The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 13, 1943, Image 7

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    Kiska. Jap Threat to Vlaska and I'nitnl Stales
This map shows yoo what the busy Japs have accomplished oa the Aleutian island of Kiska since they
occupied it last June. Despite repeated bombings by our air forces, the Nips have succeeded in installing
formidable military establishments on the island with a view to future operations against Dutch Harbor, our
naval base in the Alaskan area, and against Alaska itself. Proximity of the major enemy base at Paramo
shiro makes it possible for Kiska to be reinforced with comparative ease.
Enemy Weapons Compared at Aberdeen, Md.
The foreign material branch of the ordnance department of the U. 8. army has in it* possession many
enemy weapons that they have brought to this country for comparison purposes with our own weapons. At
right Lieut. Edwin Davis holds a shell at the breech of the “mystery” *8-mm. anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun
that was talked about so much in the beginning of the war in Africa. Sight: Colonel Jarrett holds a mortar
shell for the German ftl-mm. mortar, which almost compares with the American mortar in design.
Strangest Army Air Force Field
Shang-Ri-La field, perhaps strangest army air force field in the nation,
has been opened at Glendale, Calif. Duplicating field conditions in remote
operating areas, the odd field offers practical knowledge of how planes
and engines may be changed and serviced under actual combat conditions.
Dispersal oi ships and camouflaging of aircraft is practical.
Marine Ace Reports Good News
Capt. Joe Foss of the marine corps, who scored sensational air vic
tories while serving on Guadalcanal, is shown reporting to his boss, Lient.
Gen. Thomas Holcomb, commandant o( the marine corps, in Washington.
Foss, who hails from Sioux Falls, S. D., shot down 26 Jap planes to tie
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker’s World War I record. Photo shows General
Holcomb and Captain Foss.
Royal Inspection
Princess Blixabeth, elder daughter
of King George of England, is shown
inspecting the grenadier guards,
famed regiment of which she is colo
nel. The princess wears the regi
mental cap badge in her hat. She
was 17 years old on April 22.
Puzzler for Brown
Staff Sergt. John Brown at the
army airfield at Bainbridge, Ga., is
puzzled. Although he's been in the
army since 1919, he is getting a no
tice from his draft board at Ever
green, Ala. What worries him Is
i will he get that furlough to go home?
In Path of Ulied Advance in Tunisia
General Rommel has experienced one reverse after another In Tu
nisia. not only at the hands of the American Second army corps, but also
at the hands of the British First and Eighth armies. Each Allied ad- j
vance has. of course, its sad aftermath. Shown Is a regimental aid post
where wounded British Yorkshiremen and Italians are being treated after
a day of intense activity on enemy troop concentrations and gnn positions.
Woof! Woof! Mamma Is Off to the Wrars
With good-by woofs and heart-breaking glances, six poppies of Trixie,
Anton Grabowski’s German shepherd dog, send her away to the army’s
dog-for-victory service. The pops don’t know its meaning, bat are ex
cited a boat the service Sag on Grabowski’s home.
John L Lewis Addresses Mine Workers
President John L. Lewis is shown as he addressed the International
policy committee of the I nitcd Mine Workers, in New York, who met to
discuss the serious situation affecting over 450,000 workers in soft coal.
At the time Lewis declared that his workers would stage an all-oat strike
unless their wage demands were met. The WLB then took up the case
and referred it to President Roosevelt.
Display Captured Japanese War Flags
New Guinea members of the 41st division are shown with raptured
Japanese souvenirs of war. At the right the men show the Japanese army
flag, carried personally by every man In the Jap army, and inscribed with
endorsements by friends and relatives. At the left la shown the flag
at Japan.—Soundphoto.
Ground Forces
Lieut. Gen. Lesley 1. McNair,
commander of ground forces of the
U. 8. army, who was wounded by
shell fragments while in Tunisia, is
shown at top. Lieut. Gen. Ben Lear,
commander of the Second army,
who has taken temporary command
of the ground forces, is shown below.
Saved From Japs
Lieut. Melvin Kimball (left) lights
cigarette fsr his rescuer, Lieut. Ira
Sussky, beside the plane in which
Sussky landed and picked up Kim
ball behind Jap lines in Burma.
Sussky, whose landing was covered
by other U. S. planes, made nine at
tempts to take off before getting into
the air, while Jap snipers wero
i shooting at him.
Pvt. James L. Kalman, of Phila
delphia, is getting in some practice
in the nse of a mine detector during
a demonstration by U. S. army com
bat engineers in North Africa. This
gadget indicates the presence of bur
ied mines.
Col. Elliot at Malta
Col. Elliot Roosevelt, son of the
President, recently visited war-torn
Malta to view the island’s air guer
rillas at work. Here, left, he is bo
Ing shown the operation of loading
the cannon shells into the magazine
of one of Malta’s aircraft known as
t tho Intruder.
Releaned by Wfittm Newspaper Union.
Betty hutton picked up
a new honor the other
day; the committee in charge
of Dartmouth’s spring party
week asked her to attend as
guest of honor, and told her
that she’d been elected “the
girl we would like to have
Dartmouth co-eds resemble—
if we had co-eds. You’ll prob
ably refuse the InvitaUon," they add
ed, "so will you kindly send us a
dozen autographed pictures erf your
self?” Betty certainly had to refuse;
she's booked way ahead for pic
tures. The latest announcement is
that she'll be teamed with Diana
Lynn in “The Well-Groomed Bride."
A lot of people talk about doing
something for American youth;
Raymond Paige has gone ahead and
done the young people a tremendous
service by organizing the orchestra
which you hear on the swell new
radio program, “Salute to Youth,”
heard Tuesday evenings, on NBC.
He has been working to assemble
that orchestra for the last two years,
and has done wonders with his
young musicians.
There’ll be a water ballet staged
by John Murray Anderson, in “Mr.
Co-ed." so that Esther Williams can
do her stuff. She’s the former swim
ming champion who made her
movie debut In “Andy Hardy’s Dou
ble Life," with Mickey Rooney.
If you’re Interested In the radio
actors who appear in the popular
"Mr. District Attorney,” you’ll have
a chance to see three of them in
"Journey Into Fear”—Stefan Schna
bel. who plays the ship’s purser;
Frank Readick, the henpecked hus
band, and Everett Sloane, the Turk
ish agent. In the radio serial they
play practically everything.
Jon Hall, who has worn almost
as many sarongs as Dorothy La
mour in pictures, gets a chance at
a complete wardrobe, from polo out
fit to white tie and tails, in “Lady
in the Dark.” He plays the movie
star, the role Victor Mature did on
the stage.
Every so often comes the report
that a potential successor to Ru
dolph Valentino’s fame as a roman
tic star has been discovered. The
latest candidate is Arturo de Cor
dova, already a star in his native
Mexico and in Latin America. You'll
see him in "For Whom the Bell
Tolls.” when it’s finally released,
and C. B. DeMille is holding “Rur
ales" up till the public gets to know
Amos and Andy fans are cheering
over the news that their favorites
will return to the air this fall in a
half-hour show. They'll have fa
mous folk as guest stars.
Director Robert Z. Leonard has a
“baby brigade” working for him in
“The Man From Down Under";
there are SO Infants, who work in
two shifts, which means that there
are always 40 mothers, eight nurses
and half a dozen supervisors from
the board of education on hand. One
end of the stage had been turned
into a nursery. Charles Laughton,
Binnie Barnes, Richard Carlson and
Donna Reed find it a bit confusing.
Leonard doesn’t; he worked with 20
babies when he was making “Stand
By for Action.”
Six years ago Charles Bickford
bought a South Sea island. He was
telling Laraine Day about it—she's
Cary Grant’s leading lady in “Mr.
Lucky,” in which Bickford appears
—and said that it’s now in Japanese
hands. So she suggested that he
raffle it off and buy a war bond
with the proceeds. A studio elec
trician won the island, gave it to his
daughter as a wedding present
s two-reel picture “America’s Chil
dren," as a contrast to “Hitler’s Chil
dren," intending it mainly for release
in foreign countries . . . Alan Reed,
uho's the “Faletaff" of Fred Allen's
program, is going to work in “A Tale
of Two Sisters" for Metro . . . Igor
Gorin, the baritone, has been signed to
appear on the June shows of CBS . . .
Phil Baker’s line on the “Take It or
Leave It" program, re the Red Cross—
“Give that dollar for the Red Cross;
it may be the Buck that brings him
I back alive!m has been entered in the
Congressional Record by Congressman
Clare Luce.