The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 20, 1943, Image 1

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    The Frontier
Saturday, May 29
Poppy Day, Buy
America’s dead of two wars
will be honored on Poppy Day,
when millions of Americans will
wear red poppies as a symbol of
remembrance and tribute.
Here, as in other cities through
out the country, flower girls un
der the auspices of the American
Legion Auxiliary will be on the
streets at an early hour with bas
kets of poppies. A large corps of
volunteer workers has been or
ganized by Mrs. Gallagher, poppy
chairman, to distribute poppies to
everyone in the city.
The poppies have been made
by disabled veterans at Lincoln,
who have been working at their
beds and in the hospital work
room during the winter and
spring. This occupation has help
ed them pass the local hospital
days pleasantly, has enabled them
to earn money and has been val
uable in promoting recovery.
While distributing the memor
ial flowers, the Auxiliary women
will receive contributions for the
Legion and Auxiliary rehabilita
tion and welfare funds. All of the
money contributed will go into
these funds, the Auxiliary work
ers serving without pay. Poppy
contributions form an important
part of the funds which support
the vast humanitarian efforts of
the Legion and Auxiliary fpr the
disabled veterans, and children
of the dead and disabled of both
More than 13,000.000 poppies
were distributed by the Auxiliary
last year and the number worn
this year is expected to be sub
stantially larger. The local Aux
iliary Unit is prepared to supply
a poppy to everyone in the city,
and believes there will be but few
who will fail to honor the war
dead and aid living war victims
by wearing the little red flower
of remembrance.
Loretta Phalin Married
In Chicago On May I
In a 11:30 ceremony performed
in the Old St. Mary church in
Chicago on May 1st, Miss Loretta
Phalin, 911 Wesley avenue, Oak
Park, 111., daughter of Mrs. Frank
Phalin of O’Neill, Nebr., and Gil
bert Laue, son of the late Dr. G.
F. Laue, a pioneer Gary dentist,
and Mrs. C. F. Nay, 532 Pierce,
spoke their wedding vows.
The bride’s matron of honor
was her sister, Mrs. Otto Reising,
458 Johnson, and the best man
was Mr. Reising. Rev. Michael
Lux officiated in the presence of
only the immediate families, in
cluding the Reisings and their
daughter, Ellen, of Gary, the
bride’s mother, Mrs. Frank Phalin
of O’Neill, the groom’s mother,
Mrs. C. F. Nay of Gary, Miss
Polly Robbins of Evanston, 111.,
and Miss Tress Finley, Miss Laura
Finley and Kathleen Finley, all
of Oak Park. The wedding party
breakfasted in the Petit Gourmet.
The new Mrs. Laue was grad
' uated from St. Mary’s Academy
in O’Neill before beginning her
study of law. She took her bach
elor of philosophy from the Uni
versity of Chicago and her doctor
of jurisprudence degree from De
Paul University of Law. She is a
member of Kappa Beta Pi legal
fraternity. In January she was
admitted to practice law before
the Illinois bar.
Mr. Laue, a Horace Mann grad
uate, received his bachelor of arts
degree from Hanover College,
Hanover, Ind., majoring in social
science. He is now executive sec
retary of the Lake county central
index of the Lake County De
partment of Public Welfare, but
is continuing his social service ad
ministration studies at the Uni
versity of Chicago. He is affiliated
with Phi Gamma Delta and Gam
ma Sigma Pi fraternities.—Gary,
(Ind.,) Post-Tribune.
The many O’Neill and Holt
county friends of the bride tender
congratulations to her and" her
husband and hope that they will
have a long, happy and prosper
ous wedded life.
Navy Seeks Specialists
For Shore Patrol
The Navy is desirous of enlist
ing men who have at least two
years of police experience. These
men must have at least one bona
fide dependent and be between
the ages of 38 and 50. It will be
the duty of these men to act as
Shore Patrol for the Navy.
They will be taken to the near
est naval training station for in
doctrination. Applications must
be accompanied by three letters
of recommendation from present
employers or respective chiefs of
police. Ratings are available and
allowances made for the enlisted
man’s dependents.
This is an opportunity for a
qualified man to serve his coun
try in a similar line of work in
which he has been engaged in
civilian life. Interested applicants
should contact the United States
Navy Recruiting Sub-Station lo
cated in the post office building
at Norfolk, Nebr.
C. E. Lundgren and son, Roy,
went to Omaha last Friday.
Peter-Pribil Wedding
Saturday, May 15th
A lovely wedding took place
Saturday morning. May 15, 1943,
at eight o’clock when Miss Elsie
Peter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs^
Cynl Peter, became the bride of
Sergeant Frelent Pribil, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pribil. Msgr.
McNamara officiated at the sin
gle ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in a sky
blue crepe dress with white ac
cessories. Her corsage was of
briar-clifT roses. The bride's only
attendant was her sister, Miss
Lillian. She wore a maize dress
with white and brown accessor
ies. Her corsage was of talisman
roses. . ...
The groom was attired in his
army uniform. His attendant was
his brother, Harold, who wore a
brown suit.
Immediately after the wedding
ceremony, breakfast was served
to the bridal party and immed
iate families at the Golden Hotel.
Mrs. Pribil has been one of
Holt county’s successful teachers
for the past few years.
Before entering the service,
Sgt. Pribil was engaged in farm
ing south of Inman.
The bride and groom left on a
short wedding trip, returning
home on Tuesday. They will de
part Thursday for New Orleans.
La., where Sgt. Pribil is stationed
in the Medical Corps of the U.S.A.
Both of these young people
have many friends in this city
and vicinity who wash for them
a happy and contented journey
through life.
O’Neill High Graduates
48 Wednesday Evening
The O’Neill High School grad
uated a class of forty-eight with
appropriate exercises at the High
School auditorium last evening.
The large aduitorium was crowd
ed with relatives and friends of
the graduates. This is one of
the largest classes ever graduated
from the local high school.
Folowing are the names of the
graduates and the courses which
they took in school:
College Prep
William Bruegman, Warren
Burgess, Harold Calkihs, Owen
Cole, Arthur Ellis, Dewayne Lan
dis. Meredith McKenna, Robert
Novratil, John Osenbaugh, Helen
Rector, Maxine Ressel.
; General
Loris Crippen, Marion DeLong,
John Hamilton, Edward Murphy,
Robert Selah, Virginia Weber,
Darlene Wrede.
Doris Aim. Norma Burge, Dor
othy Ann Davidson, Hazel Gifford,
Della Hagensick, Junia Mae Kel
ler, Dorothy Lowery, Alta June
Pruss, Eva Salmons.
Normal Training
Demaris Benson, Betty Brady,
Norma Jean Derickson, Elaine
Hall, Marcella Johnson, Leone
Korab, Hyldred McKim, LaVonna
Moler, Audrey Reimer, Carol
Schollmeyeer Betty Tomlinson,
Marvella Vanburen.
Vocational Agriculture
Lester Boshart, Frank Burival,
John Etherton, Floyd Hershiser,
Robert Thomas. Gene Wolfe.
Mabel Hamilton, Francis Yantzi.
Gerald Phalin Is Back
In U.S.A. From Africa
Gerald Phalin, who has been
with a medical detachment of the
Douglas Aircraft company in Iran
for the past fourteen months, is
back in the United States and is
in New York, according to word
received by his mother, Mrs.
Frank Phalin. His brother, Larry
is also in Iran but stationed at a
different hospital than Gerald,
but on his way out he got to visit
with him for about half an hour
and he reports to his mother that
Larry is fine. Both boys are
graduate nurses.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to our many friends
and neighbors for their many acts
of kindness and sympathy during
the illness and following the
death of our beloved brother and
uncle. Your kindness in our hour
of sorrow will ever be held in
grateful remembrance.—The Bar
rett Family.
Educational Notes
The Holt County Eighth Grade
Promotion Exercises will be held
in the O’Neill public school aud
itorium on Monday, May 24, at 2
o’clock p. m„ (war time). The
group picture will be taken on the
court house lawn at 1:30 o’clock.
Supt. H. M. Munson of Beatrice
will be the principal speaker, us
ing the subject, “Tomorrow and
The next regular teachers’ ex
amination will be given at O’Neill
on Saturday, June 5. They will
not be given in any other town
in the county this time.
elja McCullough.
County Superintendent.
A son, Bruce Wilson, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scholl
meyer of Scottville on Friday,
May 14th at the Sacred Heart
Hospital in Lynch. Mrs. Scholl
meyer is the former Willa Wil
son of Redbird.
Aged Holt County Lady
Answers Final Call
Clara Maria Brion was born
January 1, 1853. at Pine Creek,
Pennsylvania, and died at her
home in Emmet. Nebr., on May
14, 1943, at the age of 90 years,
four months and 14 days.
The funeral was held in the
Methodist church in Emmet last
Saturday afternoon at 2:30. being
conducted by Rev. T. J. Peacock,
and interment was in Prospect
Hill cemetery north of this city,
at the side of her husband, who
passed away on May 25, 1904.
Five of her grandsons and an old
friend. W. P. Dailey, were the
pallbearers. The funeral was
largely attended.
Her girlhood was spent in
Pennsylvania and New York, un
til her marriage to Rev. George
F. Cole at Addison, New York,
on April 23, 1871. He being a
Methodist minister held pastor
ates in many places before com
ing to Nebraska in 1880. To this
union six children were born, of
which five are yet living. They
are: Arthur L., of Sundance,
Wyo.; Mrs. P. W. McGinnis, Guy
F., and Mrs. H. H. Lowery, of
Emmet, Nebr., and Mrs. Esther C.
Harris of O’Neill, Nebr.; also one
foster daughter, Mrs. Ada Johns
ton of Deloit, Iowa. One son.
Dean E., preceded her in death
in May 1927. Her husband passed
away on May 25, 1904.
Mrs. Cole came to this county
with her husband in 1884. Her
husband was pastor of the Meth
odist church in Ewing for several
years and also pastor of the Meth
odist church in Inman. In the
spring of 1903 they came to
O’Neill and settled on a farm
about three miles west of this
city, where they lived at the time
of his death. After his death she
lived for a couple of years in
Wyoming and then came back to
Holt county and for the past 36
years she made her home at Em
met. She was one of the real pio
neers of the county and endured
many cf the hardships of the
early pioneers of the county.
She leaves to mourn her pass
ing, her sons and daughters, two
sisters, Mrs. Vira Winship of Lin
coln. Nebr., and Mrs. Isabel Dav
is of Kansas City, Mo.; nineteen
grandchildren, thirteen great
grandchildren, many nieces and
nephews and a host of friends.
She was a faithful church mem
ber and a Christian of the finest
type, one whose example made
Christianity attractive to others.
No wayfarer was ever turned
away from her door unfed or un
clothed. Her own interests were
always put in the background
when someone needed help. One
seeking her counsel found in her
a sea of calmness in a turbulent
One of her favorite Bible quo
tations was. “Whatsoever ye do,
do it heartily as unto the Lord;'’
Making something sublime of the
lowliest task by dedicating it to
God. In the home where she was
a loving mother she will be great
ly missed.
" We thank you, Mother, for a
life as pure as snow,
For a care unfailing as the
earth, or sun or stars of night.
We thank you for a love as sure
as circling winds or sky.
And last of all for going on, a
clear, a living light.
Grand Island Bus Has
Blowout; Goes In Ditch
The blow out of a tire caused
the Grand Island Bus to go into
the ditch and roll over, while on
its way from Grand Island to
O’Neill Wednesday night about
9:15. There were no passengers
on the bus and the driver was
uninjured. The bus ^vas slightly
damaged on the left side.. The
accident happed about five miles
south of town.
Women’s Club Holds
Season’s Last Meet
The Womens’ Club met at the
home of Mrs. Rooney Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Rector
gave a report and Mrs. Moses
gave the origin and history of
the poppy. Mrs. Cowperthwaite
gave the story of the PurpleHeart.
It was the last meeting of the
Club for this season. Mrs.
Rooney is president and Mrs.
Moses vice president of next
season’s meetings.
The Weather
High Low
May 14 -57 40
May 15 56 44
May 16 .48 39
May 17_56 40
May 18 55 33
May 19_64 43
May 20 68 42
Precipitation .17.
Relatives here received word
that Miss Harriet Hammond,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Hammond, formerly of this city,
who are now living on the west
coast, has completed basic train
ing for service in the WAVES
and is at Smith College for ad
ditional training.
Mrs. Vernon Schmeckpeper and
daughter, Ruth Ann, and John
Pipnt of Norfolk spent Sunday
here visiting relatives and friends.
0. C. C. Expects
Big Membership
The O’Neill Country Club opens
its 23rd season at the present club
grounds, after golf had been play
ed for six years on the Mullen
land. It is expected that all of the
old members and many new res
idents of O’Neill will join the
club this year.
Reduced travel will cause peo
ple to turn to recreation at home
this year. Government heads have
signified that they are very much
in accord with the continuance of
all country clubs, where members
may receive proper exercise and
Activities at the O’Neill Coun
try Club will be curtailed in a
measure this year. It has been
decided to skip the opening dance
this season and the annual invi
tation tournament will be reduc
ed to a one-day meeting for 1943.
Other events usually on the
schedule will be held this year
with the dinner parties at the
club being a feature. The ladies
of the O’Neill Country Club and
their guests will hold the annual
country club tea at the Golden
Hotel on Friday afternoon, May
21. at 3:30 o’clock.
A cordial invitation to join the
club is extended to all persons
interested in golf or country club
activities. Chairman of the mem
bership committee is R. M. Sauers,
who will gladly explain the sched
ule of dues.
Closing Exercises At
St. Mary’s Academy
St. Mary’s Academy announces
the following program of activ
ities for the coming week and
extends a cordial invitation and
welcome to all.
May 21, 1:30 p. m.—Crowning
of the May Queen, followed by
the crowning of the statue of the
Blessed Virgin in the Academy
May 21, 8:00 p. m.—Closing ex
ercises of the grade school and
conferring of honors by Rt. Rev.
J. G. McNamara.
May 27. 8:00 p. m.—Class Day
exercises for |he Senior Class, in
St. Mary’s Academy gymnasium.
May 28. 10:30 a. m.—Gradua
tion of the Seniors, and for the
eighth grade pupils in St. Pat
rick’s church.
County Court
Billy D. Spencer of Lynch was
arrested on May 12th by Patrol
man Meistrell and charged with
having no license plates. He pled
guilty and was fined $1 and costs
of $3.10.
C. R. Thompson of Naper was
arrested by Patrolman Meistrell
on May 18th and charged with
overweight on capacity plates. He
pled not guilty, but was judged
guilty and was fined $10 and
costs of $3.10.
Lloyd Spence, of Atkinson, was
arrested by Patrolman Meistrel
on May 17th charged with over
weight on capacity plates. He
was found guilty and fined $10
and costs of $3.10.
Funeral Services Monday
For Frank H. Barrett
Frank Henry Barrett died at
his home southeast of O’Neil] last
Friday morning at 1:45 o’clock,
after an illness of about three
months, at the age of 63 years,
six months and 12 days. The fu
neral was held last Monday morn
ing at 10 o’clock from St. Patrick’s
church and burial in Calvary
Frank Barrett was born at Pe
oria, Illinois, on November 7,
1879, and came to Holt county in
1881 with his parents and had
been a resident of this county
since that time. He never married
and made his home with his par- j
ents until their death, and for
several years he occupied the old
home place with his brother,
Lawrence, and family. He had
always enjoyed good health until
late last fall when he complained
of not feeling well. About the
first of March he went to Omaha
for medical treatment and was in
a hospital there for two weeks,
receiving medical treatment, and
then visited at the home of his
sister, Mrs. James Dunn, and
family for a couple of weeks be
fore coming home about five
weeks ago. For a time he seemed
to improve, then gradually began
to fail and he passed away last
Friday morning.
Deceased is survived by three
brothers and one sister. They are:
P. J. Barrett of Greeley, Nebr.:
Lawrence, of O'Neill; Walter, of
Crete, Nebr.; Mrs. James Dunn
of Omaha, all of whom were
present at the funeral except Mrs.
Dunn, who was unable to attend
on account of illness.
Frank was a member of one of
the pioneer families of Holt coun
ty and spent practically his en
tire life here, as he was only a
little over a year old when his
parents came here from Bradford,
Illinois. For several years the
family lived north of O’Neill, but
for the past thirty-five or forty
years have been living on the
farm about two miles southeast
of O’Neill. Frank had a lot of
friends in this city and county
who will learn with regret of
his passing.
Weyrich-Spry Wedding
At Orchard On May 14
Miss Marlene Weyrich, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyrich
of O’Neill, and Pfc. Leland Spry,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Spry,
also of O’Neill, were united in
marriage at Orchard, Nebr., on
Friday, May 14, 1943, in the pres
ence of a few of the friends of
the contracting parties.
The newlyweds came to O’Neill
that evening and visited at the
homes of their parents and left
on the Saturday morning train
for Camp Barclay, Texas, where
the groom is stationed. O’Neill
friends tender congratulations
and best wishes to the young
Gerald R. Kiplinger, who used
to work for the New Deal at
O’Neill and Butte, has been
wounded in action in Africa, ac
cording to word received by
friends here from relatives.
Sunday, May 30,1943
PARADE, 1:30 P. M.
All participants please meet at Arbuthnot Fill
ing Station at 1:15 P. M.
Colors — Band — Legion
O’Neill Public School Auditorium
2:00 P. M.
1. Selections...—.-.Band
2. Invocation..Rev. Kenneth Scott
3. Vocal Solo.-...-.“In Flanders Fields”
Miss Davene Loy
4. Reading.“An Answer to In Flanders Fields”
Bert Brennan
5. Vocal Solo....“My Own U. S. A.”
Winifred Coyne
6. Vocal Solo......... “America I Love You”
Lou Birmingham
7. Address.-.-.Mr. Wm. Froelich
8. Remarks..-...Paul Beha
Commander of American Legion
9. Benediction....Rev. Daniel F. Brick
10. Taps....Davene Loy, Dorothy Lowery
Dorothy Lowery, James Golden
Derickson-Spanffler Vows
On Thursday, May 13th
A very lovely wedding took
place Thursday, May 13. 1943, at
the Dorsey Presbyterian church'
at Dorsey Nehr, when Miss An
namae Maxine Derickson and
Merle Bowden Spangler, both of
Star, Nebr., were married. The
church was nicely decorated with
potted flowers, hydrougea, suit-1
ans, geraniums and ferns. Rev.!
Norman Riesdesel of Niobrara,
Nebr., performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a light blue
summerweight wool suit, with
navy blue accessories. Her cor
sage was of white canmations and
fenrs tied with white ribbon. Mil
dred Derickson was bride’s maid.
and wore a light blue and tan;
summerweight wool suit, with!
light blue accessories, and carried j
pink rosebuds.
The groom and his attendant,!
Edwin Krugneau, wore medium
blue suits. The bride was given
in marriage by her father, Wil
liam Derickson. Sr.
Mrs. Lee Brady, Sr., of Dorsey,
played the wedding march, “Brid
al Chorus,” from Lohengrin. Mrs !
Charles V. Cole, of Star, sang “I
Love You Truly.” Norma Jean I
Derickson and LaVone Spangler]
were ushers.
A reception followed at the
home of the bride’s parents for
fifty relatives and friends of the
couple. Vivian Derickson had
charge of the gifts and Edwin
Krugneau the guest book.
Merle grew to manhood in the
Opportunity and O’Neill neigh
borhoods and is a graduate of
the O’Neill High School. Class of
1935. and is at present farming
with his father.
For the time being the happy i
couple will live with the groom’s!
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Await.
Spangler, of Star, Nebr.
Farm Loan Problem To
Be Handled Locally
Volunteer representatives in
each town in Holt county are re
porting to County Agent Lyndle
R. Stout that they are receiving
very few requests from farmers,
for hired help. In a case or two!
they were unable to place men i
who are wanting farm work.
Notice has been received that
90 percent of the farm labor for
haying and harvest will have to
be recruited locally, as the num
ber of transient laborers will be
small this year. Registration of
non-farm youth in high schools
for farm work has started.
A volunteer labor organization
operating with the county agent’s
office as a clearing house has been
completed. Farmers and ranchers
are urgently requested to make
their labor needs, for both the
present and the future, known to
their local representatives in or
der that available labor will be
able tc find a job. Registering
farm labor needs with these rep
resentatives will help consider
ably in assisting in tne most ef
ficient use of labor available. Reg
ister your labor needs with one of
the following representatives:
Stuart: A. C. Berner, at Stu
art creamery; Atkinson: Claude;
Humphreys, at Humphreys shoe j
shop; O’Neill: Lyndle R. Stout,
at county agent’s office; Cham
bers: Louis Harley, at the Harley
Hardware Co.; Page: H. L. Banta,
at barber shop; Amelia: Edgar
Peterson, at cream station: Em
met: Mrs. Guy Cole, at Emmet
Hay Company.
Russell Simpson Enters
Navy Radio Service
Russell Gordon Simpson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Simpson of
O’Neill, has entered the Radio
man Service School for a sixteen
weeks specialized course at Far
| ragut, Idaho.
At this school, which is one of
the many Navy Service Schools in
operation at that U. S. Naval
Training Station, he will learn
the latest technical information in
the field in which he will serve
the Navy and our country. Upon
completion of this course he will
be given an opportunity to qual
ify for a rate of petty officer and
assigned to a unit of the Navy,
either ashore or afloat.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Harrison Bridges a son,
born on Wednesday.
Mrs. James Podamy and baby
i dismissed on Wednesday.
Mrs. Alfonso Beeleart, of Ew
ing. was admitted Friday and dis
missed on Wednesday.
Donald Shanka. of Chambers,
was admitted on Monday for
medical care.
Rafe Shaw, of Atkinson, was
admitted on Saturday.
Chris Vequist was admitted on
Monday, dismissed on Tuesday.
Marriage Licenses
Earl Eppenbach and Iris Sie
wert, both of O’Neill, on Satur
day. May 15.
Jacob F. Pribil of O’Neill and
Elsie M. Peters of Chambers, on
! Thursday, May 13.
Mrs. Tom Sullivan and Mrs.
Ralph McElvain entertained six
teen ladies at a pitch and pinochle
party at the home of Mrs. Sulli
1 van last Thursday evening.
St. John’s Church
Dedicated May 18
V.'ith the pomp ana ceremony
of the Catholic Ritual the new St.
John's church was dedicated last
Tuesday by the Rt. Rev. Monsig
nor J. G. McNamara of 0’Neifi,
assisted by Father E. Graham of
Bellevue and Father R. Hayes of
Celebrant of the Mass was
Father P. Vanderloon of Fordyce,
Deacon, Father T. Buelt of Elgin
and Sub-deacon Father R. Hupp
of Omaha. Father J. O’Flynn of
Ewing and Father D. Brick of
O'Neill were masters of ceremon
ies. Monsignor McNamara deliv
ered the sermon.
The early Catholics in this vi
cinity attended mass at Clear
water, Ewing and Elgin until the
first church was built in 1910.
From then to 1920 it was a mis
sion of Ewing, with Father J.
Rose as its first Priest, succeeded
by Father A. Alberts. In 1920 the
first pastor was appointed to
serve St. John’s, Father P. Buis
sink. A parish house was built
that year but during its construc
tion the church was destroyed by
fire. The second church and par
ochial residence were completed
in the fall of 1920. Father J. Grif
fen succeeded Father Buissink
and he, in turn, was followed by
Father A. Zemp in April, 1923.
On Father Zemp’s retirement in
January, 1936, the present pastor
took charge. On December 14,
1941, fire again destroyed St.
John’s church. Despite war con
ditions, permission to rebuild was
granted by the W.P.B., and con
struction began on September 15,
1942, and the cornerstone was
laid by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Mc
Namara on Sunday, October 11.
The first mass in this new church,
dedicated to the Honor and. Glory
of God and Service to Our Coun
try, was sung on Easter Sunday,
April 25, 1943.
Father C. A. Beyersdorfer, the
present pastor, was appointed to
serve St. John’s in January, 1936.
The ceremonies of the day closed
with all present singing the Holy
God and the Star Spangled
Eppenbach-Siewert Vows
At Atkinson Saturday
A very pretty wedding took
place at the Methodist parsonage
at Atkinson, Nebr.. Saturday eve
ning, May 15, 1943, at 7 o’clock,
when Miss Iris Siewert and Earl
R. Eppenbach were united in mar
riage by the Rev. W. C. Birming
ham, the single ring ceremony
being used.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Siewert
of O’Neill and graduated from the
Naper High School with the class
of 1939.
Mr. Eppenbach is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Eppenbach
of O’Neill. He is a progressive
farmer and well known in this
The bride was attired in a floor
length gown of white chiffon and
lace and wore white gardenias.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Leona, of O’Neill, who
wore a floor length gown of pale
blue taffeta, and also wore a cor
sage of white gardenias.
The bridegroom wore a teal
blue suit and was attended by his
brother. Pvt. Lyle Eppenbach, of
Texarkana. Texas.
The newlyweds will reside on
a farm north of O’Neill. Best
wishes and congratulations are
[extended to the happy couple.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the many kind friends
and neighbors for their expres
sions of sympathy and their many
acts of kindness extended follow
ing the death of our beloved
mother and grandmother and for
the many beautiful floral offer
ings.—Arthur L. Cole and family;
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis
and family; Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Cole and family: Mr and Mrs. H.
H. Lowery and family: Mrs. Alice
Cole and family: Mrs. Esther Har
ris and family Mrs. Ada John
ston and family.
Hog Market Stronger At
Local Sale Last Monday
There was a good run of hogs
here Monday with prices from 20
to 25 cents per hundred higher
than last week. The cattle mar
ket was about steady with a good
I strong market on cows. There
were not many lightweight cattle
i showed up, with steer calves
bringing from $15.55 to $17 per
| hundred and heifer calves from
$14.50 to $16. Yearling steers
brought up to $14.75 and yearling
heifers up to $13. Two-year-old
steers sold from $13.40 to $13.70.
Cows brought from $8.50 to $12.25
and bulls from $11.50 to $13 per
Butcher hogs sold from $14 to
$14.20, with sows selling from
$13.75 to $14.05 per hundred.
There was a good run of bred
gilts that sold from $14.50 to
$1480. Stags brought from $12
to $13 per hundred. Little pigs
brought from $4.75 per head up
to $6.50. Next sale will be held
on Monday, May 21st.