be necessary to reduce
mileage an additional 400 miles
per year, in order that we can
make our present crude and re
claimed rubber supply tide us
over until such time as syn
thetic rubber becomes available
in quantities large enough to di
vert substantial amounts to assist
the needs of the civilian pop
Mr. Gleason also stated that
there is a definite possibility that
we may experience a gasoline
shortage in this area. If this be
comes true, it will be necessary
that this part of the country be
included in the gasoline shortage
area, and consequently, be reg
ulated as they are in areas where
they are experiencing this type of
shortage. It is only natural that
with summer coming on, many of
the motorists will be looking to
ward the highway for their pleas
ure and amusement. Mr. Gleason
urges all motorists of this area to
think twice before making any
trip, in order that every possible
mile might be conserved, until
such time as we can be certain of
just where we stand as far as rub
ber and gasoline are concerned.
Motorists are also urged not to
make applications at local war
price and rationing boards for ad
ditional gasoline for unnecessary
purposes, as this only places ad
ditional work load on rationing
boards, and there is no way pos
sible that this gasoline can be
Mr. Gleason stated further that
even though contradictory re
marks concerning the availability
of crude rubber and gasoline have
been made, there is a definite
shortage, as most people of this
area have experienced, especially
so in trying to secure tires. While
it is impossible to make any def
inite statements just when syn
thetic rubber will be available, it
is believed by late fall additional
supplies of synthetic rubber will
be available, and consequently, it
will be possible to liberalize ra
tioning as far as rationing of tires
is concerned.
There are, at the present time,
large numbers of vehicles in this
district laid up, because local war
price and rationing boards are un
able to act on the pending appli
cations. Tire quotas for all boards
have been insufficient, and the
Sioux City office has been trying
to secure additional quota from
the national reserve. We find,
however, there is no national re
serve available. Consequently, ex
cept in most critical situations,
the tires on your can have to do
until this present emergency is
over. It is, however, anticipated
that some relief will be given to
the Grade III tire demands in the
near future, in that many used
tires are now being released
from used tire suppliers and junk
In co-operation with our effort
to reduce the national average of
miles driven each year, all law
enforcement officials have ex
pressed their willingness to co
operate in this enforcement drive.
Law enforcement officials will re
port to the proper rationing board
any violation in the use of the
motorist’s gasoline ration. Persons
holding a “B” or “C” book will
also be reported if found more
than 45 miles from their home,
inasmuch as an “A" book holder
only is allowed 90 miles per month
of personal driving.
Amusement centers, race tracks,
etc., will also be periodically
checked during the summer
months, and if it is found that
persons are driving beyond the
mileage issued to them in their
“A” book, they will be reported
to their local rationing board, who
will take proper measures.
Mr. Gleason urges the co-oper
ation of every motorist in this
area to eliminate the driving of
i unnecessary' miles.
St. Mary’s Will Graduate
Class Of 28 On Friday
Class day exercises for the
graduates of St. Mary’s Academy
will be held in the Academy Aud
itorium this evening, commenc
ing at 8 o’clock.
Friday morning, May 28th, at
10:30 o’clock, graduating exer
cises will be held for the Senior
Class at St. Patrick’s church. The
class of 1943 has twenty-eight
The eighth grade graduates will
also receive their diplomas at the
same time. Following is the list
of St. Mary’s graduates for 1943:
Herbert Owen Brennan
John Brennan
Winifred Coyne
Stella M. Crowe
Leonard Engler
Betty Flood
Mary L. Hickey
Margaret Higgins
Hazel M. Higgins
Marcella Hoffman
Trena Hoffman
John B. Hynes
Martha Janousek
Mary L. Jaresche
Mary Jolley
Lois Kaup
Corrine Kubitschek
Helen McNichols
Anna Mae Meyer
Margaret Murphy
Elaine Murphy
Betty Ratigan
Margaret Ryan
Dolores Simons
Pauline Stec
Gertrude Sullivan
Pauline Winkler
Maxine Winkler
Marriage Licenses
Milton W. Roth of Chambers
and Christina W. Hubei of Ewing,
on Monday. May 24th.
Orval Raymond Hauf of Clear
water and Betty Jean Aughe of
Orchard, on Monday, May 24th.
La Vance Bennett of Clearwater
and Eleanor Bartek of Ewing, on
Thursday, May 20th.
Donald Joseph Krysl of Stuart
and Mary Antonia Dobrovolny of
Atkinson, on Monday, May 24th.
Art Gildav of Hastings arrived
here last Friday to visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gilday,
and other relatives and friends
for a few days._
Will be at the C&NW De
pot in O'Neill on Thursday,
June 3rd from 10 o'clock a.
m. to 3 o'clock p. m„ to
take consignments of Wool
under government regula
Arthur J. Runnels
— » .I J
New Superintendent For
O’Neill Public Schools
Ruthven C. Andersen of Ban
croft, Nebr., is the new superin
tendent of the O’Neill Public
School, having been elected to the
position to succeed C. F. Grill
who tendered his resignation
some time ago.
Superintendent Andersen has
been superintendent of the Ban
croft public schools for the past
fifteen years. He has also served
as superintendent of schools at
Carroll, Nebr., and principal of
the West Point public schools.
He is a graduate of the Blair High
school and the State Teachers
college at Wayne, with a B. A.
degree from Wayne. He is also
a graduate of the Minnesota Uni
versity, receiving a Master’s de
gree in political science and also
a Master’s degree in educational
He will attend the Minnesota
University during the summer to
do some additional work on doc
torate degree in educational ad
ministration. He is a member of
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu
cational fraternity of the Univer
sity of Minnesota. He is District
Three member of the Board of
Control for State High School
activities association.
Mr. and Mrs. Andersen and
son. Robert, aged eight, will locate
in this city on August 1.
Superintendent Grill has been
at the head of the O’Neill schools
for several years and he has given
good satisfaction to the pupils and
the patrons of the schools. He
is retiring from school duties for
the present and will leave O’Neill
about June 1 for Denver, Colo.,
where he has accepted a good
position in an essential war in
dustry. The best wishes of a
host of O'Neill friends will ac
company him and Mrs Grill and
children for a happy and prosper
ous future in the Mile High City.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Dwight Harder a son, born
Mrs. Jack Bailey a son, born
Mrs. Homer Ernst a son, born
Mrs. Harrison Bridge and baby
dismissed on Wednesday.
Mrs. Art Ellis a tonsilectomy on
Stanley Lewis a tonsilectomy on
Mrs. Alfonso Beelaert was dis
missed last Thursday.
Miss Marion Olson, who is a
student nurse at the University
of Nebraska school of nursing, in
Omaha, arrived Monday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ol
son, and other relatives and
friends for a few weeks.
Staff Sergeant Jim Holsclaw of
Pocatella, Idaho, arrived Saturday
to spend a furlough here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hols
claw, and other relatives and nu
merous friends.